This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 109: Furry, it's time to take medicine

"In short, it's a somewhat complicated exchange of interests. I'm just a little worried about whether what they said is true, and whether there will be anything else."

William nodded, and after thinking about the salacious manipulations of the Church of Eros in his previous life, he gave his advice.

"Your Majesty, the people who love the Church of God are not very credible. The church's behavior is too arbitrary. It's not impossible to make deals with them, but be careful that they suddenly get sick.

But after all, it is also the Church of the True God. Apart from the fact that it is not very reliable, the Church of Eros is basically people from the good camp, and their words can still be trusted. "

Avril listened to William's judgment in a trance, and said softly with a pale face.

"Can their words be believed...?"

If the words of those who love the Church of God can be believed, then it seems that they will go to the gate of the dead country no matter what.

William nodded and replied: "Yes, although they may not be able to fulfill their promises, it is not because of hypocrisy, but because they often do stupid things at will."

Her Majesty's expression was a little lonely, but it was quickly covered up. She smiled and nodded and said, "Understood, I will be more careful."

William nodded, as if he did not fail to see her abnormality, and asked casually:

"Your Majesty, why do those who love the Church of God call you a saint? I remember that you are not a believer in loving God, right?"

Avril's eyes flickered, and she said casually: "I don't know this very well, probably because I promised to support them in expanding the church, and even make the Church of Eros as the state religion of France in the future, so they will do this. call me."

William "suddenly realized" nodded: "So it is, it seems that the Church of the God of Eros is really prepared this time, and even the honor for you has been decided."

"Yes, and it is the Church of True God after all, so I think it's better to promise them. With the support of the Church of Eros, we will be able to restore peace to France soon."

Avril smiled reluctantly, stretched out her hand and pulled William, and said with some heartache: "Stop talking about this, let me first tell me what happened to you these two days, that bad woman from the Farrell family is torturing you. Yet?"

William shook his head indifferently. Torture is really not torture, but Jessica is really an amazing pig teammate.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Jessica just wants to educate her younger brother now, so she definitely can't continue to cheat on me. But now the queen's problem has become bigger, what happened? Why does she have to hide it from me?

William looked at Avril, who was greeting him. Although his face remained calm, his head had begun to turn frantically. At the beginning, he really didn't notice anything wrong, but Avril's words to prevaricate him directly exposed the problem.

"William" couldn't possibly know what a saint was, but William did. He even dealt with many saints in his previous life.

There are many ways for a true **** to come to the human world, such as directly breaking through the boundary wall and descending, splitting up a divine power clone to sneak in, projecting consciousness like a devil, and possessing one's own followers, etc.

Believers who can carry the possession of the true God are called saints. This is not an honorary title at all, but the exclusive title of those "carriers" who are in line with the characteristics of divine power, have amazing talents and pure faith.

Of the three conditions required to become a saint, Her Majesty the Queen does not meet any of them. After her pigtails became an undead, her talent was still amazing, but when she was alive, she was simply a scumbag, and it was even more nonsense to say that she was in line with the characteristics of divine power and pure belief.

A person like her who likes studs should believe in the God of Gamblers, and it is absolutely impossible to compete with the saints of Eros.

William's eyes flashed, and while answering Avril's question one after another, he narrowed his eyes and thought.

That being said, but that round-faced half-elf doesn't seem to be able to lie, at least in her perception, the queen is indeed a saint of the Church of Eros. I don't know what happened. understand the problem?


"Ha ball!"

The round-faced girl who was walking with the women's clothing boss sneezed. She rubbed her nose nonchalantly, and continued to circle around the women's clothing boss excitedly.

"Uncle Berry, besides my mother, this is the first time I have seen other half-elves, and his grandfather and my grandmother belong to the same clan. Can we invite him as a guest if there is a chance in the future?"

The big boss in women's clothing looked at the round-faced girl and sighed. He reached out and searched for it in his arms. He took out a bottle of potion with a dung emperor-colored suspension and handed it over.

"Rongrong, you drink it first."

The round-faced girl took the potion blankly, opened the lid and smelled it. A strong smell of rotten eggs came to her face, almost smoking her tears.

"Isn't this a sedative? What am I drinking this for... woohoo?!"

Lian Bu, the women's clothing boss, walked over pinching the round-faced girl's fleshy cheeks in one hand, and taking tons of potion in the other and gave her a big mouthful.

"Cough... ugh, it's disgusting!"

The round-faced girl reluctantly swallowed the pale-yellow potion and retched from the strong smell. She asked sadly, "Uncle Berry, why are you drinking this for me?"

"Do you still think that man is a half-elf?"

"Huh? Why are you asking this?"

"Answer my question first, do you think he is a half-elf?"

"Of course it is."

ton ton ton

"Is it still now?"

"Cough, Uncle Berry, listen to my explanation, that man he..."

ton ton ton

"Is it still?"

Seeing that Uncle Berry still had more than half of the calming potion left in his hand, the round-faced girl shook her head like a rattle, wishing she could immediately recite the Book of Love to prove her innocence.

"No... not anymore."

The women's clothing boss frowned and asked suspiciously, "Really?"

"Hmm! Certainly not!"

The round-faced girl nodded her head like pounding garlic, for fear that she would be given another sip of that disgusting potion if she answered too slowly.

Found that the round-faced girl's eyes didn't mean shock, but after staring at the potion in his hand fearfully, the woman's big boss sighed, pinching her fleshy face and lifting the potion bottle again.

"Hmm! Woo?"

The pale yellow liquid poured into her throat again, and the round-faced girl swallowed hard, but she might be worried that the medicine would not be effective enough. Tears flowed down.

Uncle William, I hate you!

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