This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 125: Raging Flame Legion (pseudo)

Cameron's heart sounded an alarm bell.

Now that the ceremony has not been completed, this woman has been able to arouse the desires in people's hearts.

When she completes the ritual of artificial saints and completely surpasses the Seven Deadly Sins, those with insufficient spiritual strength may fill their hearts with desire at a glance and become slaves captured by her. Artificial saints are really quite Terrible thought.

The old man rubbed the ring on his hand, took out a bottle of potion with a dung emperor-colored suspension, unscrewed it and drank it without hesitation, and then took out a women's necklace and two The fancy-looking ring was put on without hesitation.

Feeling the surging mental power in his mind that almost overflowed, he felt a little better.

Opening his mouth to burp the smell of rotten eggs, Cameron respectfully said to Avril: "Your Majesty, since you have made a decision, the old man represents the Church of Fortune..."

After waiting for a few seconds but not waiting for Karina's words, the old man turned around and found that his disciple was in a daze again, his eyes were erratic, sometimes tender and sometimes aggressive, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He had to make up the second half of the sentence by himself. "My disciple Karina represents the Church of Knowledge. Our two churches are willing to work with the Church of Eros to help you unify France."


William returned to the Vankins' station with a dark face. He was still a long way from the station when he heard wild laughter coming from inside.

"Hahaha! You are all scumbags! There is no one who can fight!"

William's old father had his hands on his hips, and there were second-tier professionals lying beside him. He could not wait to stick his nose up to the sky and poke seventeen or eight holes in the sun above his head.

After being caught by William for three months of experience, Harry was beaten to the point of doubting his life, God of War bless him! Today, that **** of William is not here, it is finally his turn to rise up.

Harry, who has broken through the third tier, is undoubtedly the strongest of the Vankins family.

During the three-month hell-style training, a large number of professionals from the Vankins family had broken through to the second-order, but no one was really able to break through the third-order.

Relying on the suppression of rank, Harry brought down more than a dozen second-rank clansmen one by one, enjoying the envious gazes of the clansmen proudly. Satisfied, he looked up to the sky and smiled, expressing the resentment that had accumulated in his chest for nearly three months, and roaring with his neck stuck in his throat:

"I'm the best! Strong! The best!"

Suddenly, Harry noticed that the eyes of the clansmen had changed. Not only were they no longer envious, but they became a little joking. Some people even blushed and looked like they were about to laugh out loud.

"You guys are laughing!"

Harry, whose authority was questioned, snorted angrily. "I know what you want to say. You want to say that William is stronger than me, right? No matter how strong he is, is he still my son? Besides..."

"Really? That's not what you said when you expelled me from the family."

The flat voice rang out, and Harry's smug expression froze on his face.

William's face was paralyzed and his face was cold (like) Ruo (laugh) Bing (non) Shuang (laugh) said: "I remember you said at the time - 'You don't even dare to assassinate the queen, there is no coward like you in the Vankins family. , I don't have a son like you.'"


"I've always been curious, how did you come up with a beautiful man's plan based on your brains? Are you going to give me to the queen in front of her face? Want me to assassinate the queen when she's least prepared? According to the style of your Vankins family, don't you think? Shouldn't you just go straight to the palace?"

"We... are our Vankins family."

Harry turned around with a bitter face.

"I just said that at the beginning, but I didn't really cut off my relationship with you. The clan keeps you monthly money every year. It's just that you didn't come back to get it. Of course, you are still from the Vankins family..."

William pouted and ignored him, and did not continue to dwell on this topic.

After the queen regained her noble status for the Vankins family, her own identity class also recovered, so Harry should be telling the truth, but William couldn't find any belonging to this group of muscle-minded guys. Feel it.

Taking off the guard uniform, revealing angular muscles, William stretched out his fingers and hooked it.

Looking at the familiar gesture, Harry couldn't help but feel sad. He just had a good time, and was he going to be beaten up again in front of all the clan members.

He said in a trembling voice: "Can...can I take a day off? I'm not feeling very well today..."

What responded to him was William's iron fist.

Harry shook his completely numb arm and roared, "Wait! I'm a knight, not a warrior, do you dare to let me find a horse?"

"Don't dare."

William shook his head flatly.

"Last time I put you on the horse, you didn't even charge me if you lost your horse, so the efficiency of the fight is too low. Now I can bring you down several times in half an hour. I still like to beat... I mean walking with a knight. war."

"You just wanted to say that you beat me, didn't you!"

Harry roared angrily: "Do you have a problem? You can beat Tier 4, so why do you beat me to Tier 3 every day? It's been almost three months, can't you take a day off!"

