Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1755: 1 with little Kris

Although touch-screen handhelds are amazing, most of them are conceptual innovations. The actual performance is similar to that of another world-line PSP. In fact, this world-line Sony is developing a new handheld. In fact, it is more powerful than the other world line.

But Senxia probably didn't have time to bother about these recently.

Trip to Northern Europe.

In Senxia's view, this was originally a romantic and pleasant trip.

But it is not.

After coming here, Senxia has been dealing with Christina.

Christina is a beautiful girl. Whoever it is, just seeing the other's face will melt her soft heart.

But that was only the first impression.


After getting in touch with this sister paper, Morinya knew that this little guy was too dirty.

Hmm...or rather, is a pure girl, unguarded against the adult world?

"Can I play this game too?"

At this time, Christina was in Senxia's arms, watching Senxia playing games.

"Sword Art Online".

"You are young."

Senxia wanted to cry without tears.

After coming here, Senxia originally lived with Lihua in Elizabeth's luxury apartment, and originally planned to take a rest for a day and go home together.

But there was some change in their family at this time.

So now Moriha stayed to take the children, while Lihua accompanied Mrs. Elizabeth to the family side. It seemed to be something related to the family meeting, and it seemed to be related to the will. Lihua's grandmother seemed to be sharing a piece with Lihua, but the family seemed to have some opinions.

Senxia couldn't get involved in this kind of thing.

So he can't do this kind of thing.

But Senxia never expected that Elizabeth would be so big-hearted and let herself take the child.

...Well, it was Kristina who would rather die, so Elizabeth could only entrust Morija to take care of her daughter.

"When can we go out swimming?"

"Wait until the weather is not so hot."

It is noon, although it is in Northern Europe, the temperature is not too low.

Kristina has always wanted to go out for a swim. She has already changed into a Japanese-style dead reservoir, and she looks a little impatient.

However, in Moria's view, she actually wanted to go out and show off her Japanese-style dead pool swimsuit.

Although this swimsuit is very simple, it is really a style that is rarely seen here...

Before Morinka had thought about having such a very cute little daughter.

However, so far, Senxia has understood the exhaustion of being a parent.

But fortunately, although it is very dirty and tossing, Christina seems to be very interested in the content of the two-dimensional. She likes watching Japanese animation, and also likes watching Mori and playing Japanese games.

However, because of this, things are troublesome.

Because Christina is quite picky about this. Those who are too naive and mentally retarded do not look, but are interested in Roufan.

And the work that gave her enlightenment is actually Morika's own series of "Girls Fall in Love with Sister".

It's true that you can't live by committing evil.

Fortunately, Sword Art Online is a good game.

As long as she plays the game "Sword Art Online" by herself, Christina here will only watch quietly by her side, and won't mess around.

"I was really witty when I used the two-dimensional style as the keynote."

Senxia sighed.

The two-dimensional style is very important, because Christina doesn't like the real-life style.

In her own words, "There are so many people on the outside, why should I look at stories with people on the inside"?

To understand in another way, it can even be terrifying...

"Why doesn't my brother wear a swimsuit?" Christina asked.

"Huh? Just change it when you go to the pool." Senxia said.

"I'm asking, why don't you wear swimsuits here? Don't you think a nun suit is very hot?" Christina was talking about the character in the game Morinha.

Morika's role is a nun with a sickle.

An AOE-type role with strong magic expertise.

"Well, the characters in the game world don't care about this." Morinka said.

"Brother must have the spirit of role-playing!" The little girl was not happy.

Senxia was a little funny.

Christina always seems to be very persistent in unexpected places.

Don't's pretty cute.

It is because of Christina's subtle personality that Morinya thinks she is cute sometimes, and sometimes has a headache...

But fortunately, even though Christina is a subtle girl, Christina is surprisingly obedient, at least completely different from Alice or Ji Ye.

Hey hey, I feel more and more that it would be great to have such a girl!

"Yes, yes. Little Kris is so serious about playing games, it's amazing."


The little girl is very proud.

Because someone was watching, Senxia did not go to those darker maps, but made a branch line by the sea.

There are oceans in the game, but the so-called "ocean" is only a layer in the game, not the real ocean world.

But for hundreds of years, these scenes are amazing enough.

Senxia finally changed his role to a set of dead water, which is similar to the one that Christina is wearing now.

Not to mention, this fashion is really quite suitable for walking on the beach in the game.

At least for such a sister paper, Senxia herself seemed to have no sense of disobedience.

"Does Chris like magical girls?" Senxia asked.

"Yeah, I like to watch Lyrical Nanoha."

"Eh, Kris likes Lyrical Nanoha, what do you like about Lyrical Nanoha?"

Morinka just asked casually.

But the answer from the other party is still quite rare.

Because the groups targeted by Nanoha's work are actually biased towards higher age groups.

"Handsome and cute! And girls like it!"

The last reason left Morinya stunned.

Meow meow meow?

Any girls like it?

"Is there a girl who likes it?"

"Well, it's amazing!" She seemed to be serious, "It's easy to make boys like it, but it's hard to make girls like it, but Niha did it!"


Senxia's head shorted for a second.

He has always wanted to find a rebuttal to Christina, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that what the other party said seemed really reasonable...

Most people don't seem to notice this kind of place yet, but the words of such an innocent little girl... suddenly hit the blind spot.

"Wait a minute, I actually think the words of an elementary school monk are convincing? I'm probably showing up..."

