This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 133: One more step left?

The palm-sized bat expanded several times in the blink of an eye. The inflated body trembled violently, then began to distort and finally burst.

The strong power of death instantly pierced Xiaohong's body, and the shock wave that rolled over was mixed with the power of purple-black death, which destroyed everything around him in an instant.

The statue of Eros was the first to bear the brunt. Although it barely survived the terrifying shock wave with the blessing of a ray of pale pink divine power, it collapsed under the erosion of the second round of the power of death.

The entire church was not even able to survive the shock wave of the first round, and was directly bombed into ruins. This magnificent and beautiful building was torn to shreds by the huge impact, and not even a fragment of the ruins was left behind.

Damaged sculptures, broken vines, broken logs... Countless building materials were swept away by the shock wave and continued to sweep away to everything around them. The beautiful rose fields around the church were smashed to pieces, littered with debris, big and small.

After the entire church completely disappeared, the astonishing explosion sound came out, and the huge shock caused the small half of the manor to tremble.

"Ah ah ah!"

"What's the matter! Is it an earthquake?"

"What sound? Something exploded?"

In an open space far away from the church, the people who circled around the bonfire stopped dancing and searched for the source of the loud noise in disbelief. Some people even screamed in horror.

There are dozens of such open spaces in the entire manor. Those people who were laughing and laughing felt a violent shock, and they all fled in panic. He ran in the direction from which he came.

William pushed away the two female perverts who were screaming while trying to pounce on them to take advantage of the opportunity, and pretended to follow the crowd towards the church.

[You are very talented, you have mastered the 'corpse explosion' technique without a teacher, and you have gained a small amount of professional experience in the skeleton sequence]

[Corpse Explosion, a low-level general combat technique of the skeleton sequence, causes a big explosion by disturbing the arrangement of the force of death inside the corpse, causing huge physical damage and the erosion of the force of death. The damage range and strength are affected by the corpse’s level before death]

[You have comprehended a bone sequence skill, and the revival petitioner has continuously advanced, the current level is LV3]

[You used corpse explosion to smash a statue blessed by a god. This behavior has not been discovered. If it is discovered, your reputation in the church will be temporarily locked to 10,000/10,000 immortal]

[Update on the progress of the mission 'Unforgivable']

[Task 1: Break a statue blessed by a **** with your own hands, the scope is limited to 1/1 of the Church of Love, Wealth and Knowledge]

[Your summons - Zombie Bloodbat LV1, Bone Bloodbat LV1 died of corpse explosion, the current remaining summons are 1/10, please add them as soon as possible]


A ghost bat floated in the ruins of the church with a dull face. Looking at the church that was bombed to a white floor, he subconsciously wanted to find something to bite, trying to prove that he was not dreaming.

After smacking her mouth a few times, Xiaohong finally came to her senses. Her first thought was—

"So that's what boom means..."

Seeing the tragic mess within a radius of tens of meters, the ghost Xiaohong couldn't help shivering. Even though it was already a ghost without a body, it still had a feeling called "cold all over the body".

I... it seems that I just blew up Eros-sama's church!

The suddenly awakened Xiaohong didn't say a word, and took advantage of the ghost's ability to pass through objects and rushed straight to the ground, and started running without hesitation, but it was too late.

Terrifying coercion came from the sky, as if a huge eye had opened in the sky and locked the little ghost that appeared at the center of the explosion.

William, who was on his way here with a large number of melon eaters, received relevant prompts at the same time.

[Your summoned object - Ghost Bloodbat LV1 has received the attention of a **** attendant]

Alright, all alive.

William did not hesitate to cut off the power channel in his mind that maintained Xiaohong's existence.

A cold and dead wind blew from the underworld, and the ghost Xiaohong disappeared in the world with a flick of a flick. Driven by certain rules, she was sent back to the kingdom of the dead.

When Xiaohong came back to his senses, he found that he had entered the kingdom of the dead. When he was killed by his "parents", he had a brief glimpse of this world.

