The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1520 Interest Bundle

Sandway and the others were indeed more anxious than Yang Dongxu. In fact, not only Sandway and the others, but also the royal family were more anxious than expected.

Therefore, although there was no reply from Sandway and others the next day, Gerd, Dean, and Sandway and others sat together and discussed for a whole day, even Prince William participated in it, even These people also went to Buckingham Palace in the evening.

On the third day after that, they reappeared in Yang Dongxu's manor, and none of them withdrew. Obviously, they all knew the preciousness of this opportunity. However, the cooperation plan proposed was somewhat different from Yang Dongxu's idea.

In terms of smartphones, the royal family and Picken are involved in the operation, but in fact Dean, Sandway and Charles work together in secret, divided into two forces, light and dark.

On the Twitter and Facebook side, Dean, Sandaway and Charles took the lead. Sandaway and Charlize set up a new company to acquire these two companies on the bright side. Dean is behind the scenes, and then hides behind the scenes With the royal family.

The only reason for this division is that the Internet is currently in turmoil, especially the Boston consortium represented by the Kennedy family and the California consortium represented by Jack Jr. have joined forces to build Google.

I was caught off guard by some other established consortiums, so I integrated and developed Twitter and Facebook, and they appeared as Wall Street bosses. While there is a lot of room for manipulation, they can also resist the pressure from the consortium. After all, they are not affiliated with the consortium. The main focus of firepower.

For smartphones, this involves a lot, especially some high-end technologies, and whether smartphones have security risks, whether they will become spy machines, and so on.

The consortium manipulates the US government to think that there is something wrong with you. Even if you are full of mouth and produce all kinds of favorable evidence, you can't get rid of the accusation.

Because you can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, naturally you can't escape the dirty water that the country forcibly pours on you, because even if you don't have dirty water on your body, he will force you to say that you have it, is there any way?

After all, they are now the only superpower with the largest economy in the world, and you can't completely bypass it to do what you want.

Therefore, only the royal family can withstand this. Although the United States is a superpower, the British empire on which the sun never sets is a bit of a sunset.

But as a former superpower, although the blood was shed in World War II, all nutritional supplies were cut off because of the independence of the colonies.

Without these dependencies, it was quickly surpassed by the United States, France, Germany and other countries. Now it's a bit like changing from a father to a son, and mixing with the United States.

But the background of the old powerful country is beyond your imagination. What's more, although the national strength of the United Kingdom has declined severely, the inheritance of the British royal family has never been broken, so it is not a big problem for him to stand up to this pressure.

After all, from a father to a son, the royal family is probably holding a sigh of relief. It seems pretty good to have the opportunity to continue to expand the assets and influence of the royal family, stand at the node of the future economy, and add obstacles to the United States by the way.

Of course, all these transactions are a bundle of interests, and now Yang Dongxu can provide them with benefits, so they stand by Yang Dongxu to help him expand the smartphone market.

One day Yang Dongxu will die, or the smart phones they support, Twitter and Facebook in their hands will not work. There is no way to get more benefits, and it is a matter of minutes to sell Yang Dongxu casually.

So in the honeymoon period in the future, how to cooperate more deeply, how to bind more firmly, even if everyone is locked on a ship, no one wants to get off the ship, and there is no way to get off the ship.

"I choose to agree to your proposal. I can even lead a production line for some core components of mobile phones in the UK. Create two grades of domestic and imported Honor mobile phones, and create opportunities for the royal family to enter the smartphone market."

Yang Dongxu pondered for a moment, and he definitely said that the cooperation plan proposed by the other party is reasonable and more operable.

"It's even better this way." Gerd said with a smile on his face.

Believe it or not, there is this production line anyway, or it is directly declared that some zero technologies of smartphones are patents developed by the UK. In short, it needs an excuse to intervene, and it doesn't matter whether other people believe it or not.

"Then let's discuss the specific details according to this general framework. At the same time, since we have decided to cooperate, I will also tell you one thing.

That is only for mobile phones. Except for chips, other hardware and even systems are fine on my side. So if the consortium wants to curb the development of smartphones, the only thing that is stuck is the chip.

Therefore, after the cooperation is launched, in addition to expanding the smartphone market, we will work together to firmly occupy the nodes of this new era. You'd better help me get a lithography machine. "

After Yang Dongxu's words fell, Gerd and the others, who had originally agreed to cooperate, although their faces were solemn and dignified, couldn't help being excited, couldn't help frowning. The lithography machine is an extremely tricky thing.

"Of course, it is not necessary to get the lithography machine to China, I know it is a bit difficult, and it is too obvious.

