This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 777: Do you have faith?

Although William had been sent several miles away by the ocean current, he had not been able to see the accident in Lao Taishan with his own eyes, but he knew most of the later events from the mouth of the competent "radar", the goddess of pulling hips.

After seeing the woman embarrassedly emerging from the arc-shaped cavity, William, who had already set up his dragon-riding secret spear, stabbed him head-on with the most powerful straight stab.

She didn't expect the teleportation to be discovered. The female mage was taken aback by William's ambush. She hurriedly threw out several instant mid-level arcane spells, but was stabbed by William's long-awaited stabs one by one. hole through.

And just when the end of the stick was like a broken bamboo, and several shields were destroyed, just one punch away from the female mage's eyebrows, she finally launched the body protection spell that was temporarily closed because of the teleportation, and firmly fixed William's full force in one shot. air.

After letting out a sigh of relief, the female mage looked at William with a frown and said:

"Hey! How did you figure out where I was teleporting?"

Ignoring the female mage's question, William pulled the wooden stick twice and found that he couldn't pull it, and he couldn't even bend it with force. Knowing that the thing was gone, he simply let go and stared at the familiar face. The female mage said:

"[Dead Space Anchor]?"

After hearing William's inquiry, the female mage's pupils shrank suddenly, and her eyes suddenly became serious when she looked at William.

"Who are you? Although I have used this arcane body protection technique many times, I only told a few people by name. How did you know?"

Ahhh... Not only do I know, I've seen you use it with my own eyes.

After staring at the iconic freckles on both sides of the female mage's nose, the memory of the ninth ruler of the Arcane Empire came to mind.

[Dead Space Anchor] is the unique spell of the ninth consul. It occupies a very high position in the Arcane Empire's spell book, and is only the strongest spell created by sand sculpture players——【灬之椧の嗳灬The Rod of God] is six positions lower.

According to the official name, the full name of this thing is "Merritt's Inorganic Space Anchoring Technique", which is known as the strongest defensive spell below the 100th level. When the operator is within half a meter of the body, he will be firmly imprisoned by the space anchor, and the duration is in years.

Therefore, whenever someone uses this spell to fight, there will be a lot of imprisoned broken weapons and equipment floating in the air, and even a lot of "dangerous garbage" that will explode without knowing when.

As its creator, Merritt, the ninth ruler of the Arcane Empire, also because of this exclusive ability and the habit of running away in wartime, has won the nickname given by the sand sculpture players - the garbage archon.


"Are you deaf?"

Seeing that William looked at him without saying a word, and his eyes seemed to be a little dazed, the female mage snorted displeasedly, then raised her hand and threw out a [ectopic cutting technique], ready to remove one of his thighs before questioning .

However, what the female mage didn't expect was that in theory, there is no "shake before casting", and the [Heterotopic Cutting Technique] that will appear near the target when the mind moves, is actually avoided by the guy on the opposite side...

No... Rather than evading, it's more like some kind of incredible prediction!

The female mage's teeth clenched sharply, and just when she had the idea of ​​releasing the [Heterotopic Cutting Technique], this strange human seemed to be awakened, and suddenly her figure suddenly retreated, dislocating the space to form a cut plane The position let out.

This... this is impossible!


Relying on the reminder of the goddess of pulling the crotch, after dodging the terrifying [ectopic cutting operation], William glanced at the pale silver "cut face" without any thickness in fear. The brothers whose legs were cut off together are also cool.

With William's current physical attributes, even if he suffered a full blow from most of the ninth-order powerhouses, he would still be able to breathe. It's a big deal, and I don't even have a chance to scream. It's really restrained... if there is no goddess pulling the crotch.

After touching the lucky coin in his pocket, William stared at the woman mage with a surprised expression, and asked in a deep voice:

"Hey! Do you have faith?"

What does he ask this for?

Although she felt that this kind of thing was not a secret, in the face of this eccentric who called out her own trump card and easily avoided her own arcane magic, the female mage certainly wasn't stupid enough to answer William's question seriously.

She raised her hand and threw the [Human Immobilization Technique] at the same time, even in the center of Sea God Court, she looked at William with a cold expression, and said sternly:

"Speak! How on earth did you do it!"

After relying on the [Unbounded People] to resist the [Human Immobilization Technique] check, William raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and then smiled at the woman who had caused the Ashley family.

"Do what?"

"Of course, it's to predict the teleportation location, call out the name [Dead Space Anchor], and avoid [Abnormal Position... Are you courting death?"

After seeing a trace of jokes passing through William's eyes, the female mage immediately reacted. This young human was actually asking for it knowingly.

