Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 293: A new house must have the style of a new house!

"Tianhai-kun, please come and help!" Xin Fang Zhaozhi looked at Senxia with expectant eyes, his eyes were full of enthusiasm, "If it is Tianhai-kun, it will definitely be of great help to our future scripts. !"

"Huh...?" Seeing Xinfang Zhaozhi's appearance, Morinya didn't react.

"Xin Fang Sang thinks that Senxia has a good idea, Senxia, ​​you should also want to try it?" Qianjia was also bewitching Senxia next to him.

"But I'm just a high school student, and I don't have so much time at all." I know how painful it is to make an animation with knitting, and now it is definitely not worthwhile to put myself in it!

"No, please don't belittle yourself, Mr. Tianhai." Xinfang quickly replied to Senxia, ​​"Mr. Tianhai, you were originally the original book and screenwriter. If you are there to assist, my work will be like a fish in water. The animation will come out and the quality It must be very tall!"

Xinfang believes in Senxia's strength. After seeing Senxia's talents, Xinfang feels very good. Moreover, the creativity that Senxia said just now is in the heart of Xinfang. Now he is almost certain to win Senxia. . And it’s not just a new house, but Kenji Horikawa and Manshita Koichiwa next to him are also in agreement...

"I really don't know how to say this..." To be honest, Morinka wanted to refuse, but who is not interested in the works she created ︾2︾2, x.? It is absolutely a wonderful thing for Morinia to be able to participate in the process of animation production. But the problem now is that the production of animation consumes too much energy, and for some time in the future, Morinha will not be able to spare so much time at all. This is the key to the problem.

Sister Qianjia, who was next to him, saw Senxia's appearance, and she seemed to be somewhat clear, so she said, "I don't know what the new house supervisor wants Senxia to do?"

After hearing what Qianjia-senpai said. The new house only reacted, and he seemed a little abrupt. After all, he is an uncle in his thirties. Xinfang quickly reacted and understood the crux of the problem. He said, "Well, there is no need to do anything. Just help me discuss the storyboard and the expressions of the characters. As long as Jun Tianhai comes to check it out every week, I think there should be no problem with movements."

The new house takes the second place, and his ideas depend on these. If you can get some inspiration from Senxia, ​​it is naturally excellent.

"Well, if it's just like this, then it's nothing." Senxia herself nodded, if things are like this, she will be much more generous, and there is no need to rectify those who have nothing. He added another sentence later: "Also, please call me Senxia, ​​everyone is called that."

"Hi. Senxia-kun!" Xinfang nodded, almost without stopping, and said immediately, "Sinxia-kun. After hearing what you said, I am going to make more drastic revisions to the script, the consciousness you said last time. Liu’s performance methods are excellent, and I am ready to join in."

The new house picked up the water glass in his hand. He took a sip and continued: "I originally thought that in order to make the audience accept. We can't be too deviant in the opening of the plot, but after hearing what Mori Xiajun said, my thinking has changed."

Morika also agrees with the suggestion of the new house. If there is no characteristic, it can only be a good work. If the animation itself has characteristics, it has the potential to become a masterpiece. Morika's ambition is not big. He just thought about girls falling in love with his sister. After hearing the name "Gongxiaolu Mizuho", the gentleman was able to immediately stand in awe and show the vitality of a male gentleman!

If there is no way to make the little gentlemen congested, it is a failure!

As for the question of Mizuho being a boy... nonsense, just because Mizuho is a boy, we have to be so neat!

"I think it's good, but it's too late. We must at least make things clear at the beginning. The background can be abstracted, but the abstraction itself is also set to reflect the characters and the plot, so there is no need to be too deliberate, otherwise, painting a tiger will fail. Anti-dogs, that would be the worst thing." Although Morinya agreed, she also gave her own warning.

Xin Fang nodded. He did find that he was a little hot-headed, but now he finally calmed down. Kenji Horikawa next to him also sighed: "Mori-natsu-kun is really amazing. Even at this time, he can calmly put forward so many useful suggestions. I feel that this is very helpful to me! Although it is only a high school student. It looks, but it seems to know everything."

"I don't know everything everywhere, I just know what I know." Senxia waved her hand.

"However, every supervisor has his own style of supervision," Mahakogen gave a kind warning to the other two people. "Although the stream of consciousness is interesting, what Mori Xiajun said is also very attractive. But when trying, it is necessary to grasp a certain scale."

Hearing the words of Mahakamoto Koichi, the others nodded. Sometimes it's not that the more novel the better, the best for you is.

"Then, I'll put these storyboards away first. I feel a little confused in my mind. Let me first sort out the information in my mind." Xinfang nodded, and said the matter was finished.

"You are really a group of people with dreams!" Ji Ye smiled next to him, "and the conversation between men is really interesting."

Hearing these words, Senxia tightened the chrysanthemum. Has the fugitive's delusion reached this point...

"If it weren't for the dream, we would not leave the original club..." Kenji Horikawa was full of emotion.

"Well, I respect everyone who has a dream," Ji Ye smiled politely. "By the way, your club is called Musashino Animation, right?"

"Hey ~ Although the name hasn't been decided for long, let's call it this name for the time being. If we are lucky, we will be able to formally establish it next month. During this time, we are all preparing to recruit." Real Shita Koichi sighed, "Fortunately, the supervision is a new house, otherwise the two of us won't even have time to draw the storyboard."

"Well, I understand." Ji Ye responded, and then stopped talking. She was sitting there like a quiet lady, not knowing what she was thinking.

After the discussion about work was over, everyone realized that they were a little hungry.

"Ahhhhh, we don't seem to order food yet..." Xinfang talked too much by himself, and forgot the time.

"Well, it's time to order some delicious things to comfort myself..." Senxia, ​​who finally relaxed, is still in a good mood. He is expecting the girl in the new house to fall in love with her sister...


&nbs, three hours late... (to be continued...)



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