This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 700: A **** case caused by a piece of armor

Just when a certain flag-raising madman who was trying to set the sunset red was standing frantically before the war, William had already "talked" about it.

Although the middle-aged female dragon was full of resentment and unwillingness, under the threat of being "tainted" by the mind flayer, she finally accepted the softness, except for the humiliating vow of Styx that she would kill her and not pay for it. He was also forced to sign a large number of unequal agreements for the imprisoned black-bellied saint.

The specific content of these unequal agreements is quite complicated, including a month-long personal training of spear masters, a payment collection business with a bounty of tens of millions, several esoteric sequences of the Holy See that are not taboos, and several kinds of secrets that should be banned from the outside world. Yun's treasures the right to purchase resources and so on.

It can be said that, apart from barely keeping the dragon scales and skins on her body, this wave of her was basically squeezed clean by William.


Being stared at by someone's eyes filled with regret, her scalp tingling, the middle-aged female dragon couldn't help but said angrily:

"Hurry up and take your **** eyes back! You **** goblin! Oil-pressing spider living in a dungeon! A mammon that even his own father can sell!"

"If you let me see you looking at my scales with those eyes again, even if you are tainted by the mind flayer, I will die with you today!"

Although the body of the middle-aged female dragon is still full of scars, and nearly 30% of the bones have not been reset.

On the edge of the huge dragon's mouth, sparks were screeching, and the bronze bell-like eyes were also staring round, and the two brown-yellow crack-like beast pupils were full of ferocity. Pounced as if desperately.

Seeing that the middle-aged female dragon seemed to be ready to play this time, William immediately knew that he was about to touch her bottom line, so he could only pouted angrily and turned his eyes away obediently.

Alas...Unfortunately, I should have known it for a while longer.

After working hard for a long time, I was injured all over my body, but I didn't get much in the end. I managed to pry off the few scales, and more than 80% of them are broken, and they can be used as the front pad of the chest armor. There are no scales.

If you save up a little bit of these odds and ends, you can probably get two leg armors for yourself... Or you can make do with a pair of boxing gloves if you don't need armor.

Under the glaring eyes of the middle-aged female dragon, William reached out and touched his smooth chin, and began to consider whether to temporarily add more conditions.

After all, when I signed the contract before, I habitually left seven or eight back doors, only promising not to use Paul No. 1, and not to use other mind flayers from No. 2 to No. 38.

And if I have to say, Paul No. 1 was originally the flower name he gave it, and it is not the real name of the devil. It has no "legal" effect at all.

Even if Paul 1 is not used for the sake of safety, there are still brown breads whose numbers have been pushed to more than 500. Anyway, the final interpretation is in his own hands.

On the contrary, if you really miss the village in front of you, it will be difficult to get a good armor.

Thinking of this, William couldn't help turning his head back again, squinting at the middle-aged female dragon, looking at the shining scales on her body for a while.

If you don't count the little rich woman's two dragon skin pads, then William hasn't worn any armor for a long time.

According to his current physical attributes, the pure physical defense is even higher than most dragon scales, and ordinary armor is really meaningless to him.

The damage that William can block with his skin is not necessarily blocked by ordinary armor, and the damage that even his skin can't block, it is impossible for ordinary armor to block. Even if it is the excellent armor produced by the dwarves, it is still useless for him to wear it, and it even affects the activities in a cumbersome manner.

It's not that William didn't think of a solution. After several dwarf legions were temporarily settled, he tried to find a set of customized armors from the dwarves, hoping to change the current bizarre situation of bare-knuckle fighting.

As a result, more than fifty excellent dwarf blacksmiths hammered for half a month, and they really made a set of armor that was barely useful. In terms of pure physical defense, it was even stronger than William's current body.

But the problem is... this thing is a bit too thick, there are alloy armor pieces made of several special metals hanging on the outside of the armor, and a single piece is as thick as an adult fist! And even if it doesn't count the external armor, the light frame and bottom plate have a net weight of more than two tons!

According to William's later attempts, if all the items are matched with all the tails, the person who wears this thing will directly get [Agility -48], and the fourth-order dwarf who was originally in charge of the armor test would not dare to wear it, saying he was afraid of it. I will be crushed to death by this stupid armor!

