This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 776: Can't beat...

It's a pity that you can run and can't run, and sometimes it's just a little bit worse.

Sensing that William seemed to want to release something, a lanky Kraken in the front row folded his hands together, and Xiao Lan, who had already drilled out most of the magic pattern, was pushed back abruptly!

Even if it wasn't for the high quality of the magic patterns produced by Karina and resisting the erasing effect attached to this special combat technique, Xiaolan might be completely torn apart by the turbulent space!

Nima... the ninth rank is the ninth rank, and there is actually time to learn such an unpopular thing as [Servant Expulsion]!

Seeing that the plan to summon the mount was completely shattered, William found a direction where there was no ninth-order powerhouse blocking the road, and ran without hesitation. There was no way to kill the Sea Emperor's successor with four punches in front of half of the senior management of the Sea God Court. madman style.


Although relying on a set of foolish combos to directly defeat Sauron, who is an eighth-order professional, William still has a good idea of ​​his own strength.

Although his total occupation level has exceeded one hundred and sixteen, it is similar to that of a parallel importer like Sauron. Putting it in the ordinary seventh order is a bit bullying, but throwing it into the eighth order must be the bottom of the existence.

In addition to the messy abilities, William's only two commendable strengths are the health bar and brute force that can be ranked in the eighth order. , but relatively...

A batch of short legs!

Compared to his actual combat effectiveness, William's movement speed was a bit appalling. The two chasing ninth-order powerhouses had already crashed out of the hall first, and he who "fleeed" had just rushed to the door. .

This Nima is also running a fart...

Feeling the breath of the two ninth-order powerhouses coming from the front, William grinned speechlessly, turned his head decisively and ran back, and climbed the high platform again under the dazed gazes of all the guests, standing directly to the old sea emperor. around.


Seeing that this guy not only dared to come back, but also dared to stand beside him, the old sea emperor who had already taken off his crown was numb.

You just killed Sauron directly, and killed the deputy head of the Sea God's Court with your own hands! Aren't you afraid that I, the emperor of the sea, will kill you with your own hands?

"Go away! I'm going to kill him!"

Just when the old sea emperor was hesitating whether to catch William first, an extremely angry shout rang from the stage, and there were several thunder-like muffled sounds along with it, as if there was something. are colliding violently.

"Hehe, don't even think about it!"

First, I saw Sauron being killed on the spot with my own eyes, and then I saw the old silver coin was so angry that his facial features bleed. At this time, Lao Taishan was so excited, and the expression on his face was even more gloomy and decadent before.

With his facial features a little distorted by the ecstasy, he is preparing to fulfill his dream that he has been suffering for for decades - to completely tear up the enemy who killed his wife with his own hands!


The ambition of planning for nearly a hundred years was completely shattered at the moment of success. The blue-haired Naga had already lost her mind, and the only thought in her mind was to smash William's corpse into ten thousand pieces.

As for the old Taishan, who had fought so hard with him, he had become extremely extreme after decades of suffocation and torture. His mind was full of revenge for himself and his wife, and he had no interest in restraining his strength.

Under the full force of the two ninth-order powerhouses, the colorful bubbles collided with the water flowing with electric sparks continuously, and they quickly annihilated after making deep cavity sounds, consuming most of each other's energy. , but only a small amount of aftermath leaked out of the collision, it has already destroyed the surrounding area, and it has caused a large number of casualties among the guests present.

For those who were oblivious to the Sauron father and son, and were indifferent to the pain that their family had endured, the old sea emperor naturally wished that they would die cleanly.

But today is Ashley's wedding, and many of the guests who came here are still in favor of him. Although due to the general trend, he just chose to remain silent, and the old sea emperor, who has always been hard-hearted, can't really let it go.

After staring at William with complicated eyes for a while, Lao Hai Huangquan pretended that he hadn't seen him, and instead cooperated with the other ninth-order powerhouses, and began to suppress the aftermath of the fight between Lao Taishan and the blue-haired Naga, by the way... inadvertently stood in front of William.

Coincidentally, as the old sea emperor blocked so lightly, several breaths locked on William, as if being pushed away by something, the pressure was directly reduced by more than 90%, and only a very small amount remained. Part of it is still vaguely connected, and it is estimated that after running a distance, the lock will be completely lost.

Bet right!

Sensing that the lock on his body was weakened to the extreme, William suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and then ran away with the help of the ocean current that he didn't know who was calling out.

