This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 142: Werewolf and Witch

On the road leading to the royal city, a team of 100 people composed purely of professional knights is advancing unhurriedly.

Most of these knights hurried on the road without saying a word, and even on the way, they could still maintain a relatively tight formation, which seemed to be an elite team of knights.

However, compared to the elites who deserved the title, their armors were varied, and they seemed to have not noticed the importance of uniform dress at all.

Some people wear standard armor issued by the royal family, some wear refined iron armor painted with the family crest of the Warren family, and more are wrought iron knight armor obtained (robbed) from the Anderson family.

From a distance, these guys with messy armor look like a pure rogue army, but if you look closely, they have a terrifying smell.

At the forefront of this squad are more than a dozen blood-red knights. The iron-gray armor is stained with blood, and the eyes under the helmets are also full of murderous intent. There may have been a brief encounter, and there was no Effortlessly wiped out the opponent.

The air around these knights seems to have been heated, twisting indistinctly.

And the bloodstains on the assorted armors seemed to twist as well, as if enchanting scarlet flames were slowly burning on their armors, and the eyes full of killing intent were daunting.


[The army under your command has united into an entry-level rectangular array (inferior)]

[Morale +2, Attack +1, Defense +2, Formation Strength = 1]

[Due to the influence of the legion's characteristic "runaway horse", morale +5, formation strength -3, command -3]

[Warning, the formation strength is too low and may collapse at any time]

William, who was at the forefront of the team, smacked his lips helplessly, and supported the helmet on his head.

Forget it, if it collapses, it will collapse. I have only practiced for three months, and it is enough to have this level.

According to the general evaluation level of excellent, good, fair, and bad, the formation ability of these guys can be said to be so bad that they are only a little better than those (extremely bad) miscellaneous brands.

However, the other formations will be bad. This group of guys with brains and muscles can learn several basic formations. William is already quite pleased. Anyway, I don't expect them to be able to defend or outflank. The fish scale formation is ready.

Moreover, nearly thirty of these hundred knights are second-order professionals, and they also have two rather abnormal racial characteristics. Coupled with the fact that he is an extra-stellar giant that is comparable to Tier 4, even if the formation is a little bit worse, this configuration is enough to penetrate most of the opponents at this stage.

Formation can't be forced, long live sixty-five years, anyway, it's a waste to have more.

After complaining about the bad formation of [Raging Flame Legion (pseudo)], William opened his own panel and took a look. In the special status column, two new temporary entries were added.

[The rage is burning, and the combat power will continue to increase with the duration of the battle]

[Devil's coercion, it will naturally oppress low-level enemies during battle]

It stands to reason that people who do not have the blood of the Berserker Demon should not be able to enjoy the corresponding racial bonuses, but the gift of saving throws is so unreasonable.

In front of the Unbounded People, the race check is a piece of shit, just skip it and you're done. There is no buff in this world that I, William, can't rub against.

William, who was in a full state, looked at the looming royal city in the distance, and thought silently in his heart.

What should I do to avoid the guard posts and take away the Farrell family's crusade?

That's right, it's impossible to inquire about news. It's impossible to do such tiring work in this life. William's goal from the very beginning was to directly overthrow the Farrell family's crusade.

Before I came out, I promised the queen that I was just looking for information, but the enemy was so hidden that it was difficult to determine the exact number, so I had to kill them all, and then I could count the specific numbers one by one.

As a professional scout, I like to be more precise when confirming the enemy's strength. Is this reasonable?

Soon, the [Raging Flame Legion (pseudo)] came to the vicinity of the royal capital and stopped in the jungle about a kilometer away.

William set up a pergola with his hands and narrowed his eyes to look at the dark city in the distance.

Strange, why didn't you see the torches of the sentry?

Um? Why is the palace still on fire! You are so frustrated, Jessica!


"The sword shield stepped forward and formed a circular formation! The others retreated inward!"