What I mean is that I can provide related chip semiconductor technology, and you are trying to get a lithography machine. We can set up a chip production company in the UK or elsewhere. Only in this way can it be more secure. "

Dean and the others were relieved to hear that the lithography machine was not directly sent to Huaxia. Although the establishment of a chip company is a bit deceitful.

But what I have to say is that with such a layer of cover up, there is a lot more room for maneuvering in this matter.

And helping Yang Dongxu in this matter is tantamount to helping himself.

They are more aware of the urgency of those consortiums than others. If the pressure is resisted by the royal family, they will not be able to take away the huge profits generated by the smartphone from Yang Dongxu.

After Apple launches smartphones, if it can’t do the same with Honor phones, various patents and chip-setting methods will definitely come into play one by one, and it’s not impossible to even throw the table in anger in the end.

After all, even the assassination of Kennedy, which has a very high status in the hearts of the people, can be done with the president of the consortium standing behind him. It is better not to overestimate the bottom line of these people.

"I'll go back and discuss this matter with the royal family." Gerd said with a frown.

"Let's go back and search to see if there are semiconductor technologies and companies, and try to borrow a shell for your convenience." Charles and the others also expressed their attitude.

"Then agree on the specific details of the cooperation. We may not have as much time as you think, whether it is the convenience of smartphones or the Internet."

The advantage of smartphones is that there will be no similar products on the market in the next six months to a year. As long as they have a good appetite, they can gobble up the market crazily.

The advantage of the Internet is that Weibo is ready to log in to Europe and the United States to disrupt the situation, and Microsoft has finally begun to abandon its old MSN after winning MM.

The consortium behind Sequoia Capital is preparing to build CC to enter the market to grab the site, coupled with the rapidly expanding Internet companies such as Google and Amazon.

The current Internet industry can be said to be a battle for hegemony, so when promoting the development of Twitter and Facebook, they will not encounter any resistance in the early stage. Because no one is focusing on their small company.

When it takes shape, it will be noticed, and these people can't help it on Twitter and Facebook. Because once the registered users of an Internet product take shape, unless competitors shamelessly smash the server, it is difficult to strangle an Internet product.

As for various methods of smearing and security risks, other people can use them on them, and they can also use them on their products. After all, they are not powerless to fight back.

Therefore, the development of these two lines, the first one is to seize the market around the core of advantages, and it is certain that smartphones will make money. Therefore, all the profits it earns are thrown into the Internet industry and burned, forming a complementary and rapid development with leverage.

Yang Dongxu stayed in the UK for half a month, but the cooperation plan did not start until half a month later.

After the first in-depth discussion on cooperation and the establishment of the cooperation framework, all cooperation has already begun.

After all, time is money, and the sooner the smart phone is distributed all over the world, the sooner the money will be collected, everyone is very positive about this.

As for why the discussion took half a month, it was because besides cooperation on smartphones and the Internet, the two parties have other in-depth cooperation, because both parties feel a little empty if they don’t go deep into the bundle, which is very detrimental to future cooperation.

Under the premise of such cooperation, Yang Dongxu obtained some shares of British Petroleum or mining companies, and at the same time obtained some shares behind the scenes of Wall Street funds and securities.

Gerd, Sandway and others obtained shares in Twitter and Facebook, as well as some heavy industries in the United States, and even shares in Citibank, Microsoft, and Apple.

Even the shares of Volkswagen and BMW in Germany, Alstom in France and other companies have also obtained some shares.

Yang Dongxu's hand can be said to be beautiful, Gerd and others have scalp numbness. They originally thought that Yang Dongxu just left in China, and they were lucky enough to develop a smart phone to prepare for a wave of fat.

I never thought that this Huaxia person was hiding deeper than I imagined, and the chips in his hand were even more unimaginable.

This makes them feel more excited while feeling stressed.

The pressure is because Yang Dongxu is stronger than they imagined, so it will be more difficult for them to take advantage of future cooperation.

The excitement is naturally because they have such an extremely powerful partner, and their success rate of taking a step forward is still rising, so there is a feeling of pain and happiness.

And in the past half month, with the continuous release of smart phone news, and because Yang Dongxu gave Jobs an Honor 1 mobile phone very coquettishly, making these news well-founded, the entire mobile phone industry began to surge.

The world's top major capitals are even more aggressive when they hear the news. Some go straight to China to look for Yang Dongxu, while others lie beside Nokia, Motorola, and Ericsson, the veteran mobile phone powerhouses, and stare covetously.

Once the smartphone rumors come true and the interview is successful, the shares of these companies' mobile phone business will be a gluttonous feast.

In fact, it's not just these capitals. As the main promoter of the whole thing, Yang Dongxu, as well as the royal family and Sandaway, are also making arrangements. After all, the switch is in their own hands. If you don't make good use of it, So sorry for the initiative.

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