Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1811: Morika: This is the perfect disguise for women's clothing

"I'm here again..."

Looking at the door of Senxia's house, Zhentong sighed.

On that day, the somewhat embarrassed True Hitomi escaped.

But after returning to school, Zhentong was a little tossed and turned.

Unable to sleep, inexplicably irritable, empty.

All in all, the whole person is not good.

So she came back at this time.

The last tidying up is not over... Well, yes, I'm here to do business, for the sake of my sister!

It's not because of other reasons!

"Do you want another day?"

After ringing the doorbell, Zhentong retreated again.

When thinking of Sister Sister, what appeared in Zhen Tong's mind was the appearance of another person.

Morinia's appearance.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. !

Otherwise, shall I go first?

Just when Zhen Hitomi thought so, the door opened, and a girl opened the door.

True Hitomi was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The one who opened the door for True Hitomi was Morika in women's clothing. The upper body is a white tight-fitting sweater, but there are only thin black tights underneath.

"Wow!" Zhentong hurriedly pushed Senxia in, and then walked in with him, and then quickly closed the door, which was relieved.

"What are you doing!" Zhentong's eyes widened, "Dress like this."

"It's not that I don't wear it underneath. There are also pantyhose as the base."

"You will be seen! And thin pantyhose makes things worse."

"I am a boy, what are you afraid of?"

"Who can tell!" Zhentong covered his face, "Don't do this kind of thing against the face of your sister!"

"Xuno can do more than I do."

If it was Yukino, she might really do something extraordinary. No, it's not maybe, it's for sure, because Morinka has tried it a long time ago.

"Why are you wearing women's clothing again?" Jin Hitomi watched Morinka sitting on the sofa in the living room, and then hugged a notebook.

"Because I changed the new equipment, so I got used to it." Senxia said, looking at the notebook again and again.

"New equipment?" Zhen Tong was somewhat inexplicable.

"Yes, and there is nothing wrong with women's clothing. Tights are very comfortable."

"you are hopeless."

Zhen Tong rolled his eyes.

"Because I am enlightened. And everyone is very happy. Why don't I do things that make everyone happy?"

If Qianjia-senpai and the others think that Senxia is a pervert, Senxia would not let herself go like this. On the contrary, when Senxia found out that she did this, everyone seemed quite happy.

Oh, yes, and even more importantly, Moriha found that women's clothing is really convenient to enter the emptiness...Speaking of which, is this women cheating pa——

"But how can you pretend to look like this?" Senxia was thinking about it when she heard True Hitomi's sigh.

"Hehehe, of course I want to thank Xue Nai." Senxia smiled. He was holding the pillow with a happy face.

"Sister-sama?!" When it came to Yukino, Zhentong over there became concerned, "Sister-sama did what?"

"It's artificial skin." Morinka said, "And I used the new model that I put on only yesterday. This is what Yukino brought from Alice, and it is said to be made by Yukino's own mold. Wearing this Disguise, I feel that this is not a disguise, but a fusion with Xueno...Wow, what are you doing!"

Before Senxia finished speaking, she was kicked by True Hitomi: "Abnormal! She used her sister's model as a disguise!"

"Huh? This is what Yukino prepared for me. And we are twins. If we want to cooperate, only Yukino can help. Others' sizes are wrong." Morixia said, "And it's just artificial skin, just Some man-made objects, what are you thinking about strange things!"

"It's you that is weird!" Zhentong murmured, blushing, "Why are you so similar in disguise. In that case, how can I refuse..."

Zhen Hitomi couldn't refuse her sister.

After the women's clothing, Morinka is basically a copy of Yukino. Although the temperament is different, and Morinka's mind is not stalwart, but in other aspects, it is really exactly the same.

True Hitomi can't refuse!

"Nonsense, since you have to pretend, of course you have to be more like a girl." Senxia feels that since you want to do this, you must at least be professional. "But doing this has some disadvantages."

