The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 872: Ling Xingye's business

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"No, the incident is over. Next, please cooperate with the aftermath." Passy said politely.

"Hey, the principal culprit has escaped! Is it really okay to just let him go?" Ling Xingye said.

"No," Passy shook his head, and said inscrutably, "Kihara Evolution is dead—so the incident is over. The rest of the matter can be left to the intelligence department.

"As a director, you should focus on the business."


"Of course it's the ongoing Yiduanlan Festival. This is an important plan related to the world situation!" Percy took out the folder from his file bag, "The attack of Kihara Evolution is just a small episode."

"The episode that almost destroyed the world." Ling Xingye snorted.

Passy didn't care about his eccentricity, and continued: "This incident is within the expectations of the director-although the severity of the disaster is slightly higher than expected-so we have already made corresponding plans."

Ling Xingye looked at him, but did not take the folder.

- Is this a new mission?

He is a puppet master and doesn't like the feeling of being led by the nose.

Percy kept handing it out: "Please don't get me wrong, the chairman has no intention of manipulating you. In fact, Master Xingye is the only director recognized by the chairman.

"This is cooperation, not command."

"Then it's okay for me to choose to reject this thing?"

"You should take a look." Percy persuaded patiently, "This is your business!"

In the last "business", he especially emphasized the pronunciation.

Ling Xingye sized him up for a while, and finally took the folder.

"Floating Island City Construction Plan?" Ling Xingye opened the folder, read out the title of the file, and quickly browsed it.

" are so thoughtful in your preparations." Ling Xingye couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This is a complete action plan, from which it can be seen that Academy City has made complete preparations, as long as the general council gives an order, it can start work immediately.

Not only that, but in the plan that was finalized two weeks ago, there is another item—to package the "Floating Island City" as a refuge, and use the global natural disaster as an opportunity to promote it.

In other words, as early as ten days ago, Chairman Aleister had anticipated what happened today!

"Is this showing strength and demonstrating against me?" Ling Xingye couldn't help but wonder.

"The refuge is one of the key points of the publicity." Passy said as if explaining, "Also, the 'Bronze Heart' has also made a big splash in this disaster relief operation, and it has withstood the test of actual combat."

When he said that, it seemed more like something planned in advance.

"No wonder, the response of the backup energy system is a bit slow..." Ling Xingye suddenly realized.

You know, apart from the seventh school district, Academy City's power grid system is very reliable. Today's sporadic disasters simply cannot paralyze the entire system for such a long time.

It turned out that the "Bronze Heart" was temporarily launched as a backup energy source, so it was delayed!

As for the seventh school district, because Misaka Mikoto was often attacked, the power company gave up maintenance and upgrades, and only pursued the ability to quickly restart after overload protection. So in today's incident, it became the school district that recovered the fastest.

During the talk, the wind and rain stopped outside. Then the clouds cleared and the sky cleared instantly. The clear blue sky was cloudless.

On the street below, pedestrians began to appear.

The sweeping robots were dispatched collectively and pushed across the road in a row.

Immediately afterwards, security teachers also appeared on the street, checking the damage from door to door.

Disciplinary committee members organized the death of students from their respective schools and came out to help clean up the neighborhood.

The city seemed to come alive all of a sudden, and the streets were bustling with life.

There is no way to see that a terrible disaster has just been experienced.

Ling Xingye looked at the rejuvenated neighborhood in relief—just based on the scene in front of him, he felt that his two days of busy work were worth it!

Paxi didn't have this kind of feeling anymore, he didn't care about what was going on underneath, and focused all his attention on Ling Xingye.

So Ling Xingye withdrew his gaze and continued to look through the files.

The document provided by Passy is just a planning outline, which is equivalent to the existence of a directory, and the specific implementation content is not included. So Ling Xingye quickly finished the search.

"It seems... nothing to do with me?" Ling Xingye asked suspiciously, "Didn't you say that there is a 'business' for me?"

But he looked all the way, except that he needed to sign at the end, there was nothing else that he was specifically responsible for.

"That's on the back." Passy said, "Because I came in a hurry, I grabbed some second-hand paper when printing."

Since the documents were not bound, when Ling Xingye flipped through them, he put the papers he had read at the end and paid attention to whether there was any content on the back.

"Then what did I just see?"

"It's just an expired document." Passy said with a smile, "I told you, it's second-hand paper."

He was obviously joking, this "Floating Island City Construction Plan" is an important document for Ling Xingye's purpose.

On the contrary, another document printed on the back is something with a higher secret level.

Ling Xingye turned to the back and saw the detailed information on Muyuan's evolution.

And his relationship with Yanshi.

"There is evidence that Kihara Evolution has reached a deal with the automatic puppet and has undergone enhanced transformation." Percy said in a low voice, "Platinum blood was implanted in his body."

In other words, today's Kihara evolution has already become "Silver 0".

"Sure enough, it's my 'business'!" Ling Xingye muttered.

In the previous series of incidents, because the enemy stated that it was an attack on Academy City, Commander Hua, Bai Yinyao and the others watched the whole process, but did not take action.

But now it is different, the target is the human puppet "Baiyin 0" organized by Yanshi.

Since the enemy is an automatic puppet, the silver puppet master must attack.

After receiving the information, Ling Xingye immediately began to investigate.

As for the matter of Academy City, it has already been forgotten.

According to Ling Xingye - in this Muyuan evolution incident, he and the members of the law enforcement team under him contributed a lot, they were already tired and had to rest.

Since Ling Xingye's merits and achievements are all there, no one would jump out to object without being short-sighted.

So he was able to put all his energy into tracing the evolution of Two days later, the aftermath of the disaster gradually receded, and the earth began to return to calm.

The first "floating island city" officially started construction.

At the groundbreaking ceremony, Academy City seized the opportunity to sell it again.

At the same time, on TV and other media, the Pope of Rome delivered a speech, condemning both Academy City and "Gremlin" for wanton actions in order to compete for the leadership of the technology side, destroying the earth's environment and pulling all human beings into the water.

Due to the defeat in the "World War III", the Christianity completely took itself out, and now it is just possible to start from a "fair and just" third-party perspective and speak for mankind.

Of course, Academy City and "Gremlin" were not to be outdone, and their respective propaganda agencies went all out to start a public opinion war on TV and online media.

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