This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 701: you are brave


Just as the football-sized mosquito was slapped to death by William, the members of the Inquisition fell into a speechless silence.

They were not shocked because the [Dark Poisonous Mosquito] was easily killed. Anyway, the fighting method of this special beast mainly relies on its excellent concealment skills to sneak up on the enemy and cause a lot of blood loss to the unprepared enemy. Peace of mind to die.

As a magical beast that was bred to die, all the talents of [Sinister Poisonous Mosquito] were assigned to concealment and blood-sucking, so there was almost no defense at all. Even a child whose height is only the waist of an adult, as long as he can find it, he can easily kill this third-order monster with his bare hands.

But just like the human energy is limited, the talents of the monsters are also limited. The more "distributed" in a certain talent, the less you get in other items, and vice versa.

Therefore, this kind of extreme "distribution" method that doesn't even care about life naturally brings unimaginable benefits, which makes the vulnerable creature like [Sinister Poisonous Mosquito], which can die in a single shot, almost in a sneak attack. Inexplicable.

The hidden ability of this thing is unreasonable, and even some fifth- or sixth-order active exploration magic can be avoided, and the blood-sucking ability is also amazingly strong. With a blink of an eye, a football-sized body can be removed from the air. Suck to full!

This ability to quickly inflict massive blood loss is extremely useful in most situations, because as long as it's not the monstrous monstrous creature of its size, almost no one can lose so much blood and still maintain combat effectiveness.

If the target's body size is relatively small, it may even fall into a state of near-death or even die directly due to the instantaneous massive blood loss!

In the past missions, the reason why their team was able to achieve such a terrifying success rate is that these mosquitoes who went up to die before the fight really made a lot of contributions. Except for a few very special circumstances, it can be said that there is no disadvantage.

As witchers who have been wandering on the edge of life and death all the year round, they are extremely determined and determined, although they are surprised by the failure of the sneak attack, they are not collectively silent.

But the problem is that this time the target's way of "dodging" the sneak attack is really outrageous.

The members of the Inquisition clearly saw that the [Sinister Poisonous Mosquito] had been flying around that guy for several times, but he was still like a pervert, just staring at Lord Nikki, and at the one who sneaked in beside him. The monster was completely clueless.

But when [Sinister Poisonous Mosquito] circled for a few laps, and quietly landed on the target and started to play blood, the sharp mouthpiece that used to be pierced with gold and iron, this time it ran into a desperate "sigh". The Wall" - the skin on the target's neck!

After the terrifyingly sharp mouthpart was placed on the man's neck, it turned into a "C" shape and failed to pierce it. Is that guy really still human?


After noticing this bizarre scene, the chubby old man hiding in the shadows suddenly twitched his eyelids, instinctively feeling that something was going to happen this time.

Before [Dark Poisonous Mosquito] landed on William's neck, he didn't think that the plot might fail, but he also thought about things like triggering body protection combat skills, spell shields, or the moment he fell, he would be killed. The other party notices and so on.

As for the current situation, the action of [Dark Poisonous Mosquito] was a complete mess. He didn't have any combat skills, shields, perception, etc. He didn't notice that his mouthpiece was stuck on the target's neck, but the next step was the most unlikely. In the part that went wrong, he unexpectedly pulled his hips.

How sharp are the mouthparts of [Dark Poisonous Mosquito], the chubby old man is very clear, even if it is two stacked dragon scales, the extremely thin and sharp mouthparts can be easily pierced. .

That is to say, the length of the mouthpiece is too short and the caliber is too thin, and it is difficult to destroy the key point even if it is worn through the armor. Otherwise, this big mosquito may be a more qualified assassin than his high-level assassin.

And in this situation, with the sharpness of the mouthparts of the [Dark Poisonous Mosquito], they can't penetrate the opponent's skin, so the dagger in his hand... is there any meaning to it?

When the chubby old man began to doubt his life, William, who patted the [Dark Poisonous Mosquito] casually, narrowed his eyes cautiously.

Before the fight, all the members couldn't hide, so let a mosquito sneak attack first, how familiar this way is, it seems that I am afraid that this time I will meet an acquaintance again.

