This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 729: The Flange Situation and Strange Missions (Part 1)

Although I couldn't understand why William made such a strange request, as the holder of the fate item, the small businessman finally succeeded in exerting his excellent risk avoidance ability, and shook his head desperately to reject the proposal.

After smashing the door and sending Jose out with a look of regret, William had to put away the newly promoted sacred relic by himself, thinking about who else could use it.

But William thought about it, and finally found that the only people in the Dawn collar who had "trading needs" and who could earn a lot of "W" from outside were himself and Jose.

Moreover, the way of earning money is quite special. Most of the time, you don't need the consent of the other party. Then this thing is really a small businessman, and no one other than him can use it.

Hmm... If it doesn't work, just use force. It just so happens that he is almost ready for the second business with the Hai Clan. It is estimated that he will take people away from Xiao Xiaoling to trade with the Hai Clan in the next few days. This is the time when negotiating skills are needed.

If you can rely on the combat skills of this trousers, you can get a little more from the wealthy sea clan, and you can also ease the financial pressure of the Dawn Collar.

After making up his mind that even Qiangsai would put this thing on Jose, William did not rush to visit the Church of Fortune and handed over the coordinates of the astral world to the Goddess of Fortune, but prepared to press it first and wait for the Church of Fortune The new deacon or bishop arrives.

After all, the halfling deacon ran away in fear of crime, and he took away the dominance of Fran's business activities. These news could not be hidden.

No matter how slow the response of the Church of Fortune was, if so many things happened, they would definitely know something was wrong, and they would definitely pay attention to the situation of Flange. It is estimated that there will be people at the bishop or even higher level who will come to stroll around. transactions will come in handy.

And even if the new bishop is a fanatic of "great wealth ecclesiasticalism", his mind is like something, and he agrees that the freedom of business activities is sacrosanct, after seeing that he has a "deal" with the goddess of wealth, it is estimated that I have to murmur in my heart.

Although the Goddess of Fortune does not rely on "normal" means to gain the power of faith, and belongs to the model of mutual tools with the believers of her own church, she is also the only boss of the Fortune Church, resisting the pressure of other forces. Said to be given nine points of respect.

In the face of a guy who seems to be able to "reach up to the sky" and may have something to do with his goddess, as long as the people from the Fortune Church are not the kind of guy who is too hard-headed and demented, he will definitely not act rashly.

Even if he moves, he is not afraid of it with his own strength, but it is always better to save a little trouble than to do it every time. After all, the Fortune Church is a second-tier force, so it is better not to be evil.

Hmm... When it comes to not being evil, the new Grand Duke of the North seems to be a tough guy.

As if remembering something interesting, William couldn't help grinning.

According to the information sent by Avril, after laying down the Farrell family's territory and swallowing the two principalities of the original [Greed] and [Gluttony], the female grand duke who was separated from the north has become a The biggest force on the face of Flange.

And this is definitely a taboo. After all, the three major churches have special requirements for Flange. If they die, they will become more powerful than one superpower. It is absolutely forbidden for one family to dominate.

That is to say, in order to keep secrets and face, there were too few people who knew all the requirements of the Saints' plan, and the Pope brought an artifact to save people, so that no one in the three major churches could call the shots on the French side, otherwise someone would have been there long ago. warned her in the past.

And just in time for this "no one can control" gap, and without being severely beaten by the society, the female grand duke from the Elon family in the north seems to have swelled up.

According to the information sent by the spies, they are already fighting hard, preparing to wait for the severe winter to pass and the weather to be a little warmer. All in all, it looks rather deceptive.

The strength of the Northern Principality is the strongest among the seven demon blood descendants of Flange. Even if it is divided in half, it is still strong and strong. Although the gold content of the battle alone is far less than the recent battles I have played, But the problem people's momentum is big enough~

Therefore, this female archduke went south with the might of a great victory, and all the soldiers pointed to by the front were naturally fearful. Although the neighboring Principality of Enwei was not within her target, there were still a few viscounts who were frightened and took the initiative to surrender, and their momentum was the same. , can be regarded as the first-class "man of the moment" in Flange, and he has a tendency to swallow mountains and rivers and look at the world.

If this kind of thing happened before knowing the saint's plan, Her Majesty the Queen would probably think very hard about how to quell the rebellion, so worried that she couldn't sleep all night, but now she's obviously calmer, and she didn't even come from the north. He rushed back to the capital to appease people's hearts, and he was still dealing with the aftermath of the Northern Principality.

