This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 124: Original sin witch?

Cameron said earnestly and earnestly: "Your teacher, I am a deacon of the Church of Fortune, how can I not put wealth first? People who don't value wealth will be blamed by the goddess!"

Karina pouted in dissatisfaction, and mercilessly exposed his secrets.

"Bah! It only cost 250,000 yuan, but you have to say it's 1 million, are you ashamed?

Besides, you haven't paid the 250,000 yuan yet, you just used the hoarded materials to pay 20% to 30%, and the remaining 70% is ready to be lost, and the queen wants... You still want money? "

Cameron, whose old bottom was exposed, coughed, and the expression on his face was a little unbearable, and an old face suddenly darkened.

"Go, go, you're not from our church, why are you messing around with me?

Besides, who am I asking for money like this? Just because of your big-handedness, I want to make more money. When I die, will you drink the northwest wind? "

That's what he said, but looking at his disciple's contemptuous eyes, and then looking up at Avril's half-smiling expression, the old man was still too embarrassed to speak again. After clearing his throat, he coughed dryly:

"Your Majesty, we heard that people from Eros Church have come to visit. What's your opinion on that?"

that matter? !

William's ears moved, silently trying to reduce his sense of existence, trying to pretend to be an ordinary ordinary guard, hoping that Her Majesty the Queen would forget about himself behind him.

Avril didn't answer Cameron's question, but turned to look at him first, and called out softly.


Tsk, I knew this would be the result.

Seeing the slightly pleading look on Her Majesty's face, William sighed helplessly and walked out of the tent with a dark face.

Tomorrow morning, I will go to Eros Church. If you can't pry your mouth, I will pry your eldest niece.

Looking at William's back, Avril smiled bitterly. After he had completely walked away, she nodded slowly, and said to Cameron and Cameron with complex expressions:

"In that case... I'm ready to agree."

The old man and Karina looked at each other, each with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

Cameron's heart was just a little emotional, but he didn't expect that there would be someone willing to dedicate himself, while Karina's heart was filled with deep admiration.

She raised her eyes and looked at the calm Avril, as if she wanted to engrave her in her heart.

Her Majesty the Queen is really a rare beauty, with a greasy complexion and a plump figure, with a charming charm unique to mature women.

However, contrary to Feng Yan's body, her face is thin and slender, her eyebrows are slender and curved, and she has a pair of very charming peach eyes.

These eyebrows look a bit enchanting when placed on other women, but with her dignified and kind temperament, it gives people a glamorous and atmospheric feeling.

Warm and beautiful jade, beautiful in appearance and quality, like a blooming peony, although it is beautiful, plump and enchanting, it makes life unable to blaspheme...


Avril coughed lightly, trying to remind the girl who could see God, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

Maybe it's because she hasn't rested very well recently. Her Majesty's expression is a little haggard, which has made a lot of discounts on this beauty, but it is also very pitiful. The more Karina looks, the more she can't move her eyes.

When those watery peach blossom eyes came over with a pleading look, it was almost impossible to refuse any of her requests, otherwise William would not have gone out so happily.

Feeling that Karina's eyes were too hot, Avril couldn't help frowning slightly, and looked at her with some doubts.

This girl with outstanding temperament has been a little dull from the beginning. I don't know why she has been staring at herself. The things in her eyes are mixed with admiration, pity, and other things that can't be said. It's really hard to understand.

"Cough cough! Cough cough!"

The old man on the side also found that his disciple's state was a bit wrong, and he couldn't say anything to remind him, so he pretended to have something stuck in his throat and coughed piercingly, trying to remind her to pay attention to her manners.

"Your Excellency Karina?" Avril looked at Karina, whose eyes were a little obsessed, and called out with a puzzled expression.

Hearing Avril's soft voice, Karina took a step forward in a trance, she actually wanted to reach out and touch her beautiful face, which was extremely pitiful, and even wanted to hold her in her arms and love her fiercely...

"Cough, cough! Kaka! Cough! Mouth stuck!"

She raised her hand higher and higher, and Cameron's cough suddenly became several times louder. The huge sound was no longer a cough. Even if a durian was stuck in his throat, he probably wouldn't be able to cough so loudly.

Under the stimulation of the strong noise, Karina shuddered violently and suddenly realized what she was doing.

She quickly took a step back, took a deep breath to calm down, and bowed her head with a dizzy face to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I just lost my Avril, who was almost touched her face, wanted to say something, but looking at Karina, whose face was flushed with shame, she felt that she asked a question. When she exited, the little girl was afraid that she was about to explode in shame, so she smiled gently, as if nothing had happened.

The old man on the side was not so calm. He slowly loosened his clenched fists, and his fingernails had already drawn several blood marks on the palms with loose skin.

Is it possible to achieve this level with only a faintly leaked temperament? Is this a man-made saint or a born witch?

The old man's face was calm, even with a respectful smile, but he couldn't wait to run away immediately.

From the moment he entered this camp, he felt that his emotions were a bit wrong.

The woman in front of her was about to give her life for the peace of the Aofa Continent. She was thinking about asking for money, and she couldn't hold back no matter how hard she tried. Although I am very obsessed with wealth, but at such a time, no matter what, my mind is not full of money.

The guard was fine when he was there. After he left, Her Majesty's mood was a little unstable, and the strange feeling on his body became stronger and stronger. Even Karina, who had almost no desire, was attracted, looking at her eyes. It's full of possessiveness.

The last time I saw this kind of emotion in her eyes was when I was facing an ancient book called "The Overbearing Pope%#I". Although I didn't see the content, it should be the biography of a certain Pope. precious secret scroll,

My own disciple is not very interested in anything except books, but just now, like being possessed, she actually wanted to reach out and touch her face. There must be something wrong with Karina's current state.

This queen is too dangerous!

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