This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 162: Obviously rude

Why is this lord's eyes so cold (dazed) and pale (stagnant), will he not want to offend the Grady family for us businessmen?

The more the small businessman thought about it, the more afraid he became. The tax rate set by Kane's vampire was more than double the usual rate. If it increased by 60%, the income tax would be nearly quadrupled. .

What's more, this is obviously just the beginning, and I don't know how many search methods are waiting for me later.

With a shudder, he looked back at the carriage that fell to the ground. The goods scattered on the ground were almost his entire net worth. Recalling the expectant eyes of his wife and daughter at home, the little businessman gritted his teeth and decided to risk his life. Take a gamble.

"Dear sir!"

He bent down and bowed deeply to William, and said with sweat: "If you can stop the atrocities of the Grady family, we people will definitely pay a price that will satisfy you."

William smiled and said nothing.

The so-called price of satisfaction also depends on who it is. With my personality that treats money like dung, it is too difficult to impress me.

Jessica on the side was very interested in this proposal. After looking at the nervous businessmen around her, she asked, "You should be just an ordinary businessman, you are sure that your words can represent the thoughts of everyone here. ?"

The little businessman who still kept his bowing posture trembled, and said with some lack of confidence: "I...I believe they will not reject this proposal..."

The businessmen around looked at each other, a middle-aged man nodded hesitantly, and soon, most of them nodded, some even imitated the appearance of small businessmen, bending down together and bowing deeply.

The little businessman caught a glimpse of the surrounding situation from the corner of his eye, and was immediately overjoyed.

He raised his head and said flatteringly, "Dear sir, you have also seen that, as long as you can help us stop the atrocities of the Griddy family, we will definitely give you a big gift."

Seeing that William was still noncommittal, he wiped the sweat from his face and racked his brains to try to persuade: "My lord, let me say one more thing, it is the royal family who offended the Griddy family, not you, you just need to After getting the benefits, the rest is actually not that important..."

William gave him a speechless look.

Is it okay to stuff the benefits on the lord's head? In the end, it should be considered a wide road for you, and it should be considered unlucky.

William waved his hand to signal him to stop talking, then looked into his eyes and said word by word: "Although this place belongs to the royal family in name, from now on, the actual owner of these three marquis is me."

The small businessman's pleasing smile froze on his face, and the whole person shook like a sifter.

According to the law of Frank, bribing officials is a serious crime. Although many chambers of commerce are doing this, those nobles often turn a blind eye.

But he actually bribed the future lord. It was really a wild boar breaking into the butcher's house, and it was no different from actively stretching his neck into the noose.

"Big... big big..."

The little businessman who was eloquent just now didn't even obey his tongue, and looked at William with a terrified expression.

William said indifferently: "There is no need to give the heavy gift. This time there is a reason, but when I become the owner of Doza Castle, I don't want to hear that you have any shady transactions with those officials."

After that, William left here with his army.

After they had left for a long time, the stiffened small businessman sat down on the ground with a thud, as if he had collapsed, and his clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

Seeing that there was no danger at all, the surrounding small businessmen came over, and a few familiar businessmen helped the small businessman up, and a young man said with admiration:

"José, you're too bold! But this time it's really thanks to you, and the kindness of this noble gentleman, otherwise..."

The small businessman named Hesai rubbed his stiff legs and replied with a wry smile, "Merciful? Apart from Her Majesty the Queen, are there any kind nobles in the whole of France?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and said in a daze: "But even if he was caught face-to-face, he didn't take the opportunity to blackmail us, and he refused the gift that Jose said, he shouldn't be..."

A middle-aged businessman shook his head and said, "You are too young. Although he said no, do you really dare not give it away?"

Jose stood up tremblingly, nodded and said, "Well, a heavy gift is unavoidable, but the Grady family may have taken care of those big chambers of commerce when they attacked the big business associations. I'm afraid it will be much more ugly to eat, and that noble noble actually saved us in disguise."

The middle-aged businessman nodded and added: "José is right, that gift must be given, and it can't be taken lightly. It's better to have a little blood than to be swallowed completely, so everyone should hurry up to collect the money and prepare to find someone to give it to you. Go over there."

The businessmen around nodded one after another. Because of what happened just now, most of them turned their attention to Jose, and several businessmen who were familiar with him also had expressions of hesitation, obviously hope. He can continue to come forward, but he is embarrassed to speak.

Jose understood their thoughts, nodded with a wry smile, and said, "I understand what you all mean, but to be on the safe side, you don't have to rush to collect money first, but try to unload those too heavy goods first, and be ready to run at any time.

