1464. Chapter 1452 Bloody Battle of San Diego (six)

    “It’s not good…”Looking at the impending fist, I couldn’t help but scream, and at the same time, I launched a scouting skill called [My Skateboard].

    This trick, is in the S2, the hell front-line against the Corpse Knife team, "Doomsday attack" to the elder brother once the skill, the effect is: "After the launch, you will suffer the next melee damage is reduced by 90%, and all the effects included in the attack will not be triggered; at the end of the attack, You will automatically shift to the back of the attacker and gain a double attack speed of four seconds.

    Although the last-day assault at that time was finally dead under the unrecognized calculations, the situation at the moment is obviously different from that at that time…Players will make "what is the body" thing, Liu Xing can not know, he is a fist, this is a must.

    However, the result after the actual hit is…Unexpectedly standing there and arranging it, he will take Liu Ying’s attack that has provoked eight times of internal strength.

    In this situation, it is said that Liu Xing himself, even Liang Feifan, who fell in the distance, was shocked and opened his eyes, and his heart was very difficult.


    At the time of their shock, the seal has not relied on the effect of skills, and has teleported behind Liu Xing.

    The "double attack speed" bonus is only four seconds, it is not a waste; it does not feel that it has seized the four-second gap, picking up the nunchaku for a while, using the technique…That is the round-trip attack that he only realized.

    In addition, due to the continuous fight with Liang Feifan for a long time, [Z pipe clamp] has already passed 80% of the charge, so its special effect four – "double strike" ability, has already started at this moment; at least before the end of this battle The seal will not be able to use the nunchaku to launch repeated attacks on the same target, and the damage will gradually increase.

    CA: There's no question.Special effects like this type of damage increase with the number of attacks and not capped, if used properly, will be terrible.

    The frequency of unnoticed attacks is not slow. Under the attack speed, there is another wave of explosions on the output in a short time…After this round of swaying, Liu Bing, who was repeatedly attacked behind him, refused to support him. He saw him squatting and rolling forward, and he could not help but spurt a blood.

    Hmmm……did not expect……"Liu Xingqiu looked back and scorned the seal and said, "…You are a foreign martial artist, you can have such skill, what are you…"

    He doesn't know that the other party has used a skill that can reduce injuries by 90% to block the move. I don't know if there are all kinds of armor that have been reduced by percentage and have high defense power. He only knows…The person in front of him used his one hand to smash his strongest punch. Afterwards, he was not only unscathed, but also spared the opportunity to immediately counterattack.

    This situation is enough for Liu Xing, and Liang Feifan who has been injured on the side…Lost fighting spirit.

    [Spurline task progress update]

    "It seems that the two are admit defeats…"After hearing the system voice, Feng did not feel the sound of the taskbar, and found that the task progress has become 2/7; he immediately understood that when the two NPCs gave up the moment of resistance, the task defined "Beat" is complete, that is to say…You don't have to kill or kill the other person to complete the task, as long as you can separate the "win or lose".

    WellI will not accompany you. ”Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no reason to grind it with them. After closing the sentence, I turned to the elevator.

    "Slow!"Compared with Liang Feifan, Liu Xing is obviously more diligent. Even though he knows that he is not good at his opponent, he still trembles and screams and screams at the back of his brother. "Where are you going?"

    "Of course, I am going to grab your confidential information."Jue brother responded with a natural tone.

    "You…Do you know where the archives are? ”Liu Xing asked suspiciously.

    "I don't know, guys.I shrugged and shrugged, "and…I don't think I can ask from your mouth, so…"He paused. "I still go looking for it myself. Anyway, it must be somewhere in this building. I can find it one by one, and I can always find it."

    "Heng!" Hahahahaha…"Wen Yan said that Liang Feifan laughed loudly and laughed for a few seconds. He also looked at him and answered. "Boy, do you think that…Winning the two of us, we are already invincible? I tell you……"

    Alright, alrightI didn’t want to hear him finish the words, and immediately interrupted. “Do you want to say…You are the king of four days…Oh, no…It is the weakest of the company's management; then I want to talk to me again, how many more people than you, and what their nicknames and martial arts are, and finally come to me – even if I can win some of them and XX, but there are still a few that I can’t surpass…."

    He guessed…It’s true that it’s eight or nine, it’s like stealing the line of Liang Feifan’s lines.

    The extraordinary brother heard it was awkward, and some of them were overwhelmed: "Hey…How do you know…"

    Here you go.He felt over the head and walked past his side. "These words are kept by you, I am not interested."

    After all, he has walked into the elevator and pressed the floor button on the second floor.

    I don’t listen to Liang’s extraordinary intimidation, not because I feel conceited, but because he thinks it’s not necessary; even if there is a strong enemy…The intensity of his own observation from a data perspective is also more reliable than the strength of hearing from others.


    The interval between the first floor is just around the corner. When the elevator door is opened, a person standing ten meters away has been staring at the seal.

    It was a white man in his 30s. He looked plain, his hair was a short brown hair, and his clothes were white shirts and black trousers with a dark tie. This appearance…How to look like an ordinary office worker.

    However,The seal can "observe" that the strength of this person is on the top of Liu Xing and Liang Feifan.

    "This is interesting…"Jue Ge looked at the man in front of him and read, "How do you know that I will come to the second floor?"

    "I don't know."The white man answered, "Don't misunderstand, I am not here to wait for you; just…My office is on the second floor. I am standing here. I just want to see if the elevator you are riding in will reach a few floors. I didn’t expect…You stopped on my floor. ”

    "So, you don't want to stop me?"When I asked, I was already out of the elevator.

    "Smirk!"The white man smiled and replied, "If you don't appear in front of me, then you will…But since you have already arrived at me, I am a member of the company's management team, and can you not see it? ”

    "This way…"I didn’t feel nodded, "I’m not crazy, I haven’t asked…”

    "Good to say."The white man took a Chinese accent with a little accent. "The monk comes from the UK, his real name is Joseph David, the Chinese name is Chen Shaolong, but everyone calls me 'American brother'. As for the post…Let's be the general manager of the company. ”

    “hmm…There are too many slots in the other party's words, and I can only pick the main spit. "And don't say why you are an Englishman called the American brother…The building of your company has dozens of floors, and the general manager's office is actually located on the second floor. ".

    "Can't you?"The American brother asked, "Is there a certain rule…For those with high positions, must the floor of the office be high? ”

    “hmm…Feeling brother touched his chin and came to English, "Good_point…"

    "Well, let's talk to each other and the East and West." For a person who wants to die, I don't bother to know too much."The American brother said, he took the first half step.

    Then, I saw his hands drooping, the back of the hand was outward, the fingers were slightly comfortable, the feet were parallel, and then the arms were slowly lifted to the chest, the left arm and the half ring, the palm and the face were turned into the palm of the hand, and the right palm turned over. Yang palm…After this series of movements like a flowing water, a chic and beautiful starting style has been formed.

    "You are this…"Unexpectedly watching the flow of data on the other side, I know that his work is better than the two downstairs, and he is also stationed in the world.

    "No roots, no law, no matter how natural…"The American brother’s hands turned round, and he stood up and said, "…Taiji

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