The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 286 Two shots to the chest and one to the head

"I am your Angel of Death, Dale DeGroot, and I want you to know what I am going to do."

In Area D, Gunnar Card, who looks ferocious and has the eagle emblem of the Third Reich tattooed on his neck and throat, personally operates an acetylene cutting gun and is busy at the lock position of the iron door of Cell No. 3.

"Once I burn through this broken door, you're dead."

"I'm going to burn you alive, you filthy, lying little rat, and let everyone know what happens to whistleblowers."

Behind him, the brown-skinned Latina nun Carmelita was holding her stabbed belly, leaning against the iron door of Cell 5, gasping in pain.

"Gonna, stop it, there are police outside."

"Shut up, Carmelita, you God's cousin, you can live to this day thanks to me, the racist you call me, who has no sexual interest in you at all."

The two men next to Gunnar Card acted as qualified supporters and burst into laughter at the right time.

"Shut up, you bastards, and show due respect to the clergy."

Hotchner's serious warning came from Cell No. 5.

Gunnar Card suddenly put down the acetylene cutter in his hand, walked to the door of cell No. 5, and laughed inside.

"I've heard about you, the FBI's BAU. I heard that it's a bunch of smart people. I don't quite understand how smart people like you were deceived by idiots like Chester Hardwick. .”

"He told me his plan. His execution date was approaching and you were his last straw, so he set a trap so that he could be alone with you."

"There are no guns, no cell phones, and no guards, so he can easily kill two FBI nerds and delay his own death penalty. I appreciate this idea, so I told him the time when we launched the riot."

"Then, since you can still speak, why not reveal whether he was killed by you in turn."

Hotchner didn't answer and was silent for a while. Rhett's nagging voice sounded in cell No. 5.

"In fact, I think you may not be able to open the iron door like this. This old-fashioned door lock is an almost solid iron lump. If you want to use a cutting machine to completely open it, it will take at least more than an hour."

"If I were you, I would choose the door shaft on the other side to start. This is the limitation of ordinary people's thinking. In fact, as long as the upper and lower door shafts are cut, the iron door will collapse."

"Shut up, Dr. Reed, now is not the time for you to show off. Once he opens the cell door, the person inside will be dead."

Along with Hotchner's scolding, Red let out a soft sigh, as if he had just discovered his gaffe.

Gunnar Kader was stunned on the spot, seeming to be thinking hard about whether the two FBI agents were acting to deceive him, or whether they really accidentally let the news slip.

"Is what he said true?" He suddenly turned around and asked the two men beside him.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw confusion in each other's eyes.

"Boss, boss, we don't understand this. We are just thugs, and you are the one among us who is responsible for using our brains."

Gunnar Card hesitated for a while, then checked the iron door again, cursed under his breath, picked up the cutting gun, and wanted to continue his previous work.

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a loud noise in the corridor. Gunnar Card was startled. He dropped the tools in his hands and looked up at the end of the corridor. At the same time, he touched the AR rifle lying aside.

Accompanied by a dull sound of footsteps approaching from far away, an accomplice wearing full prison guard riot gear stumbled into the corridor.

The accomplice was covered in blood and looked very embarrassed. His left hand reached into the armor on his abdomen, as if he wanted to cover the injured area, but the blood could not stop dripping outward.

This guy was quite tough. Not only did he rush towards this side without saying a word, but he also held a pistol tightly in his right hand.

"what happened?"

Gunnar Card, who was already irritable, stood up straight and asked the other party. The other two men, who were very discerning, stepped forward at the same time to help the injured man.

The accomplice who was stumbling forward seemed to be a little unsteady and could barely stand firm. His head, still wearing a helmet, was slowly raising. Gunnar Card, who had been looking at the other party, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Where did you get this pistol?"

The big thing this guy was holding was a bit too handsome. He had never seen such a good gun when searching the armory before.

"Bang!" Gunnar Card's imagination was so wild that he fell to the sky.

"Bang! Bang!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" Jack pulled out the MK24 hidden in the abdominal armor with his left hand, and fired the FK7.5 on his right hand at the same time.

A shot hit Gunnar Card in the forehead. After sending him to be with Kennedy, the two prisoners in front were still stunned. They were each shot twice in the chest. Then they were equally imaginative and painted the wall with anger.

After it was done, Jack raised two pistols, brought them to his mouth and blew, as if he were filming a western movie. Unfortunately, the only audience in front of him was an old nun who was already a little delirious due to excessive blood loss.

"Cleaned up."

Following his greeting, chaotic footsteps sounded in the corridor, and a group of SWAT members rushed out from the corner.

"Good marksmanship." Hondo walked up to Jack, looked at the three corpses on the ground, and couldn't help but whistle.

But when Jack proposed that he approach them alone, pretending to be Gunnar Card's accomplice, Hondo was still a little hesitant, but Jack's subsequent words dispelled his hesitation.

"Even if it fails, the situation can't be worse than it is now, right?"

So everyone took action, found a full set of prison guard's riot armor and helmet, put it on Jack, made a hole in his abdomen, and stuffed a bag of plasma inside.

Then pretending to negotiate, three SWAT members used HK416s with silencers to simultaneously kill the three prisoners blocking the door, and then directly used plastic explosives to blow open the welded iron door.

Almost at the same time that the iron door was blown open, Jack rushed out, turned a corner at full speed, rushed through a corridor, then slowed down, lowered his head and pretended to be an injured prisoner escaping, and got the chance with Gunnar Ka. The opportunity for Germany to get close.

Gunnar Carder is neither the first criminal to be fooled by Jack's increasingly superb acting skills, nor will he be the last.

Opening the iron door of Cell No. 5, Hotchner appeared in front of Jack, showing his usually well-hidden "dominance".

He was always well-dressed in a suit and tie, but now he was not wearing a suit, and his tie had been torn off, leaving only the innermost blue shirt with a few buttons torn off, exposing his thick chest hair.

"Whoa, what did you do to Red?" Jack was shocked by his appearance, and his eyes were still bruised.

Hotchner stepped aside angrily, revealing a prisoner lying on the ground behind him. Red was guarding this guy nervously.

Recently I have found that my ability to change plots has improved a bit.

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