In the last chapter, 'sixty million' has been changed to 'six million'.

I said I didn't make a mistake, but just slipped and wrote it wrong. Does anyone believe it?


The 800,000 units sold on the first day of "Hunter's Notes" is far from the 6 million units that will recover the cost.

It seems that if the sales performance is maintained every day, the goal can be achieved in a week, but everyone knows that the sales speed of works online cannot be a straight line.

Of course, it’s not true that there are no chances at all. If the follow-up trend is better, it might be possible to achieve the goal and even make a fortune.

But no matter whether he made money or lost money in the end, for Fan Zhe, it doesn't really matter much.

In the final analysis, there are only three words: I can afford it.

Dimension Entertainment has made a lot of money over the years.

Previously, "Taiwu Painted Scroll 2" had global sales of tens of billions, and later "War" had a domestic box office of 3.5 billion yuan and a global box office of 650 million U.S. dollars. Spin full.

Not to mention, the following "Demacia: Glory", a single film is expected to have a global box office of over 10 billion, and the revenue allocated to Dimension Entertainment itself is more than 3 billion. If you include the movie IP development, I am afraid that the overall revenue will go up to 4 billion.

With such a huge profit, even if "Hunter's Notes" loses all 300 million, what can Dimension Entertainment do? Just a small wound.

Not to mention, no matter how bad the loss is, it is impossible to lose it all.

Furthermore, if the money returned from 'Dimension Technology' is counted, excluding the estimated work value of the 'Dimension' system, and only in terms of the development costs paid by Dimension Entertainment itself, there is no need to sell six million sets. One and a half million sets will be paid back.

Mi Le's worries are completely unnecessary for Fan Zhe.

He doesn't worry about losing money.

In fact, such a large investment was made in the animation work "Hunter Notes", and when producing it, the production level was kept improving, and the style was not too much considered commercialization, public acceptance, and the style chosen. , The story seems very avant-garde, at least it is a work that is completely absent on the market.

In this case, it is actually conceivable that the results are not so popular.

What Fan Zhe was more worried about was that the animation works produced by his company were actually not so good under the not-so-popular results.

His mentality is obviously that after becoming rich, he began to seek fame instead of profit.

However, after watching all the finished films himself, he basically let go of half of his heart-it's still very good to watch!

Except for the story in the prologue of the first episode, the rest basically revolves around the growth of the protagonist Su, fighting various monsters and enemies along the way, and gradually becoming stronger.

The world view is still the same, and the painting style has always maintained the same inertia. The battle screen is the part that Dimension Entertainment is very good at, and it maintains the excellence of the first level.

What are you worried about?

Anyway, Fan Zhe's own evaluation of it: this is a good work.

And the other half of the heart, after seeing the word-of-mouth of the work, was also let go.

Douban scored 8.8, which is considered a relatively high score among Dimension Entertainment's works.

Regardless of the single platform of Douban, in social media of different latitudes such as Weibo, official account, Zhihu, etc., the evaluation of "Hunting Notes" is also quite good, with many people praising and criticizing. I basically wouldn't say that this is a bad work, but I just think it's too niche, and Dimension Entertainment is talking about it.

Fan Zhe doesn't care about this kind of evaluation.


Putting the time a little longer, the whole of November passed, and it came to December.

The box office of "Demacia: Glory" has fulfilled all expectations for it beforehand.

The global box office has officially reached US$1.7 billion, and "Glory", as expected, has become the fifth highest-grossing film in global film history. Converted into RMB, this is a box office of 11.4 billion.

If all the previous judgments on the results of "Glory" were just estimates, then now, when these have become a reality, discussions about "Demacia: Glory" have once again sparked nationwide.

This can be said to be the aftertaste of public opinion in the previous "Glory", or it can be said to be a new round of climax.

And at about the same time, "Hunter's Notes" ended here, and it has been online for three weeks.

After the sales of 800,000 sets on the first day, in the second week, when the second episode was updated, it once again ushered in a sales climax.

After all, when it was first launched, the content of the first episode was still free for members. The membership growth rate of the Dimension platform has slowed down a lot now, and their current paid membership scale has reached 25 million—if this number of annual memberships is maintained, then only the membership fee income , with a scale of about 500 million per year.

