Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 300: Why should there be such a heavy snow in November!

In Disney, all kinds of Disney cartoons are decorated everywhere, either characters or scenery, some are dolls, and some are pictures.

Similar to Mickey Mouse and Snow White, although they are all very ancient things, I have to say that after seeing these characters, there will always be a very comfortable feeling. After all, these kinds of things are not only now It's just an animated character, but a culture.

There are similar things in Japan, such as Gundam, which is nicknamed "Gang Ogi", and Mario and Pokemon. But when it comes to industrialization and popularity, Disney is better.

"It's a pity that Disney's things are suitable for family fun, but not for gentlemen. No wonder gentlemen will make cute Disney characters..."

On the way to the restaurant, Morinka was thinking wildly in her heart, obviously cold, but now Morinka is still thinking about the gentleman's content.

Well, after all, he is a gentleman. As a gentleman, he naturally has the ability to make gentleman association anytime and anywhere...

Although there are not many people outside, the restaurant is full of people. Although there are several restaurants in Disney, Senxia and the others have been walking a long distance before they found an empty seat by the window.

"The snow is getting bigger..."

Although there is heating in the restaurant, the snow scene alone makes people feel a bit cold. After sitting down with Yukino, Morinka looked outside, "It's a pity that the cafeteria just seemed to be good too. , But there are too many people..."

Originally, Senxia wanted to eat a little buffet, but there were too many people inside, and there was really no way.

"But it's also very good here, isn't it," Yukino looked very happy. "And this position by the window is really comfortable and pleasant, and it also has a romantic feeling~"

do not know why. Morinya always feels that the word "romantic" appears a bit more frequently today. However, Morinka agreed with Yukino's words: "Yes. If there is no one in this place, it would be very scary."

Senxia was talking while looking out the window.

It was still sunny in the morning, but now it was dark outside the window, and even the street lights were already on, as if it was night.

Although amusement parks are all things that can gather popularity, but in this kind of weather. An empty amusement park...that is actually a horror film set!

"But with such a heavy snow, is it really okay to wait a while..." Senxia was a little worried. He turned his head and looked at Yukino again. The clothes of the two of them are still a bit light. Will they catch a cold in the afternoon? ? He sighed: "I hope this snow will stop quickly. Although there is still one day until December, it is still November after all. There is still such heavy snow now. It is really rare..."

"I hope that the snow will fall forever, with thick snow and floating snowflakes. Seeing such a scene. I always think of my hometown in Hokkaido. Brother, it seems that we haven't been here for a long time... …"

"Yeah, I don't know how grandpa is doing. Let's call and greet you in a few days. This year is impossible. Next year, let's see if we can go home with uncle." Senxia made one. Summarize, and then said, "All in all. Let's take a step and take a step. It's good to enjoy the snow scene later."

The important thing is the mood of looking at the scenery. Even if you walk slowly on the road and watch the scenery, isn’t it interesting?

However, it turns out. Senxia's ideas are still too naive.

After the two of them had eaten and left the restaurant, the snow in the sky had become heavier, and even a thin layer of snow had accumulated on the grass.

"Yuno, doesn't it matter if you wear so little?" Morinya glanced down at Yukino's legs. Under the outline of the silk stockings, the curves of Yukino's legs were fully displayed. In this wonderful snow scene, it is even more so. People have an urge to almost rush to prpr, which is the kind that can play for a lifetime. But the problem is that it is winter and it is still snowing. Although the stockings have a certain warmth effect, but this kind of weather is useless at all. Senxia knows that although the stockings are comfortable to wear, they are definitely not as warm as pants. of.

"It's okay, it's warm stockings. If you don't believe me, you can touch it." Xuenai took Morinha's hand and placed it on the surface of the stockings. Indeed, this kind of stockings feels very comfortable, obviously not much. It is thick, but it gives Senxia a very "warm" feeling.

After knowing that Yukino would not be cold, Morika raised his head, and then looked into the distance. He was a little worried: "The snow is so heavy now, I wonder if Disney's equipment will operate..."

Or... just go home now? God knows why there is so much snow...

"Otherwise, let's go to the indoor tourist area first?" Yukino said his opinion.

Morinatsu, who was still retreating, nodded almost immediately after hearing Yukino’s suggestion: “Well, let’s do it. It’s too cold to stay outside, and it’s definitely easy to get sick. Let’s go for some indoor tours Let’s take a look at the area. After the snow stops, we will go to see other places."

Moriha’s idea is very good, but things in the world never depend on human will. After they spend two hours strolling in the amusement park, they took photos with Gao Fei, took photos with the dwarfs, and then with Alice’s rabbit. After calling brothers and sisters... things seem to be a little bad.

"The snow is getting bigger and bigger..."

Standing in the corner of the "World Bazaar", Morinya looked at the outside scene, really dumbfounded.

The sky is getting darker, and the snow seeds in the sky have also become goose feathers and heavy snow. There is even a layer of snow on the lawn. There is a good adjective for such a scene, that is, it is wrapped in silver. .

However, for Senxia and the others, this is not good news.

At this time, they also heard Disney's broadcast.

"...Dear visitors, I am very sorry, because of the impact of the snowstorm, the current facilities are temporarily suspended. Please visitors..."

"It seems that there is no way to play..." Upon hearing this news let out a lament.

The cold wind mixed with snowflakes blowing on his clothes made Senxia very uncomfortable. He also sighed: "Well, in a nutshell, it seems that there is no way to stay here now. I will come again when I have a chance next year. It’s opened, and it will definitely be fun then. Now, let’s go home and have a good dinner, and then take a comfortable hot bath. It should be more comfortable.”

However, Senxia's hope soon fell through.

The reason is simple-the tram is out of service.


prpr is licking

It’s terrible, fb can be released after the ban is lifted, the new Haruhi volume is about to be released, father a is coming to the sky, the new Teletubbies chapter is also coming out, the General Administration of Sports is to build a national e-sports team, is this world swollen?

No, I have to start working **** codewords!

Well, there is still no Demon Forbidden 3... (to be continued)

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