There is no light in the cloudy sky, the only light source in this country is the sparkling soul fire in the skull. Feeling the strong power of death in the air, it still feels an inexplicable comfort, which represents the boundless land of death to life, but it makes it feel incomparably kind.

Xiaohong couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I'm not dead! Hahaha I'm not dead!"

After the catastrophe, its face became a little distorted, but it revealed the excitement that had almost disappeared in the past few months.

Looking at the countless skeletons and ghosts wandering around in a daze, and feeling the hazy aura in the souls of these same species, under the calamity of survival, an ambition arises spontaneously.

"Although there are only ghosts left, I still retain wisdom! There are countless low-level undead here that I can devour, as long as I give me time, I can become a fifth-order professional again, and even become a great... "

He was only halfway through his declaration, and that terrifying coercion was actually pursued across countless spaces. The kingdom of death is different from Flange. There is a lack of a barrier here, and this coercion is more than ten times stronger.

Just a glance from an unknown distance caused countless soul fires on this plain to keep swaying, and even some weaker ghosts were directly crushed, and they were thrown back into the Styx with a blank face. .

Xiaohong felt the feeling of being locked in tightly, and wished she could look at the sky without words. After cursing William fiercely in her heart, she blew herself up on the spot without saying a word.

A river flowing between reality and fantasy came, and the little red, black and white souls jumped and plunged into the rolling Styx with an extremely perfect posture of entering the water.

"tmd! If I have another life, I must stay away from all women!"

Just after its last words landed, a figure composed of pure pale pink divine power crossed countless planes and crashed into the country of death swiftly and unparalleled.

Under the terrifying divine power emanating from the figure, tens of thousands of ghosts were instantly crushed, and there was no chance to re-enter the Styx. The entire plain was completely darkened, and only the figures composed of divine power remained. Flickering faintly.

"Damn necromancer! His hands and feet are so fast!"

The hazy face of the figure gradually became clear, and it seemed to be a handsome male elf. He looked angrily at the soul that was gradually receding in the Styx River, and wished he could rush over and drag it out with his own hands.

However, he was only a **** attendant after all, and had no qualifications to set foot in the Styx River. In the end, he could only stand in the same place and look at the soul that was rolling in the Styx River with enchanting posture.

"It's useless! Even if you kill all the Eros believers, other churches of true God will prevent the dead from entering the world, and the land of the living must not be set foot on by the dead!"

He shouted angrily to Xiaohong in the River Styx, but unfortunately Xiaohong can't hear it anymore. It is drifting towards the unknown land in the endless River of Styx along with countless souls...

The male elf stomped his feet angrily. When the statue was first destroyed, he felt something was wrong. In the end, it was a step too late, and there was nothing left in the entire church.

I don't know how many devout believers will be killed in this attack. Damn necromancers, do they think that killing a large number of believers will make the believers of Lord Eros back? This will only bring anger and...

Um? Why did one die? And he died like the one in the river?

Feeling the power of belief that has hardly changed compared to before, this divine servant who was chasing the murderer for hundreds of thousands of miles was completely lost in confusion.

A follower of Lord Eros... bombed Lord Eros' church... and then threw himself into the (Styx) River?

What the **** is this?


[Your summoned item - Ghost Bloodbat LV1 self-destructed, the current remaining summoned item is 0/10, please add it as soon as possible]

With the disappearance of the last passage in Xiaohong's mind, William's mentality was completely relieved.

The corpse explosion technique, as the name suggests, is mainly activated by corpses, and it has nothing to do with ghosts at all.

The damage of Corpse Explosion is divided into two rounds. The physical damage of the first round is useless to ghosts without a body. Although the erosion of the power of death in the second round is fierce, it cannot harm Xiaohong, who has the same root and the same origin, so it will definitely be able to recover from the damage. survive the explosion.

Although Fran's Church of the God of Eros is not large in scale, there will definitely be dedicated divine servants, so it is necessary to keep a target. If you can't find the target and start investigating one by one, you will be too suspicious.

And Xiaohong had sworn to her own soul that if she deliberately leaked anything about William, her soul would be wiped out.

