1465. Chapter 1453 Bloody Sacred Yago (seven)

    "OKOK…"I don't know why, in the face of a Chinese-speaking American brother, I can't help but want to collapse a few words of English. "You can…"

    He praised the other party with a very unconcerned tone, and collected the nunchaku and moved his shoulders and neck a few times.

    "Yeah?"When the American brother saw the move of the brother, he immediately tightened his heart and said, "This kid…When I saw Tai Chi, I was ready to give up the fighting method of standing and attacking…"

    In fact, before the American brother saw him, he had already guessed that the other party was not a leisurely person; in the conference room, when Liang Feifan and Liu Xing were vying to catch the "invader", the American brother felt that Things are not that simple…

    Although "going over the no-man's land, killing the jungle in a single-handedly, and getting dozens of special forces in a short period of time", the people of the management of their San Diego Group are just plain, but think differently…The intruder is not a group of people. It is not unusual for a "outside martial arts" that does not rely on Jin Dadan to do these things.

    The American brother who is slightly inferior to the leader of Dong Xian, can sit on the second position of the group, relying on his ingenuity and the city, but he can think of things that others can't think of.

    Therefore, when other people took it for granted that Liang and Liang could easily solve the matter, the American brother sitting opposite the leader of Dong Xian, showed a dignified color.

    drinkThe American brother did not wait much. After a little thought, he would slightly close the yin and yang palms that were unfolding, and smashed his arms and slammed them.

    This type of "hand swaying", the strength of the swell is like a mountain, the speed is light and feathery, and a rush is coming.

    However, he did not know that he was prepared for this. He saw that he was rolling down the ground and avoiding the opponent's offensive. Then he went out with his feet, and the skeleton of the American brother was a scissor foot.

    "Stop dreaming!"The American brother is not stupid. As a generation of Taiji masters, he is clear about the weaknesses of his practice of boxing. When standing and playing, the American brother’s effort is almost flawless, but if it enters the situation of close-fitting, No matter how sophisticated his moves and internal skills are, there will be no way to display them.

    Therefore, before this move, the American brother has tightened the next plate, beware of the other party to bring the fight into the ground.


    As a result, when the feet of the scissors that were so strong were not close together, only the sound of the gas explosion caused by the internal resistance was heard. The legs of the American brother kept the original horse steps and the silk did not move.

    CutI feel that the other side has not fallen as I planned, and it is also a secret voice. "I forced me to use skills too…"

    Obviously, Feng is not willing to use skills; although he can now use all kinds of skills as he pleases, but the consumption of skills is still real, such as the previous move [my skateboard shoes], strong is strong…But to consume a full 1200 physical fitness value, this is already more than 20% of his overall energy. If he is using a lot of powerful skills, he will use it casually, and his physical energy will be exhausted in minutes.

    However, in the face of opponents who can't directly crush themselves in terms of fighting skills over their own, strength and speed, it is almost impossible to defeat them efficiently without skills.

    "Give me down!"Feeling brother did not make a move, the trend of change, a twisted side spin, then continued a move under the whip leg.

    According to common sense, this kind of temporary change in the pursuit of speed, the power is certainly not as good as the first…The American brother thinks so too; how can he know that the scissors feet of the previous move are the general scissors feet, and the lower whip legs of the latter move are [the lower whip legs of the bear child].

    "Ahhhh……Yeah.A second later, the American brother fell down in shock and shouted "ah" with a mouthful of the northeast.

    Others haven’t completely slid down, and they have been stunned by this hard time, giving him a trick. “Jerico Great Wall (when the enemy’s face squats down, facing the enemy’s foot, the enemy’s legs Pull up, keep your ankles under your armpits, and sit at the other side of your waist)".

    The power of this lock technique is amazing, and it can cause great pain while being suppressed, and it is almost impossible to be unlocked; its only drawback is…It is very difficult to successfully display it in actual combat.

    I also know that if you can put an opponent face down in actual combat, then you will not use any lock technique for him. It is obviously faster and more injury to step on his head.

    If it is not through the special effect of the causal law of the bear's lower whip, it is difficult to find a chance to use this.

