This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 161: Soft rice is impossible to eat

The next day, when it was still bright, there was already a long queue outside the city gate of Doza Fort.

Although Doza Fort has the word "fort" in its name, it is actually a large city with a permanent population of 300,000.

Because the transportation is convenient and the roads are complete, it is very suitable for the transaction of bulk goods. As long as there are some well-known large chambers of commerce in France, most of them will choose to open a branch here.

The group of businessmen was born to be a potential believer of the Goddess of Fortune. After gathering enough businessmen, it became one of several "churches" of the Church of Fortune.

Doza Castle holds a grand gathering every year. This gathering has two main purposes. One is to praise the grace of the goddess of wealth, and the other is to exchange news and sell a lot of goods. Therefore, in addition to the large chambers of commerce, there are many small and medium-sized chambers of commerce, and even some small businessmen will join in the fun.

As the sun rose higher and higher, the queue outside the Doza Fort became longer and longer. The voices of people, shouts, and the neighing of horses and livestock formed a bustling scene.

A thin old man was lying on the top of the city, staring at the carriages full of goods, so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

Mara Grady is Kane's uncle. Although he did not inherit the actual title, after Kane went to the capital to negotiate, he became the host of the three marquis and took over the looting of wealth. task.

He happily stared at the people who were rushing in, looking at these caravans as if he were looking at big fat sheep

According to the temporary tax set up before Kane left, the harvest of the Griddy family is estimated to be on par with the output of the previous marquis for several years. What kind of meat are these "fat sheep"? Shiny Gingold!

After hearing about the heavy tax that was almost doubled, the merchants at the city gate complained one after another, but after all, they all came, and they barely made a profit, so they finally chose to pay the money to enter the city full of resentment.

Mala happily looked at the sullen faces of the merchants, and cursed with great relief:

Should! All the wealth in the territory was originally owned by the lord, and these merchants were nothing more than blood-sucking leeches.

By the way, why do they only meet once a year? How nice it would be to meet once a month! If that's the case, this Fort Doza would be so good that it wouldn't give you a single duchy.

Thinking of this, a look of regret appeared on Mara's face.

It's a pity that this hen that can only lay golden eggs was borrowed, and it has to be returned to others in the end. Even if Kane tried his best, it is estimated that he could only drag on for a month, and this place will be taken back by the royal family sooner or later.

Unwilling to look at the long line below, the old man stood up abruptly, and called his entourage with a grim face.

"Go and tell the tax officer at the door, because you need to help the businessmen maintain order, so this time the tax will be increased by 50%!"

The attendant was taken aback, and quickly persuaded:

"Lord Mara, more than half of the large chambers of commerce in Farland have come, isn't it bad to temporarily increase the tax? Besides, Lord Kane's tax has already been passed... It's in place. If we add more, no one will come here in the future. !"

The old man scolded him angrily: "Idiot! We will be leaving in a month, and the royal family will take over then, why don't these businessmen care about me?"

The entourage still shook his head in horror. "Lord Mara, but we are the ones who collect the taxes. We, the Grady family, still took the money for the marquis from the Church of Fortune. This..."

"Heh, it's just a bunch of lowly businessmen. Could it be that these blood-sucking leeches dare to take revenge on us?"

"But... it's the Church of Fortune behind them..."

"To shut up!"

Mara scolded angrily, raised his cane and slapped the entourage's face fiercely, leaving a hideous bloodstain.

"Of course I know that behind them is the Church of Fortune."

"The Church of Knowledge has the Pope in charge of the French, and the Church of Eros is guarded by the Legion of Professionals. We can't afford to offend these two churches, but the Church of Fortune is a group of loose businessmen, and they don't even have their own church. You are afraid of it. what!"

"Shut up your stinky mouth now and go to the tax officer immediately and tell him I want to increase taxes!"

Mara sneered and held out a thin hand.

"Add 50% to the tax set by Kane, no! 60%! If anyone refuses to accept it, they will deduct their goods for me! If anyone dares to make trouble, just throw them in jail!"

The attendant ran down to give the order, covering the blood on his face, and soon, the angry questioning voices of the merchants came from the gate of the city.

"Are you going to increase taxes? Are you crazy!"

"The tax here is already twice as high as other places. What are we going to do if we add another 60%?"

"With such a high tax, I'd rather go back the same way than enter the city!"

The businessmen of these large chambers of commerce were provoked, and they scolded the tax officials one by one. The surrounded tax officials were overwhelmed, and quickly shouted: "Guards! Guards!"

