Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 294: My sister is a bit weird recently

It was seven o’clock in the morning. Yukino got up from the bed early, and then immediately rushed to the bathroom, and then took a good wash of her body. Although she took a bath last night, this does not affect Yukino’s current situation. Go to the bath again.

After washing her body in a hurry, Yukino immediately came to the cloakroom.

"Well... which one should I choose..."

Obviously she had chosen three alternative outfits last night, but before going out, Yukino was tangled up. She was a little bit worried about her gains and losses, and she didn't know which outfit to wear.

A white dress is elegant and simple, giving people a very fresh feeling; a red top and plaid skirt are very girlish, but they seem to be more ostentatious; a beige sweater and jeans, this dress is in this season It is also very good, very youthful.

But what should I wear out? Which outfit does my brother like? If you choose the wrong one, will it not match his clothes?

The girl fell into entanglement.

"I think that white dress is good." Senxia's voice came from the door.

"Wow!" Xue Na let out a scream, "Brother, why are you here!"

"Of course it's here to get the clothes, but you are Yukino. I have been waiting at the door for a long time." When Yukino started to take a bath, Morinka woke up. When Xue Nao 8■ 8■, √x. entered the cloakroom and started looking for clothes, Morika went to wash her face and brush her teeth, but when Morika took care of herself and returned to the second floor, he found that Xue Na didn't know why. Still tangled here...

"Brother shameless!" Xue Nai pouted, looking at Senxia angrily.

"What did I do?" Senxia was inexplicable, did she do something wrong to make Xue Na so angry?

"How could you suddenly break in while the lady was changing clothes?" Yukino pouted, "As a gentleman. At this time you should quietly wait for the late lady in the agreed place!"

"So, what happened to you Xueno today?!"

My sister will not be so shy! Senxia's heart was crying.

Senxia felt that today's sister was a little strange: "And we are also brothers and sisters, why do we care about so many strange things?"

"This is different, today is special! This is the first time my brother and I have gone out to meet... amusement park!" Xue Na's face flushed a little, she walked to Senxia's side and pushed Senxia out. , "In short, my brother will leave home now and wait for me at the agreed place!"

"What is the agreed place?" What kind of plot is this? Is the world line misaligned? Or is it a sudden amnesia here? Why haven't I heard any agreement before?

Yukino also stopped when he heard Morika's words. She seemed to be meditating: "Yes, the agreed place must be a more romantic place. Then, go to the door of Kichijoji!"

"...Well, all right, but you can let me take off my clothes!" In fact, the line Senxia wanted to say was "Why are you going to meet so far away?", but he thought about it, or Decided not to think about this issue. What Xue Na wants to do, just let her do it.

After taking the clothes in a hurry, Senxia changed into clothes and left the house.

From the window on the second floor, I saw Senxia leaving. Yukino finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then she looked back at the three sets of clothes she had on hand, and after thinking about it, she chose the white dress.

After changing clothes. Xue Nao started to dress up on the dressing table, and after a long time, Xue Nao brought her bag with satisfaction. Then left the house.


"Huh... I really don't know what Xue Nao is doing today..." Senxia who was walking on the road took a deep breath. The morning air was a bit cold, after all, it was already the winter season.

Morinia at this time is actually full of what happened yesterday.

After they had negotiated with Xinfang, Xinfang went to do the storytelling again. Senior Ji Ye should be redrawing the personage at this time, and everything seemed to be on track.

At this time Morika was still thinking about how to make the girl fall in love with her sister better.

Some people say that the stream of consciousness is often purely to save money. This is wrong. Perhaps stream of consciousness is a way of saving money, but it has to be said that the stream of consciousness is really suitable for some scripts. , Maybe some of them are accidental creations, but Morinia feels that this version of her work is definitely not just to save money.

What Senxia is thinking about now is that I don’t know if the new house now can show her own skills ten years later, but after all, it’s the nineties, and Senxia didn’t think about making the new house really have a neurotic stream of consciousness The work only needs to combine ordinary painting with the stream of consciousness, and then perform in some cases. The problem should not be big.

Thinking about it this way, Senxia has already come to Kichijoji.

"Kichijoji..." Seeing Kichijoji Temple, Mori Xia thought of Kichijoin in his mind. Our president did not know what was going on. After the student union, Mori Xia and Kichijoin did not have too much intersection, he didn't know in his heart. Unconsciously, there was a worry about Jixiangyuan. He still wanted to find out what happened in the Jixiangyuan, but because there was no time, and he hadn't had any chance to contact the other party recently, so this matter Haven't done it yet.

"Gurulu..." There was a cry from her belly, and Senxia, ​​who had just stopped, remembered that she didn't seem to have eaten anything, so she went out.

"By the way, Yukino doesn't seem to make breakfast today..." Although Morinka can cook some dishes herself, the "head" of the family has always been Yukino. What makes Morinya somewhat inexplicable is that Yukino doesn't know what is going on today, it seems that everything is a little convulsive, and today even forgot to make breakfast.

"If it was before, Yukino must have made all the lunches together last night..." Before his parents had disappeared, Morinka and his family went out. Yukino usually prepared everything the night before. Okay, but now think about it. Yesterday's Yukino started washing the dishes after having dinner, and did not leave the lunch box for today's lunch.

"Sure enough, Xuenao today is very strange!" What happened? Is our sister swollen? !