The enemy's "powerful" side, and the absence of Her Majesty the Queen, who is the backbone, has already begun to panic in many territories under the name of the royal family of Frank. .

Although those who were far away were a little more relieved, they also felt a little anxious. The small and medium-sized nobles who could not bear the pressure were habitually prepared to bet on both sides and began to announce to the female university public.

Thinking of this, William took out a map from the messy documents on the table, and drew a few crosses on it.

In the current situation, the Dawning Collar was the dividing line between the Grand Duchess's new Elon family and Frank. The territories to the north had basically surrendered, and they hugged the Grand Duke's legs and licked them.

Although the territory to the south is also about to move, but there is a "confidant" of his own queen, and he is worried that he will be invited to eat "cheese on two buns", so no one dares to openly vote. After delivering the letter, he flicked his eyes to show his loyalty, lest the "Northern Barbarian" liquidate the defeat of Fran in the future.

And if you want to go north to contact the Grand Duchess, there are three closest paths.

Among them, Doza Fort has become William's Daybreak Collar; as an alternative, Red Leaf Fort is more unfortunate. More than half of it was destroyed by the Pope who was hunting Melanie. Later, the Daybreak Collar was prosperous and attracted away. A large number of people, and then coincided with the snow disaster, which caused a large number of ordinary people to flee to survive, and now it is basically an empty city.

As for the last city of Pencola, the sorceress first created a demon version of the Resident Evil crisis, and then William moved it clean with his people and money, leaving the hard-working Griddy family still there to live in poverty. , the mouse ran over and ran out with two bubbles of hot tears...

No, there are no ordinary people who can produce food, and there is no caravan willing to do business with the Greedy family, who are so poor that they still want money. The people of the Di family are estimated to be starving from hunger every day, and if the mouse dares to go there, it is estimated that they will not be able to escape.


Although the other two roads seem to lack supply points, considering that William is a "hard-core" who is bound to be "stubborn", the nobles in the south of France really don't dare to send someone to lead them from the dawn.

However, after sending dozens of horses to the starving Griddy family, and no letter was sent except to help them replenish their rations, the nobles in the south who were tempted to surrender could only be tough. A messenger was sent over William's place.

The nobles had to give it away, but the messenger's scalp was very soft.

Among the types of letters that messengers do not want to send, the task of quietly sending letters to the enemy before the war will definitely rank among the top three, only behind sending letters to the mistress of the master behind the back of his wife, and sending letters to the mistress of the mistress behind the back of the master. .

If the letter is sent and the person is not caught, the most is to get two compliments, and there is no benefit of a copper carper; but if you are caught by carelessness, the nobles will definitely not admit it.

At that time, don't talk about saving a little messenger who is ineffective. In that case, it is estimated that the one who wants to cut himself most is the noble man who sent himself out to deliver the letter.

In order to save their lives and freedom, these hard-working messengers have found 10,000 ways to hide letters, such as sandwiching them in clothes or trousers, making letters waterproof and sticking to the body, rolling them up and stuffing them into drawing scrolls. It's true that the wisdom of human beings to hide things has been brought into full play.

There were even a few who were brave enough to tear up the originals, delete the nasty kneeling and touting of their own gentlemen on their own initiative, and condensed the contents of several letterheads into a small note, wrapped in wax balls. It was stuffed into the back door, trying to avoid the possible spies in the Dawning Territory.

Interestingly, though, if they didn't hide, they might be fine.

After all, the city guards of the Dawn-breakers are basically illiterate. Except for the writing and numbers of some common goods, it can be said that they do not know a single large character. Even if you read out the letter of cooperation with the enemy in person, they may not necessarily understand what it is. mean.

But when it comes to hiding things...

snort! How dare you make an axe with a little trick of carving insects? Big……


In a word, after going through a rigorous search that was enough to make all the messengers remember for a lifetime, the cell of the Dawn Collar was filled with a lot of messed-up messengers, and William’s desk also had a lot of large and small letterheads, and A small handful of wax pills that still exudes a strange smell after being washed several times.

After having these letters copied in two copies, William kept the originals as evidence for the later liquidation of the second and fifth sons, and then sent a copy to Her Majesty the Queen and the Grand Duchess who were still in the north.

To give Avril a copy is to urge her to come back quickly, after all, if she doesn't come, someone else will steal her home; as for the share for the female grand duke... it's not a big deal just to watch the fun, if she finds out that the situation is getting worse Great, it would be better to lead the army to the south with confidence and confidence.

