This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 150: Leonard's Secret

Seeing William's expression of indifference, the cook, who was in his thirties, couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

When the professional master of the Vankins family said that she would take Daisy away, she was still very reluctant.

If it had been two days ago, she would have begged bitterly, hoping that he would not take his daughter away. I already have a job as a cook. Although it is a little difficult to bring Daisy alone, it is more difficult, and the two of them will not starve to death.

But after the werewolf broke into the palace the day before, she could only hide in the dusty bread oven with her arms around her, listening to the roars and screams of the beasts outside, and hid in fear all night.

When she came out the next day, all the servants in the palace died, and several cooks who worked like her died.

A kind-hearted aunt who usually took good care of them fell down a dozen paces away from the kitchen. The corpses were all gnawed and mutilated, and they were covered with the teeth marks of beasts.

After burying the cook, she has already recognized the reality. Now Fran is no longer safe. She is just a little cook who can't even protect her own life, let alone protect Daisy.

So she even secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that William wanted to bring his daughter back to Anderson's house.

Even though she was very reluctant, even though she knew that Anderson's house was not a good place to go, at least she could give her daughter more hope of life, but...

She quietly glanced at William, whose expression was cold (face) and pale (paralyzed).

This professional adult has a cold look. It seems that Daisy's impression on him is probably very bad...

The cook gritted her teeth and said boldly, "Sir William, Daisy is usually very well-behaved. She doesn't like to be tricky, but something happened when she was a child, which made her like making brown bread very much."

Seeing that William didn't show an impatient look, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, lowered her head and said softly:

"We... we annoyed Master Rhodes once, we were kicked out and starved on the street for two days. If Daisy hadn't picked up a copper carper, we would have starved to death.

Because there is only one copper carper, we can only afford the cheapest brown bread, she was only five years old at the time, maybe she remembered the taste of that black bread, so she was a little persistent..."

The note in William's hand was torn off with a bang.

Five years old...street...a copper carper's brown bread?

As if he suddenly remembered something, he turned to look at the cook next to him, and carefully looked at her appearance.

The cook was in her thirties. She didn't have any decorations on her body. She only covered her dark brown hair with a dusty cloth handkerchief. Fabulous beauty.

It's just the hardships of life and the transitional labor that made her appear a little old-fashioned in advance, but she still has a charm, and her eyebrows are vaguely familiar, and she always feels like she's seen it somewhere...

Daisy Anderson? ...Daisy...Daisy Farrell!

At this moment, 100,000 grass and mud horses flowed from his chest. William looked at the beautiful woman in front of him in shock. He really didn't know what to say.

Leonard... Your mother-in-law who died in the chaos of the army and your future wife are in my hands. If you are sleeping on a couch, I will ask you whether you will surrender or not!


Seeing the professional looking at his face and starting to be in a daze, Leonard's mother-in-law, who hadn't come through the door, was startled, and quickly lowered her head and took a step back, with a flustered expression: "I'm sorry, Sir William, I...I...Please be me. Didn't say anything!"

William also recovered from the huge shock, waved his hand and said with a gentle expression: "You are very polite, from the old Marquis Roman, you are also my... cousin? Everyone is relatives, there is no need to be too much. restraint."

Saying that, he smiled at the woman in front of him. "However, I have something I want to discuss with you."

The beautiful woman on the opposite side trembled. She closed her neckline and took a step back. She asked in a trembling voice, "You... what do you want to do?"

William took a step forward and slowly extended his hand to her.

"Can you show me the bread in your hand?"

"I... I will call..."


The woman's body stiffened for a moment, then relaxed instantly.

She hurriedly handed over half of the brown bread, then bowed deeply, made a rudeness, and ran out of the kitchen with her head buried in it, almost colliding with the person at the door.

