The women's clothing boss walked away with the inexplicably round-faced girl, while Avril looked at William's dull face, a bloodless face full of hesitant words.

Her Majesty the Queen pursed her dry red lips and asked with a gloomy expression, "William, do you know that too? Then do you think... I should promise him?"

Promise him what? Could it be that the big guy in women's clothing proposed to you?

William's expression changed, and he squeezed the coin that suddenly became cold and biting. Instead of answering Avril's question, he asked directly in doubt.

"Promise him what?"

As soon as William's words came out, the coin in his arms completely returned to calm. Not only did it stop moving, but even the temperature returned to normal, as if it were just an ordinary coin.

Her Majesty the Queen bit her lower lip, looked at William's handsome face and did not answer his question.

Turns don't actually know? Do I still need to tell you this?

A sigh that no one could hear came from the coin in William's arms, as if lamenting that fate was so unstoppable.

Back in time a little bit.

After the women's clothing boss finished talking about all the plans for the "artificial saints", Avril looked coldly at the amazingly beautiful middle-aged man in front of her, and asked in a cold voice like a slug:

"Why are you telling me all this? Is it because you think that in the face of the power of the three True God Churches, I have no room to resist?"

The women's clothing boss shook his head and bowed in a very sincere salute.

"Your Majesty the Queen, you have misunderstood, no matter whether the saints are 'artificial' or not, you and the saints are the representatives of Lord Eros in this world. Although I don't know the attitude of the other churches, but I It can be guaranteed that the Church of Eros has the utmost respect for you and even the previous saints."

Avril smiled sadly. "Revere? Would you revere a bottle of divine power? Revere an oil lamp hanging on a door to repel mosquitoes and flies?"

The women's clothing boss knelt down on one knee with a thud, and crouched on the ground of the tent with an almost humble attitude, and said anxiously:

"Master Saint, you really misunderstood, we absolutely dare not have the slightest disrespect to you, let alone have such despicable thoughts, in our hearts, you and the previous saints are... "

Avril raised her hand to interrupt him, and asked with a cold expression: "Well, since you said that you respect us very much, let me ask you, the previous saints all volunteered to be the so-called 'Lights of the God of Love'. Is it?"

The women's clothing boss was silent for a while, then said in a low voice: "The previous saints were indeed not all willing, and some of them even cursed us before they died... before they went out."

Avril smiled weakly.

As expected, the lights of loving God are just puppets. Facing the pressure of the three True God churches, I have no choice at all.

"But your ancestors are different!"

The women's clothing boss said sincerely: "Your ancestor, Franz I, is very similar to you. He is the same kind and intelligent, and he hopes to bring love to the world."

"After learning about this plan, he was also angry, but in the end he chose to sacrifice his life for the people of Faran. He was the first and only saint who voluntarily entered the gate of the dead country. The person I admire most."

Avril shook her head and said sarcastically, "Yes, then if I say, I want to reject your proposal, I don't want to be the king of Faran, and I won't care about that **** door, what will you do? "


The women's clothing boss was silent, because there was no doubt about the answer, if the door to the dead country was opened again, and a large number of unconscious low-level undead flooded in. I am afraid that it is not only the Flange family that suffers, but the small half of the Austrian continent will be affected, so no matter what, Avril must go to the gate of the dead country and embark on such a disaster.

"So don't say those hypocritical words. In the end, am I not the puppet you hang on the door?"

Avril's voice was hollow and cold, no longer as gentle and kind as before.

"I don't care if I die. I just want to ask you, why am I different from the rest of the royal family? Is it because I am a saint that I am what I am now?"

After pondering for a while, the women's clothing boss replied hesitantly: "This... the relevant dossiers are not detailed enough, and we are not very sure..."

Avril smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Yeah, you just need to send a puppet to die every once in a while. Why should you care what that puppet looks like?"

"So, is everything about me false? Is my character false? My thoughts are false? Even my emotions are false?"

After saying these words sadly, Avril looked at her palm in a trance. The skin on her palm was smooth and tender, except for the place where she often held the quill, it was a little I even looked for a few blemishes and calluses. not.

This is a pampered hand, but in the past countless days and nights, it was this hand that issued a large number of royal orders, approved piles of official documents, and even held the token to command thousands of troops.

However, all of my past efforts have been denied. I did this not out of my own heart, but because I was a chosen saint, my pity for the commoners was false, and my desire to change the world was Fake, even those... are all fake.


The women's clothing boss said eagerly: "The saints are indeed different from other demon blood descendants, but..."

"Don't say it, I promise you."

Avril closed her eyes and said faintly: "Whether I'm fake or not, I'm the queen of Faran, I still don't want to see a lot of undead pass through the gate of the dead country, please take me back, I still have a lot of things to do to do."


[The event failed, the right to use the lucky coin has been lost]

William's body trembled slightly, and suddenly lost the smooth feeling of "everything is suitable". He reached out and touched the coin that suddenly became quiet in his arms. He just thought that the idea of ​​obtaining information had failed, and it was not too much. seriously.

He raised his head and looked at Avril's face silently. Her Majesty the Queen hadn't answered his question just now, what did the people of the Church of Love ask for? Why make her so hesitant?

Facing William's gaze, Avril smiled lightly.

"It's not a big deal. They said they were willing to help me reunify the Flanges, and they could even support me as queen. But on the contrary, I have to do something for them after I ascend the throne."

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