Chapter 16

Because Li Jin knows how to be a human being, and after receiving the benefits, Li Zhuzi must help Li Jin go to the field to mow the grass.

Originally, Li Jin planned to mow the grass for four days, but it was done in two days.

Li Zhuzi also said: "Our village does not raise pigs. That thing stinks. Our village is in the upper reaches of the river. If you raise pigs, you will be rejected by the lower villages.

However, there are many pig farmers in Xiatan Village, and these wheat straws can be used to feed pigs.

If you are free, go to Xiatan Village and ask, if they harvest wheat straw, the two acres of grass will be sold. "

Only then did Li Jin know that the villages are divided according to surnames. For example, the village next door is called Wujiacun if ‘Wu’ is the common surname.

There are also regionally divided villages, such as villages where pigs are raised downstream. The river flows down to form a pool of pools, called Xiatan Village.

And the village he is in, mixed with a surname, is not named after the last name.

Originally, it should be called Shanghe Village based on the geographical location.

But twenty years ago, a Juren went out for the exam in the village. His name was Li Fang, whose name was Hongyan. The village chief changed the name of the village to "Hongyan Village".

Shili Baxiang had a golden phoenix in their village. This is the honor of their entire village.

Li Jin feels that what Li Zhuzi said is very reasonable. Even if he can make money by going up the mountain to collect medicine, his family is still in deficit. It is a good thing that these wheat straws can be sold.

On the second day after cutting the wheat straw, Li Jin walked towards Xiatan Village following the path pointed out by Li Zhuzi.

Although it is June, the countryside is not so hot in the morning, and there are not many pedestrians on the small roads paved with soil and stones.

There are sparrows twittering in my ears, it's so lively.

Recently working on farm work, Li Jin did not wear a long gown, but a short sack of indigo coarse cloth, which was long enough to cover his buttocks, and his waist was tied with a cloth strip.

When this kind of clothes is worn, it depends entirely on whether the cloth is tied tightly.

If the tie is loose and the cloth strips fall off, you can directly cover / breast / expose / **** without discussing.

Although Li Jin has worn this kind of bunting for several days, he hasn't worn his own robe since he went to the mountain to collect medicine the next day.

But he was born with a sense of distrust of this kind of clothes tied around his waist with a piece of cloth.

When I got up in the morning, Li Jin tied and took apart several times, and finally the boy couldn't stand it anymore.

He knelt by the bed, carefully dressed his husband, his hands cleverly wrapped the cloth around his waist, and finally tied them up.

The young man lowered his eyes, and the long crow feathers reflected in Li Jin's eyes, which was so virtuous.

Finally, the boy found two white cloth strips from his sewing basket, quickly twisted his hands into a rope, and helped Li Jin tie up his wrists, which was very neat and neat.

In a short while, Li Jin's body was cleaned up and down neatly.

This is the first time since Li Jin remembered being served and dressed.

Especially the young man looked serious, as if he was doing a big thing.

Although Li Jin was not used to it, he seemed to be scratched by sharp cat's claws inside. It didn't hurt, but it was numb to the bottom of his heart.

Walking on the road, Li Jin looked at his hands.

The operation is so fast that the knots are tied, why can't even tie clothes?

But he didn't struggle with this issue for long, and walked to Xiatan Village in less than half an hour.

Li Jin saw an old man eating with a rice bowl at the door.

He stepped forward and arched his hands: "Hello, old man."

The old man smiled when he saw him politely, and asked, "Lady is going to buy pigs?"

Li Jin smiled and said, "No, I'll sell pigweed."

He put some hogweed in his back basket, just to show the buyer, if the buyer agrees, then set the price.

The old man didn’t get annoyed when he heard this, and said, “The younger generation is here at this time to find the right time. Now every household is cutting wheat. How can there be time to mow the pigs? Go to the second house in the village to ask. I also find someone to mow the grass in the mountains to feed the pigs."

Li Jin thanked the old man and went to the second house at the entrance of the village.

The folk customs in ancient times were really simple and the people in the surrounding villages were very friendly.

Sure enough, the family had a straw, their eyes brightened when they heard Li Jin's intentions.

Look at the ‘sample’ in Li Jin’s basket again, and say, “How about twenty essays per car?”

Li Jin thought, Li Daniu could sell more than 30 texts per cart of firewood. This is wheat straw, and 20 texts are not a loss.

And it doesn't have to be transported by him, and it doesn't take much effort.

Li Jin said: "Okay, just follow what you said."

In order to be safe, the family planned to ask their village chief to write a list, so that no one of the two parties breached the contract.

As a result, the village chief had several lists to write. The village chief said, "We have to have one first come first. You must either wait for me to finish writing the previous ones, or write them by yourself, take me to check them, and then go to the trade after they are correct."

The family planned to take Li Jin to the house to rest and wait.

Li Jin has already spoken: "Is there a lot of paper and pen?"

His voice was clear and his words were clear. The village head raised his head and saw that this person was face to face. Although he was wearing the clothes of a dealer, he had a completely different temperament.

The village chief asked his son to bring him paper and pen.

Li Jin didn't decline, and wrote directly.

Since the teenager explained to him that the imperial examination will be taken in February of this year, he has somehow recalled some of the original master’s studies these days.