【Brown bread to the depths of your soul (trial work No. 127)】

【Hardness+2】【Satisfaction+3】【Evil Food+3】

[Special skill: The taste of the soul, after eating, you can get spirit +1 (permanent) (unique)]

[This is an extremely unpalatable piece of black bread. In addition to wheat flour, it is also mixed with bran, sawdust and pebbles. It didn’t take long to make it, but it has the sour taste that only spoiled bread has. No matter how greedy profiteers are, won't sell it,

However, what is amazing is that this extremely unpalatable piece of bread not only condenses an extremely sincere heart, but also contains a pure and beautiful wish.]

[Ah, still can't make that taste? It was all black bread, so why was the bread so delicious that day? 】

This attribute... a stone hammer!

William squeezed the brown bread in his hand excitedly.

Leonard! Both your mother-in-law and future wife are in my hands. I limit you to bring your sister-in-law and sister-in-law and all the gold and silver treasures and soldiers to surrender before six o'clock tomorrow morning, or I will tear up the vote!

【Brown bread to the depths of your soul】, this is the only one with no branches!

Daisy Farrell! The one who "feeds" the whole of Flange.

Gentle, virtuous, quiet and elegant, she is always timid when talking to strangers, a woman like a little white flower, and the only weakness of Leonard's mental illness.

The bread made by "Mrs. Daisy" has a charm that goes straight to the soul, and can make those who eat it feel the preciousness of life (it's so hard to eat that you can see the Styx), and most importantly - her bread can provide forever 5 points of spiritual attributes!

These 5 points of spiritual attributes may not be worth mentioning for high-level professionals, but most of the first-order legal professions require 15-20 points of spiritual power, and the spiritual power of ordinary people is also 5- hovering between 10.

With these five spiritual attributes, ordinary people with poor talent can barely touch the threshold of changing careers and obtain the qualifications to become professionals. Soon to be a professional.

Almost ten years from now, [Mrs. Daisy's Brown Bread] will become the cornerstone of the entire Flange. Through the power of dark cooking, it will change the status quo of the desert of French legal professionals and spawn a large number of low-level professionals.

No one knows the specific origin of this "master of black bread". The only thing players know is the story between her and the black bread.

At the age of five, the "Mrs. Daisy" was kicked out of the house with her mother, a cook, and almost starved to death on the streets.

When she was tortured to the point of collapse by starvation, she made the only robbery in her life, snatching a copper carper from a sick beggar's bowl and buying a piece of spoiled black bread mixed with sawdust.

In order to increase the weight, the profiteer mixed pebbles in the bread. The bread was so poor that the livestock couldn't swallow it, but it really saved two people who were about to starve to death.

After being picked up again, she once went to the sick beggar with the brown bread made by her mother, but was told that the beggar had starved to death in a cold night.

Only those who have truly experienced hunger can know what it feels like.

This stubborn and timid little girl has since had a simple dream - to use the cheapest materials to make the most hungry and delicious black bread, so that the poorest can afford it.

Her little head thinks that even if people are the same, they will still die, but at least they shouldn't die in such a painful way as starvation...

It's a pity that her wish will probably never be fulfilled. Even if the trial number of the brown bread in the future is updated to five digits, the taste is still amazingly unpalatable.

Everyone wanted to take a bite of the brown bread she made, but absolutely no one would want to take a second bite.

Rubbing the rough brown bread in his hand, William couldn't help but recall the horror of the "finished bread", the terrible taste that was as good as sandpaper, enough to instantly destroy anyone's taste buds—in a physical sense.

Moreover, because of her rare [Soul Harvester] profession, the finished version of the bread is accompanied by an unimaginable mental blow.

There is a group of sand sculpture players who are brave enough to challenge. They tried to challenge the limits of human beings by adjusting their pain and taste to 1%. However, no one could survive thirty sticks, and most of them saw Styx within ten sticks. .

So in various senses, [the dark bread leading to the depths of the soul] is a kind of terrifying food, and a woman who can make this kind of bread... a girl... is also quite a terrifying person.

He threw away the brown bread in his hand, and William turned around with complicated eyes, and looked in the direction where Daisy fled.

That quiet and gentle, introverted to shy beauty, is now a leather monkey like a reed stick? It's really a thousand and eight thousand changes in women's colleges...

Um? Isn't that Jessica? Why do you seem to have lost your soul?