[Insects and Beasts] is a rather obscure profession. It is the exclusive profession of a demi-human race with a total population of less than 100,000. Even in the heretical inquisition filled with a large number of strange races, members of this small race are There are only single digits, and there is only one person who has successfully taken up the job of [Insect Operator].

Thinking of this, William couldn't help but turned his head and looked in the direction of Melanie, then raised the tip of his chin slightly, signaling her to hurry up and stay away. Fight followed by disaster.

After all, in the original timeline, it was this insidious witcher team who took over the task of chasing her, and forced her into a desperate situation several times, which made her dog... The ghost jumped the wall and did a lot of work, resulting in The Holy See of Light almost doubled her bounty in a rage.

Then, because I was greedy for a reward, I sent someone to check it a little bit, but I got a clue by accident, so I made a fortune by reporting her, and even she was hated by the careful black-bellied saint.

No... why are you looking at me all the time? Is there something on my face?

Being stared at by William Baiwei and Chen Za's eyes a little awkwardly, the female vampire couldn't help but glared back at William. Then she was surprised to find that the back of William's neck was stained with a lot of translucent light-colored liquid, and on the ground behind him, there was a strange squashed insect inexplicably.

After looking at the strange dead insect in disgust, Melanie said with some disgust:

"Hey! What is that? It looks disgusting!"

Hearing the words, the middle-aged female dragon subconsciously followed Melanie's line of sight and looked over, and then the fissure-like huge beast pupils instantly shrank.

Poisonous mosquito? Insect manipulator? Inquisition of Heresy!

"Hurry up! Take Melanie with you!"

Aware that something was going wrong, the middle-aged female dragon instantly felt a strong sense of remorse, annoyed by her original stubborn behavior.

In order to take Melanie away, he and this man named William lost both sides. He happened to bump into the witcher team of the Heresy Inquisition. As a high-level vampire, Melanie happened to be right next to him. This is the worst and worst. Bad kind of possibility! It is absolutely impossible to retreat completely this time!

Seeing that William was still standing still, as if he didn't understand what he meant, the middle-aged female dragon suddenly became furious, looked at the stupid guy in front of him angrily, and almost shouted out with a roar:

"Don't you understand? The people from the Inquisition have already arrived! I'm still not healed from my injury. You can take Melanie and go, and I can try to stop... um..."

After William pulled up the torn trouser legs, the angry roar of the middle-aged female dragon stopped abruptly, staring at the ice-blue crystal that was crawling up his calf in a daze.

"Well, I already know, and I'm afraid they have been here for a while."

After a perfunctory conversation, William bent down and poked his ankle with his fingers—it was completely covered by dazzling crystals.

Those ice-blue wondrous crystals, obviously solid in shape, slowly climbed along his calf like living creatures. Under the reflection of the moonlight, countless polygonal sections, large and small, were shining with harmony. It was as faint and clear as moonlight, and it looked like thousands of moons twinkling at the same time, and it was really beautiful.

"My dear, it is indeed crystal magic. The special effect of this skill is so handsome! I wanted to learn it before, but it was a pity that I was very poor at the time, and I really didn't have the money and the gift package."

After muttering a few words that no one could understand, William grabbed Melanie who was rushing over worriedly, raised his hand and threw her at the middle-aged female dragon, and then gave her a reassuring gesture. Squinting his eyes, he surveyed his surroundings, preparing for the next wave of attacks that might come at any time.

After slightly bending her neck to catch Melanie, the middle-aged female dragon stared at the crystals that were about to climb to William's knees, gritted her teeth, and persuaded:

"You... still chop off your own leg!"


? ? ?

No... what the heck? How come this has to cut off his arm? Are you sure you're not kidding me?

After receiving William's astonished eyes, a ruthless color flashed in the huge eyes of the middle-aged female dragon, and she gritted her teeth and said:

"If you can't let go of this leg now, then I'm afraid there will be no chance to escape! If you really can't do it, then I will help you!"


After understanding what she meant, William looked at the Glowing Dragon, who was struggling to move towards him, as if he wanted to take a bite on his lap, and pouted quite speechlessly.

No... sis, are you serious?

It's not that I look down on you. The problem is that my defense is here. Even if you don't resist at all and let you bite it, you have to bite for a few minutes.