After closing her mouth with a livid face, the female mage actually violated the "catch up" agreement with the blue-haired Naga, and condensed several "ectopic cutting techniques" with a diameter of more than half a meter around William's body. He got the killer!

However, although the Goddess Pulling Hip couldn't figure out William's fate, she could see clearly the fate of the female mage.

In the sound of "announcement" that came frequently in his ears, William, who was agile, swayed his body like a fish, avoiding those terrible space sections one by one, and then turned around and fled without hesitation.

Although the ninth ruler has no faith and belongs to an existence that can be beaten, he has not completely left the scope of the Sea God Court. If the goddess pulls the hips, if she makes a move here, it will be like raising her legs in the living room of Sea God's house and urinating. Even if the movement is small, the movement of killing the ninth-order in seconds is like getting on fire.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, we have to wait until we are out of the range of the Sea God's Court before we can let the Goddess Pull the Hip take a shot at her, and leave the nearest way of the Sea God's Court...

Infinite Trench!


Seeing that William not only didn't have a mid-body technique, but also turned around and ran away, the female mage instinctively wanted to catch up.

At that time, the seven consuls attacked and killed the Pope Guangming together. Three of them were killed on the spot. After one of them supported it for more than half a year, he was still burned to fly ashes by the gangrene-like Holy Light. There are only eight places left, and she is one of the new rulers who have been replaced, ranking just ninth.

The space system is recognized as the first echelon among the casters of the same level. As the only space system among the current consuls, Merritt is naturally unwilling to stay in the ninth position, and still wants to continue to climb.

And she firmly believes that the basis for her to continue to rise is the powerful combat power that is enough to rank in the top five among the consuls!

The elusive [Untraceable Teleportation] represents the highest mobility among the casters; the [Dead Space Anchor] all over the body can be called the absolute defense under the god-level;

The [Heterotopic Cutting Technique], which had no warning when it was activated, was a damage-type spell that was so powerful that it had no solution! Because no matter how strong the body and shield are, it is difficult to resist the invisible cutting initiated from the spatial coordinates!

But that strange human...

Seeing William's back running "not in a hurry", the murderous intent in the eyes of the ninth ruler Merritt flickered frequently, and the agreement with the blue-haired Naga had long been forgotten.

The teleportation location was pre-judged, and all the ectopic cuts were hidden. Although the dead object space anchor has not been cracked yet, it was also called out by the man. The most important cards went wrong one after another, an unprecedented sense of crisis. , has quietly locked the throat of the female mage.

The only thing that can keep her sane is the lingering doubts in her heart, because all this...

It's like a trap!

If William just ran straight away, she would have caught up without hesitation, but William's slightly perfunctory ambush, deliberately naming arcane spells, and finally showing his ability to dodge arcane spells, are simply The two big characters "seduce" were written directly on the two frantically twisting **** balls.

After these three superfluous pranks, the alarm bell in her heart never stopped, and after seeing William's enchanting running posture of three steps, the alarm bell rang even more.

something wrong! Absolutely wrong!


Not knowing that his deliberate "pulling hatred" was self-defeating and made the female mage suspicious. Seeing that she would not move after a few steps, William suddenly stopped and looked back suspiciously.

No...why don't you chase after me?

Seeing that it is not far from the Infinite Trench, you just need to chase after me, and I promise to show you something good! Hmm... Although she often pulls her hips, it's actually a good thing at critical moments, I promise not to lie!

I couldn't see the slightest fear in William's eyes, but instead I saw a strong expectation and... the confidence to kill! The female mage's mind suddenly buzzed, and the alarm bell in her mind was knocked out.

Can't chase! This man must not be chased!

Seeing that William actually stopped, he seemed to have a little intention of rushing back. As a ninth-order strong female mage, she opened a cavity without hesitation, got in and ran away without a trace.

No... I know that you run away often, but you are too cautious on your horse, right?

Seeing the female mage disappears like this, William's whole body is numb.

I've broken all three of your most important abilities, so Nima won't come to hunt and kill you? You are not afraid that I will talk about your abilities everywhere!

Damn it, come back quickly! If you don't come back to hunt me down again, be careful that I will shake out all the ways to crack your abilities. In the future, Ah Huang on the side of the road will be able to hide from your skills!

However, just when William felt speechless for the "excessive" caution of the ninth government, the anxious warning sound of the goddess pulling the crotch suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and run to the trench! If you don't run, it will be too late!"


After seeing the female mage emerging from the cavity, the blue-haired Naga's face was slightly happy, while the old sea emperor showed his eyes full of unwillingness.