Yukino was grown up by Morino. Although the relationship between the two is siblings, it is actually somewhat different from the real siblings, but this does not hinder Morino's feelings for Yukino, and it is probably because of this. , Morinya did not have the energy to hate Xueno or the Cold War like ordinary brothers and sisters. After discovering Yukino's abnormality, Morinka woke up immediately.

What is the situation? Could it be that there are boys pestering Yukino at school? Could it be that Yukino encountered something that bothered him?

Senxia thought wildly.

A cold wind blew, Senxia couldn't help but shiver.

Today Morika is wearing a tight black turtleneck sweater and the same black slacks. She was wearing a black windbreaker outside, even in the cold winter, this is a relatively warm outfit. However, because of the absence of breakfast, the body does not produce enough heat, which makes Senxia feel a little cold.

"I didn't eat breakfast just like this... By the way, Yukino!" Seeing Yukino like this, she certainly wouldn't have the intention to prepare breakfast. Lunch is okay, and it can be solved in a Disney restaurant. But breakfast must be prepared.

"Eh, yes!" Senxia looked around for a while, but noticed that there was a convenience store here, and he immediately walked over. Then I bought two bentos, let the salesperson heat them up, and took them out.


As soon as Morinya returned to the agreed place, she heard Yukino's voice. He looked up and saw that Xue Na was trotting towards him.

Yukino changed into a white dress and also wore white stockings underneath. The outside is also a plain white coat. Yukino painted some light makeup on her face today, and her temperament was completely different from usual.

"Xuno!" Morinka also walked towards Yukino. Morinka was wearing black clothes at this time. This is the opposite of Yukino, but the clothes of the two have a wonderful sense of coordination at this time, black and white. Yes, combined with the almost identical faces of the two, this picture turned out to be very eye-catching.

"Brother, the one in your hand is, eh...?" Just as Xueno approached Senxia, ​​he immediately noticed the bento in Senxia's hand.

Then Yukino immediately recalled that he had forgotten to make a bento, and his face suddenly became flushed.

"Ah, the most important things are forgotten!" If the scenes in the comics are used to describe, Yukino's eyes have turned into circles at this time.

"Well, it's okay, but I think it's better for us to eat breakfast now. Three meals a day can't be forgotten!" Senxia handed the still hot lunch to Senxia, ​​and the two sat next to each other. On a chair on a path, I started eating this breakfast.

Xue Na really looked very strange.

Morinya looked at Yukino's appearance, and she was worried. Could it be that Yukino has encountered something terrible?

I don't know if it was because I was worried about Yukino's concern, Morinka even felt that the bento she was holding seemed a bit dull. However, Mori summer was also secretly thankful that she was able to go out with Yukino today. The girls' feelings were very fickle. Today, she was able to go to the Disney amusement park with Yukino. It was a relief for Yukino. After that, Yukino's I should be able to improve my mood a little bit!

Yukino next to him gave Senxia a timid look. When he noticed that Senxia's gaze was turning to her side, Yukino quickly turned his head and started to eat lunch desperately.

"Be careful not to choke." Senxia was a little bit dumbfounded. Yukino usually doesn't do such things at all. She always eats slowly, as graceful as the eldest lady, but today's Yukino gobbles up like this, if not Anyone who knows will think that Yukino is starving when he sees it?

"Yeah." Xuenai answered vaguely, but then continued to eat dog-crawling without changing the current situation.

"Um...cough cough cough cough..." The flustered result was that Xue Nao really choked, and her face became purple, so she finally swallowed the food.

"Are you okay? I'm going to buy a bottle of water." Seeing Yukino's appearance, Morika immediately got up and walked back to the convenience store.

Probably because of choking, Yukino calmed down at this time. After adjusting her breathing, she finally felt a little smoother.

"Ah... Amami Yukino, what are you thinking about, the other party is your brother, how could he imagine things in that way..." Yukino patted her cheek hard, her palms and cheeks suddenly turned red Up.

Yukino shook her head again, and then muttered to herself as if she was cheering for herself: "Tianhai Yukino, you have to calm down. You are not the usual you at this time. This is a rare date. Absolutely can it be screwed up! Absolutely can not be screwed up! I must let my brother know that I am the best girl!"

"I've been waiting for a long time, Xue Na!" Morinya ran over, holding a bottle of milk and a bottle of orange juice in his hand. He just came over, and he immediately noticed that Xue Na's face seemed a little red, "What's wrong with you? ?"

"Well, it's nothing, it's just a little sleepy... Give me this!" Xueno vaguely said, then grabbed the milk from Morinka, and started to pour it. Because of some urgency, the white liquid came from Xueno The corners of her mouth remained, and then flowed to the top of her neck. Seeing this, Senxia chuckled and helped Xue Nao to wipe it clean.

"By the way, if I went out on a date with my lover for the first time, I would probably be so flustered..." Morinya suddenly thought of things in the previous, sometimes it’s so magical .

But she and Yukino have been together for so long. Although Yukino is a beautiful girl, Morinka is already happy for such a cute sister to be able to come out with her. This feeling of being filled with happiness, even Morinia didn't even have room to panic.

It's a good thing to have a sister.

"Hey, I think the arguments and conclusions are still not related? Well, forget it, don't care about such trivial matters..."

Morinya sighed secretly. He turned to look at Yukino, and found that Yukino seemed to be back to normal, so he smiled and said, "Well, my lovely princess, should we set off?"

Hearing Morinka's voice, Yukino turned her head, then smiled at him: "Well, of course, my prince~"


Today is still two in one... (to be continued...)



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