Even if it was really caught by the gods, it would definitely not be able to ask anything, and because it couldn't explain what happened, it might even be tortured by the angry gods. If it wasn't stupid, it must have been by now. Went to take a bath in the Styx.

William looked at the big hole left by the church with satisfaction. This time only the house was demolished and no one was hurt, and the people who love the Church of God wouldn't go to war, right? Making a fortune in silence is awesome! By the way...why haven't my quest been settled yet?

William called up the task panel suspiciously and took a look.


[Task 1: Break a statue blessed by a **** with your own hands, the scope is limited to 1/1 of the Church of Eros, Wealth and Knowledge (completed)]

[Mission 2: Destroy the headquarters of a church in Farang with my own hands, the scope is limited to the Church of Love, Wealth and Knowledge 0/1 (unfinished)]

[Task 3: personally kill a professional who has reached the fourth rank, the scope is limited to 1/1 of the Church of Eros, Wealth and Knowledge (completed)]

Looking at the 0/1 (unfinished) behind Mission 2, William couldn't help but tighten his expression.

What's the meaning? Churches have been bombed, and statues have been demolished. Isn't that considered destruction? Do I have to set the whole manor on fire?

At this moment, a muffled sound came from William's side.

A priest of the Church of Eros fell to his knees, looking at the ruined church, he couldn't help crying with grief in his heart.

"Love... Love God is above, what... what's going on?"

He cried a little bit miserably, the men and women around him felt sour, and some people with rich feelings also shed tears, and the surrounding suddenly became gloomy and gloomy. Qi, with a sad face.

At this moment, inexplicable white petals began to float.

Flower rain, folding fan, beauty, an acquaintance came.

After Sao Bao's three consecutive journeys ended, Berry appeared in the middle of the ruins with a livid face, and his rosy lips were turned white by his own bite.

"Who did it!"

The middle-aged beauty's cold and stern inquiry sounded, but obviously no one could answer this question.

"Are any of you injured?"

The people around looked at each other, and the round-faced girl raised her hand timidly.



Bei Nei's expression tightened, and then he walked over quickly and carefully checked the condition of the round-faced girl, but found nothing unusual.

"What's your injury?"

The round-faced girl timidly took off her shoes and socks, revealing Bai Shengsheng's little feet, and there was a little dark blue on her delicate and lovely little toes.

"When I ran over, my toe was stepped on, and I was bleeding..."


William let out a burst of joy, and the people around him also burst into laughter.

The eldest niece is indeed worthy of being a joker in the chaotic camp. Sometimes I really want to give her a scoop to see if her brain has been filled.

The registrar girl in the crowd rushed hurriedly grabbed her stupid daughter back, and then glared at William, who was smiling with a cold (paralyzed) face.

"It turns out you are a liar!" X2

The elf mother and daughter looked at each other in surprise, and the two faces that didn't look alike were full of astonishment.

"What did he lie to you?" X2

The women's clothing boss waved his hands with a headache, and even the crow's feet on the corners of his eyes darkened a little. "Okay! Don't make trouble, the two of you! I'm asking serious business!"

The round-faced girl stuck out her tongue and made a face at him.

"A little bit, Uncle Berry is also a liar!"

Doubi mother and daughter dragged each other to the side to chat privately, and from time to time they pointed to this side, looking at William's face full of indignation.

The women's clothing boss nodded politely to William, and then said loudly: "Excuse me, everyone, are any acquaintances injured or missing? If so, please let us know in time.

Also, since such a thing has happened, I would like to invite everyone to stay in the back mountain for a night. This is our usual residence. Although it is a little crowded, it can barely accommodate everyone..."

Hearing that the Aishin Church intends to forcibly keep people, the surrounding people suddenly became confused.

"what do you mean?"

"We're just here to play, why put me under house arrest?"

"I'm a noble! People from your church..."

After hearing some more exaggerated remarks, the face of the women's clothing boss couldn't help but sank.

"I'm not putting you under house arrest, it's just that the person who did this has not been found, and this is also to protect everyone's safety; in addition, the door of the church has been closed, and all those who did not appear in the back mountain are suspect, please don't give yourself and My family is looking for trouble!"

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