This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 155: I prefer to marry the queen directly

After hearing the sound of the door, Avril behind the desk was still working at the desk without raising her head, but just pointed at the table beside her.

"Just put the supper there, thanks for your hard work."

William didn't speak. After Yiyan put down the plate gently, he looked up at her current appearance.

Her Majesty the Queen is sitting behind the table, frowning and thinking seriously about something, her two white lotus arms are exposed, and she is wearing only a slightly thin sleeveless nightdress.

Unlike the gorgeous styles popular in Wangdu, this goose-yellow silk nightdress has almost no cuttings, and common decorations such as hollows, lace, and painted patterns are completely absent.

It stands to reason that this is just a simple nightdress, and there is nothing special about it, but when it is worn on the queen, it looks...a bit astringent.

The weather was getting colder, and it was a little cold to wear only a sleeveless nightdress. Avril had a thick cashmere blanket wrapped around her knees, hiding her slender abdomen and the curves of her waist and buttocks.

This cashmere blanket was a little thicker, even if it wasn't on the upper body, it still made her sweat a lot, and the shoulder straps of the nightdress were wet a little, and they were tightly attached to the delicate skin below. together...

William sniffed subconsciously.

Avril raised her head when she heard the abnormal noise, and saw William wearing a black tights. She sat up straight in amazement, and after looking at William's outfit, she asked amusingly:

"William, what are you doing? Why are you dressed like an assassin?"

When she said this, she seemed to suddenly remember something, and there was a look of nostalgia in her eyes, and she laughed and made a little joke:

"This dress... You won't be the same as before, to assassinate me, right?"

William: "..." 囧.

Avril seemed to be in a good mood. She reached out and took the soup bowl on the plate, took a sip, and said with a smile, "Last time you chose to use a stick, did you choose to poison the soup this time? Remember later. Don't get caught by my guards again."


A slight embarrassment appeared on William's face.

Can you not spoil the atmosphere, how can I be so embarrassed to persuade you from my father's standpoint when you look at my dark history like this?

William put his fist up to his mouth and coughed lightly, deciding to take the initiative back first.

While Avril drank the vegetable soup in small sips, he said abruptly:

"Kane is dead."

The sudden news made Avril choked, the soup bowl in her hand was crooked, and a lot of liquid inside spilled out.

"Cough, what?"

Not caring to wipe the soup spilled on her body, Her Majesty the Queen raised her head in shock and looked at William with a cold face.

"Who did it? An assassin sent by the Farrell family?"

William glanced at a certain place quickly, and then said without embarrassment:

"not me."


After an embarrassing silence, Avril seemed to suddenly understand something. She bit her rosy lips lightly, and said with a complicated expression:

" much do you know?"

Because she just drank the soup, Her Majesty's red lips were stained with oily flowers, and the plump red lips were shiny and soft, making people want to take a bite. In front of him, a lot of wonderful scenery was revealed.

William coughed lightly, took a hard look, put his head away, and spit out two words in a flat voice.


Avril forced a smile and put down the soup bowl in her hand, and said hesitantly:

"Then... what do you think about this?"

After hearing her question, William pouted angrily.

What do I think? Of course I want to smash everyone's head, even if it's not you, I really hate this kind of **** method.

Not to mention the so-called Saint-Farland ordinary people who have fallen with blood mold, why should they suffer such a big crime?

In the current ruling model of feudal aristocrats, the lords have almost life-and-death rights over their subjects, and whether ordinary people live well depends on the quality of the lords.

A group of people with demon blood are born with a lot of character flaws. Once they are in power, they can be expected to do good things?

After hundreds of years of intermarriage, the proliferation of demon bloodlines has led to the fact that most of the nobles in Flange are not good people.

There hasn't been a war that swept across the country for more than 500 years, and the population of Flange is actually lower than when it just experienced the war. It is self-evident how miserable the life of ordinary people is.

Because it is worth the sacrifice to block the gate of the dead country for the continent of Austria, so people born in Flange deserve to be unlucky?

William suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his mind, chose the gentle language as possible, and calmly expressed his views.

"I think people from the three major churches are all Shabi.

The gate of the dead country is a matter of the entire Austrian continent. Why should the people of Flange bear the price? It is even more stupid for the artificial saints to block the gate of the dead country. "

Avril sighed and said nothing.

