This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 165: Mangosteen and leather ball

This is the dragon skin of the five-colored dragon. Although it is estimated that it is only a scrap according to the size, it is actually given away as a token?

Just as William was happily playing with the apron on his hand, Jessica's slightly mocking voice sounded.

"I like the smell of others so much? Would you like to put it in front of your nose and smell it?"

The female knight has neither the eyesight to recognize the dragon skin nor the keen sense of smell of the rich woman. In her eyes, William is like a little man who has just started falling in love. He can't put it down when he gets something from his sweetheart... You really smell it. !

William put down the lemon-flavored white leather ring and carefully put it on his wrist, looking over and over as if he had gotten a new watch, his eyes full of joy.

As far as efficacy is concerned, this dragon skin hair ring is actually not that powerful.

First of all, its size is really too small, the range that can be protected is pitiful, and there is no enchantment on it. Strictly speaking, it cannot even be called equipment, it is just an item of special material.

Coupled with the fact that it has been used as an ordinary hair tie for many years, a lot of power has been lost in the past ten years... But all these together, it shows that the material is extraordinary.

After a simple calculation of the value, William believed that the one who contributed the dragon skin should be a white dragon who had reached the prime of life.

As the smallest and weakest dragon species among the five-colored dragons, the ordinary white dragon's wisdom is similar to that of ordinary beasts, and it is even inferior to those powerful sub-dragon species such as poisonous dragons and earth dragons.

They can only awaken their initial intelligence after they become young dragons. Before that, their minds were full of food and food, and they didn't even have the concept of papapapa. In their eyes, there was only a difference between what they could eat and what they couldn't eat.

However, the recipes of dragons are extensive and frightening. I have never heard of those dragons that are particularly picky eaters. Coupled with their low intelligence, white dragons often do some angry things, and some even rush into cities because of hunger. food records.

Therefore, these troublesome guys are collectively divided into the chaotic and evil camp, and nine out of ten of the evil dragons killed in the knight novels are white dragons. All intelligent creatures do not have a good impression of them, and even most of the five-colored dragons do not regard them as the same kind. If it is not for the fertility of the five-colored dragons, they may become extinct long ago.

Thinking of this, William couldn't help but sigh more and more at Karina's inhumanity, or the generosity of the big guy behind her. Even the weakest five-colored dragon is a dragon.

The strength of a strong dragon is amazing. Although it is not comparable to the seventh-order professional of the natural disaster level, it can easily crush most of the sixth-order professional. Therefore, the strong dragon is also dubbed by the players as the sixth-order five. biology.

There are also a few kinds of mountain giants, snake whale demons, etc. who also enjoy this honor. These creatures are either large and scary, or they are thick and skinny. They can only stare blankly before the seventh order. It also takes a lot of effort.

Therefore, there are many people who can defeat and hunt the white dragons in their prime, but to throw the precious dragon skins to an ordinary little girl as a toy, that's really... a little bit of arrogance.

William secretly warned himself that he must be careful when contacting Karina. Although he had never heard of this name in his previous life, there was definitely a big guy behind her that he could not afford to offend at the moment. .

Jessica looked at William, whose eyes were dull (deep) and stagnant (deep), and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Originally, she was just unhappy that William left herself aside and stabbed him casually, but seeing him in a state of despair, she was actually a little worried.

You have to look at a hair ring for a long time? Is that "poor" and "poor" woman so attractive?


Jessica hesitated, but still gritted her teeth and asked her doubts.

"You don't... really have any thoughts about that woman, do you?"

William gave her a sideways glance, what nonsense are you talking about, even though my virginity was taken away by those bad women, my heart still belongs to Her Majesty the Queen.

It's just that the relationship with the little rich woman has to be managed well. The big guy behind her is so arrogant, and I don't know if there is any dragon left other than the dragon skin... That's it, if you can, I can borrow bubble wine. Although I am already very fierce, who would think this thing is too strong?

Throwing away the messy ingredients in his mind, William turned his head to look at the female knight and said seriously: "Jessica, you should have beaten Doza Castle back then. How much do you know about this place?"

The female knight shook her head and lowered her voice unconsciously.

"The one who was in charge of attacking here was Er... Andy, I was in charge of the Red Leaf Castle next to it. This is my first time here."

William noticed the gloomy look in her eyes, knowing that she was probably thinking of Andy and Amelian who died in the Dusk Mountains, so he glanced at her apologetically.

