Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 317: Senxia-kun, you still cut it!

The warm water flowed down Senxia's head, through his body, and onto the floor. After bathing in hot water, Senxia finally felt much more awake. [\\/\\/No pop-up window for novel update, please search]

"But Yukino's performance today seems a little weird." The day at Qianjia-senpai's house today seemed quite pleasant, but Morinka thought about it carefully, but found that things seemed a little strange.

Xuena seemed casual in Qianjia's room. Judging from her appearance, she seemed to be more adept than Senxia who had lived here for a few weeks.

Could it be that Yukino had been to Qianjia-senpai's house before?

This kind of thought was inevitably produced in Senxia's mind.

This is not impossible. The relationship between these two people used to be very poor, but I don’t know why. Later, the relationship between them seems to have improved a lot. Qianjia invited Xue Nao to come to her home. Normal thing.

It’s just that Senxia’s sixth sense tells him that it seems that everything is not simple, but if I study deeply, it seems that I will fall into a bottomless abyss...

The wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, but the bathroom in Qianjia's apartment was very warm at this time. Turning off the faucet, Senxia shook her head and looked out the window.

"The blizzard will not come again, will it?" He was a little worried. He was planning to take a bath, but now Moriha can only quickly pick up the towel. He decided to settle the matter early, and then go home with Yukino. .

After drying it with a towel, Morika picked up the clothes of Ayanami prepared by Senka-senpai for herself, but Morika, who should have complained in the past, didn't feel the least wanting to complain at this time.

"Am I really numb?"

The consequences of this problem were very serious. After thinking that she might have been numb to it, Morinka felt a chill rising from her back again.

"No, I feel that my sexual orientation is still normal, and the three views are very positive, and I am still a gentleman, as if nothing is wrong..." After sorting out her thoughts, Morinya felt that her current three views and common sense There seems to be no big problem. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that this should be just a simple increase in resistance."

Has it just developed immunity to women's clothing?

"Menxia, ​​if you are done washing, you can quickly change into a combat uniform and come out. I'm still waiting to change to Asuka's clothes!" Outside the door, Qianjia-senpai's urge sounded.

"Hi, hi." Because of Qianjia's urging, Senxia found that the emotions she had been brewing for a long time seemed useless.

"Forget it, close your eyes!" He sighed. Then he picked up the suit and started wearing it.

Latex clothing is very elastic. Some things like rubber and rubber bands are also very close to the body. After being tight, it is smooth and bright. It is a kind of future. The wearing effect is particularly good. The clothing is made of latex clothing. It is definitely a professional in the profession, otherwise, most people make ordinary tights. But that feeling and grade instantly turned into a copycat. This is very simple, comparing the costumes of the early Superman and Batman with the 21st century Superman Batman, there is a very intuitive feeling.

This dress is also made according to Morinah’s body data, and is a high-end product sent from the UK to Japan. It can fully reflect Morinah’s posture when worn. It all looks good, and then there is a problem...

"Well, sure enough, this kind of clothes is still too shame..."

After putting on the clothes, Senxia found out. He didn't seem to be completely immune to this kind of thing. Before, he felt more like a frustration after admitting his fate, but now he really put it on. The uncomfortable feeling still envelops Senxia, ​​making him feel uncomfortable all over.

"Senxia, ​​are you still okay?" Qianjia's urging voice sounded again.

"Brother, hurry up and show us!" Xue Nao's voice seemed to be full of fun.


However, Senxia's voice was a bit awkward.

In other words, he hesitated.

Qianjia and Xuena stood at the door of the bathroom, and they heard the sound inside. I already felt that Senxia should have changed his clothes at this moment, but now he just relies on it, just can't come out, which makes the two feel a little uncomfortable.

After feeling that Senxia really didn't plan to come out, the two looked at each other, they nodded, then took a step forward and slammed the bathroom door open!

"Wow!!!" Senxia let out a scream.

"What are you making a fuss about?" Qianjia complained, looking at Senxia.

Through the mist, she discovered that Morinka had indeed changed clothes at this time. Ayanami’s white battle suit fits Morinah’s body very well, and the latex tights showed a curve very well, giving a very soft look. When she saw such a shy "girl", Qian Jia's heart instantly rose up with the blood of a gentleman, she resisted the urge to rush to push the other party down.