A group of armored guards filed out from the garrison next to the city gate, quickly dispersing the surrounding merchants, and then lined up in two rows in front of the city gate, staring at them.

After seeing the fierce appearance of these guards, some small businessmen backed away. If they were to be taxed so heavily, then this trip would be no different from running in vain. In this case, it is better to find a place to get the goods cheaper. some dealt with.

With the mentality of "Can't I hide if I can't be provoked?", more than a dozen smaller caravans drove the livestock and prepared to leave. Mara at the city gate jumped in a hurry when he saw this scene.

These people are living money, how can they just let them run away?

He pulled his neck and shouted, "Someone! Go and call out the city guards, and none of the merchants at the door are allowed to leave!"

The city guards who received the order rushed out and drove back all the caravans that were trying to leave. On the contrary, many small merchants with only one or two carriages ran away.

However, they were stumbling together with lingering fears, and when they scolded the Griddy family for their shamelessness, they bumped into another legion head-on.

He actually sent someone to copy the bread in front of you? Even small businessmen like us are not spared. As for doing so absolutely?

After discovering the legion in front, these merchants had expressions of grief and indignation on their faces.

These small businessmen are different from those large chambers of commerce. More than half of their net worth is in the carriage behind them. If they are really stopped, some people may not even have the capital to go out to do business.

"I fought with you!"

Seeing that there is no way to enter the sky and no door to the ground, a businessman probably couldn't accept the cruelty of reality, and actually drove a carriage to the army in front of him.

Seeing that someone took the lead, many small businessmen also had red eyes and chose to follow him and rushed up, still holding unrealistic hopes in their hearts.

There didn't seem to be many people on the opposite side. There were only about a thousand people. Although ordinary people attacked the regular army, they were courting death, but what if? What if you can really rush out of the way!

However, with a loud bang, the last hope of these businessmen was also extinguished.

A knight wearing a silver helmet rolled over and dismounted, stopped the speeding carriage with one hand, and then only lightly supported it, the huge carriage was overturned by him like a toy, and the goods on it fell everywhere.

The little businessman who was driving the car quickly got up, took out his dagger and rushed towards him with red eyes.

"Come on! You **** nobles, just kill me directly!"


Who is this person?

William frowned suspiciously, and flexed his fingers.

With a crisp sound, the dagger in the small businessman's hand shattered into pieces, and the huge force attached to it easily tore his jaws.

"Who are you? Why are you running into the army?"

After hearing William's question, the businessman, who was desperately covering his hands, suddenly raised his head, his face full of joy in the desperate situation: " are not from the Grady family?"

After hearing the little businessman's words, William and Jessica looked at each other.

The family behind Kane is really doing something!

"We are here to take over Doza Castle, and not only Doza Castle, but the three marquis sold by the Farrell family will all return to the embrace of the French royal family."

The little businessman was overjoyed when he heard this. With Avril's years of hard work, the royal family's reputation was much better than the frantically scouring the Griddy He quickly explained:

"This... this sir, today is the day when the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce holds a meeting. We are all small businessmen and want to bathe in the brilliance of the Goddess of Wealth.

However, the Griddy family suddenly attacked and temporarily set a heavy tax that was nearly four times the usual amount. We couldn't afford to pay and we were going to leave. They actually arrested people and detained the goods..."

After listening to the complaint of the small businessman, William's brows furrowed.

Although he is still a member of the royal family of France in name, he will be responsible for his own profits and losses in the future. After all, he has already resigned to start a business, so he can't go back to the parent company for money, right?

What's more, he is now preparing to destroy President Ai's listing (gate) plan. If he goes back to her for money and food, it would be better to just hit her head to death.

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Doza Castle in the distance.

Fortunately, I came early, otherwise the three marquis would be hollowed out. If so, I might have to go back to Avril for a soft meal.

After making up his mind, he threw himself against Her Majesty the Queen's chest, crying and begging for shelter, while shouting "rich lady, help me, I don't want to work hard", William's eyes couldn't help but flash a trace of panic. .

The temptation of this proposal is too strong, I almost wavered!

In these few seconds, countless and various scenes flashed through his mind, but under the maintenance of the [Face of the Careerist], he still maintained a rather deep appearance.

Looking at William's cold (thinking) indifferent (entering) tall (not) proud (not) face, the little businessman's heart just climbed up from the ice hole, and fell down again with a thud, and it was even colder than before.

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