In order to disguise, Morinka put artificial skin on her body, but the one that Yukino brought over is a bit special, prepared for long-term wear, and even has a certain degree of repair.

"Yesterday, I lay on the operating table for a long time. Installing this thing requires surface treatment, a certain environment is required, and it is troublesome to remove it after wearing it."

Morinka showed the part of the artificial skin to Real Hitomi, let alone, it is really not obvious that it is fake.

As for the installation, it was done with the help of the maid team. Morinka’s maid seemed to be able to do everything...

"Surgery? Isn't that troublesome?" Jin Hitomi was surprised.

"Accurately speaking, it is not the operation, but the installation process. Although I am similar in size to Yukino, there are still some differences, so I need to help adjust. As for the trouble, in fact, this generally does not affect. And the disguise has also been strengthened. Now I will not be found out even if I go to the physical examination of girls~" Mori summer is a bit stinky, "but the more troublesome part is that you have to squat like a girl in the toilet. It's too artificial. It’s not good, and for this reason, it’s a little troublesome to stay with girls."


"It doesn't count, or it's quite convenient. Because of the redesign, I adjusted it a bit." Senxia thought for a while and said, "Just like a vent valve, only when the pressure reaches a certain level, gas can pass through the valve. After the gas pressure drops, the valve will automatically close. If the switch on the valve is closed, the gas will not come out..."

Zhen Hitomi was taken aback, then burst into laughter.

Morinha’s meaning is obvious, that is, this disguise allows him to disguise very conveniently daily, but if he wants to temporarily change his identity as a boy, it is more troublesome than the previous artificial skin, and there is no way to change it back daily, only in a certain In some cases, the identity can be changed temporarily, and it is not an automatic change, but a switch of artificial skin. And if you want to maintain the identity of a boy, you must have a certain endurance. If the endurance is not enough, the memory-like characteristics of artificial skin can quickly turn him back into a sister paper state.

"Then you are really a girl! As a man you only have the role of a tool person! Hahahaha!"

True Hitomi was talking about artificial skin that is difficult to remove, um, yes, that's it.

"Hey, hey, real Hitomi, do you want to see my muscles again!"

Tighten your pectoralis major.

"Uh-" Faced with this crazy girl, Senxia decided to convince people with reason again, and he threw the notebook directly aside.

No manuscript!

This time Senxia not only wants to show muscles, but also learns from a fitness coach by the way, and gives Zhentong a period of training. She also called "the best time to exercise in the afternoon".

Not to mention, the new device is very convenient, it does not affect the movement at all. After the movement is completed, there is no problem at all on the surface, and the storage function is automatically carried out. It is no problem with the previous manual. In this case, even if Morinia is really in the pool with the girl, in an emergency, there is little chance of being recognized.

You just squat when you go to the toilet. Isn't it the same for girls? It's more troublesome when wearing men's clothes... Is it possible that you continue to set up your own model?

Uh, forget it, this kind of matryoshka will never end.

After pulling True Hitomi for an hour of strength training, True Hitomi had to stay here and take a shower. After all, exercise is very tiring.

Senxia had superb endurance, and he didn't even sweat after such exercises, so he just continued to lie on the sofa.

In fact, it is actually quite difficult to make Mori summer sweat during real exercise.

"Really." Zhentong sighed, "Toss me so hard."

"How can it be called tossing. Real Hitomi, you are also lacking in exercise, and you sweated profusely just after moving for a while. This is definitely proof of lack of exercise."

"Yes, yes, you have excellent endurance, right?"

Zhentong curled his mouth and sat on the sofa, and then moved his **** subconsciously, a little farther away from Morinya, but it seemed that she felt too far, and she moved closer again.

"But if that's the case, won't you be bothered on weekdays?" Zhentong was curious.

"Since you want to act, it is better to be completely unrecognizable. The temperament of a boy can be displayed at a critical time, and it can automatically converge after the display. This is not very good. Well, there is not no trouble, if It’s more troublesome if you want to self-certify a boy, maybe it might be considered as a supporter..."