However, it was found that she was the only one who came back, and after "Andy" was not captured together, the two of them plus all the remaining ninth-order powerhouses were all stunned.

You are a dignified ninth-order professional! It's still a space system that can teleport, and it can actually let the guy with the speed like a turtle run away? You...that doesn't make sense? !

After receiving the frightened and angry eyes of the blue-haired Naga, the female mage not only had no guilty conscience on her face, but instead stared back angrily.

"Leona! Who the **** is that kid? Do you know? I sense mortal danger in him! I might die if I chase after him!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

After waving his hand to separate the heavy stick of the old sea emperor, the blue-haired Naga spat out a mouthful of blood, and then said furiously:

"He is indeed a bit special, but you are the consul of the Arcane Empire! You are also the ninth-order space powerhouse who is best at saving lives! Not a sea dog who can kick to death!"

"You idiot don't know anything at all! Also! Clean your mouth for me!"

Although she really wanted to kill the "trading partner" who put her in crisis, the female mage was still not willing to give up the sales of [Dadifang], she gritted her teeth and explained:

"In addition to the space department, I also learned another sequence, with the ability to warn of danger, and I am on that person..."

"What are you talking about? How could that human let you..."

"Shut up! Listen to me!"

After yelling at the angry blue-haired Naga, the female mage stared at him coldly and said:

"You know about the siege of Pope Guangming back then? The tenth ruler who was killed that time was my mentor!

She wanted to take me to participate in the siege, hoping to use my space system as a backing, so that she could retreat at any time in the face of the pursuit of the Holy See, but my ability is the same as today's warning! Do you still need me to continue talking about the latter? "

Relying on the evidence of a dusty past, after temporarily quelling the angry blue-haired Naga, the female mage said solemnly:

"Whether you believe it or not, but I firmly believe that my ability will never go wrong. Every time I follow a step forward, I will be terrified! The sense of danger brought by that human being is no less than that of the original Pope of Light. If you continue to catch up, go ahead. Certainly dead!"


Although she reluctantly believed the explanation of the female mage, the blue-haired Naga purely regarded her as a fart when it came to "Andy = Pope of Light".

But whether to pursue or not to pursue is ultimately a matter of female mages. Although the benefits behind [Dadifang] are huge and amazing, they are far from making the other party risk their lives to help.

However, after looking around for a while, the blue-haired Naga suddenly lit up, pointed behind the old sea emperor, and said maliciously:

"Take her with you! That kid won't do anything to her!"

"Is that so? Let me try it!"

After hearing the words of the blue-haired Naga, the old sea emperor suddenly changed his color, and he didn't even have the time to scold.

But under the barrier of a lot of foam, he was still a little late, and a cavity suddenly opened in the ocean current under the female Naga, swallowing her whole, and the female mage next to her disappeared.

Seeing that Ashley was taken away by the people who killed her parents, the angry old Sea Emperor could no longer care about the safety of the Sea God Court, and directly lifted the sea-suppressing power of the Sea Emperor's scepter. beat.

I don't know if it's because of lack of energy, or because the old sea emperor who was full of firepower was stunned. The blue-haired Naga, who was able to fight him back and forth before, was defeated and retreated. The Sea Emperor's scepter was stabbed in the opposite direction, and the organs in the body were directly messed up, and the brilliance in both eyes dimmed.

It was too late to wonder why the old opponent who had been fighting for decades suddenly pulled his crotch, and the old sea emperor, who was full of Ashley's safety, pulled out his scepter, turned his head and wanted to chase the female mage.

However, at this moment, a secret wave came from behind itself, and the palm covered with a lot of colorful foam came out through the chest, directly melting the old sea emperor's body into a big hole that was transparent from front to back!

After subconsciously grabbing the arm that exposed his chest, the old sea emperor looked back in"

"You're in a hurry."

Lifting his foot and stepping on the back of the old sea emperor, after pulling out the grasped palm, the blue-haired Naga staggered and stood up again.

Unlike the old sea emperor, the blue-haired Naga also has a transparent chest and abdomen, and a pair of temporary organs formed of foam can be seen, and even the half-destroyed heart is filled with a large number of color bubbles. , continuing to pump a large amount of blood mixed with foam through the body.

Under the coercion of several other ninth-order powerhouses, after having to give up the plan to make up for the knife, the blue-haired Naga spat blood at the unwilling old sea emperor on the ground, full of mockery:

"Lord Sea Emperor, have you forgotten after so many years? My Sequence is the strongest in the Sea God Court!"

"And your talent is not only a lot worse than mine, but you also took your crown to save your son-in-law... With a sea emperor's staff that can't use all your strength, why do you fight me?"


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