But you have to try what you come up with, so that you can send it to Wei·2B Party A·Lian!

As the only sixth-order professional among the dwarves, the leader of the dwarves, Sancho, had to take over the job himself. As a result, as soon as the small water tank-like helmet was buckled on his head, his cervical vertebrae gave this thing outrageous weight. Frustrated.

For more than a week, Sancho couldn't even move his head, and could only spend his days in bed eating porridge.

The problem is that dwarves all have hammers in their hands, and their strength is naturally much higher than that of humans. Their hands and feet are surprisingly heavy, so that they can use weapons, but feeding porridge or something is pure embarrassment.

When Sancho was lying on the seventh day, the dwarf who was feeding him the porridge had slightly heavier hands and feet and choked him accidentally. up.

After coughing out the half bowl of porridge poured into the air pipe, the neck of the dwarf leader's neck was swollen to the point of thickening his head. He rolled his eyes first, and then his big thick and black neck fell to the side, leaving only half a breath left on the spot.

The fact that Sancho was critically ill was too abrupt. William sent someone to ask. As a result, in the three major churches, there are a lot of priests who can treat sword poison injuries, but no one really can treat this kind of cervical spine injury.

In the end, William was forced to wake Xiaolan up, carrying Sancho to the capital overnight to ask for help, spending thousands of gold gold, and finding several priests in shifts to give him a whole night of magic techniques. It's like hanging his life.

Although Sanqiu's neck could not be cured in the end, he did not let him, a sixth-order professional, be killed by half a bowl of gruel.

And in order to cure him completely, William paid a lot of money to hire a doctor who specializes in treating bones. The doctor was dumbfounded when he saw Sancho's situation. He pulled William's sleeve and asked him for a long time. Maybe it's the helmet.

Mainly, the unlucky doctor not only has a brain, but also has a very broken mouth. William was annoyed by talking for a long time. In the end, he had to "admit" honestly. The doctor's eyes are indeed accurate, and Sancho's neck is actually It was run over by an iron wagon full of grain, and it had nothing to do with helmets or anything.

After the question that had been lingering in his heart for a long time was answered, the priest from the Holy See of Light was relieved and generously answered the question raised by William——

When William asked her if the injury could be cured, she shook her head and said no.


According to the doctor's statement, Sancho's cervical vertebra was almost crushed by the wheels of the wheel. It was enough to lie down for a few months to heal slowly. As a result, after strenuous exercise, the displacement is now serious. If you go back, it will be much harder than letting the broken arm grow again. Professionals below the seventh rank are simply not worthy of treatment.

If William really can't think of it, if he insists on curing this neck, then it might be easier to just chop it off no matter how long it is.

Anyway, what she meant inside and outside the words was that the old lady of the neck was sure that she could do it well, so she had no problem with her medical skills, but it was not up to the old lady to control whether the person could survive in the end, because this is not the scope of other people's "orthopedics" business. .

After William was so angry that he asked her to eat a whole good thing, the doctor was foaming at the mouth while his eyes were blank, and he gave a slightly more reasonable suggestion—

Put it in a flat cart and send it to the south. After crossing the border, contact the Holy See of Light and ask the bishop of the northern province to take action. Maybe they can save everyone back.


What I have to say is that dwarves are born with a big enough heart, and their love for forging is really broken into the bones.

Even though he was almost killed by the helmet he made with his own hands, Sancho still pestered William, insisting that he put on the armor to show himself, otherwise he would rather die than leave.

After seeing his dying appearance, William suddenly thought very seriously. He really wanted to know if Sancho's purpose for forging this armor was actually preparing to murder him.

But considering that this guy almost lost his life in order to fulfill his armor order, William had to reluctantly fulfill his request. With the help of more than two dozen dwarves, Reluctantly put on this armor.

After seeing William put on the armor, although the speed has slowed down a lot, he can still move normally, and even launch a charge, the surrounding dwarves are all happy and crazy.

And when William completed the test with the dwarves and accompany them to test the performance of the entire set of armor, all the dwarves had gone crazy, including Sancho who was fixed on the bed.

