The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1519 Do you want to bet

As bigwigs, their sources of news are very rich and accurate, so it is easy to see the essence through the phenomenon.

Therefore, everyone in the reception room knows that Google has achieved today's achievements, and the two founders of Google, who have been praised by major newspapers and stockbrokers, are of course indispensable.

But Google has been able to get to where it is today, and even has the posture to become a giant. This is inseparable from the Kennedy family and Little Jack standing behind him.

Without these two bigwigs standing behind, Google would have been swallowed up by other consortiums in the United States long ago.

Of course, the Kennedy family and Little Jack's efforts are extremely rewarding.

Needless to say, the Kennedy family, with their strong political power, finally began to slowly make up for their economic shortcomings.

And after having money in hand, it is not that there is no hope of regaining military power if they win more parliamentary seats.

Not to mention Little Jack, what was the California consortium forced to do by those big consortiums in the east?

Although the entire consortium is very depressed now, they have already seen the hope of reversal as they hold Google shares.

In particular, the traditional media is basically on the side of the old consortium, and it depends on other people's faces if they want to create momentum for something. Now that Google is in hand, it seems that what fist product will be launched now.

You clamor on the traditional media, but Lao Tzu can fight back on the online media. With a channel where you can make your voice heard, many things will be much easier to handle. For example, when running for parliamentary publicity, you can have an advantage.

With such two successful cases in front, Yang Dongxu's proposal is undoubtedly full of temptation for those present. This is not really a big cake, and they really have hope of being on the table after the operation is done.

"I need to think about it." Charles said.

"Me too." Picken nodded.

Sandway stood up, and Dean and Gerd looked at each other and stood up.

They are all big bosses, and they are all big bosses who have fought through great winds and waves.

But at this moment, they were all moved by Yang Dongxu's suggestion. After all, who would want to be the second child if they had the opportunity to be the boss, not to mention that they are not even the second child now, they are all the third child, or even the sixth child.

"I'm only waiting for you for three days. If you don't recover after three days, I'll find someone else to try." Yang Dongxu got up to see off the guests.

Everyone frowned and left solemnly.

Big opportunities come with big risks. Smartphones and the Internet products that Yang Dongxu mentioned are very profitable, so big that they can be pushed to squeeze them into the poker table and sit down.

But the risks faced are also enormous. After all, none of those established financial groups are easy to mess with. Even if you go to the table and don't squeeze them off the table, it squeezes the space and makes them feel oppressed. So before you go to the table, they must try to kick you back.

But if they choose not to cooperate, they will most likely lose their only chance to be on the table.

In particular, this opportunity is to go through the channels of smartphones and the Internet that are currently not controlled by the consortium. This is simply a good opportunity bestowed by God.

Because in the traditional industry, they don't even dare to have such thoughts, not to mention crowding on the table. The reason why the consortium is called the consortium is because no one dares to provoke them in the industry they control. Never allow the forces that challenge them to grow.

These new forces that have the opportunity to challenge them in traditional industries will either become more powerful nutrients for the consortium, or they will disappear completely. There is no third way to go.

"Will they compromise?" Zhang Yue, who sent everyone away and turned back, couldn't help asking.

To be honest, when the Honor mobile phone came out, he was also shocked, knowing that this is an epoch-making product. But he never thought that his big boss would use such an epoch-making product to carry out such a big operation.

Once this cooperation is successful, the assets of the big boss will expand rapidly, and at the same time, the social influence will not be the same.

"As long as they want to go further, this is their only chance. We have choices, but they have no choice." Yang Dongxu said.

There are only two opportunities to be promoted to a chaebol in modern times, one is the Internet, and the other is the smartphone.

There are not many opportunities on the Internet, because the Internet in the United States has been developing for a long time, and it does not want to be just emerging in China.

Although many powerful Internet companies have risen rapidly in recent years, except for the few Internet companies that Yang Dongxu invested from zero. All Internet companies with a little growth potential are basically divided up by chaebols.

Therefore, smartphones have become the only chance for these big guys who want to go to the table, otherwise they can only wait to see if they can live until Musk researches the spacecraft to go to Mars, and maybe they can seize the opportunity to go to the table at that time.

Otherwise, before that, in traditional industries, they would not be able to invest in places such as China and Russia that are not affected by the United States. Even if they went to these two places, it would be impossible for new plutocrats to emerge. So if they miss this opportunity, they will never have another chance in their lifetime.

And this matter Yang Dongxu seems to be very anxious to find a partner, because Apple is chasing after him. But he is definitely not the one who is most anxious.