"Wow, my brother is so beautiful!" However, beside Qianjia, an activist had already rushed up. Xue Nao immediately happily rushed to Senxia after seeing Senxia.

"Huh?" But it was precisely because of Xueno's movements that Qianjia found something wrong with Senxia's body. He was covering his body with his hands at this time, his body cowering, not knowing what he was thinking.

The sharp-eyed Qianjia immediately took a step forward, and suddenly opened Senxia's hands while Yukino was hugging Senxia.

"Wow!" There was another scream, and Yukino was a little strange seeing Morinka's appearance, so he stopped and took two steps back. She turned her head and looked at Qian Jia curiously: "What's the matter?"

Just after the question, Xue Nai realized that Qianjia's eyes were staring forward, and the whole person seemed to be stuck in a daze. Xue Nao followed the opponent's gaze and found the problem in an instant.

"There is no way to hide the different characteristics of boys and girls..." The problem has been discovered.

Ayanami is a girl, but Mori summer is a boy. No matter how much Mori summer looks like a girl in other aspects, boys and girls are different, so the key point is still a little bit worse.

And as mentioned earlier, latex clothing is very close-fitting and comfortable, so it is a little irritating to the human body. Not only that, but because it is very close to the body, there are some physical flaws that cannot be hidden. They are tall, short, fat and thin. Be understood. If there are some strange reactions on the body, it cannot be covered.

"Hmm..." Qian Jia stared for a while before she seemed to react, "This doesn't seem to work, just cut it off! This is like a girl, and now there is no way to appear..."

"Never!" Senxia's face turned into pig liver color. He put his hands in front of him and backed back again and again. He looked at Qianjia as if he was looking at the **** of plague.

It's just that the latter is unconscious about it: "But if you are like this, there is no way to play, right? And if you want to live here today, it is very dangerous to keep it, you should cut it off."

"Never, I'm a boy... Eh, wait, what did you say to live here?" Senxia asked strangely after complaining.

"It's a blizzard. The blizzard that was supposed to come back tomorrow has arrived early tonight, so the situation outside is terrible now, and the school also issued a notice of class suspension when you took a shower, so tonight you and Yukino can only Stay here." Qianjia sighed, "I didn't think there was anything, but now think about it, Senxia Jun is still a boy. Since you are a boy and two girls together, you should definitely get rid of the crime. Tools!"

"Hey hey hey, I have never done anything bad, and it is definitely not my fault, you forced me!" Senxia was in a hurry, and looked at Xue Na with a look of help, but at this time Xue Na Looking at the excitement, Senxia Jun fell into a desperate situation.

"Oh...forget it, don't tease you, Mori-kun, you really have no sense of humor." Qianjia shook her head.

"This is not humor!" This is the burden that life cannot bear! As a gentleman, how can you continue to be a gentleman without the source?

If it's really humorous, you should be throwing in your arms now to practice the gentleman's way!

Senxia wanted to complain, but because Xuena was by his side, he could only hold this sentence in his heart.

"Well, you guys should leave here soon. Now it's my turn to take a bath, and I will change to Asuka afterwards. Although you must not be able to do this now, Mori Xia-kun, at least there is still my Asuka."

Hearing Qianjia's words, Senxia nodded hurriedly, and pulled Yukino out of the bathroom by the way, which was relieved.

"I'm saved. In this case, I don't have to wear this to go out in winter cm..." Senxia, right? But I think it’s pretty! "Xuno's thoughts are really different from ordinary people." Why should brother care about other people's eyes? Just let me look at it! Wow! Brother bullies! "

When Yukino urged Morinya, Morinya unceremoniously gave Yukino a knife.

Qianjia was also relieved when she heard the sound from outside the bathroom, there was still blush on her cheeks at this time.

"Hey, Senxia-kun is really a boy. Although he always teased him before, he didn't really feel it at all..."

But Qianjia found that the facts are still facts and cannot be denied, and the fact that Moriha is a boy cannot be changed.

So Qianjia just sighed: "It's a pity, if there is any way to hide it... It's a pity, if I can just try to feel the touch..."


Chapter 3k, December, and it will soon usher in the 24th birthday. Starting today, we will move towards a new life and a new life. May the light of a gentleman shine on the world. (To be continued.)

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