Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1754: Not just handheld

root! this! stop! Do not! under! Come!

That kind of silky smooth and refreshing feeling is just holding a girlfriend's hand!

Although Shengyou has never had a girlfriend, this feeling is really shocking.

Just cut a piece of fruit, why is it so enjoyable?

The suffocating pleasure, the invigorating sensation of sliding fingers on the glass, and the unobstructed sensation of the fruit being cut.

These three feelings of happiness make Shengyou linger.

"So this is a touch screen game..." he murmured.


The 196 next to him turned his head and looked at the picture on the screen.

"Finger cut fruit. Fuck, this picture is not good."

While talking, 196 turned off his own game, and then clicked on the game.

"This should be a game to experience the touch screen, this kind of game is a gimmick, the screen is rough, the content of the game is simple, it is just a simple cutting of the fruit with your fingers, which makes people..."

The finger opened a watermelon.

The slight vibration was fed back to 196's fingertips through the handheld.

It was an unforgettable and addictive feeling.

"...Cannot refuse."

So handsome.

The feeling that the fruit turns into two halves as the fingers cross it is so handsome.

There is also the kind of comfortable chopping sound and slight vibration that feedback to the ear.


This is an exclusive game that can’t even be copied. There is nothing developed for touch screens in current games, and even capacitive screens. This kind of fruit-cutting game only exists on the handheld.

"Fuck it, just scratching the glass with your fingers, why is it so cool! Even better than my girlfriend! Oh, I'm almost going to be high...cough cough...well, very interesting game."

196 accidentally burst into foul language.

"This kind of touch screen game is really interesting."

The Fangtou on the other side saw the situation here and began to try more touch screen games.

But Fangtou is not playing this fruit ninja, but another game.

"Angry bird".

A very interesting game in another sense.

This is also a touch screen game. The bird on the screen is placed on the slingshot, and then the slingshot is pulled with your fingers.

Although there is no strong feedback, the feeling is...awesome.

It was as if he really used a slingshot to eject the bird in front of him.

Very interesting!

Unlike previous games with obvious desktop traces, this game has a touch screen, and the requirements for the screen itself are not as strict as Fruit Ninja. It is a type that can be played leisurely.

However, Fangtou is more concerned about digging into the game's more connotations, so after watching this, Fangtou went to watch other games.


Then he found something even more incredible.

He had just placed the handheld device upright, and then realized that the handheld device had been turned upright.

"This handheld can still be used vertically!" he cried out in surprise.

"Let me see, I see." Several people heard Fangtou's words and put their handhelds upright.

What a pity.

Then Fangtou noticed another game.

Subway parkour.

This game is a vertical screen game. After entering the game, a boy was chased for graffiti on the subway.

The little boy will run straight ahead. He may encounter obstacles on the road. If he is intercepted by obstacles, he will be caught.

So the player needs to make the little boy avoid the pursuit.

On the way, the little boy still needs to pick up gold coins all the way, and may get props.

The control of the game is also very simple. You can control the little boy to change lanes on the three roads by flicking your fingers around the game screen.

And if you slide to the front, you jump, and to the back is a shovel.

"This is the game on the previous LCD game console..."

Fangtou immediately thought of the racing game he used to play on the small LCD handheld.

This game feels like old wine in a new bottle.

But how to say it, the aging is changed to a bottle, and it is even more fragrant, which is very wonderful.

But let alone, this one is quite interesting.

After adding graphics and performances, this parkour game has a very interesting feeling.

"Let me see other..."

Because of the increasing number of surprises, he also began to notice other things at this time.

"Huh? Can you still go online?"

At this moment, he noticed that there was something called a browser on the icon, which was a bit of hindsight before, but now after clicking it, he realized that this thing is not just a webpage system?

He directly clicked on the browser and the QICQ search page appeared.

He clicked on the web page and searched for the "meow sky" he often goes to.

Then he was surprised to find that the website he frequently visited had changed its appearance.

Oh... it's not that the website has changed.

But at this time, the page prompts "Adaptive web mode is turned on".

In other words, the browser has switched the layout adjustment of the page to make it more suitable for vertical screen use.

This feeling of one-handed control... It's so cool...

He turned the handheld device horizontally, and then found that the page was also horizontally placed and re-typesetting. Although the speed is a bit slow, it looks pretty good.

"Fuck, I can really open a website!" He was startled.

In addition, sliding from the left edge of the page to the right is to go back, and right to left is to go forward. The feeling of viewing the web page is pretty good.

"You don't need a handle at all..." This was Fang Tou's most surprised part.

He decided to look at others.

Unfortunately, there are limited icons on the homepage, but when you enter the desktop, the system prompts you to slide the desktop.

Then the second page.

"... Fairy sword?"

"Xianjian? Where is it?!"

After hearing "Xianjian", Shengyou here immediately leaned in.

"The second page. You can pass it with a swipe." Fang Tou said quickly.

"Oh oh oh."

Shengyou immediately left the game, and then entered the second page.

"Hi, this feels really amazing. The vertical screen is also good..."

The vertical screen feels good. It can even be said that the vertical feeling is great.

Because of this wonderful touch, Sheng You didn't notice the fairy sword icon at once.

Because this feeling is so wonderful.

"This feeling..."

He slid around.

Not to mention, this feels very good.

When the icons slide with one's own hands, the solid feeling can even be described as "extremely wonderful".


