This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 164: I don't want to try

After gagging Harry's mouth, Karina showed a comfortable expression, and then said coldly:

"Anyway, it's better for you to hand over Doza Castle as soon as possible. I don't know the agreement between the teacher and you, but I think trustworthiness is a very important quality."

The thin old man's face was sweating, he swallowed hard, gritted his teeth and said: "We will withdraw from Doza Fort... But can we wait two more days... No, one day! Just wait one more day. Can!"

Karina hesitated for a moment, and told the meaning of Mara to William under the city, but only got a sneer.

"Impossible, the accumulation in Doza Fort is all saved by the royal family, and the Gridi family can't take away a single gold gold."

Hearing William reject his proposal, the thin old man gritted his teeth and shouted with a grim expression:

"Young man, I advise you to do it yourself! The Gregory family has existed in the land of Faran for thousands of years, what have you not seen? Don't think that it's amazing that you climb up the queen, even if it is five hundred years later. In the next year, our Greddy family will exist well, and you are nothing!"

William under the city rolled his eyes in disdain.

What about you fool? Don't say five hundred years, you can't last for five years, and you are still the kind of little **** who jumps to death, and you don't even have the qualifications to be hung on the city wall by Leonard.

He interrupted Mara's nonsense without hesitation, and replied coldly:

"I'm not interested in knowing how long your family has existed, but if you don't quit Doza Castle immediately, you'll probably only exist to this day."

Mara's old face flushed when he heard William's face-ripping threat.

He raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at William under the city, turned his head and said to Karina: "You... look at him... What kind of crazy thing is he talking about?"

The beautiful girl actually stuck her head out and glanced at it, and then said to the greedy old man with a slight sarcasm:

"I've seen it, but I think he's telling the truth.

For the teacher's sake, I can remind you that the man broke through the Warren family's army by himself. As a fourth-order earth knight, Jiber has only the purpose of running away in front of him, so in the end If you want to do as he says, please think carefully. "

Can beat Gilber...that's Tier 4?

The thin old man's pupils shrank, and a lot of cold sweat oozes out from his hunched back again.

Tier 4 and Tier 3 are completely two concepts. Human sea tactics are effective for Tier 3 professionals. Even if they can’t beat them, they can run away, but if they are Tier 4 professionals, the guards around them are afraid to block them. Soon...

After discovering that his life might be in danger, Mara finally gave in, his whole body slumped like a leaking ball, and said feebly:

"We... let's go..."

Soon, thousands of soldiers belonging to the Greddy family were confiscated their weapons and gradually withdrew from Dosa Fort.

William ordered the Black Nightmare cavalry to check carefully, and confirmed that these people did not bring anything but dry food, and then let them leave one by one.

Immediately afterwards, he turned over and rode on Jessica's horse, climbed the city wall with the help of shadow shift, and came to Karina.

The beautiful girl nodded to him and asked politely, "Your Majesty William, how is your Majesty the Queen recently?"

William nodded without changing his face. "Thank you for your concern. Although Her Majesty the Queen has worked hard recently, she has been in good shape."

As he spoke, he looked at the girl in front of him.

The chanter is full of a strong bookish air, the white dress on his body is pure and simple, and the leather ring around his hair is a bit old. He looks like an ordinary quiet girl, not like a girl at all. A powerhouse that has reached the fourth rank.

Ka ordinary girl Lina smiled at William, pointed to Harry who was stuck under the brick and said, "The great knight said something inappropriate just now, so I blocked his mouth. , I hope you don't mind, I'll let him out."

"Wait, this is not urgent."

Under Harry's surprised gaze, William stopped the girl who wanted to let him out, crouched down and licked his lips.

"It's amazing. It can accurately block Harry's mouth, but the inner wall of the mouth is not scratched at all. Your Excellency Karina is very accomplished in [Face Earth Stone Sculpture]."

After hearing William's comment, the beautiful girl who was still estranged by three points suddenly widened her eyes in surprise.

"Lord William, if I guessed correctly, you should be a professional of the Undead Sequence, right? How can you know so much about the Arcane Sequence?"

After hearing her question, William's heart beat a little faster.

It's here, it's finally here!

Flange's legal system is too small, and occasionally a few are half a bucket of water, and he can't find the opportunity to manifest himself in front of others. Now he can finally use the knowledge of the previous life's legal system to hit the wall.

Even though he was quite excited, William still pretended to be calm and replied: "It's okay, I just read a few related books."

Karina shook her head gently, and said with approval: "Your Excellency William is too modest, even a professional of the legal system, it is still difficult to distinguish the difference between [Earth and Stone Sculpting] and [Grip of Rock].

And you can not only see the difference at a glance, but also accurately find the correct answer in the five subspecies of [Earth and Stone Sculpting]. This is not something that can be done by reading a few books, the effort you spend I'm afraid it's not small, right? "

Very good, it's time to brag about business, but it's a bit shameful to brag about myself. Fortunately, I brought my teammates.

