This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 728: What do you show when you apologize?


It's embarrassing to ride...

After a cheeky shout, William, who couldn't answer the question, simply skipped it and changed the subject on his own initiative:

"Besides this sentence, did that person leave any other explanations?"

"It's...but there's one more sentence."

The little businessman said with a bitter face:

"That...the one who said that you are quite interesting, and the secrets on your body are...interesting as well, if you tell the... knowledge of your existence to the one from the Knowledge Church, it will surely get a good price.

So before she leaves, let me ask you and the person behind you if there are any conditions that can be used to bribe her, otherwise... don't blame her for selling your information in exchange for something..."

After reciting the "extortion" of the goddess of wealth, it seemed as if something that supported the body had been taken away. Jose suddenly lost his knees and almost fell to the ground, his face even showing a look of being played. An awkward expression like it's broken.

The meeting just a few seconds ago had a really big impact on the small businessman's worldview.

He has also read the pamphlet used by the Fortune Church to promote himself. In it, his goddess is described as unparalleled in the world, wise, wise, kind, and dignified... In short, what is good to hear, it is simply the evil of all the evils on the Austrian continent. The nemesis, the savior of all suffering and heartache.

However, after having "close contact" with the will of the Goddess of Wealth and becoming a human flesh speaker, Jose's faith in the Goddess has almost collapsed.

In the preaching of the Fortune Church, the great deity who has all the good qualities in the world is actually not only not as generous and dignified as described in the booklet, but even a little...


After speaking for Jose, as if the plug had been removed from her mouth, the goddess who had been silent for a long time finally spoke up and shouted angrily in William's ear:

"That philistine guy dared to take the opportunity to blackmail me!"

"Hmm, you're right, that man is indeed quite a philistine, and he's more cautious."

William nodded in response, rummaged through his space ring twice, took out a small dark iron box, and threw the trembling lucky coin into it.

Confused by William's actions, the goddess of pulling the hip asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm just going to go to the Knowledge Church to see what I can exchange for you."

? !

In the speechless silence of the goddess pulling the hips, William said calmly:

"Don't blame me, I can't do anything either. I'm an ordinary person with nothing special. Apart from this ordinary appearance, there shouldn't be anything that can be admired by the goddess.

And didn't you say before that you are a pauper and have nothing to control? Then you definitely won't be able to pay the price that will satisfy that person, so she will definitely go to the person from the Knowledge Church to chat, and exchange your news and whereabouts for some benefits. "

After slowly explaining his judgment, William flexed his knuckles and tapped twice on the small iron box, as if waving goodbye to the Goddess of Pulling the Hip.

"You... are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm serious."

William tossed the small tin box up and down, and listened to the sound of lucky coins clacking against the inner wall of the tin box, his voice was unusually calm and authentic:

"I'm thinking, instead of the one who sold your news and then the Church of Knowledge directly received the oracle and sent everyone out to find me, it would be better if I knew the current affairs a little and sold you directly. It can save a lot of trouble, and maybe even get some benefits.

After all, although the person from the Church of Knowledge has become more and more paranoid in his actions due to being polluted by the [Book of Madness], he is still as generous as he used to be, and he will never be stingy with giving benefits to those who have helped him, but he is not as stingy as you. Soso. "


"I...I'm also very generous!"

Seeing that he seemed to really want to hand himself over, the goddess of pulling the hips suddenly became anxious. She didn't even ask how William knew about the [Book of Madness], and hurriedly told the facts and placed conditions:

"I don't have much to offer you in what I look like now. Besides, I didn't say before that when I regain the throne, I will make you my Pope! You..."

"After I become the God of Creation, I will make you my thirty-eighth personal maid, who will be responsible for boiling bath water for me every day. Are you impressed?"

After hearing William's words, the goddess of pulling the hips suddenly became anxious.

" can't count it like this! Being my Pope has many benefits. If it was the blessing I gave in the heyday, your lifespan could be doubled! Several times!"

"However, it can only continue for half a minute now, which is enough for me to pee."

After pouting his lips contemptuously, William put the small tin box in his pocket and said calmly:

"There's no need to talk about drawing the pie, I'm sure I can't come up with the conditions to satisfy the person from the Fortune Church, and you don't have anything to bribe her, so accept your fate!