    Uhyou……THEThe American brother has not recovered from the horror of being stumbled. The pain from the waist has made him unable to speak even the whole sentence.

    "If you are willing to give up resistance, I will let you go."If you don’t feel it, you will be very calm and add to the sidelines. "Or else…According to my estimation, if you do not get more than ten seconds, your lumbar vertebra will break. ”

    "Heng!"The American brother heard the words, did not respond, just snorted, forced a sigh of instinct, then…I took a palm towards the ground.

    Although the palm of this palm is strong, but it is not just a fierce road, its palms hit the ground, only a slight crack, but its main strength, backlash in a tenacious way, The American brother and the singer who was riding on the back of the American brother gave off the ground.

    When the two of them were off the ground, the upper body of the American brother could pick up, and the "Jerico Great Wall" of the brother would not break. Although it was still closed, he still held the feet of the American brother with his arms. But that is no longer meaningful, because the American brother’s waist is no longer under pressure, so his hands and feet are free to make moves.

    But see, the United States brothers legs and luck, they will feel off the brother's restraint, and his single punch and then re-emerge, hit the squad of the brother.

    "Ho ~ Oh ~" Unexpectedly, the seal not see that fist to come, but exposed a waiting for a long appearance, immediately strange call a sound, body shape pi change, grabbed the American brother that arm with a cross solid (active side and passive side of the body into 10 cross-section, active side of the two legs stand in the passive side of the neck and chest, So that the passive side of an arm through the crotch of the active side, the active side with both hands to the passive side of the arm pressure on the chest, and hard to cross, so that the passive side yield.

    Two seconds later, both of them fell back to the ground, although their posture at the moment was different from that before the bounce…However, the situation in which the American brother was locked by the lock technology has not changed.

    "Ahhhh…"The American brother just broke a trick and made another move. He was angry. He believed that his Tai Chi Kung Fu was standing in an invincible position, but now he can not only display his own skills, but also have to be on the ground with the other side. Playing this kind of WWE-style rough matchup is really a decent face of losing the second-in-command of his group.

    Read this, the American brother can not help but anger from the heart, evil to the gallbladder! In a rage, he opened his mouth wide and bit his cheek to the calf.

    To be honest, this is indeed a way to break the cross, but the premise is…Your opponent is a person who "relaxes his strength because of the pain from his legs."

    "Bite, just bite."After being bitten, I can not only relax, but the lock is still firmer. "It is fine to send a few pieces of meat to you, but I declare in advance…If I lose too much meat, I might slice you for a while to supplement the protein. ”

    The tone of his words was calm, but it was creepy in the ears of the American brother because…His attitude is not like intimidation or joke, but rather a statement of a plan, a fact that is likely to be put into action.

    "Drink!"After a few seconds, the American brother decided to break the boat. After a horrible drink, he broke the locked arm by himself, and rolled it out, and pulled it out from the opponent's clamp.


    The unconscious movements follow the example, and almost at the same time as the American brother made a force, he has already judged the other party's intentions and is ready.

    So, the United States brother has just rolled a few laps, seal and jumped up, waiting for the arm to seize it has not broken, came a Mu Kung (with one hand from the other side of the elbow position through the arm, the other hand to seize the opponent with the wrist, the hands cross tight buckle and will adjust the position, forming a side pressure state, Reverse twist down pressure, forcing the other surrender), again locked the other side of a steady …

    "You…you……"This time, the American brother was so anxious that his eyes were bleeding quickly, and he shouted, "…Let go! ”

    "Smirk!"I will let go when you surrender. ”I can't help but smile easily. "If you don't hurt, I will play with you again."

    This leisurely attitude is undoubtedly his confidence in his own ground skills.

    Although he can't be regarded as a kind of person who is good at ground skills, his understanding of various fighting genres such as judo, wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is already expert; with zero time calculus, he As long as you pick a few moves from your memory, you can learn and use them now.

    In fact……This point, I have to thank [Frenzy Jianying].