As far as I know, there are thousands of soldiers stationed in Dosa Fort, and there are some elites of the Grady family. It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 soldiers in total. Although the army just now represented the royal family, but There are only more than 1,000 people, I am afraid it will be difficult to suppress them..."

As soon as Jose's voice fell, there was a shout of killing from the city gate of Doza Fort. More than 5,000 city guards in armor poured out of the city and confronted those under William's command.

Compared with the city guards with distinctive armor, the people on William's side didn't even have the same style of clothing and armor, and they looked like a miscellaneous army surrounded and suppressed by the regular army. odds.

It's really not that simple.

Jose closed his eyes in despair, and fell to the ground feebly, not even wanting to pick up the goods scattered on the ground.

The other small businessman lost his vitality this time, but he lost too much.

The daughter in the family was born with insufficiency, so she reluctantly survived by asking priests to perform magic tricks, but she was still bedridden all year round. He found out that the saint from the Church of the God of Eros was coming to France, so he prepared to run this trip with all his wealth, hoping to earn enough money to pay, so as to ask the saint to help his daughter.

But now that it's all over, the temporary tax hike by the Grady family not only cost him money, but also completely ruined his daughter's hope of recovering.

"Monster! Those people are too fierce!"

A heartfelt exclamation called Jose back from despair. The young man who first came out to help him was staring blankly at the Doza Castle in the distance, his young face full of shock.

Jose looked at the faces of the people around him, and found that their faces were either excited or shocked, but there was no sense of anxiety about the future.

As if being stabbed by a bucket-thick cardiac needle on his butt, his depleted body was reinvigorated, and Jose stood up abruptly without anyone to help him, looking eagerly at the distant Doza Fort.

Soon, his expression was the same as that of everyone around him, dumbfounded watching the battle in the distance.

No, that can no longer be called a battle, it is a one-sided slaughter.

In the face of more than 5,000 city guards, most of the people who passed by just now stayed where they were, and only a hundred people rushed up.

Fifty to one ratio! What's more, this is the main city of the Marquis of Dosa. The quality of the city guards is extremely high. At least three or four hundred professionals are mixed in. The gap in combat power is completely one-sided.

But the actual situation was completely reversed. Those well-equipped city guards collapsed at the touch of a button, like an egg on a rock. They were killed and pierced through the formation in just a few tens of seconds. They were even worse than the bandits and bandits facing the regular army. Even an effective interception was not enough. Can't get organized.

Jose's mouth was wider than the mouth of the cup, and he said to himself with a face full of incredulity: " Her Majesty the Queen's people so fierce?"


If William hears this sentence, he will definitely raise his hand and add the word "male" in it, and by the way, he will also remove Jose's with a swipe of the pen.

Let's not mention the bloodline of the mad war demon that the Vankins family has a high concentration, but there is also my own Pokémon... Keke legion training master's hard work for three months, it's strange that it's not fierce, right?

In the past three months, William has not only worked hard to train (bully) practice (negative) Harry every day, but also painstakingly studied everyone's attribute panels, not only arranged the most suitable opponents for them, but also carefully concocted accurate To the training method of each in order to ensure that they can play their combat effectiveness normally. He even endured his nausea and forcibly taught the Hanhan several practical basic formations.

You must know that the heads of these guys have long been stuffed with muscles, most of them can't even count a hundred, and some people with high blood concentration can even count to thirty, so that such a group of people can learn how to Arranging the battle formation, the process is not to mention the collapse...

[Successfully pierced through the enemy's formation, the rage legion (pseudo) morale +2]

[Kill a 100-man squad leader, the Raging Flame Legion (pseudo) morale +1]

[Frustrated the enemy's counterattack, the Raging Flame Legion...

While listening to the system prompts that kept coming from his ears, while watching the combat power of the Furious Flame Legion (pseudo), which was almost crushing, the corners of William's mouth became higher and higher.

Sure enough, if you pay, you will gain. The ancients did not deceive me.

Just as he was complacent, a series of prompts suddenly sounded.

[Warning, because the captain of the Raging Flame Legion (pseudo) Knight Squad has left the formation without authorization, the formation strength is -3, and the current formation rating has been reduced from "inferior" to "extremely bad"]

[The entry-level front arrow array has collapsed]

what! ?

William's eyes widened in disbelief, he glanced up and pinpointed the culprit.

The red-eyed Harry didn't even want a horse, he put his weapon on his trousers belt and started to climb the city wall, only to see him laughing wildly up to the sky as he climbed.

"Wow hahaha! You scumbags, even if you only have one hand left, I can beat you to death!"

William: Convex (Fuck Duck)! ! !

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