Hmm... The shape of this iron box is a bit ugly. I will buy two colored papers later, and then buy a ribbon. I have to pack it well before sending it to others, otherwise it will not sell for a good price. "


"wait wait wait……"

The extremely difficult voice of the goddess pulling the crotch sounded in William's ears.

"I... I actually have a hidden treasure trove, that... there are some good things in that... I can use it to bribe her first..."


" have money for the robber, but no money for the thief like me?"

"It's not... it's not..."

It seems that from William's calm tone, he sensed the omen of an impending storm, and the voice of the Goddess Pulling Crotch suddenly felt a lot of guilty conscience.

"The main location of my treasure house is not in the Austrian continent. Even if I tell you, you can't get it..."


Ah! Sure enough, the broken ship also has three pounds of nails. After all, this product is also a goddess. I said that she can't really take out anything.

"Tsk! You pass the test..."

After keeping in mind the information that the goddess of the crotch still has oil and water that can be squeezed, William squeezed the small iron box with regret, and took out the trembling lucky coin inside.

The gods of this world, after breaking through the limits of human beings through their godheads and vocations, and gaining great power, are also bound by new constraints in a sense.

Because the more powerful the concept represented by one's own godhead, the stronger the power of the **** itself, so most of the gods' code of conduct will try to move closer to the concept represented by their own priesthood.

Under the influence of each other over time, the influence on the character is amazing. The gods with the conspiracy priesthood will be more insidious, and the gods with the tyrannical priesthood will be more violent. Only a few gods can get rid of this invisible shackles, and Neither the goddess of wealth nor the **** of knowledge are among them.

As the name suggests, the Goddess of Wealth is not interested in studying strange phenomena, and can indeed fool the past with a large amount of wealth, but the God of Knowledge may not be.

Coincidentally, in addition to the goddess pulling the crotch, there are still a lot of "unsolved mysteries".

Whether it is the [Unbounded People] who are immune to all checks, or the five occupational sequences that are employed at the same time, or the existence of the system itself, it is an unimaginable super meal for the God of Knowledge who is thirsty for knowledge.

If you really want to hand over the goddess of pulling hips, it would be a good thing if the **** of knowledge was a little unconscionable and was going to give him three melons and two dates to send him away, and he didn't even bother to look at himself.

However, it is a pity that this true **** who is paranoid in the late stage of cancer is not very normal in spirit, but he is very decent in terms of being a god. He cares more about equal exchange than the goddess of wealth, and it can basically be said that a debt must be paid.

If I really hand over the goddess of pulling hips and attract the attention of the **** of knowledge, although I won't be tied to the operating table for slicing research, I am afraid that there will be no peace, and I will be stared at when I go to the toilet. short and long...


The thought of being targeted by a big **** guy who has lived for an unknown number of years, after 24 hours of uninterrupted **** for a lifetime, William's back was itchy for a while, and he hurriedly put back the lucky coin in his hand. in the pocket.

Lucky for you!

And when William was "in the bag for safety", the goddess of pulling the crotch also breathed a sigh of relief, that is, she didn't have a body right now, otherwise she would really lie down in tears.

Woohoo...It's so hard, it's really hard.

People used to be gods anyway, but now they have to be careful with them every day, for fear that this guy will turn his head and grab himself to the Church of Knowledge to surrender himself when he can't think about it.

God deserves it, it's really boring.


Of course, boring is boring, but death is still reluctant to die.

After resigning to tell William the coordinates of the astral world of the treasure house and asking him to bribe the **** "robber", in order to show his role, maintain the relationship with William, a super useful tool man, the goddess of pulling the hips. Taking the initiative to speak, pretending to remind mysteriously:

"By the way, William, when that guy's will came, he accidentally left a good thing! Did you find it?"

"Oh, you said that holy relic."

"Sure enough, it's still up to me... how did you know?!"

Facing the shocking inquiries from the Goddess of Pulling the Hip, William lay on the table and calmly traced the coordinates of the astral world, and said indifferently:

"I've known it for a long time. Although the birth of a holy relic is quite difficult, after all, it involves the power of faith and wealth of a country, and it is normal to spawn a holy relic.

