The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Three hundred and forty-three, don't let hug

Chu Yao lay lazily on the sofa, didn't smoke because he disliked the smell, and didn't look at his phone because he wasn't bored.

Just lie down.

Quietly looking at the ceiling, thinking about his own thoughts.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

From noon to dusk.

Chu Yao once heard a saying that when a person is the loneliest, he is alone in a rental house, takes a nap until dark, wakes up naturally, and then finds that he seems to be the only one in the world.

I have also had such a personal experience.

It is indeed... very unpleasant.

But today, I didn't feel that way, I just felt at ease.

Because I know that when dinner is in the evening, she will come back on time.


At a little after 6:30 in the afternoon, the phone rang, and the caller ID showed that it was Gao Jing.

Just connected.

There was a duet of knocking on the phone and outside the door.

She is right outside the door.

You should have heard the phone ringing in the house too.

Besides, no one except Chu Yao would know where the key was stored.

Chu Yao got up from the sofa and went to open the door.

Gao Jing stood outside the door.

All in black.

Black shirt, black leggings, black sneakers, a ponytail on the back of the head, no make-up, looks extremely clean and neat, with a capable temperament.

"you're back?"

She smiled softly, her face full of tenderness.


Chu Yao nodded, opened his arms, and wanted to hold her tightly in his arms.


But Gao Jing gently pushed him away.



"No more hugs?"

Chu Yao took a deep breath, pretending to be surprised on his face, but in fact he was unavoidably a little uneasy.

That thing before...

Haven't passed yet?

For some things, time can heal the scars, but for some things, maybe it really can't.


And two days ago, she obviously called, and she was fine.

But now we meet...

Is it an instinctive reaction of the body?

Women have always been very sensitive in this regard, and there are often things that don't mean what they say. For someone who doesn't love or has no feelings, even if they are married, their orgasms may be faked.

Thinking of this in his mind for a moment, Chu Yao's face changed slightly, and his eyes couldn't help being a little gloomy.

He stared at Gao Jing.

She had already been keenly aware of Chu Yao's emotions, and couldn't help snickering, with an uncontrollable smile rippling between her brows and eyes.

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's not that I won't let you hug, it's..."

She said softly, and took out a document portfolio from the canvas bag she carried with her.

The text on the cover of the file bag is a hospital.

Chu Yao was slightly taken aback.

took over.


Taking out the documents inside and taking a look, for a moment Chu Yao felt as if he had been hit by a shadowless and invisible thunder, and he was completely stunned in place.

Feel numb all over.

Goose bumps came out.

A gust of cool air pierced through the sky.

Every pore in the body reveals excitement and joy.

There is even a feeling of wanting to dance and sing loudly.

But still hold back hard.

This... This is a pregnancy test report.

The most important information is that the hcg index is 10211.

That means, pregnant.

About five weeks pregnant.

Chu Yao's hands trembled uncontrollably, and then looked at Gao Jing, she still had a gentle smile on her face, but in Chu Yao's eyes at this moment, there was already a faint maternal brilliance.

Five weeks.

The index counted, it happened to be the last time in the imperial capital.

The most ridiculous time.

So many times before, she was not pregnant, just that one time?


Possibly, when you are extremely excited, the chances of pregnancy will increase a lot.

"Did you go for a medical examination today?"

After taking several deep breaths in a row, Chu Yao forced himself to calm down, took her hand, as if caring for a peerless treasure, carefully sat back on the sofa, and asked softly.


"That... isn't here yet."

"I first used the early pregnancy test strips. I tried it for several days in a row, but there were two bars. Then, I went to the hospital for a blood test."

Gao Jing gently placed one hand on her stomach, and her voice revealed a kind of joy from the bottom of her heart.

It seems that there is no tension and fear of first-time mothers at all.

Chu Yao wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Oh shit.

I have been called dad so many times in bed.

But now that he really became a father, he was really nervous.

"Then... what to do next?"

Chu Yao couldn't help but speak. As soon as the words came out, he felt that his question was a bit silly. He scratched his head and took another deep breath.

Heartbeat is still fast.

This is not something that deep breathing can solve at all.

It's like going to bed for the first time.

Gao Jing had a bit of resentment in her eyes, and said in a slightly coquettish tone, "You drank and smoked that night, and I drank too much, you villain."

I'm stupid!

Hearing this, Chu Yao suddenly became nervous.

"Then... that won't be a problem, will it?"

This look...

Gao Jing laughed softly, and then said with relief: "It shouldn't be, it's not that fragile, and there's nothing wrong with the prenatal checkup, and all the indicators are normal, even excellent."

"The doctor also said that my pregnancy should not be so painful, after all, I usually exercise more."


Chu Yao nodded.

"Male doctor or female doctor?"


After saying this, Gao Jing was speechless for a moment, and gave him an annoyed look.

"Female doctor! Nervous you! Ask this kind of question!"

"Ah... yes, yes, I am nervous."

Chu Yao immediately admitted his cowardice, admitted his mistake, and lightly slapped his mouth with a playful smile.

"Okay, like a silly boy, are you so happy? When did you come back? Are you hungry? Shall I cook for you?"

Gao Jing said sweetly.

Still very happy.

really happy.

In fact, after returning from that trip, the two of them have not taken any contraceptive measures and let things take their course. After all, the conditions in all aspects have already matured.

If you want to give birth, then give birth.

She is also ready.

It's just that it never occurred to me that if you plant flowers intentionally, the flowers will not bloom, but you will plant willows and willows unintentionally to make shade.

The winning bid will be that time.

Thinking about it, it's also quite amazing.

She even thought, is this baby so sensible?

Are you afraid that your parents will quarrel?

So such a coincidence?

Think about it, you will feel very happy.

"What are you cooking for? You stay here and don't move. I'll do it. Sit well. Hey, you didn't ask the doctor what kind of sitting posture is healthier?"

"what are we eating?"

"Is there anything taboo?"

"Will the oil fume affect it?"

Chu Yao stood up and asked a series of questions.

Gao Jing: ...

After a moment of silence, he laughed again.

have to.

What a fool.

"How can it be so fragile? You can still move, as long as it's not a strenuous exercise."

"Just eat normally, it's nothing."

She pouted slightly.

"That can't be done."


After being stupid for several times in a row, Chu Yao completely came to his senses at this moment. After thinking about it, he directly dialed Jiang Zhenhua's number.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, do something for me."

"Now, immediately, immediately, find a professional maternity care team, doctors, nurses, nutritionists, etc., all ready, within an hour, get it to my house, and send you the address."

Chu Yao said vigorously.

over the phone.

Jiang Zhenhua realized something, and quickly said: "Okay, I'll do it right away, congratulations, congratulations, Mr. Chu, hahahaha."

The laughter is cheerful.

"Well, hurry up, I'm waiting."

Chu Yao said with a smile, and hung up the phone.

Glancing at Gao Jing again, she finally couldn't help laughing out loud.



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