Senxia seemed quite happy.

If you think about it, this kind of gender disguise is quite emotional.

"You look like this, even if you wear men's clothes, it will be a problem. You are caught in the toilet or something."

"You are stupid, I will say that I am a girl disguised as a boy, I can't see it anyway, and how can the pervert who can peep into the private room not appear in the men's bathroom?"

"...That can't be said..."

"Forget it. Even if it's a long-term item, I definitely won't wear it all the time. What are you worried about?" Senxia was very strange.

"Because if Morinka, you are the same **** as your sister, I feel...actually I can still accept it." Zhentong cast aside his eyes.

Senxia pulled off a little of her sweater and looked at Zhentong with a gentle look, "Then I am now, can you accept it?"


The girl blushed and took two steps back.

"No, right?" Zhentong finally felt that he was being skewed by Morinya, "By the way, why are you doing this kind of disguise."

This is the problem.

"because this."

Morinia took a poster.

The content of the poster is.

"Erohill Paradise...? What is this?"

"A paradise with the theme of Arohir and Arohir II." Senxia said.

"This—this is—is it the kind—?!"

The kind of paradise similar to the water dragon god.

Oh, yes, there is also a live-action version of a certain water dragon park.

"Yes indeed."

"You--you--you--" True Hitomi looked at Morinya faintly, "Hey, hey, this is super suspicious!"

"Don't worry, the organizer is Qianjia's father."

Qianjia's father, Qianyu Masao.

In other words, Dad Qianjia is a fan of Elohim's first generation, and helped each other out OVA works. Later, some of the works of teacher Erdaime were animated, also because of Chiba Masao's help. Of course, these animations will probably never be seen on TV.

"Moreover, the park also has requirements. It is divided into boys' area, girls' area and mixed area, and there are also special security." Senxia said, "and there are also daily entertainment activities. Hot springs, swimming pools, entertainment, and ordinary water parks. Almost. Well, it seems that it was to be opened as an indoor water park, and it closed before the opening, and other investors thought that the place was a bit small, so no one took it."

But if it is made into Elohill Paradise, the fan base will be determined, and the number of people will probably not be large.

Of course not much, because the conditions for entry are actually quite harsh. People in the past need to undergo a health check to make sure there is no disease. And people with insufficient appearance will be screened out.

To say that money can be made here, Senxia is not convinced, it is a miracle to not lose money.

Senxia seriously suspected that this place was the result of the "cooking power explosion" of Qianjia's father.

Of course, that place is not a place of disharmony. If you insist, it is actually more like a lovers' paradise. And because some boys and girls may really just come to see them, there are special boys and girls areas.

"Erohill Paradise..." True Hitomi also had some curiosity.

"It's a pity, it is said that the Erdaime teacher was originally invited, but the Erdaime teacher is abroad, so there is no way." Morinka shook her head.

True Hitomi also developed a subtle curiosity.

"Is it safe?" True Hitomi was still worried.

"Even if you take a child to the sound level, what are you thinking about?" Senxia inexplicably.

"Can still bring children?! So frantic?!" Zhentong was shocked.

"It doesn't matter in theory, because it is not an invitation-only club for foreign business. However, because of the theme, very few parents will take their children over. After all, you have to wear Alohill-themed clothing to enter. , For children, it’s a little bit Senxia can't laugh or cry.

"...That's it." Zhentong was a little dull.

She admitted that she thought it was a scene that was only in the book.


This driver is not reliable.

"But what you want is not impossible." Senxia smiled gradually, "Do you want to come together?"


In order to prevent some people from wanting to be crooked, let me tell you in advance that the paradise is still very healthy (just listen to it seriously). Qianjia and Zhentong will only be with Morinia here. After all, it was opened by Qianjia's father. dangerous. So... the next chapter will continue with women's clothing.JPG

Go back to Shen tomorrow, and stop by to see kidney stones...

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