If it doesn't work, he will directly use most of the benefits to find cooperation with the American consortium, although it is to seek skin from a tiger. But as long as he occupies the hole of the world's number one smartphone, he can still have a series of operations in the future.

It's not that there is no hope of a comeback. For example, in the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, or in the 5G era, he has the opportunity to make a comeback.

But Sandway and others obviously don't have a second chance.

"What do you think about this matter?"

Gerd and Dean left together, and Sandway's three Wall Street bigwigs got together.

I have to say that Yang Dongxu is very good at picking collaborators this time. If Gerd and Dean want to surpass the royal family, it is not a star.

The three of Sandway really have a chance to rise half a step again if they dare to fight hard.

They now need funds and funds in their hands, and they need contacts and connections. The difference from those consortiums is the number of MPs they support and the huge industry group.

With their current assets and connections, they have reached the critical point, that is, the kind of existence that will join forces and be suppressed by the consortium if they make a breakthrough.

Because the consortium can allow rich people like them to exist, but it absolutely does not allow the existence of groups that threaten the consortium. As long as the consortium feels pressure, it will suffer crazy suppression.

Therefore, in traditional industries, they have no way to get rid of the shackles of consortiums. On the Internet side, they have no deep-rooted contacts, and they have no way to compete with consortiums that are currently focused on the Internet industry. The only way left is the smartphone.

"I admit that it is indeed an epoch-making product, but whether it can push us forward another half step, I can't guarantee it.

Moreover, you and I know the political constitution of the United States. Once you start betting, it is a big gamble. If the Huaxia person loses the bet, there is still Huaxia's way out. If we lose the bet, we can only find political asylum. "

When doing certain things, Americans are very convenient, so Yang Dongxu needs their help. But in the event of failure, the identity of the American is a reminder, but it is not as safe as Yang Dongxu, the identity of the Chinese.

"If you can sign a VAM agreement, it's a big risk, but it's not impossible. Now the consortium is focusing on the Internet, and most of its energy is involved in the competition between consortiums.

At present, they only care about an Apple smartphone, but Apple is a step behind Honor, so this is indeed an opportunity.

If, I said if, according to the betting agreement, the smartphone really grows into a behemoth. Then we can block all the net worth.

After all, if we don't sit at the poker table, at most two generations, our current industry will disappear in smoke. Charles sighed.

Both Sandaway and Picken frowned.

There are many self-made multi-millionaires and billionaires in the United States. It seems that the business atmosphere is good and fair, and there is great hope for a grassroots counterattack.

But in fact, these counterattacks are all under the control of the consortium. For example, the news is always about the self-made rich generation.

As for those second-generation rich, or even third-generation rich, very few outstanding people are publicized, whether they are celebrities or politicians, whether they are company bosses or business geniuses.

Except for consortiums, the rich second or third generations in Europe and the United States always give people a feeling that one generation is not as good as the previous generation.

Plutocrats can be passed on from generation to generation, while the successors of other families and commercial companies who are one step away from the plutocrats have never appeared. They stand on the strong foundation of the elders and further shine.

Didn't any of these people's descendants stand out?

Obviously not!

It's that they have already touched the ceiling, and the further road is blocked by people.

For example, if the current richest man, Bill Gates, passes away, even if his son inherits all of Bill Gates' property, he has the ability to continue to expand his wealth and status based on the foundation built by Lao Tzu, and continue to move closer to the consortium ?

If Musk dies at the age, but has not realized his dream of going to Mars, he has not taken the last step to become a consortium. So does his son, or daughter, have a chance to be promoted to the consortium on his basis?

Impossible, impossible.

As long as someone touches the ceiling set by the consortium, he will either meet the opportunity of great social change and become a consortium, or he can only reach the height of his parents in this life, and it is impossible to go any further.

And those consortiums?

Morgan, Rockefick, Citigroup. They are now a consortium, and the successors from generation to generation are also consortiums.

Don't look at the Boston consortium represented by the Kennedy family, because the assassination of President Kennedy was a bit of a slump. But they are still a consortium now, and they are not comparable to them.

No matter how hard the California consortium is suppressed by those powerful consortiums in the east, they still stand in the position of the consortium, always one level higher than other business tycoons.

Therefore, either they should seize this opportunity to successfully advance and expand the ceiling of their descendants, or they can only protect themselves and let their descendants become ordinary rich people and wait to die. Otherwise, if the ambition is too obvious, they will die soon.

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