Well...or you can say that, that thing almost counts as me making it. "


After a silent silence for a while, the strange voice of the goddess pulling the crotch rang in William's ears.

"So...that's why you made people rob the businessman's underwear?"

? ? ?

After listening to the question of the goddess pulling the crotch, William raised his head in surprise and looked at the ground next to the sofa.

What are you doing with that fat piece? That thing has something to do with the holy relic... FUCK! ! !

After he understood the meaning of the crotch girl myth, William couldn't help trembling, and the quill in his hand was snapped into two pieces.

The holy relic that Ye got this time... is actually a fat time?


[Huck's dirty pants]

【Holy Relic LV70】

[Saint: Incontinent Huck]

[Stunt: Huck's wish, because all his pants were taken away by the evil lord of the Dawn Leader, and he could only go home naked in the ice and snow. Huck, who was frozen intolerably, very much hoped that his pants could come back.

Affected by his strong obsession and wealth, this sacred relic has a very magical ability to return. As long as the user sincerely prays, this thing can be forcibly recalled no matter where it is, and it can even cross the barriers between planes. 】

[Combat skills (unique): The prayer of gathering gold, as a loyal believer of the goddess of wealth, Huck's belief in the goddess is as fanatical as the pursuit of money, and he ordered the emblem of the goddess to be embroidered on every piece of clothing.

After being nurtured by the divine power of wealth and becoming a holy relic, this intimate clothing has won the favor of the goddess of wealth. Whenever there is a negotiation involving a money transaction, as long as the emblem is shown to the opponent, the negotiation will be greatly increased. possibility of success

[As a fairly successful businessman, Huck's life can be said to be ups and downs, and it all started when he was young.

It was a cold winter, and the eldest sister from the next door knocked on his door in the middle of the night, covering her collar and shyly asking him if he needed anything...]

Relying on extraordinary perseverance, he forcibly suppressed his curiosity about what happened between the diaper merchant and the eldest sister next door. William took a deep breath and became speechless across his newly built crystal roof. Look to heaven.

After personally verifying the fineness of this sacred relic, he couldn't help but recall the reward prompt given by the system when he completed the task before.

'These powers of wealth will automatically attach to the nearest common item of high value and convert it into a holy relic with special effects'

So... the most valuable thing in my room is this silk trousers that I just grabbed?

After throwing the strangely stained trousers on the table with a look of disgust, rather than annoyed at his excessive frugality, William now wants to find the black nightmare cavalry who was responsible for taking away the clothes of the diaper merchant, and specially made a special for him [ The crime of leaving the bottom of the pants], punish this careless **** and go bankrupt!

As for this strange sacred relic, which is estimated to be unprecedented in history, although the ability is a little nonsensical, the effect is actually quite good when you think about it carefully. This ability to forcibly recall ignoring the space is a one-way crossover face communication.

In the future, when the black-bellied saint will lead someone to assassinate the hated demon king, if someone can use this magical pant, then the human side will be able to pass on the news that the action route has been leaked in Maybe in the end Not so much that it was almost wiped out.

The effect of the combat skill called [Prayer of Gold Gathering] is actually very good. Although it is rather perverted to talk about Liang Chuan, as long as the opponent sees the emblem of the goddess of wealth, there is a chance to make him or her lose his mind. Promise The conditions that were unlikely to be agreed at first, if it is some large-scale business, maybe you can earn dozens or even millions of gold gold.

But the problem is...

William reached out and picked up the half of the quill on the table, and turned helplessly with the new saint's relic on the table. There's something odd about this **** emblem embroidered on neither the front nor the back, but "underneath", between the legs.

Even if the user can really get rid of all the morals and openly show his fat to the negotiating opponent during the negotiation process, if he wants to let the opponent see the emblem of the goddess of wealth, he has to bend himself into the posture when the cat licks the PG...

After frowning and thinking for a while, William raised his head and turned his attention to the worried little businessman next to him, his voice slightly hesitant:

"José, why don't you learn to dance? You don't need to be proficient, just practice until you can get down!"


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