After spending the past few days together, he almost understood Jessica's heart.

Although the female knight always has a straight face, her heart has always been soft. The lack of family affection did not make her indifferent, but made her cherish the hard-won warmth even more. If I had to describe it, she lived like a mangosteen. Although the shell that protected her was extremely hard, it still remained soft. tender heart.

On the other hand, Leonard, who bears hatred alone, is the opposite of her. His face is always smiling, he is never angry, and he looks like a ball that anyone can slap twice. However, the inside is full of sharp thorns, and if someone takes a shot, they will definitely be stabbed with blood by the thorns made of pig iron.


In the block of Ironthorn City, a silver-haired man was kneeling on the ground in sweat.

Nearly a hundred werewolves crouched down behind him, tucked their tails nervously, and occasionally let out a low growl or two of alertness.

After discovering that these werewolves were not interested in the meat and bones in his hands, Leonard pouted unhappily, and said lazily after throwing away the meat and bones.

"Xiao Bai, your son-in-law is baring his teeth at me."

After hearing this insulting title, the silver-haired man kneeling in front of him trembled as if he wanted to do something, but after glancing at the woman in a white dress beside Leonard, he slowly lowered his head. go down.

The man's right rib and back were randomly wrapped with several bandages, and the shape of the body under the bandages was abnormal, as if a part of the muscle tissue was missing.

No one thought that he was the silver werewolf who attacked the capital. When William and the black-robed witch faced off, it was rescued by the other werewolves. Even with the physical quality of a dark creature, it was still on the verge of life and death. After struggling for several days, I have barely regained my mobility until now.

The silver-haired man bowed down and said respectfully, "Lord Leonard, please forgive the presumptuousness of these young wolves. They just smelled the fear in my heart, so they misunderstood you. Our Silvermoon Tribe is still loyal."

After hearing the man's words, Leonard burst into laughter.

"Haha, this joke is quite funny."

The man's body suddenly tightened, and he looked up at Leonard. A pair of beast pupils stared at him, looking like they would burst into harm at any time.

"Hey, this look is right!"

As if he didn't see the killing intent in the man's eyes at all, Leonard stretched out his hand indifferently, and rubbed the man's silver short head with a smile like a wild dog begging for food on the roadside.

"As for you, you need a place to live to develop your tribe; and for me, I need some wild dogs that can do some dirty work for me, so do whatever you want, don't contaminate the pure between us with so-called loyalty Benefit relationship."

The man lowered his head again without saying a word, letting Leonard rub it.


Leonard suddenly withdrew his hand with a grin and looked at his palm.

Perhaps because he was too excited, the silver-haired man's nose and mouth suddenly protruded forward, and his hair grew a little longer.

Leonard glanced blankly at the witch mistress beside him, raised his wrist and showed her his bleeding palm.

The witch mistress nodded. Just when she was about to cast a healing spell, she saw Leonard stretched out his hand and rubbed the chest of her white dress hard twice, leaving a dark red stain~www. Mistress:  …

Ignoring the angry eyes behind him, Leonard turned around and smiled at the werewolf who had just dyed red hair, giving him a thumbs up approvingly.

"That's right, I appreciate you."

Then he said helplessly: "But your mission seems to have failed! And the loss is not small, so should you give me some explanation?"

"And tell me what to say!"

The witch mistress behind Leonard snorted coldly.

"I sent a full five witches for this mission, and the four first-order [little witches] don't matter, but Rui Ji has reached the third-order [Empowering Witch], and even you trash can escape, Why didn't any of them come back?"

Under the aggressive gaze of the witch mistress, the silver-haired man lowered his head and swallowed his voice: "Miss Clayty, if it wasn't for Rikki's stupid... ill-timed [Crawling Parasitic Art] hurt me, this mission won't work at all. will fail, I..."

"I'm not interested in the process!"

The witch mistress sneered: "The witch is not like your son-in-law born in one litter, each member has to go through a long period of training and learning, and you wild dogs don't have the same life as Rui Ji. important.

Moreover, none of my people came back, and many of your werewolves came back. You can't just say what happened, can the dead still speak for themselves? "

"Who said that? Why can't the dead speak for themselves?"

Before the silver-haired man could explain, Leonard jumped out instead.

"I'll get the guy who can make the dead speak!"

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