Time and Space Trader: Trading One Ton of Vibrant Gold at the Start

Time and Space Trader: Trading One Ton of Vibrant Gold at the Start


320 Chapters Ongoing Status


Su Chen had a dream in which he entered a mysterious space and became a time and space merchant. Made a deal with Wakanda, a man named Black Panther, for a ton of vibranium.


After Su Chen woke up and a ton of vibrating gold was piled up at home, he knew that everything was true.


So Su Chen developed, and began to be unstoppable.


Using Zhenjin, he built a super stealth bomber that crushed b2, and helped the country manufacture an air carrier, Luan bird fighter, and spaceship.


The dome technology has helped the country to create a defense cover, and every inch of its territory can be nuclear-proof.


Vibration Gold Technology, Edman Alloy Technology, Nanotechnology, Atomic Technology, Mecha Technology, Nanomedical Technology, Nuclear Fusion Technology, Cold Fusion Technology, Antimatter Technology, Quantum Technology, Gene Technology, Dark Energy Technology, Rune Technology, Soul Transfer Technology, Consciousness Transfer Technology, Rainbow Bridge Technology...


With the help of Su Chen.


The Dragon Kingdom has become the supreme race in the universe, and even the gods are afraid.

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