A familiar figure was standing sideways outside the door, his face and upper body were blocked by the old wooden door, but sometimes you don't need to see the face to recognize people, this ratio must be that Jessica didn't run away.

Looking back at the little witches who shrank to the corner and shivered, William left the kitchen speechlessly.

The female knight outside the door was standing in a very awkward posture, twisting her neck and looking at the back of the cook who was gone, her eyes were not even blinking, and her eyes were full of doubts and confusion.


The female knight's body trembled, and her blank eyes regained focus, but her usual sharp brows seemed to soften a lot.

Jessica's small and exquisite nose twitched slightly, and then she asked a little bit nervously:

"William, who is the woman who went out just now?"

After hearing this question, William's eyes flashed with vigilance.

How do you act like... the appearance of lustful soul and you? You and your brother deserve to be twins. Are the aesthetic standards so unified? And you seem to be stronger than him.

If he couldn't beat Leonard on the battlefield, he was going to make his mother-in-law his old father-in-law... mother? This routine of yours is seems that the operability is quite strong.

Rubbing his chin, William shook off the idea of ​​zombies in his head, and turned to answer:

"She used to be the cook of the Anderson family. She was forced to be the mistress of the current Marquis Anderson. Now, she should be your cook. What's the matter, is there anything wrong with her?"

Jessica's expression changed, and she said in surprise, "Is she Daisy's mother?"

William raised his eyebrows. "The position of her cook was arranged by you. You don't know her?"

"I..." Jessica recalled, frowned and said:

"It was the first time I met her. Her daughter Daisy's physique is very strong, her strength and speed are also very good, and she can become an excellent melee professional.

When I was recruiting her daughter, I asked Daisy what she wanted, and she said she wanted her mother to be my cook..."

Even with the [Face of the Careerist] there, the corner of William's mouth twitched fiercely.

Melee professional? You are probably crazy! Daisy has a special talent in the soul, and can take up a special profession of manipulating the soul, not to mention the bug-like baking technique. You let such a big baby take a knife to chop people?

"Forget it, it's not important." Jessica waved her hand and asked eagerly:

"William, that woman turned out to be the cook of the Anderson family, so is she a French? Do you have any other siblings?"


How do I know, I'm only responsible for helping Lao Roman find his granddaughter, do I still need to search the family tree of his son's mistress?

William shook his head. "I don't know, but it should not be a noble, it should be just an ordinary person."

"I didn't ask if she was a noble!" Jessica stomped her feet anxiously, and then brought her face to William.

"Don't you think I'm a bit like her?"

Facing William's astonished gaze, the female knight pushed her hair behind her ears, trying to show her face more clearly.


"Isn't it like?"

I'm sorry, it's the first time I noticed what your face looks Before... um... those are not important.

William looked up and down seriously, and even stretched out his hand to squeeze it, and found that Jessica's face was indeed similar to that of the cook, with the same beauty, lips and chin.

But there is a big difference in temperament between the two. The cook's temperament is quite weak, and she always looks cautious.

Jessica is not the case. Although she is not very smart, she is still a leader of the army. When she is not smiling, her eyes are cold and her temperament is more determined. She is completely different from that chef.

If she hadn't said it, William wouldn't have noticed that the two looked alike. After thinking about Jessica's question, he hesitated: " ask her if she has any siblings..."

Jessica nodded.

"She may be my mother's clan..."


William smacked his lips. I thought she was your long-lost biological mother. I'm sorry, but I watched a lot of blood-seeking dramas in my past life.

The female knight who was born out of nowhere recalled for a moment and said softly, "When my mother's family was wiped out, many people should have fled from the Holy Empire to Faran. I think she is probably one of them."

Jessica touched her chin nostalgically, and murmured: "William, do you remember what Cousin Amelian said before he died, he said that although my mother and I look alike, we don't have the same eyes.

Indeed, my eyes are more like my father... that man. And my mother is a gentle and quiet person most of the time, her eyes are always soft, and she is not too timid, and she is always timid when she speaks, like a little white flower on the side of the road..."

William: "..."

I seem to know something...

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