This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 149: Bread and Descent

William silently touched his face.

With [Assassin's Appearance] here, can you all faint? The courage is too small!

So far, William has received a total of three "punishments" from the secondary system, namely [The Face of the Careerist], [The Appearance of the Assassin], and [Wolf Gu].

These three skills are all passive skills that are activated all the year round, and they all have a rather hidden feature - they are not "forced".

When William's emotions fluctuated greatly, he could break through the facial paralysis caused by the [Ambitioner's Face] and make a certain expression; and when his behavior was too suspicious, the [Assassin's Appearance] could not make others put down their hearts. vigilant, seeing themselves as harmless ordinary people.

But although it will not be enforced, the effect of [Assassin's Appearance] is still very powerful. It can make a dignified queen put down her guard in front of her, make a stubborn female knight open up quickly, and make a short-circuited elf big. The niece called out to Dad...

It is true that his handsome and handsome face is the main reason, but the strength of [Assassin's Appearance] is beyond doubt.

Thinking of this, William's face became serious.

The invincible [Assassin's Appearance] actually lost his mind when facing these two little witches, and the younger witch was even more exaggerated, just looking at himself and screaming. passed out.

Then here comes the question—what image am I in the eyes of these two little girls?


Carly put her arms around her fainted sister and looked at William in horror.

Just looking at it like this, she was so frightened that she couldn't restrain herself from shaking, trembling like a quail only frightened by firecrackers.

The man's facial features were not clearly visible, but his eyes were frighteningly cold, and his eyes didn't even fluctuate at all, as if he didn't see himself as a human being.

The look in Carly's eyes is very familiar, similar to those of the big men called tax collectors who occasionally appear in the town.

It was obviously "life and death", but a strange thought flooded into the little witch's heart. Dad just sighed when he talked about the Duke, but shivered when he talked about the tax collector, so he said—the tax collector really means the king, right?

Thinking of the tax officials who took away her mother, she shrunk and hugged her sister tightly. This person... wouldn't want to take her sister away, right? It is said that the tax officials are very fierce, until they ordered the passing Lord Rui Ji to pay the road maintenance tax...

Thinking of this, the little witch couldn't help but shake her spirits. For her, who has never left the town in her life, a man with cold eyes = the tax officer < the witch who killed the tax officer, so...

The black-robed witch's corpse fell in the distance, her neck bent back was weird and terrifying, and her wide-open eyes were full of surprise and fear.

So Mr. Rikki has been killed!

Carly shivered suddenly, and her fear of the man in front of her rose to a new level.

Raiji-sama, who usually likes to punish them with whipping, is so humble and frightening in front of that man that she can only beg hard like her father who can't pay taxes.

In order to make him spare his life, Lord Rikki did everything possible, but it was of no use at all. He was caught by this man who was more terrifying than the tax officer as if he was carrying a rag doll.

The desperate look of Lord Rikki at that time was more helpless than the little rabbit who fell into the hands of the bad boy. In order not to fall into his hands, he even took the initiative to kill him on his helmet, even breaking his neck. La!

Too brutal!

Carly inhaled desperately, and a series of terrifying images flashed through her mind, from the scene of Rikki giggling and pumping them all covered in blood, and the scene when the werewolves who called humans their prey ate heavily.

Those pictures flickered quickly, but in the end they were fixed on the dead eyes of the witch in black robe.


The little witch was so terrified that her whole body was stiff, and she could only **** her nose desperately, as if she could ease the fear in her heart as long as she had enough oxygen.

However, the surrounding air was filled with the pungent smell of blood and the stench of werewolves, and there was also an aura unique to dark creatures. After smelling this aura, she became even more nervous.

Dark creatures such as werewolves, vampires, and sirens all have a certain "favor" for the flesh and blood of intelligent creatures. During these days of being among the wolves, she really saw a lot of restricted-level pictures.

However, when thinking of those mutilated limbs, the little witch miraculously relaxed.