Can't run! The previous four punches not only hit Sauron, but also hit most of the Sea God's Court. This is too big, even the old Sea Emperor can't cover himself.

As soon as Sauron died, Ashley would be the most suitable candidate for the Sea Emperor. Although the female Naga's talent was not bad, the Sea God's blessing on her body was indeed not strong enough. Even the old Sea Emperor's reluctance to suppress the Sea God Court was enough.

In order to avoid being affected by frequent submarine disasters, the area of ​​the twenty-eighth area of ​​Sea God Court is estimated to shrink significantly until it shrinks into the area that Ashley can stably suppress, and this shrinkage rate is likely to reach or even exceed % Fifty!

The great forces on the outer edge of the twenty-eighth district of the Sea God Court, if they want to directly lose 99% of their property, will definitely hate themselves to the bone. The population has given up living space, and they must have itchy teeth when they see themselves.

As the saying goes, cutting people's fortunes is like killing one's parents. It's almost like digging up the graves of their ancestors for the eighteenth generation, digging out all the ashes and mixing them with dog food.

To tell the truth, if it weren't for the identity of "Future Sea Emperor's Husband", fearing that Ashley would hate him for his actions, the ninth-order powerhouses would not be blocking them, but would directly kill them!

But... I just got into a big disaster and was hated by a bunch of big guys, but why am I so comfortable~

After being pushed by the ocean current and knocked out of the wall, William looked at the expressions of a few ninth-rankers in the distance who wanted to shoot, but did not dare to be the first to shoot. A burst of inexplicable pleasure flooded in his heart... He threw it into the toilet. The gun battle was almost gone.

But it's cool, but when you go back, you have to tell Andy, and suggest that he simply don't go into the sea in this life. The danger in the sea is a little bit bigger.


"You! In the end! What are you doing?!!!"

Looking at the **** who destroyed everything in an instant, he was sent away so leisurely, and the guy who had the ability to stop him actually didn't make a shot, the blue-haired Naga directly performed on the spot. With his canthus on the verge of splitting and his gallbladder shattered, he roared with blood-red eyes:

"Do you know what Sauron's death means? The area of ​​the twenty-eighth district of the Sea God Court will be halved! The territory and industry of your relatives will also be halved! Are you just watching him run?!"

After hearing the angry roar of the blue-haired Naga, several ninth-rank powerhouses looked at each other and found that the expressions on everyone's faces were not very good-looking, especially a ninth-rank powerhouse whose territory and relatives all lived on the outer edge of the twenty-eighth district. The expression on his face is almost the same as that of a dead father.

The consequences of Sauron's killing were just heavy losses for others. For him, it was a real bankruptcy. Not only was his family business for more than two hundred years gone, but the thousands of years of accumulation of his ancestors followed. Exhausted!

Damn it... Haishenting hasn't had this kind of thing happen for nearly ten thousand years, why did you just let me catch up? And that **** human, why can't he...

Realizing that he seemed to be about to make a move, the blue-haired Naga just gritted his teeth and prepared to make persistent efforts, but Lao Taishan laughed and strangled his last hope to death.

"I see who dares!!!"

Even though the lower body is empty and nothing is left, only the upper body is floating in the water, but at this moment, the domineering and aggressive demeanor of Lao Taishan is still the same as before.

After Gu Pan looked around for a week, I saw him laughing happily:

"My daughter is now the only candidate for the Sea Emperor! Whoever dares to chase after her husband, I will let her give up the part of suppressing the Sea God's Court! If she can't bear to do it, then I will kill myself! As long as there is still one who can breathe, I will give you my life directly!"

Decades of grievances and grievances have turned into snow, and Lao Taishan's satisfaction with William, the son-in-law who fell from the sky, has violated the advertising law.

On the one hand, he was a good son-in-law who was willing to give up the incomparably precious sequence for his daughter, killed Sauron with his own hands at the wedding, and made his enemy fall into despair. The **** who acquiesced to their repeated persecution of their own family...

In contrast, Lao Taishan's support is more and more sparing no effort!

It wasn't enough to hold down all the ninth-order powerhouses who were about to move in one sentence. He even disregarded the blue faces of these important bigwigs, and directly shouted to William who had already floated more than a mile away:

"Good boy! Feel free to go! I see who has the guts to stop you today!"

fog! Grass!

After hearing Lao Taishan's domineering "cover you" declaration, William was moved to tears.