William rushed over without saying a word, punched Harry on the forehead, and then looked around at the crowd watching the fun.

He didn't need to say anything, those people fought each other, found their opponents and started a routine daily fight. The Vankins family's camp was suddenly filled with smoke and dust, and the sound of fist-to-meat collisions and screams came one after another.

Several young knights stood at the entrance of the camp with envy on their faces, because their opponents were also growing up with them. The Vankins family didn't feel it deeply, but those onlookers could see it clearly.

After the three months of **** training under the commander, these reckless men of the Vankins family can be described as completely reborn. Their fighting skills, fighting experience, and even the most difficult physical fitness have improved a lot. The speed is terrifyingly fast.

They also asked William if he could join this kind of training. However, William was told that this training method is only suitable for the people of the Vankins family. People without special blood can not withstand such a high-intensity battle. The possibility of abolishing their own training may be much greater than the possibility of promotion.

Disappointed, they had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​joining, taking advantage of the convenience of guarding in front of the camp gate, staring at it carefully, hoping to learn something.

After knocking down Harry, who was in the midst of happiness, William clapped his hands with satisfaction, temporarily ending today's experience-gaining behavior.

After beating Harry, William's depressed mood improved a lot. When he was uncomfortable, as long as others were uncomfortable, his depression would only be fifty percent.

He happily opened the Legion panel.

[Legion Name: Raging Flame Legion (pseudo)]

[Legion Level: Second Class]

【Corporation establishment: 189/2000】

[Legion characteristics (race): The rage is burning, the members of the legion are all mixed-blood war demons, and they are born with a strong will to fight, and the combat power will continue to increase with the duration of the battle]

[Legion characteristics (race): Demon coercion, the members of the legion are all mixed-blood war demons, and they will naturally oppress low-level enemies during battle]

[Legion characteristics: runaway, the members of this legion are fearless, but their brains are extremely difficult to control, morale +5, formation strength -3, command -3]

[Legion Skill: Trample, launch a mass trampling, applying stun to all enemies within the range. 】

Although there is still a pseudo-word in the name, this legion composed of mixed-blood war demons is initially formed, because all members are mixed-blood war demons, and there are actually two race-exclusive legion characteristics. The situation is better than William's. Better than expected at first.

It's a pity that the number of people is still a bit small. If there are 300 people, it is estimated that it can withstand the full army of 2,000 knight professionals, and maybe there is a chance to win.

Thinking of this, William couldn't help but narrow his eyes and began to make a small calculation.

The Anderson family and the Vankins family have been intermarriage for hundreds of years, so there must be a lot of mixed blood, or I'm going to order some more people?

He reached out and picked up Harry, who was paralyzed on the ground and pretended to be dead. William asked with a flat face, "Stop pretending, let's not fight today. Let me ask you, how many people like you are in the Anderson family?"

Hearing that there is no need to continue to be beaten unilaterally, Harry's tightly closed eyes opened in a flash.

"Say it earlier... You said earlier if you don't hit me, then..."

After seeing William's fist raised again, Harry, who was completely frightened, quickly replied: "Wait, don't do it! You have to tell me what kind of person you want first?"

William and then summed up without changing his face: "It's about the same as you, no brains, worships muscles, can't stop fighting, and an idiot whose intelligence is equal to that of a ten-year-old... How many people are there in the Anderson family?"


I think your little brat is implying something...

Harry regretted why he didn't check when he held the baby, and counted with his fingers indignantly.

"One, two, three,...fifteen, sixteen,...twenty-two, twenty-four, twenty-one, twenty-one?"

Meeting Harry's look for help, William held his head with a headache.

It turns out that your limit is to count to twenty. Although the mad war demon is not very intelligent, it is not a fool, right?

"Forget it, don't count, let me ask myself."

William picked up the folded guard uniform and put it back on, covering his angular muscles.

"Go, let's go, it's almost time to go anyway." Harry retracted his two chicken-claw-shaped fingers and muttered indifferently.

"Huh? What did you say? What should I go to?" William cast his eyes suspiciously.

"It's nothing, nothing, you'll know when you go!"

William frowned, thinking that it was Harry who was nervous again, and rode away under Harry's relieved gaze.

The little Martin, a monkey, stole a peach and brought down the big Vali, and the thief came over.

"Patriarch, are you sure you won't tell him? Aren't you afraid that he will come back and beat you?"

"He dares!" Harry glared. "I'm his father! Do you need his consent to make a marriage contract for him?"

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