Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1810: What game should I do?

"Thank you very much this time."

"It's great to be able to help Supervisor Anno. But I also congratulate Supervisor Anno."

Hideaki Anno leaves GAINAX and plans to set up his own studio.

This was on another world line, and it was a few years later, but on this world line, Anno Hideaki withdrew earlier.

This is not unreasonable, but because the work "Neon Genesis Evangelion" has an extra anime in the world, and because of the benefits generated by the new animation, this has caused some contradictions between GAINAX and Anno.

Anno Hideaki is a ruthless person, so he immediately flashed himself, took all the copyright of "Evangelion", and established his own animation company.

And in this, Mori summer and Chika also helped, Anno Hideaki's animation company also has Musashino shares, and if it is not for Musashino's support, Anno Hideaki's new animation company may be more troublesome.

In addition, there is another point, that is the new game of "Evangelion: Infinite Echo".

The function of the new machine—that is, the new machine that occupies the G series of Future Stars—the GS can show all the effects of "Evangelion: Infinite Echo".

This work is not the same as the previous "Evangelion", but now the predetermined number has been paid back, and if it is officially released later, it can be expected that this work will definitely be sold at special prices.

Xiu Ming Anye smiled and bloomed.

Although I will use "Evangelion" to collect money, but I still can't compare with Morinatsu here.

Morinya is really good at developing.

If it is for Hideaki Anno to come, he will at most find a few screenshots from the animation as CG, and then add a paragraph of text and make some pictures, and everything will be fine.

But Senxia can continuously bring benefits to herself.

That's cool.

Although Anno Hideaki himself actually didn't intend to put into official history the works of "I don't know where they came from but are still very popular OOC colleagues", but they will still brag about it when they meet people.

No way, too much money.

The supervisor cannot refuse!


After everyone's commercial praise, Anno Hideaki thought of some things.

"You said, can Evangelion do online games?"

"Evangelion? This is probably not easy, because Evangelion, as an online game, needs too much content to fill. In this case, the appeal of the original work may only be the superficial ones. Unless we There is a way for all players to turn on EVA in the game."

Anno Hideaki has a new company, and of course he is preparing to become a new Evangelion.

But Hideaki Anno wants to hurry up, so it is necessary to collect money.

It just so happens that Morinka made a lot of money from online games, and among them, the hottest online game is the "Sword Art Online" game with animation foundation.

The animations and games of "Sword Art Online" are two different developments of the same world view. One is a game world that has not yet come into contact with another world, and the other is a game world that is integrated with another world.

But the two are actually somewhat complementary. Many of Kayaba's settings are not found in the animation, but they can be found in the game. And in the game, there are mission cards for each character, and even weapons used by each character in the animation can be found in the game.

This is amazing, and it is also an important place for games and animation to complement each other. For example, if Kirito or Asuna hits a new BOSS weapon in the animation, then in the game, the traffic of this copy will increase more than three times, which is the player wants to "the same character".

And such animations and games, in Anno Hideaki's view, are nothing, because many works do this.

The simplest example is "Pokemon".

The protagonist of the animation in "Pokemon" is Xiaozhi, and the manga also has other characters, the story and the world settings are different, and "Pokemon" also has a special comic, and both The difference, and there are so many fans, there are even fans who petition for a special animation.

Many people, including Hideaki Anno, actually think that Morinatsu's operation is copying the **** with the writing wheel eye.

But in fact, this is only part of it.

"Online games can't work..."

It is a pity Anno Hideaki.

Because the game "Evangelion: Infinite Reverberation" is very popular, Anno Hideaki is a little erratic.

But in fact, it is really not easy to change "Evangelion" into an online game, because the world of Evangelion is limited, there are not many enemies and not many friends.

"Unless... it's this expanded worldview that echoes infinitely. That is, an apostle has already occupied the earth, and most people are turned into the soup of life. Only a small number of survivors of the absolute force field. And our players can Behave as a survivor."

"So... I'll think about it a little bit."

Anno Hideaki felt a little distressed about Morinatsu's proposal.

Although it sounds interesting, it is quite different from what I expected.

However, it is not unacceptable.

After all, Anno Hideaki is an existence that even Evangelion becomes a school idol drama.

"But if you need to develop online games, the risk is actually a bit big. Because there is a lot of investment."

Morinya can bear it.

But Anno Hideaki is not necessarily there.

Of course, Anno Hideaki can also choose to only authorize and not participate in actual development and investment. However, the risk is small and the benefits are small, and there is less significance in developing online games. It is better to continue to develop stand-alone games.

You must know that online games are not only development costs, but also operation and maintenance costs, especially for various game servers, which are a lot of money.

The pioneers who dare to do online games these days are really amazing from this perspective.

"Speaking of which, I suggest that you can develop handheld games and authorize the development of roles." Mori summer said.

"Handheld? Do you want to do handhelds too?" Of course, Anno knows about handhelds. The handheld market is basically dominated by the **** family. Sega had challenged before, but they came back.

But Hideaki Anno soon understood.

The Order of the Phoenix actually also has a handheld.

It's just that the performance of the handhelds before the Order of the Phoenix is ​​relatively weak. Such handhelds are not so much a handheld, but rather an advanced handle with a screen.

However, the development of this handheld is very scary because of games such as "Meteor Platinum".

The handheld is very good. But probably not many people compare the XBOX of the Order of the Phoenix with GBA, because the former has never really entered the hearts of handheld players.