It's okay, it's okay, even if you get killed, it's better than being fed to a werewolf if you can't learn spells! Although the man on the opposite side is ferocious, he is not a dark creature, at least he can't eat people. Even if he thinks better, maybe he and his sister can survive?

Just when she mustered up the last bit of courage and raised her head to look at William with hope, the aura that belonged to the dark creature suddenly became stronger.

Looking at the palm stretched out in front of her face and smelling the unique smell of dark creatures on it, Carly's pupils suddenly dilated, and her little heart twitched violently.


After more than ten seconds longer than her younger sister Lori, the brave older sister Carly also lost consciousness.

William's outstretched hand also froze in mid-air. Looking at the little witch who passed out after a scream, he retracted his hand angrily.

The two little girls don't understand the charm of mature men at all!


"Sister! Wake up! You've been sleeping for a long time."

Carly frowned, patted off the hand pinching her face, and slowly opened her eyes.


She suddenly sat up from the plank bed and took her sister, who was also full of joy, in her arms.

"We're not dead! Great, we're still alive!"

"Ha, ha, ha."

Sister Lori burst into tears: "Yeah, we're still alive, it's great!"

"Crack! Crack, crack, slurp..."

"What's the sound?" Carly let go of her sister in her arms and searched for the source of the sound suspiciously.

After hearing her sister's question, Lori's little face drooped down, and she pointed to the kitchen door dejectedly: "It's the jailer, that's the sound of her eating."

Carly followed her sister's fingers and saw a thin little girl sitting at the door, about the same age as the two of them.

The girl was sitting on a special small bench, chewing hard brown bread and staring at them curiously. There was a bowl of buckwheat porridge so clear that you could see the bottom of the bowl on the ground.

After hearing Lori's statement, the little girl at the door puffed up her cheeks, took a gulp of porridge and smoothed the bread in her mouth, and retorted angrily, "It's not the jailer, I'm Lord Jessica. Chef Daisy!"

Lori was yelled at by her and hid behind her sister in fright.

Carly swallowed her saliva and said tentatively, "Are you the cook of the woman who rides a dark horse?"

"To call her esteemed Lord Jessica!"

Daisy glared at her, and then said a little dejectedly: "It's not yet... but Lord Jessica will definitely like the bread I make!"

"Gollum, Gollum..."

There was a slight noise from Carly's stomach, and a sense of hunger surged up.

Looking at Carly, who was covering her stomach with some sympathy, Daisy hesitated for a while, then she took a small piece of bread from her hand and handed it hesitantly.

"Well, this is the bread I made. I can give you some to eat."

Carly took the brown bread at a loss, and then gave Daisy a moved look.

Their father owns a bakery. Although everyone has no money to buy bread, they often fail to pay taxes, but they are usually not short of food.

The **** the other side looked dry and thin, similar to the poorest child in the village. She must have been eating poorly, and she was willing to share her food with them. Maybe she was a good person, and that Lord Jessica might not be bad either. ...

After thanking the generous Daisy, Carly handed the bread in her hand to her sister. Lori, who was hiding behind her, shook her head and pointed to the empty bowl on the stove next to her.

"Sister, eat it, I woke up earlier than you, and I've already drank her porridge."

As Lori spoke, she secretly glanced at Daisy at the door, with a look of fear and admiration on her face.

In her eleven-year life, it was the first time she drank unhulled buckwheat rice.

She only took a small sip and couldn't swallow. The girl at the door was able to drink three bowls without changing her face, and even drank the bowl she didn't finish. This person is amazing!

After hearing her sister's words, Carrie smiled and nodded, then put the fist-sized black bread into her mouth and took a bite.

Her smile suddenly froze on her face.

Sour, salty, hard, rough... This is the worst bread she has ever eaten in her twelve years of life, but...

"Carly, you have to remember that even if he is poorer than us, he must not trample on the good intentions of others..."

