This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 156: Resignation, Entrepreneurship and Primitive Accumulation

The sudden speech made Avril panic, she stretched out her hand against William's chest in panic, trying to pull the distance between the two.

"William, don't say such things, I am the queen of Frank, how can there be such a statement as marrying a queen?

And the sister I'm talking about is... Peter's sister. She has the right to inherit the throne. You can only have the chance to become king if you marry her. "

When mentioning that name, Avril felt a great sense of shame in her heart, and pushed William's arm a little harder, but it didn't work.

She is just an ordinary person with average physique. She has undergone a little basic knight training at most. She can't resist William's strength. close.

William lowered his head and leaned into her ear and said softly:

"I don't have any interest in being king, but I don't mind being king."

The warm breath was sprayed on the white neck, and Her Majesty's ears were visibly red.

The blanket with the scent of iris fell on the ground. Maybe the weather was too cold. Her Majesty's legs were shaking from the cold, and her body was tilted to one side. The whole person's weight was on William's arm. superior.

She never thought that she could hide from William all the time. Sooner or later, the matter of the saints would be exposed. For this, she had already made all the arrangements and tried her best to consider everything.

Including how to transfer power, how to help William establish prestige, and how to appease his emotions, etc., and even the response measures of William slamming out of the door in anger are ready.

However, William's behavior completely disrupted her expectations. She never expected that the little guy who had rejected the courtship of many noble ladies and was usually indifferent... actually had such a strong side,

A scorching breath came from Her Majesty's ears again.

"I'll find a way to solve Frank's problem, so promise me, don't be that saint, okay?"

Avril still didn't speak, but the originally thin gasping sound suddenly became much faster.

She leaned back with all her might, trying to break free from William's embrace, while pressing against William's chest, she reached out to cover William's mouth, her flushed cheeks full of desire.

"Stop making trouble with William, I am the queen of Frank, and I have things I have to do."

After forcing her to say these words, her violent heartbeat finally calmed down a little.

Although the practices of the three major churches are uncomfortable, if the door of the dead country is really opened, the consequences will be unacceptable to her no matter what, and the door of the dead country must not be opened, even if the cost is her own life.

Seeing that William seemed to want to say something, her hand covering William's mouth suddenly increased her strength.

Her Majesty the Queen blushed, and pretended to be serious and said, "Be obedient, this is something I have decided by myself. I hope you can help me... ah!"

William retracted his tongue. He was about to say something, but was blasted upside down by a huge impact, and slammed the wooden door into the corridor.

[Shocked by the divine power of Eros (original sin) saints (pseudo), repelled briefly]

[God of Love (Original Sin) Saint (Pseudo) has launched a will check against you. If the check fails, you will choose one of the seven negative emotions such as arrogance, rage, jealousy, etc. to strengthen it]

[It is detected that the will attribute is lower than 50 checks...]

[Unbounded people talent activates this check and is exempted]

? ? ?

William lay on the cold floor of the corridor, looking up at the dark ceiling speechlessly.

My physique is already 130, and I was thrown out in one fell swoop.

Avril ran out worried and was relieved after finding that William was just a little dazed and didn't suffer any actual damage.

"Let me blame you! Although I am a special saint, I am also a true saint who can be recognized. When I am emotional, I occasionally overflow with divine power. Fortunately, you are fine..."

William's face is extremely complicated. When he is emotional, he will overflow with divine power. Then I can still...

Avril reached out and pulled him up, and then said to him seriously: "William, everything I said is true, I hope you can take over my burden, only you can..."

"I reject."

William shook his head, the expression on his face returned to calm, even a little indifferent.

"Your wish is to keep all the people of Faran alive, but mine is to keep you alive."

Turning his head to avoid Avril's complicated gaze, William reached into his pocket and grasped the token that belonged to Kane.

"Sorry, Her Majesty, your bodyguard is resigning."


"Are you crazy, what are you doing to provoke that woman?"

Harry sat on the back of the horse with a bewildered face, looked at William with a calm expression beside him, and asked in an extremely speechless manner:

"So... our family's aristocratic status is gone again?"

"That's not so."

William shook his head and replied calmly: "Her Majesty the Queen said that I can go back at any time. This time it is not a rebellion, it is just a big holiday for me and you all."

Harry said unhappily: "But I don't want to take a holiday. You don't even have a title, why should I, the earl, listen to you..."