But at this moment, he did not immediately enter the game, but noticed a "small TV" icon on the screen.

Don't forget, although Shengyou is a fan of Xianjian, he is also an UP master.

When he saw this thing, he was even more surprised.

He clicked on the content.

Unfortunately, the APP is a daily station, and the content inside makes him a little bit unable to understand.

"This is the Black Rock Archer... the sword maiden... Naha..."

But just so, he still has something familiar.

He clicked on Nanoha's latest words.

Then it started playing.

As a result, Shengyou didn't pay attention, and found that his voice was loud, so he quickly turned it down.

But others obviously noticed this.

"It was Niha just now?"

An "old driver" immediately noticed this.

"You can watch movies here." He had to say.

"Oh oh oh!" Everyone else understood.

"I feel that our machine has a different loading speed." The 196 next to it moved in, "My side is slower than yours."

"Is there?" Sheng You glanced at the 196 machine.

"Yes, yes, and have you heard a very slow, shallow buzzing sound? It was not obvious before, but there is still a close feeling."

Sheng You shook his head.

"It seems to be a machine difference."

The square head over there leaned over: "Look at the settings here. You can see the system information here. There are no specific parameters and no capacity."

"Oh oh oh, let me see... I have 4.46GB here, and the usable capacity is 1.2GB." Shengyou looked at his side.

"I have 19.46GB here, and the usable capacity is 9.46GB. Oh, I have a third page here, with local videos and music." 196 also found the difference, "Hey, the latter is different, I am HHD here, you guys Two are SSDs."

It's not the same.

"The loading speed of this SSD is faster, but the capacity is small, and there is no noise?" Shengyou seemed to understand.

"But this capacity is really scary." 196 was startled.

You know, many of today's computers don't necessarily have a 20GB capacity, and some old computers have hard drives of about 6GB.

"I know a little about this." The editor of Volkswagen Software leaned in.

"Isn’t the Order of the Phoenix released a USB flash drive before. Some of us think whether this thing can be used to install the system. Later, we found that this thing is really good, but the speed is quite slow, HHD refers to the hard disk, this SSD should also be a new hard drive made with flash memory like U disk, but the capacity may be relatively small, but people should use better quality particles, so the speed is great."

The editor of Volkswagen Software really guessed part of it.

But he did not completely guess correctly.

Because the speed is not because of the particles, but because there are a lot of flash memory. Under the same technical level, the speed of flash memory is not very much related to a single flash memory, but it is very much related to the amount of flash memory. For example, if a file is stored in a flash memory, it needs to be read through the small tap of the flash memory; but if the file is split and stored in ten flash memories, when reading it, it is read through ten taps at the same time. Take, the theoretical speed has been turned ten times in this way-of course, it will not be so scary in fact.

These people here are using top-of-the-line handhelds, and the flash memory in the flash memory version is also full.

For others, the hard disk version is used.

As for the UMD version, it did not appear.

Because the official inviting them to test is not for this.

At this time, everyone basically found that this handheld computer brought them a surprise.

Professional game editors are watching games at this time, while others are continuing to explore back projects.

There are more and more surprises that handhelds bring to them.

This kind of comfortable operating feeling and surprising touch logic are very wonderful.

"Let's take a look at the software." Shengyou returned to the desktop and compared it with 196.

It turned out that the other party's machine really had a lot of videos, a lot of pictures, and a software dedicated to reading comics-and on my own, there was no such software at all.

Others have also noticed these surprises on the handheld. Although there are still people who are reluctant to give up their games, others have also begun to try to make these softwares.

At this time, Shengyou was studying this WPS software-yes, this software is also available on the handheld.

Not to mention, at least the document function is pretty good to use...

However, typing is quite uncomfortable. The keys on the virtual keyboard are very small, so it is not so easy to use. least you can see the documents and tables, there are also on the PPT, but it shows "functional test".

After everyone used it, the official came in to retrieve the handheld, and then sent everyone a questionnaire.

"this is……"


But it is a bit different from Shengyou imagined questionnaire.

Because this questionnaire survey seems to be...getting started?

"How do you think the handheld is easy to use?"

"Have you learned how to open the program in the first place?"

"How is the experience of vertical screen control?"

"How do you feel about this touch operation experience?"


It seems to understand.

Sheng You vaguely noticed something.

"The real intention of the official is to test whether we can get started with this machine in the first time?"

The people sitting here, whether they are game lovers or editors, can be said to be a group of people who understand the digital industry very well.

Because of this, when they get started, they don't feel anything particularly difficult.

If they are all struggling, then most people certainly can't stand it.

The official real intention is to test the operating system and touch logic of this handheld, and to see the first-hand experience of ordinary people after contacting this product.

If they deliberately do not say it, they will not notice the official intentions when they are exploring, and only think that the official wants them to watch the game, but in fact, except for the game on the first page, the rest are Some software.

But these wonderful software can easily arouse people's curiosity, and the reason why they are not on the first page is to avoid everyone's attention to the official intentions.

Although this is Shengyou's own guess, he feels like he is a little inseparable.

"The Order of the Phoenix, the destroyer of the game industry, what exactly did they see in their eyes?"

Shengyou thought of what a group of players called the Order of the Phoenix when it first debuted.

The Order of the Phoenix doesn't seem to just want to be a handheld...

He has such a hunch.


Finally released...

The next chapter can return to the story of Senxia.

I hope everyone in the earthquake region is safe. OvO

Two-in-one meow...

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