"What happened?" Jack didn't know what happened before.

Hotchner briefly recounted their previous experience. The serial killer named Chester Hardwick was about to be executed, and decided to take advantage of the prison riot to trick two FBI agents into killing him.

In this way, according to this country's lengthy judicial and investigative procedures, he may live for several more years in this way.

According to the execution process, he has been placed in 24-hour isolation since the court's notice was issued. This isolation will continue until he is sent to the execution chamber.

Although the prison was leaky like a sieve, it did not completely cut him off from other prisoners, such as getting information about the riot from Gunnar Card.

But that was all. The solitary isolation policy made him lose the opportunity to attack other prisoners.

"So, you killed him?" Jack glanced at the motionless death row prisoner on the ground.

"No, I just strangled him. It wasn't even as serious as the damage Dr. Red did to him."

Perhaps it was the difficulty of escaping that made Hotchner's tense nerves relax. He shrugged and pointed at Rhett with a smile.

"When I almost lost control of him, Red let out a squeal like a little girl and kicked him between the legs."

"That's not a scream like a girl. Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee) would make such a scream every time before taking action to intimidate the enemy!" Rhett tried his best to argue for himself.

"Forgive him, Dr. Reed. Hotchner obviously doesn't know how to watch kung fu movies. His childhood idol should be Washington, who only knows how to kill vampires with an axe."

Jack suppressed his laughter and told Red nonsense, finally leading him to this point. At this time, he could not dampen his interest in learning fighting.

"You should be talking about "Lincoln the Vampire Slayer". I have seen this movie, and the vampire in it is a pretty good political metaphor."

"Uh, why do I have this illusion in my head that the one with the ax should be Washington?"

The three of them walked out of the prison building chatting and laughing. Rosie, Jiejie and Emily greeted them outside early.

"Wow Hotchner, you should try this wild style more often, I swear Harley is going to love you to death."

Emily stretched out her hand to straighten Hotchner's messy shirt, and boldly teased her boss.

Jiejie comforted the frightened Red, rubbed his messy curly hair, and smiled sweetly at Jack again.

"Jack, here are your guns and equipment." Two SWAT members carried the injured Carmelita out on a stretcher. Behind them were Hondo and deputy captain Deacon, holding Jack's rifle and the replaced one respectively. That seal gear.

"Hodge, I think it's time to review the weapons we applied for." Rossi took the initiative to take the HK417 and weighed it in his hand.

"Just do it when we get back." Hotchner nodded solemnly. Last time Jack complained about the lack of a special sniper rifle, and he and Rossi jointly signed an application report.

Of course, what they applied for could not just be a sniper rifle, but directly requested a firearms room and prepared to add an additional equipment cabinet to the "Gulfstream" business jet.

From now on, when BAU members go to various places to perform tasks, they no longer need to borrow equipment from the local office or police station.

"Thank you Jack, you know, such tacit cooperation is rare between us and the FBI."

Hondo took the initiative to reach out and shake hands with everyone in the BAU. As a SWAT team affiliated with the LAPD, they were often overtaken by the FBI's SWAT team.

Although there wasn't much grudge, we were both in an elite unit and were always being targeted, so you can imagine how much dissatisfaction accumulated in our hearts.

This time, Jack was one of his own from the LAPD. Although he got a lot of limelight, the operation was still dominated by their two teams and was a great success.

It can be said that the LAPD has gained both face and dignity. Both Hondo and his female boss Jessica Cortez are full of joy.

However, everyone's good mood did not last long, as an unpleasant guy appeared.

"You guys have been really helpful, officer." Prison contractor Ash Jones walked quickly to Hondo with several reporters.

This guy seemed to have regained his energy, and his whole body was energized.

"Actually, I'm the superintendent." Hondo ignored his extended right hand.

"Ah, my bad, Superintendent." Ash Jones glanced awkwardly at the reporters around him looking at his camera, trying to act sincere and enthusiastic.

"Thanks to the efforts of you and your officers, justice has been served, thank you."

Hondo was furious, raised his head mercilessly, and pointed his nostrils at him.

"What are you thanking us for? Are you thanking us for saving your sweatshop? For helping you suppress those prisoners so that you can continue to cram four or even six people into a cell?"

Ash Jones was aroused by this cruel irony. "I don't know what you are accusing, superintendent."

The listless reporters behind him suddenly became energetic. Originally they were just pulled to report on a boring prison riot. Now after hearing Hondo's words, the shady story, sweatshops, prisoners' human rights, these exciting news highlights are all in popped into their heads.

Ash Jones looked uneasily at the reporters who were starting to get restless behind him, and uttered threats.

"You'd better be careful what you say. Defamation still exists in this country. You'd better think carefully before making these accusations, unless you want to deal with my lawyer."

Hondo was so angry that he took a step forward and confronted Ash Jones head-on, ignoring the female boss Jessica Cortez's intention of gently tugging on his sleeve and trying to stand up for him.

"You can come over here. I'm waiting for your lawyer's letter at any time and I'll tell you what I will do."

"I'm going to go to the Bureau of Prisons, I'm going to go to the city council and show everyone the evidence, the death of the warden, the harm done to the nuns, it's all because of you, because of your greed that caused this, and I want you to pay for it. There’s a price to pay.”

There was a crisp sound of footsteps, and several beautiful figures wearing high heels appeared behind everyone.

"Congressman Ann Anderson!" The media reporters who were watching the show whispered to each other, recognizing this rising star in California politics.

"There is no need to go to such trouble at all. You can directly provide me with the relevant evidence."

Zoe stood tall and graceful in front of everyone with a beautiful smile. With her smooth and fair skin and well-proportioned figure, it was completely impossible to tell that she was a royal sister who was already in her thirties and in her late teens.

"Harrison (Hondo's surname), long time no see."

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