William didn't answer the question immediately, but smiled mysteriously and turned to look at Jessica next to him.

Hilarious, it's your turn to appear.

Seeing William suddenly turn her head to look at herself, although the female knight was a little inexplicable, she subconsciously smiled at him when she saw the smile that hadn't dissipated at the corner of William's mouth.

The red lips were slightly open, and the eyes were watery.

Although it was just a very ordinary smile, the strong trust between his brows made this unassuming smile suddenly bright and moving.

Looking at the handsome man and beautiful woman in front of her who looked at each other and smiled, Karina's breathing suddenly became short, and her hand holding "The King of Iceberg%#Little Lady" tightened subconsciously.


Feeling the almost defenseless sense of trust, William smacked his lips in discomfort... You laugh at you... Forget about the scolding... The smile is strangely beautiful...

Seeing that Jessica didn't come out to cheer for him, William had to end up as a commentator.

He explained lightly: "Actually, it's not a big deal. I used to be a bodyguard in the palace. Because of my convenient status, I can enter and leave the library of the royal family, so I took this opportunity to read a lot of miscellaneous things."

After listening to William's explanation, Karina's eyes became much kinder when she looked at him. She was a believer of the God of Knowledge and had a natural affection for those who liked to read.

The beautiful girl smiled and said, "It turns out that this is the case. Your Excellency William's thirst for knowledge is really admirable, and it is no wonder that he can become a fourth-order professional at this age."

"You are overrated."

William smiled lightly. If I really became a Tier 4 professional, the first thing I would do would be to demolish your church.

I have already bombed the church of Eros Church, and Fortune Church does not have its own church at all. The three major churches will send you one to live together.

When he thought of this, he looked at Karina with a tentative look in his eyes.

There are many beauties in the Church of Eros. He used to go for a walk in his past life, but there are either old men or nerds in the Church of Knowledge. William's understanding of this church is relatively limited.

It's a rare opportunity. In order to be prepared when we face it in the future, why don't we talk about it this time?

With the "smart and studious" character, William and Karina quickly became acquainted. Under William's deliberate flattery, the more they chatted, the more opportunistic they became. The quiet and dignified girl was even amused by William several times. sounded.

Looking at the two people who were "talking very happily" in front of her, Jessica, who was hanging aside, slowly put away the smile on her face, and squinted Danfeng's eyes and looked at the frivolous woman in front of her.

There is not even a noble decoration on the clothes, so it is not a commoner, right? The messy hair doesn't take care of it very much, and the aprons that tie the hair are so old that they don't change, won't they be so poor that they can't even afford a maid?

The female knight's gaze gradually became arrogant, frequently swept across the front and back of the beautiful girl, and even more maliciously gouged out when she swept over two places with little curvature.

Oh, barren woman.

As if feeling the hostility coming from somewhere, Karina subconsciously tightened her belt, and finally drew some parts behind her to curve a little.

She didn't think too much, but continued to chat happily with William.

She found that this man was really outstanding. He was obviously younger than her, but his character was quiet and steady, and he didn't have the sense of escape from his peers.

What's even more surprising is that although he seems to be a serious person, he is not at all boring when talking. He is humorous and knowledgeable. No matter what he says, he can even say a lot of secrets. Got to the point.

A lot of things revealed that even I have heard of it for the first time, so rich in knowledge and extensive Even the person who holds the Zebra Ancient Scroll has to bow down, he is more like knowledge than himself church people.

The topic between the two became deeper and deeper, from the major races of the Austrian continent to the origin of the Church of the True God. After chatting for more than an hour, they were still full of interest, and finally they gradually talked about the history of the Church of Knowledge.

Under William's deliberate inducement, although Karina didn't show all the old bottoms of the Church of Knowledge, she had already raised her skirt, and she was almost exposed except for her bottoms.

When talking about the rise, she even took the initiative to initiate an invitation to William, hoping that he could be a guest at the Church of Knowledge, but was rejected by William on the grounds that he was busy with business.

Karina nodded regretfully to show her understanding, then took off her hair tie and handed it to William, and said to him with a smile:

"Since Your Excellency William has no time recently, please accept this token. Everyone in the church knows this thing. Whether I am here or not, if you take it, you will be welcomed."

William nodded, took the slightly old hair tie, and then he was completely stunned.

【White leather ring with girly fragrance】

【Magic Resistance 50】

[Special skills: hair tie, can be used to tie hair]

[This is a leather hair tie with a lemon scent. The cutting process is poor. It was made by an ordinary human girl when she was 7 years old. Except that the material is the dragon skin of a white dragon, it is not worth it. Interested place]

Looking at the back of the ordinary girl walking away, William's face was written with the words "lost".

Rich woman! Rich lady, don't go, can you add a VX? I don't want to work hard!

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