Senxia laughed at herself in her mind.

"What does brother like?" Christina asked curiously.

"Oh... well, Chris guess what?" Senxia said with a smile.

He wanted to tease little Kristina.

"Um..." She thought for a while, then opened her eyes, "The flower... is still the snake."

Morinya almost fell off the chair.

Fortunately, he realized that Christina was sitting in front of him, otherwise he would fall down, and she would be hurt, so he found the center of gravity in time and avoided an accident.

"Uh—Chrissy how do you know this kind of work?"

This is the work of a teacher of Yimei!

"Because I remember seeing it before, saying that boys' interest in age is inversely proportional to their own age." Christina said with a "I am a good student" expression.

"You... how did you know these works?"

"Mom has a lot!"


Morika decided to change the subject.

"Uh, by the way, Kris, did you do your summer homework?"

Hmm, this is the key.

"What is the summer homework?"

"Don't you have summer homework? It's homework." Morinya said, "Kris, what grade are you in?"

"I'm going to elementary school soon!"

Christina looked proud.


Well, it turns out that even elementary school monks are not...

"But I study gymnastics. I practice every day!"

"Oh, that's amazing."

"Brother, wait for me!"

After saying this, Christina bounced away again. After a while, she came over out of breath, but she was already wearing a pink dress and white pantyhose.

It turned out to look quite decent, and the energetic expression seemed to be a professional little gymnast from somewhere.

"I'm great!"

She also looked a little proud.

"Yeah, it's amazing! Kriss is amazing!" Senxia clapped her hands.

Although it was very formulaic encouragement, Morinia unexpectedly discovered that it did not seem to be very boring.

On the contrary, it really feels very comfortable to say this to such a cute little girl.

It's really a good feeling.

"Does Chrissy want to be a great gymnast in the future?" Senxia asked.

"Um... I don't want to." She shook her head.


Meow meow meow?

The little girl's thoughts really do not understand.

"Why?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Well, because I'm very tired." She said, "Mum said that gymnastics and dancing are to cultivate personal temperament and body shape. I think it's great."

As she said, she nodded seriously, her face looked like a big ghost.

"And I don't want to stay here in the future," she said.

"Don't want it?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Well, I'm going to Tokyo in the future. I'm going to study abroad like my aunt, and like my sister, I will find a reliable boyfriend!"

Having said that, she paused and added one more point: "And I must go to a school with a sailor suit! The sailor suit is great!"

Mori summer embarrassing has a god.

The logic of children, adults seem to have no logic at first glance, but children themselves are actually very logical.

Kristina’s words are a bit messy, but from her own point of view, she seems to think it makes sense...

"The places where all crooked nuts are actually scary!" Senxia scared the little girl.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Morinia couldn't help but smile again.

Although there will occasionally be a wave of dirt, but it is still full of little girls' innocence.

Hmm... But, in a sense, it seems to be good.

Because Kristina’s old lady seems to be a single-parent family, and according to Kristina’s own statement, it seems that Mrs. Elizabeth is somewhat unreliable...

"Ding Dong...Ding Dong..."

At this moment, the doorbell rang outside the door.

Morinka breathed a sigh of relief, and he let little Christina wait aside, and then went to open the door by himself.

It was Arishima who came in.

——Although Elizabeth has a big heart, she definitely will not let a boy and her daughter be alone for two or three days.

Lihua's maids were also outsiders, so they didn't go with them.

It's just that the two of them weren't here before.

After these two people came over, Morinka was obviously relieved.

But Christina over there seemed a little glum.

Senxia took Christina back to the room to continue playing the game, and then he asked curiously: "Do you not like maids, Kris?"

"Hmm!" She nodded desperately, then thought about it, shook her head again, and nodded again.

——So, do you like it or not?

"The maids are very troublesome. I avoid them when I watch anime in my hometown. But the maids are also very good, can wear such cute costumes, and they can also know the secrets of other people's houses... !"

How did you come to the final conclusion?

Morinya tried to get into the brain circuit of Little Christina.

He vaguely felt a little understanding.

Kristina should have been caught by someone while watching something.

So some of her dislike maids.

But on the other hand, Chrissy seems to be a "uniform control", she likes sailor suits and maid suits, so she thinks maids are very good.

As for the last one, it is probably Christina who viewed these maids from the perspective of the victims. She herself felt that these maids should know a lot of other people's things, and could see many things hidden by other people...

After thinking about it, Morinia suddenly felt that the idea had come through.

But in a daze, Senxia felt mixed.

——I can actually understand the strange heart of a little girl...

Well, this is probably not entirely correct.

Senxia asked casually: "Nakris has seen "The President Is a Maid"?"

"Hmm, the president, he is handsome! I like it!"

Christina seems to like handsome girls.

But at this time, she said again: "Brother, can we go swimming now?"

"Now?" Senxia looked outside, the weather was not bad.



She is very happy Arishima. "Senxia stopped the maid.

"Hi. May I ask what you want."

She asked.

"Christ and I are going to the swimming pool. It is not convenient for me alone. Can we come together?"

On the other side, Christina's happy expression quickly froze, and her mouth pursed in anger.


Two-in-one meow~

Meow meow!

Kristina’s reference prototype is Kristina Bimanova, of course, it’s just a reference prototype, because our Kris is more cute!

Well, I was forced to adjust my personality, but it was really dirty...

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