Lord Taishan is so powerful! It's really just risking your life and letting it go! I've slandered you Megigi before, but it's really inappropriate to think about it now... You wait here for a few years, and I'll find a way to make up the second half for you sooner or later!


Seeing a few ninth-order powerhouses who were finally moved, actually shrank back under the threat of Lao Taishan, and the blue-haired Naga's eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent, staring at him furiously:

"Do you want to die!"

Seeing this man who was laughing all the time, he couldn't laugh at all. Instead, Lao Taishan began to laugh loudly. After he laughed until the corners of his eyes filled with tears, he even controlled his only upper body and moved directly towards the blue-haired Naga. Jumped suddenly.

"Then try it!"

After fighting with Lao Taishan a few times with full of anger, the blue-haired Naga took the opportunity to distance herself, and then she directly crushed something with a gloomy expression.

With a wave of unique spatial abilities, the sea water behind the blue-haired Naga was suddenly lined up a lot, and a female human with slightly chestnut hair and a few freckles on both sides of the nose actually paced slowly behind him. come out.

After taking a surprised look at the blue-haired Naga who was covered in injuries, the woman in the mage robe first drank two bottles of underwater breathing medicine, and then asked with a puzzled face:

"Leona? Didn't you say it was okay? How do you make this happen now..."

"It's you!!!"

After seeing this figure who had been in his memories for decades, the old Taishan who was laughing very happily was shaken all over his body, his fiery red beard stood up like a spear and halberd, and his murderous intent climbed straight up. At the extreme, everyone who rushed to the scene turned pale.

After seeing his appearance, the old sea emperor on the stage had rounded eyes, and his color changed suddenly, he suddenly pulled out the sea emperor scepter inserted into the ground, and asked Lao Taishan:

"Is that that her?"

But at this time, Lao Taishan could no longer hear his questioning. After seeing the man who killed his wife with his own hands and maimed him for decades, he was so angry that he seemed to be on fire. As if he had done so, he rushed towards the figure recklessly.

However, what everyone did not expect was that in the face of the desperate blow of a ninth-order peak powerhouse, the woman who seemed to be in her mid-thirties reacted rather dull, just frowned in displeasure, and then stretched out her finger. A little farther away.


Accompanied by a unique wave of spatial energy, a ray of silver light on the "cut surface" on the waist of Lao Taishan suddenly disappeared, and a large group of bright red blood mist suddenly exploded.

In the look of the old sea emperor's eyes that were splitting, the old Taishan, who was so mighty before, suddenly bleeds all over his body, and fell to the ground as if he had been drained of all his vitality. The position was just one step away from the woman, but he couldn't move anymore. .

Although Lao Taishan failed to rush to the end, the ocean current he carried was wrapped in a lot of blood and continued to move forward, dyeing the white robe a little scarlet.

After glancing at the skirt corner of the robe with disgust, the freckled woman moved her wrist. Just as she was about to tear the red-haired old Naga to pieces, she felt the sea water around her suddenly congeal, on the verge of The formed space arcana was locked back abruptly.

After looking up at the old man holding the Sea Emperor's scepter in the distance, the female mage frowned and said to the blue-haired Naga:

"[Zhenhai Power]? So that's your current Sea Emperor? Can a person whose vitality declines to such a degree also become a Sea Emperor?"

"That's not your business!"

After sneering at the woman with a gloomy expression, the blue-haired Naga ignored the old Taishan whose eyes had begun to raised his finger and pointed at William Road, who had already drifted away.

"Hurry up and find him for me! That scepter is your nemesis, so don't come to die, and as long as you can catch that human being, I will agree to all the conditions you made!"

"Really? That's not bad!"

Hearing that there is no need to fight against the nemesis, the female mage's knitted brows immediately stretched out, her long fingers circled slightly, and she drew an arc-shaped cavity in the sea out of thin air, and she wanted to get in when she was short.

"Don't run!"

After relying on the power of the crown to protect the fallen son-in-law, the old sea emperor was about to use the sea emperor's scepter to leave the female mage behind. The blocking power of the emperor's scepter was all taken over.

After successfully sending the female mage away, the blue-haired Naga who emerged from the bubble waved his hand to disperse the [Shadow Bubble] that was used to erase the lock, and then looked at the angry old sea emperor with gloomy eyes.

"Come on! Maybe this will be our last fight!"

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