But looking at it from another angle, the works of this generation may not be a certain accumulation of technology.

After testing the water for the first time and then developing it later, the difficulty is much smaller.

"Handheld games are a good platform. However, our handhelds are different from ordinary handhelds. They are mainly touch screens." Morinya said.

" seems to be good." Anno felt that this idea seemed surprisingly good.

The cost of the handheld is small and the feedback is high.

Don't leave it alone, just develop a game on the handheld market, and the sales won't be too high to pay back.

"I think there can be." Anno Hideaki said. "What game do you think I should do better?"

"Well... Evangelion is a good theme, and if you are passing by on a handheld, battle flags, training and text adventures are all good choices. But we also support other aspects." Morixia said, "Actions The game is also completely okay. If it is an EVA combat-based work, I think this is fine."

"Um... it seems really troublesome."

There are too many choices, and this time Anno Hideaki doesn't know how to choose.

He is not ignorant of games, after all, Anno Hideaki also did this back then. But the problem is that he really doesn't understand the current market.

"Why don't I introduce a few good gamers to you, they might have a good idea." It was Qianjia who spoke, and Qianjia's contacts are quite good.

"Oh, isn't it, that would be so grateful."

After the matter was settled, the three people could be regarded as having finished one thing.

"Do you plan to do online games recently?" Anno asked casually.

"Planning is underway. But I haven't decided what to do." Senxia shook her head.

Normal online games are naturally fine, but Morinia wants to make a game against World of Warcraft, which is very troublesome.

In fact, during this period of time, Anmic has been working on seamless maps. Through seamless maps, players can smoothly reach the location at the other end without needing to read the map.

This is something that many online games cannot do in the future, but World of Warcraft has done it.

Senxia wants to do it too, so now Senxia is in trouble.

"Is there a convenient place to talk about? Maybe I can give some immature opinions." Anno Hideaki said.

"That's it. We designed the story in the future world. The main scene is a new world. However, after doing the first batch of conceptual designs, we found that this concept is a bit confusing and it is difficult to reflect the concept of science fiction. ."

The concept of science fiction is subtle.

According to Morinha's previous concept, if the background of the story is placed on the wilderness planet, the scene itself will still be more natural and fantasy, and it does not reflect the so-called "science fiction" feeling.

It's embarrassing for him to meow.

Senxia's previous ideas were good, but they were implemented... Art is to kill people.

——I think you are embarrassing my art or modeling.

So as a last resort, Morinia's concept still needs to change. Fortunately, the story is in the early stage, and the engine itself is not mature. Now it is fine to adjust it a bit.

"Then put it in the city." Anno Hideaki said.

"Similar doomsday scenery, we have considered. There have been biohazard and nuclear explosions. But then I thought they were all too common, and the pure doomsday was meaningless."

The doomsday theme is actually useless in the future.

But now, this subject matter is quite novel.

"Is there a creative end? Let's have an apostolic shock!" Anno said with a smile.

"Huh?" Senxia's inspiration suddenly appeared.

Strictly speaking, Evangelion is also a doomsday theme.

Not only Evangelion, but many similar works can actually be said to be doomsday or post-apocalyptic stories.

"Apostle shock, not bad!" Senxia felt very interesting.

"Hahaha, right." After drinking a little wine, Anno felt very happy.

At this time, Mori Xia continued: "An era that has collapsed in the near future, it may also be a place similar to the nest capital. In terms of weapons, double guns, machine guns, electromagnetic swords... um, it’s very interesting."

If you have an urban background, there can be many interesting things.

And there are many such backgrounds.

"Blood Devouring Code", "Near Mechanical Age", the Battle of Klogan in "Mass Effect", etc., these are more typical and interesting places in the future.

"Actions?" Qianjia asked.

"The action RPG category." Morinka said, "The story from the near future to the post-apocalyptic era may incorporate some supernatural elements."

Moriha thinks this is pretty good.

In this case, Senxia has more cards in hand.

From "Guilty Crown" to "Infinite Boundary Line", these backgrounds may be applicable.

If you develop from these stories, you can do something interesting.

The former Void Virus itself has a design similar to the "Second Impact" of Evangelion, and also has a special ability "Void". After another "Third Impact", it can expand the world.

The latter is simpler. This work itself has the same world view as "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha", and directly puts the "Intellectual Enemy" as one of the "Three Enemies of the World" of the ultimate BOSS in "Infinite Boundary". Pull it out, and you will be able to create an enemy of civilization in "Breakdown 3".

"Huhuhu, this feels good."

After finishing the exchange with this side, Morinka felt in a good mood.

"Think of a new idea again?" Qianjia asked.

"Yes." Morinya said, "There are a lot of ideas. I feel pretty good."

Morinia even thinks that he might be able to pull a part of the story of "Horizon on the Boundary Line" to The battle mode can be adjusted on the basis of "Sword Art Online", and the type of lock can be changed. Then adjust and modify some of the design of the character itself to make it more RPG-like... Well, you can build an open world map in "Sword Art Online" for technical accumulation. "Senxia thinks it's pretty good.

"Did you think about it?" Qian Jia asked.

"Well, that's right."

"In that case, look at this. Do you remember what you said when you came. I suddenly felt that maybe you can try it here."

Senxia took the poster that Qianjia had brought.

"Erohill... Paradise?"


There may be two more chapters related to women's clothing...

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