The knight in black armor pulled his neck and roared:

"I have already pulled the flare, and Lord Jessica will definitely come to support! Everyone on the periphery will stand firm for me! If you retreat back and cause the formation to collapse, everyone will die!"

The black armored knight roared and waved his sword to meet the werewolf who was leaked in. It gnawed at the shoulder blade fiercely, and stabbed the werewolf in the chest with a backhand sword.

The stench of blood spurted out like a fountain, splashing all over his body.

Pulling out the long sword stuck in the werewolf's ribs with difficulty, Eugene raised his head with a livid face and glanced at him. The two panic-stricken maids were hugging each other, looking at him in horror.

Just now, they wanted to rush in to take refuge, causing a gap in the formation, and the werewolf in front of them was leaked in.

"damn it!"

He cursed with a sullen face, then took a deep breath and roared at the people running outside the circle: "Don't rush! Don't rush! If you rush, everyone will die!"

However, no matter how much he yelled and scolded, and even killed the two soldiers who tried to rush in, he still couldn't stop the people who kept running to take refuge.

Under the impact of these people, the originally tight and tight circular formation was crowded into pieces by these people, and new werewolves were constantly rushing into the defense line. This temporary formation seemed to be unable to hold up.

"Eugene, what are the rules of formation?"

A cold and hard questioning voice sounded behind him, and the dissatisfaction in the tone was so strong that it almost overflowed, but the black armored knight who turned around was full of surprises.

"Lord Jessica!"

Looking at Eugene whose upper body was soaked with blood, the female knight's stern expression softened, she snorted and left him, shouting loudly, "Everyone obey! On the battlefield, rush into formation without authorization, kill!"

Hearing Lord Jessica's order, the sword and shield fighters around the circle gritted their teeth and waved their machetes at the people who came up...

Under the deterrence of blood, the circle that was on the verge of collapse finally stabilized, and it was gradually shrinking inward to stabilize. Although there were still occasional screams, the werewolves on the outside could not break in.

Seeing that the defensive circle finally stood up, Eugene could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and only then did he notice the severe pain in his shoulder.


He took a sharp breath of air in pain, but was stimulated by the strong smell of blood and made him want to retire. He looked around at the situation around him, but he didn't care about dressing the wound, and asked the female knight anxiously:

"Lord Jessica, we must break through as soon as possible! Those traitors who have betrayed the family are now at the gate of the palace. As long as the fire at the gate is extinguished, they will rush in immediately. My subordinates suggest choosing the corner gate of the palace to break through!"

The female knight did not answer immediately, but closed her eyes slightly and thought about it carefully.

No, the corner gates won't be a way to survive. It's no secret that there are two corner gates in the palace. It's impossible for Leonard to not know about it, and he must have made corresponding preparations.

Just now, I was looking at the top of the palace, and the two corner gates didn't even move at all. This is the strangest place. Going to the two corner gates might be even more dangerous.

If possible, she would prefer to choose the door to try her luck. After all, just seeing the flag does not mean that there will be so many people there. Maybe the main door is the only way to survive.


She glanced at the werewolf who surrounded them loosely and still did not choose to focus on attacking, and sighed very secretly.

Forget it, let's take one step at a time. When the entire sentry is wiped out, I feel like a blind man. I don't know the exact location of the enemy at all. Wherever I go, I'm actually gambling.

Nodding noncommittally, Jessica said calmly, "Okay, just do as you say!"

After all, she looked at the directions of the two corner gates, and found several collapsed towers on the way to the corner gate to the northeast.

There, it should be the location of the original prison, right?

The female knight raised her arm and said with a complicated expression: "If you are in a direction, go to the corner gate in the northeast first."

After receiving clear instructions, Eugene's anxious face suddenly eased a lot. He turned around excitedly and shouted at the soldiers around him: "Change! The knight is in front of the sword and the shield is behind, and the front is lost! Immediately to the soldiers. Breakthrough from the northeast!"