    It is well known that the relationship between swords and Chego is quite good, he should also be in addition to the hell front-line members, and the number of people who are the most ranked in the book, in those books do not write out, the daily practice level of the script, Chego and sword less team number of times, and "The Ghost of Sword Shadow" at the time, "not afraid of" most also in … …Long before the two established a relationship, the latter often released various fighting techniques to the former. After establishing the relationship, the frequency of release was even worse…Moreover, I am not afraid of the high level of fighting skills, the number of routines, the standard of action, and the flexibility of application…It’s amazing.

    With the unrecognizable character, he certainly will not miss the scene of the sword being abused. Every time the madness sword is screamed by the strange woman in various postures, he feels that he is leisurely watching and returning. It is necessary to say a few words in a timely manner.

    As the saying goes, I have never seen pork and I have seen pigs running. Under this sensation, I feel that I have learned a lot of movements.

    "Dude, I still advise you."After a few more seconds, I felt that the other party was still hesitating, and added, "I don't care if your Tai Chi is so powerful. When you are knocked down by me into the ground, you won't even have a chance." If you know each other, just surrender."

    The American brother is not a person who will be easily convinced by the other party, just…At this time, he thought about it himself, and he felt that the odds were not great; his right hand was folded, his left hand was locked, and he was beaten again. Even if he could break free from the clamp, he would only become more passive.

    Just as the American brother is ready to give up the resistance, suddenly, the change is steep!

    At that moment, I only heard the "bombing and banging" bursts of sound, from far and near…Not long after, with the loudest two bursts, the two sides of the ceiling broke open two mouths, and two strong figure screamed from the two mouths.

    The sound of the sound can be inferred that the two who broke into the battlefield used a leg method similar to the "drill bit" to "drill" from a very high floor.

    When the dust is getting scattered, the two figures stand at regular intervals, and they are not sure to take a closer look…

    I saw that the white man on the left hand was nine feet long, with a tiger-backed waist, a wide chest and a strong bone. His upper body was bare-boned, showing the perfect muscles like a sculpture. The lower body only wore a tight shorts. A bit of awkward and free and easy; its appearance is resolute, but the mouth is with a smile that is approachable.

    Again, the right-hand side of the Asian strong man, eight feet long, Chang, Yan, Majestic; he had no clothes on his upper body, but a belt was tied around the outline of the pectoral muscles, and the lower body was a tight black trousers, and the overall shape was complementary; his looks were not as handsome as his companions, But there was a hint of melancholy in his eyes.

    "Hey, BOY~" After the white man stood up, he put up a quite professional bodybuilder Pose and looked at him. "It seems that you have a good wrestling, I don't know, dare to go with me Billy Hailing." Billy_Herrington has two tricks."

    "[email protected]_you!"Unexpectedly, the seal has not yet returned, the Asian brawny is the first to snatch the road, "On wrestling, there is my VAN (Van_Darkholme), where is the wheel to get you out of the eye?"

    "Oh?"Billy Hellington listened to this and obviously refused to accept it. "What do you mean? Do you think you are very tough? ”

    "What is it?" do you have any opinion? ”VAN is also not reluctant in words.

    When the two men spoke and said, they looked at each other and gradually approached each other, and they were arrogant.

    "do not fight! do not fight! ”Upon seeing it, the American brother quickly picked up his accented Chinese and endured the pain of being locked by the lock technique. He shouted, "You must rescue me first!"

    "Less nonsense! It doesn't matter to you. ”But Billy Hellington actually ignored the general manager's request.

    "That's right, I can get it in just a few minutes, you can bear it first."VAN is also this attitude.

    When the two returned this, they still stared at each other intently, and quickly developed from a big eye to a physical conflict.

    I don't know why…These two brave men, who are very cool and have no fighting power, just came out soon, and they started to sneak inexplicably.

    Even if I don’t even know how to understand this, what is it, anyway…When he came back, Billy Hellington and VAN had already smashed on the ground; the two sides had a very fierce wrestling match, and they made a variety of strange screams, during the period. Accompanied by some subtle tone such as "yeah", "good", "you_like_that_huh?"Wait for the English dialogue.

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