Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 147 Wu Ban is seriously injured

The wooden box that Lu Xun was holding was trembling, as if there was a wild beast in the box. Especially Lu Xun's entire face was almost distorted at this time.

Lu Xun thought that he was just someone who had seen and experienced big scenes. When Liu Bei sent someone to scold him at Xiaoting for being unfaithful, filial, benevolent and unjust, he didn't feel any emotion at all.

But he really couldn't hold back what Ma Su gave him this time.

Why are you giving gifts to the opposing general? Why are you giving horse manure? It's so thin!

"The general asked me to tell Governor Lu that the defense level of Soochow is as strong as this box. But the general inside... Governor Lu, you know who you are talking about, is even worse than the horse dung of the general's beloved horse. ." The messenger replied with a smile, not caring about Lu Xun's increasingly gloomy expression.

Not only that, seeing Lu Xun's dark expression as if he had just finished his meal, the Han Dynasty's smile grew even stronger.

"I've finished saying this. If the Governor intends to behead me, he can do it now."

Lu Xun's face darkened, and the murderous intent in his eyes continued to surge. Lu Xun's soldiers also surrounded him and captured the Shu Han envoy if they disagreed with him.

But in the end, he waved his hand and said through gritted teeth.

"Let him go back! We in Soochow disdain to do ungentlemanly things!"

"You go back and tell Ma Su that I sent people to intercept and kill his brother Ma Liang. My Lu Xun's head is here. If Ma Su has the ability, he will come and get it!!"

"If you don't have the ability, just go back to Sichuan and live an ignoble existence as soon as possible!"

I have to say that Lu Xun and Sima Yi are somewhat similar, at least their endurance is not that strong. Not only that, Lu Xun can also try to stimulate the opponent, although it is most likely to be useless.

In the end, the envoy was beaten with sticks by Lu Xun's soldiers, but Lu Xun was still angry.

If possible, Lu Xun really hoped that the whole army would attack, capture Ma Di with his own hands, and stuff horse dung into his mouth. This was too insulting. In Lu Xun's impression, even the most despicable villain was not so insulting.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, Lu Xun picked up the box on the table and planned to throw it out with his own hands. However, as soon as he picked it up, the box in Lu Xun's hand suddenly fell apart, and horse manure was poured all over Lu Xun...

That day, the entire Soochow military camp heard Lu Xun's hysterical roar in the Chinese military camp.

"Ma Su!!"




"Ah sneeze!" In the Shu army camp, Ma Di couldn't help but sneeze.

"Who's talking about me?"

"General, the people who are talking about you are probably lining up from Chengdu to Chang'an." The guard's mouth twitched twice and he said slowly.

"That's right. A strong man descended from the sky is always something people miss." Ma Su waved his hand helplessly and didn't care much.

"Speaking of which, isn't Lu Xun still stimulated?"

"No." The envoy who came back from Wu Camp replied.

"Although it was obvious that the Soochow coach was very angry, he had no intention of fighting in the end. Not only that, he also said that he was the one who sent people to intercept Ma Shizhong, and then..."

The messenger stopped talking after he said this. After all, this was Ma Di's brother.

"He can only talk quickly. Jiangdong Rats are Jiangdong Rats."

Ma Su was not as angry as expected, he just shook his head and said calmly.

"What did you just say... Well, yes, I feel that the publicity given to the Governor of Mainland China is not enough, and more needs to be added."

As soon as these words came out, a hint of sympathy flashed in the eyes of several personal guards, which was sympathy for Lu Xun.

As Ma Su's closest bodyguard, he dared to joke with Ma Su, and he knew a little about his general.

My general is not only good at rushing into battle to kill enemies, he is also good at spreading rumors and slandering others.

Hao Zhao's mistakes are still fresh in his mind, and even after his death, his dark history was widely circulated throughout Guanzhong.

Being targeted by his own general, the Governor of Soochow will soon have a bad reputation.

However, Ma Su was not very lucky, because before he picked up the pen and wrote a few words, Deng Zhi appeared outside his military camp.

"You Chang! Go to the Central Army! Something happened to the former general Wu Ban!" Deng Zhi's face was solemn, and Ma Su's heart trembled as soon as he spoke.

Wouldn't his own soldiers steal Wu Ban's flag?




When he arrived at the central army, Ma Di saw that Wu Ban's troops were completely defeated, and every soldier seemed to be injured.

And the former general of the Han Dynasty, Anletinghou Wu Ban, was carried all the way back by the soldiers.

"What's going on? Didn't Yuanxiong go to recruit Jingnan to surrender? How come he was so seriously injured?" Ma Su was a little surprised, not expecting this to happen at all.

Wu Ban is one of the few veteran generals in the Shu Han Dynasty. He is very brave in commanding troops and horses in battle. How could such a veteran be so seriously injured when he surrendered Jingnan?

"General Wu was attacked." Deng Zhi shook his head, his face looking very ugly.

"It is said that General Wu led his army to recruit Wuling barbarians, but they never expected that there were internal agents from Soochow among the barbarians. They reported General Wu's movements to the police, and Wu General Ding Feng took the opportunity to sneak attack General Wu along the river."

"If it weren't for General Wu's bodyguards fighting to the death to protect him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to come back."

The Shu Han side still did not have adequate control over the situation, especially the intelligence on the forces in Jingnan.

Although Sun Quan was not good at foreign warfare, he was very experienced in dealing with people within his own country.

Since the Battle of Yiling, Sun Quan has tightened supervision over Jingnan. He continued to secretly send people to lure some Wuling barbarians and Jingnan nobles, in order to undermine Jingnan's will to resist.

Although the Wuling barbarians have been educated, they have had close contact with the Han people for many years. But they are still barbarians after all, and most of them only care about profit.

On the surface, everyone is sympathizing with Shu Han, but no one knows how many Soochow spies are hidden in the middle.

Ma Liang actually encountered this kind of situation back then, but Ma Liang was a great talent and easily dealt with people with evil intentions.

But obviously Wu Ban is not Ma Liang, and he does not have the ability, so he suffered a big loss and was sold out by a traitor. Public security guard Ding Feng was able to swim down the river and caught Wu Ban by surprise.

All the generals present looked serious, with anger flashing in their eyes.

This battle not only caused Wu Ban to return with a huge defeat, but also caused the Jingnan resistance forces that had just gathered to collapse again.

"It's troublesome." Deng Zhi shook his head and said with a long sigh.

"I'm afraid that the purpose of recruiting Jingnan to surrender is no longer possible. If there is no progress in another two months, we should withdraw our troops..."

"Fortunately, what should be captured has been captured, and it is time to withdraw."

Shu Han is indeed progressing very smoothly now, and has basically achieved all its strategic goals. The passes of the Yangtze River were all in the hands of the Shu army. Zhuge Liang also built another camp on the north bank of the Yangtze River opposite the Yidao for defense.

On the other side, Zhao Yun had already captured Shangyong City, and the captain who guarded the city committed suicide on the city wall. The Shu army advanced all the way east and had already joined Zhang He, and their troops were pointing directly at Xincheng County.

Therefore, Deng Zhi felt that even if Jing Nance could not rebel, it would not be a big problem. Now we just need to wait for Soochow to be unable to bear it any longer and be forced to seek peace.

But Ma Su on the side squinted his eyes, and after seeing Wu Ban's encounter, Ma Su had a bold idea in his mind.

He knew Wu Ban's martial arts skills, and such a strong person was seriously injured by a sneak attack. But now, Hua Fei is not in the army...

It feels fun!

"You can't just admit defeat yet, I'm going to see the Prime Minister!" Ma Di said firmly with a firm expression.

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