Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 301: But the problem here is--

   "I don't know if I can try my luck here..." Standing in front of a hotel, Morinya sighed, because this was already the fifth hotel I found.


   One Disney hotel has not been completed yet, the other one is being renovated, and the rest are full of people.


   Chiba is a long distance away from Musashino. Mori Xia never expected such a snowstorm and almost all traffic would be suspended. In other words...I can't go back.


   Make a joke of the wool, how can Morinka let Yukino wear such thin clothes to accompany herself all the way back at this time? So in desperation, Morinya accepted Yukino's suggestion, that is, to open... ahem, in short, just to find a hotel.


But there is a saying called "Fortune Wushuang, misfortune never comes singly". Although Senxia wants to rent a house, it is very sad that the two big hotels next to Disney are in a state of unavailability, coupled with the current weather, Many people had the same plan as Morinka, so Morinka, who was a step late, had to brave the blizzard to find a hotel with Yukino.


   But things are so bad. I went to several hotels in a row and couldn't find a place to rest. This is really a tragedy.


   After entering the inn, Morinya finally felt a lot warmer.


   "Go and ask first." I have already ran to several hotels, and Morixia knows that most of the hotels nearby are already empty. If it doesn't work here, he has to go to the next hotel to continue searching. If it doesn’t work, Morinatsu will have to go to fast food restaurants with Yukino and make do with it until the snow stops... It’s just that the snow floats continuously, and the snow on the ground is almost visible to the naked eye. After the growth is carried out, after the snow stops, the traffic may not be restored immediately...


"Good afternoons, two." There is a waiter standing at the front desk. She is a woman in her thirties. She has a very charming appearance and has a large piece on the front of her chest. This image is quite different for some gentlemen. In other words, it is a killer.


   "Hello. Are there any vacancies?" Senxia asked immediately.


   "This..." She hesitated, then looked up at Morinka, then at Yukino, and then shook her head. "Sorry, if you want to find a room, you can only go elsewhere."


   "But there are no vacancies around..." Morinya sighed, but he found that the other party didn't seem to say that there were no rooms, but a rejection. He only needs to put his hands together, and then respectfully said to the waitress, "Please, one room will be fine! We really can't find a place, and now the wind and snow outside are so big, I really don't want to let it My sister was frozen in the cold wind!"


   " fact, the room is not without it, but there is a slight problem with that room..." The waiter looked a little embarrassed.


"It's okay. If it's just a small problem, we can bear it. My requirements are not high. As long as I can live and sleep and rest." Mori Xia really doesn't want to continue braving the blizzard. Most of them are here. It's a tourist. Everyone must be nestled in this weather. Those who want to check out must have no way to leave. It is really difficult to find a house at this time.


"Then let me explain first, the main problem is that there is a problem between the two rooms," the waiter explained to Senxia, ​​"probably the relationship between the decoration, the sound insulation between the two rooms is very poor. We are usually very Rent less. One of the rooms has just been rented out by two guests. Although the two guests said that there is no problem, if you two must want that room, please understand this first."


   "Well. It's nothing, that's it." Morinya also said that there was a strange problem, it was just sound insulation, and it seemed that there was no problem.


   Morinatsu didn't want to toss, it was pitch black outside at this time, and it was only five o'clock now. God knows when the snow is going to fall, and now I can find a hotel, which is pretty good, who cares about sound insulation or not.


   "Well, that room is only 30% off the price. If the two of you think it's okay, please fill in this." The other party gave a list to Senxia.


   After finishing all the procedures, Morinka finally breathed a sigh of relief, and left here with Yukino with the room key. After seeing Morinka and Yukino go up together, the waiter shook his head, and then murmured: "It's really strange today. First there are two girls, then now a pair of brothers and sisters. What is going on in this world? , Is it the loss of morality..."


   After sighing, she closed her eyes and rubbed her own sun, and then returned to work.




In a hotel room, Qian Jia immediately took off her coat with snow remaining in it, and then went to the outlet of the air conditioner to warm her body with warm air: "Saved, I finally found a room. , Really, there will be a blizzard this time..."


Like the problem that Senxia encountered, Qianjia’s experience here was also affected by the snowstorm. Jixiangyuan was dragged over by Qianjiasheng. The two took the subway, but now the subway is out of service and there is no way to travel. If you just want to go back by car, this kind of weather is also very prone to accidents.


   So Qianjia made his own mind and took Jixiangyuan all the way to find hotels.


   However, the star hotel near Disney has no place at all. The two can only leave from there and search slowly.


Qianjia-senpai’s luck was not much better than that of Senxia, ​​so they didn’t find a free hotel at all. But at this moment, Qianjia-senpai moved on and finally found the current There are two unoccupied rooms. Although there are some flaws, this is not a problem.


   "But is this really okay..." Jixiangyuan also took off his coat, and then looked at the furnishings in the room.


The whole room is decorated in pink, which is twice the size of an ordinary ryokan. There are various big posters on the wall. They are cute girls, not only the two-dimensional, but also There are real people, including various flight attendant uniforms, sailor suits, OL suits...


   In addition, there is another thing that Jixiangyuan is most concerned about, that is, the bed in the center of the room...It is heart-shaped.


   "Well, isn't this great? The room is so big and there is half price. Isn't it great?" Qianjia-senpai smiled, "And in the closet next to me, there are a lot of clothes for changing clothes~"


   "What are you talking about!" Jixiangyuan's face turned red, "Here-this is a love hotel!"




   rushed to the street because I was going out Orz (to be continued.)

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