Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 148 Recruiting Jingnan

"Do you want to replace Yuanxiong and recruit Jingnan?"

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan, looked at Ma Di and asked calmly.

"That's right! Prime Minister!" Ma Di nodded and answered firmly.

"My brother once appeased the Wuling barbarians. In the past, the elders in Jingnan still remember our reputation as the Wuchang of the Ma family."

"Let me go to Jingnan, and I will definitely make the counties in Jingnan rebel against Wu and surrender to the Han."


Zhuge Liang answered very simply and his tone was full of no doubt. And after finishing speaking, Zhuge Liang had already picked up the bamboo slips again.

"Prime Minister! I am not in danger! If Ding Feng dares to attack me secretly, I will definitely bring his head to the tent."

"I don't want Ding Feng's head." Zhuge Liang said concisely and concisely without raising his head.

Anyone who is familiar with Zhuge Liang knows that the prime minister's attitude means that there is no doubt about the matter.

The prime minister usually doesn't talk nonsense when making important decisions, and it's all a matter of one sentence to decide who should be allowed to go or not. Only when he is nagging does it mean that there is still room for discussion. The specific situation depends on the performance.

So when Zhuge Liang resumed handling government affairs, Ma Di also knew the prime minister's attitude. But Lao Ma doesn't want to stop like this, and it's not a problem to be locked up in the Chinese army all the time.

It's a great time, even if I don't do it for the sake of death and become a hunk descended from the sky, it's still unqualified. If he continues to provide for himself like this every day, after the war is over, Ma Su will probably be able to complete the compulsory education for his group of soldiers who have graduated from prenatal education.

"Prime Minister! Please allow me to avenge my brother!" Ma Su thought for a moment, then spoke again.

Ma Su didn't dare to be reasonable, so the Prime Minister taught him how to behave in every minute. But for Ma Su, recruiting Jing Nan also had emotional factors, so he naturally had to talk about it.

The effect of Ma Su's words was immediate, and Zhuge Liang's hand paused slightly.

"Prime Minister! In the past, I followed my elder brother and ignored all the counties in Jingnan. In the past, my elder brother also discussed the pros and cons with me about the Wuling barbarians."

"These brothers' earnest teachings are all well known to me. Now is the time to use them." Ma Di looked calm and bowed deeply to Zhuge Liang.

"What's more, the four counties in Jingnan were humiliated under the rule of Soochow. How can I just sit back and watch?"

"This is his opportunity to report to his family and country and bring peace to the common people. Is An Neng greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Ma Su's attitude this time was very sincere, and Zhuge Liang was slightly moved for a while.

Although Jingzhou is divided into northern Jingzhou and southern Jingzhou, in fact they are all one family. The marriages between noble families, large and small, and complicated friendships are all Jingzhou factions.

Ma Di is a native of Jingzhou and one of the famous scholars in Jingzhou. The name of Ma's Wuchang spread throughout Jingzhou. Although Ma Liang is mainly praised, Ma Di still has his reputation.

Therefore, what Ma Su said is understandable. In fact, all the scholars of the Jingzhou faction did not want to take back their hometown.

Just like Zhuge Liang, he still misses his hometown of Langya that he can't go back to.

Moreover, Ma Su still has old family feuds. Whether it is the death of his brother or the fall of his hometown, they are all grievances that cut to the bone.

Ma Di's figure was reflected in Zhuge Liang's eyes, just like how Ma Liang looked before he went out with the army.

"Almost exactly the same..." Zhuge Liang suddenly closed his eyes, raised his head and sighed.

Ji Chang, your brother may have really grown up and can shoulder heavy responsibilities.

Late Emperor, you have a unique vision in your life, but you still made a mistake once.

At this time Zhuge Liang had to admit that he was happy. It's like an elder watching his child finally grow up, take a leading role, and be able to help you work.

Although I still love to brag...

"You Chang!" Zhuge Liang opened his eyes again, looked at Ma Su again, and said with a serious expression.

"Prime Minister!" Ma Su quickly answered with his hands in hand.

"be safe!"




After convincing Zhuge Liang, Ma Di finally regained his freedom.

Zhuge Liang handed over all his troops to him, especially the old troops of Guan Yu who had surrendered, and all of them were handed over to Ma Di. One thousand cavalry, two thousand veterans of the navy, and a total of three thousand elite soldiers followed Ma Di south to Jingnan.

But for Ma Su, the meaning this time is a little different.

For example, on the same day he marched south to Jingnan, the prime minister moved the Chinese army to Yidao on the south bank. It seems that if something goes wrong with his horse, he will immediately send a large army to help.

This treatment... made Ma Su feel a little scared.

If something happened to him and caused history to go in a bad direction, he would not be able to apologize a hundred times even if he died.

"You have to take it seriously. Now you are no longer as cool as before." Ma Su shook his head gently, feeling that the pressure on his shoulders suddenly increased a bit.

"General, where should we go first?" Liu Yin followed Ma Su and asked Ma Su.

When he first met Ma Su, Liu Yin thought he was with the wrong person. Liu Yin didn't understand until Ma Su entered Yi Dao alone and persuaded the Yi Dao defenders to mutiny with only his sharp tongue.

It's because he has become too small.

There is no way that General Youchang cannot make mistakes. If there is something that he does not understand, it is definitely because he does not understand it well.

"Let's go to Wuxi to recruit the barbarians first. Their strength is still considerable." Ma Di thought for a while and made a decision.

"First recruit the barbarians in Jingnan, and then start from Wuling and head south. If the Wu army comes to stop them, beat them up. If they encounter anyone who doesn't understand, they will be killed directly."

"Wei!" Liu Yin replied respectfully.

Three thousand Shu troops marched south from Yidao and headed straight towards the boundary of Wuling.

Wuling County is the largest county in Jingnan, and it was also the core area when Liu Bei visited Jingnan.

However, although Wuling has the largest territory, it has many mountains and mountains and numerous forests. There are five streams running through its territory. Many barbarians live among these five streams, and they are called the Five Streams Barbarians.

The famous barbarian general Samoko was the leader of the Wuxi barbarians.

However, the reason for Yiling's defeat was that the Shu army failed to reach Jingnan in the end, and the Wuxi barbarians were severely weakened. Because of this, the Wuxi barbarians were very uncomfortable being squeezed out by Soochow in recent years.

Therefore, it would not be too difficult for Ma Su to recruit and surrender this group of forces.

However, when Ma Su led his troops to the Wuxi area, they were immediately blocked by barbarians.

"Shu people, stop! You are not welcome in Wuxi!"

The barbarian soldiers of the Wuxi barbarians showed no awe at all, and their attitude was full of hostility. Hundreds of barbarians occupied the road and stood in front of Ma Su.

"I am Ma Su, General Fenwei of the Shu Han Dynasty. You should know my brother Ma Liang, right?" Ma Su raised his eyebrows, feeling that the attitude of the barbarians was not quite right, but he still spoke.

"No one can! Our Wuxi tribe does not welcome you!" The barbarian soldiers still had a tough attitude and refused to give way to Ma Su.

"General, something seems to be wrong." Liu Yin also squinted his eyes, realizing something was wrong.

Didn't it mean that the Wuxi barbarians were close to the Han people? Why would their attitude be so bad?

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