William chased after the victory: "Your Majesty, the people from the three major churches have already come. I want to ask, have you agreed to that plan?"

Avril nodded lightly, and after biting her rosy lips, she replied calmly, "Well, I promise..."

She raised her head and stared at William, her bright eyes flashed with a firm light, and the faint meaning inside made William's heart feel uncomfortable.

Her Majesty the Queen said softly: "William, I am the Queen of Flange. My ancestors and family have ruled this land for five hundred years. It is my duty to guard the ordinary people of Flange. If the door of the dead country is opened, a large number of The undead poured into Flange, then..."

"That's also much better than being abused by a bunch of demon-like nobles."

William interrupted her words and gave Her Majesty the Queen a rare look.

"Have you not seen it clearly for so many years? Flange has long been rotten to the root. Even if you sacrifice yourself to stop the undead, the people you want to protect will still live a life better than death. If you die, regardless……"

"If I die, they will at least survive anyway."

Avril got up and walked over, grabbing William's hand a little excitedly, and staring at William's eyes with bright eyes.

"Even though life is still painful, they can still live, and as long as they live there is hope."

William squeezed the smooth palm of Her Majesty the Queen, feeling tangled in his heart, he couldn't help but say, "This hand is really...bah!"

When Avril blushed and pulled her hand back, William grabbed her hand with a backhand and said with a serious expression:

"I mean, only you are alive is their hope. If you are dead, it means that it is really hopeless. Do you expect those demon bloods to be like you?"

Her Majesty the Queen twitched twice without twitching. After glaring at William angrily, she chose to hold William's palm with a backhand, and the soft finger pads gently rubbed the calluses on his tiger's mouth.

"And you."

Avril took a step closer and looked up slightly into William's eyes.

"I found out a long time ago that you are different from everyone else."

She said seriously: "You can maintain respect for everyone, whether that person is a servant or a maid, or even a pariah or a beggar, you look at them with peaceful eyes, no condescending arrogance, no contempt and disgust ."

William: "..."

The guards and maids are of the same generation. They pour tea and water for the queen, make the bed and fold the quilt. I show the gate to the palace, the gate to the queen, the benefits the queen gives, and the queen...cough.

In short, although everyone has different types of work, they are all workers from the end of the world. Why do I despise them?

Avril didn't know William's thoughts. She pulled William and continued: "After I discovered your unusualness, I called you around. After careful observation, I became more and more convinced of my thoughts."

Avril's eyes shone brightly, she stared into William's eyes, and said sincerely:

"William, you see a lot of things better than I do. Believe me, you have the ability to be a good king. Even if I'm gone, you can make Fran better."

The problem is that you are gone, so what am I still doing in Flanders? Am I staying in this **** place and not leaving because it's not clear enough?

William frowned and refused: "I'm not interested..."

Avril pulled out her hand and covered William's mouth, her delicate palm was even softer and softer than William's lips.

She gently hugged her, put her forehead on William's shoulder, her delicate body in only a thin nightdress trembled gently:

"Don't reject me...please."

Just when William started to think about whether he should wrap his arms around his shoulders or just put his arms around his waist, or just a little further down, Avril's slightly trembling voice reached his ears.

"I have a younger sister, and she also has the right of succession to Frank. Before the door of the dead country opens, I will help her pave the way to take over the throne. Wait for me... When I die, you marry her, and then..."


William wrapped his arms around her waist with a complicated expression, and rubbed down a little by the way.

I thought you were going to marry me, but what if a younger sister popped out? And I still have the most important question to ask, the little sister you mentioned, she drifts... Bah!

William shook his head violently, forcibly pulled back his misguided thoughts, and then gently pushed the Zhenshou that was leaning on his shoulders away, stared into Avril's eyes and asked:

"So, you must be that saint?"

Her Majesty the Queen turned her head away and avoided William's eyes. Although she didn't say a word, her performance has already given the answer to this question.

William's face suddenly turned dark, and he was so angry with her stubbornness that he began to tighten his arms around her, and said angrily:

"Why do you want to marry your sister? If you want to be king, wouldn't it be more convenient to marry the queen directly?"

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