The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 873: floating island city

"Academy City's Puppet Master Novel ( Find the latest chapter!

While the various forces were arguing, the Yiduanlan Festival was still going on in an orderly manner.

In addition to the "perpetual motion machine", various high-tech and even black-tech achievements have been published one after another, causing the world to exclaim.

This year's Yidanlan Festival, Academy City can be said to be fully open without reservation - at least people think so - as if to take advantage of the opportunity of "Floating Island City" to release all the technologies that are under the box in Academy City Show it, and thereby completely seize the leadership of the science side.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Ling Xingye. In the next few days, he concentrated on searching for the escaped Muyuan Evolution; and together with Bai Yinyao and the others, they once again screened the entire city to clean up all hidden automatic puppets and "Silver 0".

Due to the large number of results that need to be published, this year's Yiduanlan Festival has been extended to one week.

On the day when the curtain finally ended, Ling Xingye received another invitation from Passy.

"The closing ceremony? Why do you want me to participate in this kind of event?" Looking at the contents of the invitation, Ling Xingye frowned.

Only a few people know that he is one of the directors. In the eyes of most people, he is just an ordinary high school student. The only thing worthy of praise is the two identities of being a student of Changdian Shangji Academy and a level 3 strong ability-because he missed the ability level test, Ling Xingye's ability level in the library is still level 3.

Well, it's actually not common, the identity of "leader" is already an open secret in Academy City.

But the problem is that the "leader of the group of armed incompetents" is only a semi-official identity, which is no different from the previous Anbu leader in classification, and it is impossible to attend such a major event openly.

Ling Xingye's original arrangement was to attend the school's closing ceremony with the students from Class 3, Grade 1.

Of course, because he was busy searching for Kihara Evolution, he would choose to skip the closing ceremony.

This unexpected invitation disrupted his plan.

"And why is the closing ceremony held in such a place?" Hitomi Shiranui couldn't help asking when she saw the invitation together, "The cruise ship 'Golden Heart'?"

That's right, according to the content of the invitation, the closing ceremony will not be held in Academy City, but will be held on a giant cruise ship.

"It's a display of results," Ling Xingye speculated, "You can tell from the name that this cruise ship must be equipped with a perpetual motion machine. Since we are promoting the 'Floating Island City' project in full swing these days, we must show some results to customers Let's get a little more confidence."

"Your guess is correct, but it's not complete yet." On the cruise ship, Passy personally received Ling Xingye and Hitomi Shiranui.

At this time, he was completely dressed as a waiter, and he was inconspicuous among the crowd.

This 100,000-ton giant cruise ship can be called a city on the sea. Even the service staff and tourists are carrying nearly 50,000 people!

"Using such a giant cruise ship as the stage for the demonstration can indeed convince many people." Ling Xingye looked into Paxi's eyes and tried with words.

Percy still smiled without saying a word, just leading them to the top deck.

Ling Xingye looked at Hitomi Shiranui again, the girl took his arm and moved closer to his ear.

"Ms. Tong," Percy said suddenly, "if possible, can you keep a little suspense? To be honest, I also want to see Master Xingye's surprised expression."

Hitomi Shiranui thought for a while and said, "Okay, let Xingye witness with his own eyes!"

Ling Xingye was confused by the charades of the two, but obviously there was no malice, so he didn't pursue it any further.

After all the passengers boarded the ship, the cruise ship slowly set sail and headed for the vast ocean.

Affected by the previous "disaster chain", the current sea conditions are still abnormally dangerous, with rough waves and high winds and turbulent waves all the way.

However, the people on this huge cruise ship did not feel the danger of the natural environment.

The huge size of the giant ship suppressed the wind and waves all the way, no matter how rough the sea was, it couldn't shake it at all.

The "Heart of Gold" sailed forward so calmly. Passengers who were a little panicked at first calmed down and began to enjoy the journey.

But Ling Xingye knew that with the current sea conditions, even if it was a giant cruise ship of 100,000 tons, it would be impossible to sail so steadily. Bumps and bumps along the way are definitely indispensable.

But the fact is that the road is as steady as an old dog, without any surprises.

The main reason is the black technology from Academy City, right? Like that almost imperceptible shield around the hull...

"It feels more and more mysterious." Ling Xingye muttered.

"Trust me, this trip will definitely not disappoint you." Passy said, "Ah, it's almost here."

As if receiving some signal suddenly, everyone on the deck rushed towards this side together.

On the distant sea surface, a piece of land appeared, reflecting the light of a large amount of metal and glass materials.

—It was an island of steel.

The cruise ship approached the island.

As the distance got closer, Ling Xingye saw various large-scale construction machinery lined up on the "island", which were under construction in an orderly manner.

"Is there anything being built over there?"

"Offshore oil fields?"

"Academy City is going to expand on the sea?"

The passengers who saw this scene together talked a lot.

Ling Xingye took a deep breath and turned to look at Paxi.

The latter smiled at him.

"That's it." Shiranui Hitomi also said.

"Sure enough!" Ling Xingye suddenly realized, "What is being built is the island itself! This is..."

He paused, and then said: "Floating Island City!"

"You're right," Percy nodded and admitted, "This is the prototype of the 'Floating Island City' project!"

No wonder when boarding the ship, Passi said that Ling Xingye's speculation was "not completely correct".

The "Golden Heart" is just a means of transportation. What Academy City really uses to show its achievements is the "Floating Island City" Unit 0, which has already begun to take shape!

The main body of "Floating Island City" is roughly circular with a diameter of twenty kilometers. In contrast, the giant cruise ship that Ling Xingye and the others were riding at this time was like a tiny one.

The conversation between the two did not deliberately avoid, so everyone on the deck knew that it was the floating island city.

"My God, this is probably the biggest man-made thing I've ever seen!"

More than one person expressed emotion.

In fact, they were right. This is a city, a man-made object built completely artificially from the "foundation".

In just seven days, a huge artificial object of such a scale was built from scratch on the boundless sea—this is the real reason for people to exclaim.

This construction speed is simply unscientific!

"This is a real spectacle!" Ling Xingye said with emotion.

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