Although they are all small fragments, Li Jin probably knows that this is not very different from ancient China.

However, the original owner is really unlearned and skillless, and he may point out that a child who is not eleven or twelve years old can write well.

However, when Dr. Li Jin was in his sophomore year, he taught Chinese medicine, and the school even opened an elective course of Chinese calligraphy.

He was quite interested in ancient culture, so he went to study it. will just show it up right now.

Most of the calligraphy of Chinese calligraphy starts from the most basic regular script. Regular script is divided into Yan body and Liu body. Li Jin likes the fluid to be uniform and thin, and he also learns this kind of characters.

‘Books are expensive, thin, hard, and powerful.’ This is the Liu body.

Li Jin wrote a list according to the price he had agreed with the family.

The village chief confirmed that it was correct and returned the list to the villagers.

But he stood up and bowed his hand to Li Jin: "I'm not talented, but my husband is far away, but he doesn't know how to welcome him. He still looks at Haihan."

Li Jin also hurriedly handed over: "The kid can't be a husband. He just studied in the town for a while."

"You haven't participated in the imperial examination?"

"Not yet."

"When to participate?"

"Next February."

"Great goodness."

The villagers followed Li Jin out of the village chief's house, only feeling dizzy.

He had to turn his head around to reflect the words the village chief said, but he also knew that the young man beside him was a person who had studied like the village chief.

It seems that this young man has to participate in some imperial examination... Once he is admitted, he can be an official!

The village head was so kind to the boy, and the villager hurriedly took his scooter and went to Hongyan Village with Li Jin.

In the end, a total of three carts of hogweed were installed. Li Jin and the villagers took turns pulling the carts, and finally all the hogweed arrived.

After returning home, Li Jin felt that his shoulders would be swollen by the twine on the shelf cart.

Sixty articles are not easy to earn.

After Li Jin went back, he took a shower and calculated the remaining money.

Income: three hundred and ten texts (selling medicinal materials), sixty texts (wheat straw).

Expenses: Twenty-seven texts (pork), fifty-three texts (rapeseed and candy), three texts (buns), two hundred and two texts (futon), ten texts (a bucket of rice and noodles, bought from Li Zhuzi's house) .

In the end, only seventy-five articles remained.

But he hasn't repaired the house, bought a desk, or bought new clothes for the teenager, which is another big expenditure.

But Li Jin is not in a hurry. At least now, the family has no worries about food and drink, and Fulang and the children can afford it.

He only needs to sell medicinal materials while reviewing the child birth test in February next year.

But making money can't just rely on selling medicinal materials, he has to think of other ways.

After the summer, when the rainy season comes out in autumn, the mountain can't go up casually.

The line of making money for medicine is broken.

Although there are many vegetation on the ancient mountains and there is no worry about mudslides, but the road is slippery on rainy days, what can Fulang and children do if something happens to him.

Li Jin didn't hide his family's money from the teenager either. He gave a rough overview of the process of making money, then put the money in a small pit on the inside of the bed, and then covered the mattress.

That pit is the place where teenagers often stuff money in the fragment Li Jin remembered.

But since this point was known to the original owner, the money in there is basically how much and how little.

Now he put the money here again, saying: "Our family's money will be here in the future. When you can get out of bed and want to eat some snacks, just take it."

For seventy-five liters, a teenager has to earn seven days, and he has to guarantee that he will not spend a single ren.

The teenager never thought that one day, Li Jin would make so much money and put it in his hiding place.

Back to him and said: "This is our family's money, you spend whatever you want."

Suddenly, just when Li Jin didn't expect it, the boy hugged his waist and buried his face in his chest.

Li Jin had never been so intimate with people. He was sluggish for a moment, his body was stiff, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

Until... he felt a little moist in his chest.

Boy, is this crying?

Li Jin put his hand on the boy's shoulder, and the palm of his hand touched his soft hair and warm body temperature.

The boy cried for a long time before he came out of Li Jin's arms. He was rather embarrassed. Li Jin was covered with clean water vapor. As for him, he hasn't bathed himself in these few days, maybe it smells...

Thinking about this, he even wanted to cry.

Li Jin is so good now, he is so worried that Li Jin will dislike himself.

Sure enough, Li Jin said, "Are you... a little..." Chest/swelling.

Doctor Li Jin, who can speak seriously when facing patients, is really ashamed to say those three words.

The young man is really going to cry with anger, he must have a smell on his body, Li Jin is going to dislike him!

Seeing his grievances, Li Jin sat on the side of the bed, turned his head, did not look at the teenager, and experienced a huge psychological struggle before saying: "Does the chest hurt?"

The boy was shocked, and all his grievances disappeared.

He opened his mouth wide and was speechless in shock.

Li Jin scolded himself secretly, you are a beast.

The teenager is still young, less than eighteen, still a child.

The author has something to say:    Thanks to the little witch for her great deep water~~~ 嘤, it was a huge waste~~~

Xia Xia will work harder~

Calculate I should start saving the manuscript from now, plus five more! !

Thanks Mo Li. x2, Yiqing, Dream of Blue Maple, Woo~, z should be good x7 big nutrient solution~~

Have a nice Tuesday. If you insist on three days, you can have a holiday again.

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