In the past, people used to eat potatoes to survive. But, it was when the taxes were high and the yields were low. And everyone was only able to afford potatoes.

But now, His Majesty was very kind and he had lowered the taxes on the cultivated land. And the yields had also improved over the years.

The farmers in the village had not eaten potatoes as the staple food for a very long time.

Without any shame or embarrassment, Li Jin calmly said, “I can only eat this for the time being.”

After selling the next batch of medicinal herbs, he could buy some beef and mutton and then eat them.

But after hearing those words, Li Zhuzi felt that what Li Jin meant was that because his family was too poor, he could only afford to eat those potatoes.

He couldn’t afford other things!

Li Zhuzi pointed to the pig feet and pork belly, and said, “There is still meat in your house. And when you finish off the rice noodles, you can always go back to my house to get more.”

Li Jin took a knife and cut the pork belly into two parts. And took it apart and sent it to Li Zhuzi.

While giving half of the pork belly to Li Zhuzi, he said, “Brother Zhuzi, you have always taken good care of me. Please take this pork belly as my gift to you.”

He added, “As for the rice noodles, I can’t get it for free. Today, I have made some money selling those medicinal herbs. I can no longer accept Brother Zhuzi’s help without giving away anything.”

Li Zhuzi hurriedly said no by waving his hand. 

Li Zhuzi had a relatively good economic condition in the village, he had an ox-cart with which he could earn nearly thirty wens by cutting and transporting the chopping woods without any extra investment.

His wife also often did some embroidery work to make some extra money and help the family.

Li Jin said, “I used to be a bad person but Brother Zhuzi has always helped me. You must accept this gift. Although it is not much, I will pay it back generously in the future. “

After listening to this, Li Zhuzi could only accept the pork belly. And didn’t think much about Li Jin’s later words.

Weren’t neighbors supposed to help each other? There was no need to pay back each other generously.

He had taken Li Jin’s pork, so tomorrow he must help Li Jin to mow the fields.

After working with Li Jin for a while on the field, Li Zhuzi always saw Li Jin gnawing on the potatoes.

Seeing this, Li Zhuzi always dragged Li Jin to his house for dinner when he saw him only eating potatoes for breakfast.

If not for being poor people, how can someone abuse themselves by eating potatoes daily?

Even if there were some eggs in Li Jin’s breakfast, Li Zhuzi still felt that Li Jin was too poor.

He also noticed that  Li Jin had become very good. 

Li Jin would always leave the good things in the family for his child and husband and only ate the potatoes to survive!

Li Jin was very good!!!

Li Jin, “???”

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