Besides, it's not that I can't beat it, I'm running a fart!

Although the middle-aged female dragon is a little speechless about the savage operation of forcibly helping this strong man to "break his wrist", his current attitude is after all a friendly army, and he is also responsible for taking care of Melanie, so William is embarrassed to scold directly. She was stupid, so she waved her hand with an embarrassing smile, and said:

"I understand what you want to do, but it's not necessary. I know a little about the configuration of this witcher squad, they..."

"Bastard! When is this, you still can't bear to have a leg?"

Seeing that he was ready to give up his life, William instead "timidly" rejected his kindness. The middle-aged female dragon's irritable mentality as a giant dragon suddenly surged up again. When he caught him, it was a burst of scolding.

"I can fight, I understand, no problem... I've seen a lot of guys like you who are still at the juncture of life and death and are unwilling to pay a small price!"

"No...that's my leg! Are you sure it's just a 'small' price?"

After rubbing off the "dragon saliva" that had splashed on his face, William secretly scolded the idiot who was drooling too much, while feeling some kind of inexplicable sense of sight welling up in his heart.

I just lost a leg, but you lost...

"Compared with life and freedom, isn't the price of a leg not small enough?"

Seeing that William had done such a "cowardly" thing, he actually dared to talk back confidently, the anger in the middle-aged female dragon's heart was completely unable to hold, and the huge eyes were in the middle.

"You **** is full of lies!

Even I can't figure out the staffing of the Demon Hunting Team of the Heresy Inquisition. I can only deduce some from the few reported files. What do you, a native aristocrat in a small remote country, know? Have you seen it with your own eyes? "


I'm afraid you won't believe it. I have not only seen it with my own eyes, but even got to know them quite well. Even the short and fat captain who looks like a potato got married.

It's a pity that he was too drunk on the wedding day, so he had to drag me to the biggest brothel in the Holy City, saying that he wanted to show me a lot of knowledge and go to the place where a real man should go, and the result... It was very sad.

Although the man was not beaten to death on the spot, his wife chased after him after a few months of entanglement, but since then he has been hung with a 24-hour Heavenly Eye Magic Technique, and he will be scolded even when he goes to the toilet. Staring at Jill and looking over and over again, the privacy aspect is completely gone anyway...

Seeing William being scolded by himself as "losing his temper", because he had to beg him to take Melanie away, the middle-aged female dragon couldn't go on, so she had to keep her temper, and said as gently and authentically as possible:

"You don't have to worry too much, I'll be very light, and I'll stop the bleeding as soon as I bite it down. When that time comes, you can find a high-level priest, and you'll be the same as you are now with another seven or eight years of exercise.

Also, don't worry about whatever happens later, just run with Melanie! Even if I risk my life today, I will stop them here! "


After hearing the resolute meaning in the words of the middle-aged female dragon, even Melanie, who claimed to be "hard-hearted as iron" and "to bury love and seal her heart", was somewhat moved by her. Tou's eyes blinked again and again, and there was a mist of water in his eyes.

The warmed female vampire bit her lip, rubbed the smooth and hard scales under her body, and sighed:

"You...why are you doing this...I just...ah..."


Looking at Melanie whose eyes were gradually glistening with tears, William smacked his lips quite blankly, and was a little confused by their singing and reconciliation. could you be fooled by her when you stepped on a horse? You let the witcher team I can hang them up and fight?

However, just when William turned his head and was about to explain to them that he was actually quite arrogant, the second round of attacks that the witcher team had prepared for a long time suddenly appeared at the moment when he was distracted!

With the soles of William's feet as the center, a large piece of dark red vines with tight branches burst out of the ground in an instant, and rolled towards him together with a large stone hand made of more than ten road bricks.

The slow-spreading crystals on William's legs also swelled in an instant, directly engulfing his lower half, and several figures in the distance appeared at the same time, and raised their hands towards him in unison.

Weakness, poison, sluggishness, confusion... A dozen negative states were added together, and the system's speech rate was faster than that of a beanie, and the sound of [Unbounded People]'s tinkling check sounded.

After being smashed by a lot of control skills, William felt a little cold in the back, and something sharp and sharp object touched it. William, who was messing around behind the others, frowned.

Dare to backstab me? Are you brave?


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