Regardless of the injury on his neck, he cried and shouted to come down and touch it again, saying that even if he died immediately, it would not be a loss for his soul to go back to see his ancestors. He has become the first person in the family history to create a false artifact. The master craftsman!

Moreover, compared to the decades of forging by other **** craftsmen, the whole process of forging his armor took only ten days, and the materials used were still some worthless junk alloys. His name will definitely be written on the dwarves. The history of , thousands of years later will continue to be mentioned.

In addition, according to his tears and remorse, Sancho thought William was a "country nobleman", an "old hat" who didn't understand the beauty of armor, and an "iron barbarian" who only used his strength blindly. When playing the armor, I did a lot of hands and feet.

Not only are the really valuable good materials hidden and unwilling to give, but they also cut corners to fool around, and even the burrs on the edge of the armor have not been polished properly.

If I had known about this rubbish... If this powerful pseudo-artifact could really be made by a fool, even if he took the whole clan to work for a lifetime, he would have to bet his entire net worth and try to see if he could play an unprecedented game. God Armor comes.

When Wei Silly Boy Lian narrowed his eyes with black lines, and began to consider whether to follow the doctor's advice and chop off the thing on his neck, Sancho managed to save his head with one sentence.

'Wow ha ha ha ha! Craftsman! Craftsman! It only took half a month! I have actually become a master craftsman!

After the Holy Empire, I must open the eyes of those **** in the Bronze Furnace Department! All day long, they will only smash a pile of garbage! Waiting to kneel down and lick the soles of Lao Tzu's shoes!

right! Yes, yes, and you! Earthbag...Baby! Don't let others give you armor in the future! I will write a letter to the clan! Let the old guys get all the good stuff out!

When I heal my neck and come back, I will definitely give you an artifact with my own hands! You must wait for me! ’

For the sake of the unseen artifact armor, William reluctantly decided to let it go first, and by the way, he also paid the treatment fee for the bishop of the northern province.

It may be that the dwarves' performance is too crazy, which makes William a little doubtful.

After Sancho followed the trolley away from the Dawn Collar, William actually wore this set of silly, black and thick armor a few times in private, only to find that it was still too heavy.

It doesn’t matter if it only affects the movement speed. The problem is that this thing deducts the agility value instead of the movement speed. In addition to running slowly, even the shooting speed and reaction speed are also deducted, so once you put on this stupid thing, The stick in his hand was instantly out of alignment.

Taking William's current Xiaocheng-level [Dragon Rider Secret Spear], although he can't do the same as the black-bellied saint, he can castrate the flies that pass by with the tip of the spear, but in ten shots, there are really one or two times. Insects that can fly by.

But now...

Hehe, let’s not talk about flying insects, as long as it’s a moving target, then we don’t have to toss. Anyway, according to past experience, as long as this naive armor is put on the body, except for the wooden stakes that are still in place, William will Never got stuck in anything else.

Thinking of this, William's gaze towards the middle-aged female dragon became more and more thirsty.

This is the dragon scale of the eighth-order glow dragon! And it's still a dynamic armor piece, which is much stronger than Xiaolan's super futures that have stood for thousands of years!

Although compared with the super-thick alloy armor pieces that the dwarves have piled up and beaten with tens of thousands of Dragon scales are not only inferior in defense, but also lack a little bit. toughness.

But the dragon scale is not only one tenth of the thickness of the armor plate, but also dozens of times lighter in weight! If you can really get a bunch of fresh dragon scales of the eighth rank and replace those silly armor pieces... um, what's biting me?

Just as William was wondering what excuse he should find to get a few dragon scales, there was a sudden itch on the back of his neck.

William subconsciously stretched out his hand and patted it hard, but it seemed that he had broken something, and only heard a strange sound.

[The worm and beast gymnast LV49 summoned the special monster "Sinister Poisonous Mosquito LV30", and ordered it to launch the exclusive combat technique "Vicious Blood Drain" on you. After being hit by this combat technique, you need to perform a poison resistance check. If you fail to pass, you will fall into a weak state]

[This combat technique fails to penetrate the armor, no need to check]

[The sinister poisonous mosquito LV30 has been killed]


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