"Shut up, the tradition of the Vankins family, the patriarch has the final say, my fist is bigger than yours, and I am the patriarch."

Harry pouted and muttered unhappily, "Then I'm still your father, is it useful for me to speak?"

William turned his head, and a slightly cold smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"It's useful if you can beat me."


Seeing Harry's constipated expression, the members of the Raging Flame Legion (pseudo) burst into laughter.

After unsuccessfully indecently assaulting his female boss last night, William decisively pulled his team to leave together, and is now on his way to a new company.

Because of the friendly sponsorship of a good-hearted person, he has three marquis at his fingertips. If this venture is successful, he will become the largest... ordinary person in the entire French territory.

Until now, he has not even gotten into the lowest honorary baron, and is still an ordinary person without a title. If he insists, he is one of the potential heirs of the honorary earl.

But Jessica may be a little worse, she is no longer a question of nobility or no nobility.

After the failed attack on the capital, Leonard "expelled" her from the Farrell family. She was not in Ironthorn City, so naturally there was no way to obtain an identity certificate belonging to a civilian.

Strictly speaking, the current long-legged female knight is actually an out-and-out refugee, belonging to the bottom of the entire society, and her status is roughly equal to that of bandits and bandits.

As if feeling the malice in the dark, Jay Refugee Sika turned his head to look over, and met William's sympathetic gaze.

Under the confused eyes of the female knight, William patted her shoulder lightly.

"Come on, we all have a bright future."

"What are you talking about?"

Jessica frowned and said angrily, "Also, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand anything?"

The female knight patted off William's hand and asked in puzzlement:

"Also, didn't you say before that you could give me 5,000 soldiers and let me take back the three marquis? Why did the 5,000 soldiers suddenly become 300 of your subordinates?"

William shook his head cheerfully.

"The three hundred of me are much more powerful than the five thousand soldiers. Also, you probably misunderstood, not to send the three hundred of me to you, but to send you and your six hundred men to me, Now you are my subordinate."

[Legion Name: Black Nightmare Cavalry]

[Legion Level: Second Class]

[Corporation establishment: 653/1000]

[Legion characteristics: well-trained, this is an army that has undergone severe training, formation strength +3]

[Legion characteristics: Strict discipline, this army has strict discipline, morale is not easy to reduce during battle, even if it is on the verge of collapse, it can still maintain a certain combat effectiveness]

[Legion Skill: Night Attack, the horses of this cavalry have undergone some kind of shadow ritual training; not only are they very good in quality, but their physical strength and endurance will be slightly improved at night or in a shadowy environment]

William turned off the Legion panel, and happily rubbed the big heads of the little whites.

Although the Black Nightmare Cavalry does not have the characteristics of three legions like the Raging Flame Legion (pseudo), it is still a very good legion.

Well... the proportion of professionals is a little lower, unlike the full-staff professionals like the Raging Flame Legion, among which the number of professionals is only about Also, the characteristics of the two legions are not very strong. , it is especially easy to use against weaker opponents, and most of them stare blankly in the face of strong enemies; legion skills are still auxiliary, they cannot temporarily improve their combat effectiveness, and it is easy to suffer losses in tough battles, and...

William's smile gradually subsided. Looking at Jessica who was still confused, he sighed regretfully.

Forget it, you can't be too greedy, anyway, it's wool from Baishu, even if you have some food, it's better than nothing.

When he thought of picking wool, William's hand suddenly itchy, and he subconsciously touched the mane on the necks of the little whites...

"Wait, didn't you say before that this time I was ordered to help me attack the marquis? How could I be your subordinate?"

Hearing Jessica's astonished questioning, William withdrew his hand that was going to lick the horsehair, and took out a thin piece of grass paper from his arms, showing a smile that belonged to a black-hearted capitalist.

"Don't struggle, you've even signed the contract, you're mine now."

[A black experience employment contract]

[Party A William Vankins, Party B Jessica Farrell]

[Contents: Party B will accept Party A's employment and lead its subordinates to become Party A's mercenaries, during which time they will pay their own wages and prepare their own rice and grain...]

[Note: During the signing of the contract, Party A used a series of staggering negotiation skills, such as masculine temptation, psychological suggestion, chicken soup pouring, and the concept of stealing exchange.

Coupled with Party B's psychological carelessness and intellectual flaws, this contract finally came into being. The stingy remuneration, the meager remuneration, and the harsh terms make even the most greedy mammons feel heartbroken when they see it. 】

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