With Eugene's roar, the soldiers gathered from all over formed a simple arrow-shaped formation, and launched a counter-charge towards the werewolves in the northeast.

Although the werewolves had an advantage in physical fitness, they didn't seem to want to fight to the death.


Hearing the beast roar and the sound of fighting coming from the front, the open space under the shadow of the tower suddenly swayed, the surrounding air fluctuated like water ripples, and dozens of figures in black robes slowly appeared.

Standing at the front was a man and a woman, both of whom wore black hoods that looked a bit like some unlucky female fairy.

The tall man lifted his hood, glanced at the soldiers who were rushing towards him, sniffed the increasingly strong smell of blood in the air, and unconsciously his eyes turned into orange-yellow beasts with vertical slits. Hitomi.

The man turned his face to the side and said to the woman next to him in a hoarse voice: "Hey, old woman, the person Leonard wants has already appeared, can we do it now?"

"Cuckold, no."

A silver bell-like voice sounded, and the hooded woman chuckled a few times, and then said without doubt, "If we go out immediately, if we find out that these people are sure to die, that woman may choose to run away by herself.

So you and I have to wait here. Only when these people break through the corner gate and are only one step away from escaping, will that woman stay and choose to fight with us. "

The man didn't answer, but covered his chest with both hands, lying down with a grim expression, his slightly deformed nose and mouth continued to protrude forward, and clusters of thin white fluff grew on his face.

"I... can't wait... I... don't want to wait..."

The hoarse voice gradually became deeper, and the difference between it and humans became bigger and bigger. In the last few words, even the roar of the beasts when expressing threats was mixed in.

The full moon in the sky suddenly shed a ray of light on him. The man's body suddenly swelled several times, and the wide black robe was instantly torn, revealing the shiny silver hair under the black robe. This tall man suddenly turned into a silver* werewolf nearly three meters tall.

Unlike those gray werewolves who are besieging Jessica, his hair is not only smooth and shiny, but also full of explosive muscles underneath.

At this time, it slowly turned its head, and a pair of orange-yellow beast pupils stared at the hooded woman, as if she would immediately pounce on her if she refused.

The woman chuckled lightly and took a step back indifferently.

"That's up to you, the mistress of our Cletti family is Lord Leonard's chess friend. Even if the mission fails, I shouldn't die. As for you, this time, I'm going to pay how many wolves' lives to indulge. Bundle?"

Under her cynicism, the silver werewolf swooped The pale-white bone sharp claws carried a storm, as if it was about to shred the hooded woman.

However, the sharp claw still stopped in front of her face and didn't really swing down.

"I can... endure it for a while, but for this mission, I want three hundred... healthy human boys! The top ones are all werewolves, and the number of our clan... needs to be replenished!"

"Then I can't control it."

The woman with a clear voice smiled and said: "We witches can only transform girls, what's the use of making conditions with me?

However, I think your idea is actually quite valuable. This time, a lot of scumbags really died. If you don't add more, the cannon fodder for the next mission will not be enough. "

The werewolf's eyes gradually turned scarlet, and he growled in a vague and low voice: "Damn! Old woman! Give me... boy! Otherwise... I'll... eat..."

"Let go of that bitch!" A rough voice came from behind the tower.

"I'll give you a boy!" With the shouting, a dancing thing was thrown over and smashed to the ground with a thud.

Harry turned out from behind the tower, looking at the tall werewolf with pleasure, his face full of excitement.

"I'm so lucky! I actually ran into a big guy! You look much more resistant to beatings than those gray guys!"

The werewolf raised his front paws suspiciously and turned the boy who was moaning on the ground over.

The target was a face that was swollen like a pig's head. Not only did he smell sour and juicy, but his cheeks were also slicked with oil, red and swollen, and even his eyelids were almost squeezed out.

So...what is this thing?

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