After all, William had almost occupied the Northern Principality before, and he had not been able to complete the hidden task of "making anger feel real anger". According to the system, rather than the actual situation, it cares more about the urgency of "name". Whether this task can be completed in the end, it is estimated that most of it will fall on the new female grand duke who has inherited the position of grand duke.

Hmm... It just so happens that [The Witch and the Dog] has taken shape for the first time, and it happens to be a mage army that is good at group battles. It just happens that the female archduke and the army under her command are used to practice.

Just when William made up his mind and was about to give the Grand Duke a ruthless beating to help her accept the reality of the beating, a familiar little head leaked out from the smashed door and looked timidly at him. house.

"Wei... Lord Lord..."

After noticing William's gaze, the little girl Daisy stood up cautiously, bowed deeply and said tearfully:

"I... I've heard Melanie say it, you... Are you going to drive me and my mother away? Did I make another mistake?"

Well... Melanie has told the cook they need to leave together? That is to say, has she repaired the sleeping coffin?

Knowing that most of the coffins of sleep have been repaired, William's eyes were happy at first, and then he was amused by the timid appearance of the little girl Daisy, shook his head and explained:

"It's not to drive you away, it just happens that something has happened recently. It may not be convenient for you to stay here, so... Forget it, things are more complicated here. Where's your mother? I'll tell her directly."

"Mother... Mother, she didn't know I was here... I came here after listening to Melanie..."

After hearing William mention the cook, Little Daisy first grabbed the corner of her clothes and clenched it with a guilty conscience, then she begged with red eyes and begging:

"Do my mother and I have to leave? I... I will be very good in the future. I won't make trouble with you. Can you let us stay?"

Although he knew it was just a misunderstanding, William still felt a little uncomfortable after seeing the pitiful appearance of Little Daisy, so he got up and walked around the table, squatted down and touched the little girl's head.

"You still don't understand what I mean, don't worry, no one will drive you away."

After thinking for a while, William tried his best to squeeze a very small smile on his face, and said warmly:

"It's not just the two of you who went to the Holy Empire this time. Lori and Carly already have their own jobs and can't be separated for the time being, but Melanie and Jessica will both go, and the neck was crushed before. With an immobile beard, he is already waiting for you in the Holy Empire... By the way, do you know the Holy Empire?"

Today's weather is really like what Jose said, the cold wind is whizzing, and a thick and thick white fog can be seen in the breath.

After rubbing Daisy's puff-frozen little face, William withdrew his hand and made a big gesture in the air, and said:

"There is the largest country in the human race, it is as big as a dozen flanges! The capital of the Holy Empire is even on the Austrian continent... Well, if you don't count the sea, the city with the largest population is close to a thousand. Thousands of people live there!"

After getting William's explanation, although the little girl still didn't fully understand it, she managed to understand a part of it. She knew that she and her mother were not driven away like before, and she felt relieved and saw her face. smile.

After sniffing hard, Little Daisy reached out and grabbed William's sleeve, raised her head slightly and asked curiously:

"Ten million... how many people is that?"

Um... 10 million is 10 million... or how much?

He scratched his head a little bit by her question, William frowned and pondered for a while. In order to make the little girl who had no concept of numbers understand, he gave an example:

"Daisy, do you know how big the Dawn Collar is?"


Hearing the answer she knew from William's mouth, the little girl was obviously a little excited, raised her hand and said happily:

"My mother took me once, and it took me ten hours to walk from one end to the other!"

It's easier to have a concept~

William nodded in satisfaction, first rubbing Daisy's head in praise, and then said with a smile:

"The current resident population of Dawning Collar is more than 300,000 is less than one-thirtieth of the population of the capital of the Holy Empire, so...that city is a whole larger than Dawning Collar. Thirty times!"

"Three... Thirty times!"

After listening to the answer given by William, the little girl couldn't help opening her mouth and said with a shocked expression:

"Then...then it takes more than three hundred hours to walk from one side to the other? A full ten days!"

Feeling that he should explain to her that the relationship between area and side length is unclear, William simply broke the jar and nodded and admitted:

"Yes! It's that big!"

"Wow...there is such a big place in the world..."

After licking her lips enviously, the little girl Daisy turned her eyes to William and said eagerly:

"Lord William, when will your territory be as big as there?"


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