Seeing the expectant look on the girl's face at the door, Carly closed her eyes and swallowed the terrifying piece of bread wholeheartedly, not even daring to chew it, for fear of the strong sour and salty taste. Will stay in the mouth lingering.

After reluctantly swallowing the sturdy brown bread, she was greeted by Daisy's fearful and admiring eyes.

"Don't you spit out stones? It's amazing!"

The dry and thin little girl complimented vaguely while chewing the bread in her mouth.


Daisy swallowed the bread, spat out the pebbles in her mouth, and gave her a thumbs up.

"In order to make the bread more compact, I stuffed small stones in it, and you actually swallowed them all. It's really amazing!"



When he was still a few dozen meters away from the kitchen, William heard a series of retching sounds.

The cook, who also heard the retching sound, changed her expression. She even temporarily gave up the task of leading the way, and hurried over with an apron. When she saw Carly who was retching her throat, the cook suddenly turned black.

Without bothering to greet William, the cook pursed her lips and looked around, and found her target behind the bread oven—Daisy, who was shivering with the brown bread in her arms.

After looking at William apologetically, the cook rushed over with a dark face, and slapped the little girl **** the buttocks.

"Daisy! Didn't I say you were not allowed to come to the kitchen!"

"Mom...Mom...I just passed by..."

The cook ignored her, but pulled Daisy out from behind the bread oven, walked all the way to the storage room, raised her hand and rummaged through the pocket hidden behind the door.

She found that not only the wheat flour and bran were less, but also the wood chips used for the fire had disappeared. She was so angry that she snatched the brown bread from Daisy's hand and slapped her hard with a sturdy bread stick.

"Did you add sawdust into the bread again?"


After hearing the cook's question, Carly, who had just stood up, lay back down again with tears in her eyes, digging her throat harder.

Daisy pinched the corner of her clothes with her thin, small hands, and while peeking at the bread stick in the cook's hand, she answered dejectedly:

"No... I didn't add much this time... I just added a small amount, mostly small stones."

"The mouth area!!!"

"You!" The cook was so angry that she stomped her feet, raised half of the brown bread stick and slapped her a few times.

"do not want!"

The dry and thin little girl suddenly screamed, then rushed over without hesitation, and fell to the ground with the black bread in her hand.

In order to prevent the bread from getting soiled, she even scratched a piece of her chin, but she didn't know the pain at all, so she got up and ran away.

"You child!"

After the cook reprimanded, she quickly reached out to grab it, but the little girl turned her shoulders to avoid it, and she only caught the exposed bread stick.

After tearing off a piece of the bag, the dry little girl sprang out of the kitchen door like a hare, and in the blink of an eye, she didn't know where to embarrassedly grabbed the half of her hand. Bread, the cook picked up her apron and bowed to William.

"This... made you laugh"

William shook his head flatly, took out a blood-stained note from his arms, and said slowly, "No, this child is very lively, my cousin will definitely like this granddaughter."

William let out a sigh of relief after scratching the name Daisy Anderson with his fingernails.

With the exception of the kid named Roz Anderson, this **** is finally over.

This note was given by Harry, and the blood on it was also his.

When Harry was sent by the queen to deliver a letter, he was entrusted by the old Marquis Roman to help take care of some of his grandchildren who had not had time to evacuate from the capital.

However, Harry was first locked up by Jessica, and he didn't have time to do it at all, and then the black-robed witch emptied the flesh on his right arm, so he had to leave this matter to William.

For the sake of the Anderson family's money and equipment, William reluctantly took over the job. The number of grandchildren of the old marquis is quite large, and there are more than a dozen names on the note in his hand.

And I don't know how their parents educated them. After hearing that William was from the Vankins family, these little brats immediately began to boss them around, all of them looking like Harry possessed.

What made William even more angry was that after these little **** were beaten, they were all honest, and none of them could jump on their feet and continue to pounce on them like Harry did.

Can you be called a mixed-blood mad war demon if your head is not strong enough? At first glance, these bear children knew that the bloodline inheritance was not in place, and they failed to learn the essence of it.

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