This is the core user plate of the 'dimension platform'. These users are the visual products produced by Dimension Entertainment, and they are relatively hardcore supporters.

Many of them have paid attention to "Hunter's Notes", but the first episode is free for them to watch, so many people will naturally choose to watch the first episode first to see what the quality of the work is, and then decide whether to buy it or not. Buy the full episode.

Indeed, "Hunter's Notes" is not so popular due to its subject matter and style. But after all, the production quality is here. Although people who don't like it will feel nothing at all, and even feel a little uncomfortable because of the blood and world view, but those who like it will like it very much, and even regard it as a masterpiece.

Ever since, despite the lukewarm sales on the first day, the subsequent sales were actually relatively stable.

After the first week passed, the total sales reached 1.3 million sets; when the second episode was launched, it ushered in a new climax, selling 700,000 sets that day, and by the end of the second week, the total sales Came to 2.4 million sets. And now, at the beginning of December, at the end of the third week, the total sales volume has reached 3.1 million.

If this trend continues, if the overall sales situation is relatively stable, maybe..."Hunter's Notes" can really sell 6 million copies and meet the sales target.

What's more, its global screening copyright operation is relatively good.

Under the Dimension Group, with the hard work of branches in major markets around the world, it has been broadcast in almost all major markets in the world.

Dimension Entertainment will probably be able to recoup nearly 100 million yuan in income from various screenings worldwide. Especially in the European and American markets, "Hunter's Notes" is more popular than any animation work by Dimension Entertainment in the past. Even some pay TV stations in Europe and the United States chose to buy the right to broadcast this CG animation at a fairly good price, and unexpectedly obtained quite good ratings.

This also increases the weight of "Hunter's Notes" in obtaining more revenue in the European and American markets, including the global market.

Taking into account the current domestic sales of more than 3 million sets, the total revenue generated by "Hunter's Notes" has already exceeded 200 million, which is not very far away from the cost line of 300 million.

After Fan Zhe received the relevant financial report as the boss, he quickly passed it on to Mi Le, the head of the animation department.

After seeing these data, Mi Le's depressed mood has improved a little.

At the beginning of this year, Dimension Entertainment separated the animation department, and she became the leader of the animation department.

After the animation department became independent, they worked on two works. The animated version of "Hell Apartment" is relatively cheap and simple, and the positioning of its own work is also in the form of free members' complete works, as a supplement to the member content of the dimension platform.

In contrast, a work with such a major investment as "The Devil Hunter's Notes" must be much stronger than "Hell Apartment" in terms of status and importance.

She still gave great hope to "Hunter's Notes".

The poor sales on the day of launch really put a lot of pressure on her.

She once thought that Dimension Entertainment's first loss-making work was about to come out of her own hands, and it was produced under her own leadership after the animation department became independent.

Fortunately, this kind of thing didn't happen.

But even so, she felt quite uncomfortable.

"Hunter's Notes" should not lose money. According to the estimate given by the company's strategic development department, the sales of this animation on the Dimension platform should eventually reach 5 million sets-although it is not 6 million, it can also recover about 200 million in revenue. receive. Counting the overseas copyright sales, against the cost line of 300 million, there should still be a profit of around 20 million to 50 million. Counting the surrounding copyrights, the company can still make a fortune.

But think about it, Dimension Entertainment invested hundreds of millions of dollars to create a work, which one did not set off a frenzy?

Even if "Hunter's Notes" is a small profit, it may be difficult to achieve that level.

As for the word-of-mouth is quite good, many people have even called it a masterpiece, and as the boss, Fan Zhe is also very satisfied with the quality of the animation.

But so what?

Mi Le used to be a rather unambitious person, but after all, he has already sat in the current position of the head of this independent department, so he will always be inspired to be enterprising.

She was still troubled.

However, it was a bit boring, but since the boss still gave her full support, she still felt that she couldn't break the can.

The animation department still needs to come up with some decent performance.

So, at the end of the year, she came up with two plans in one go.

One is the fourth season of "Amber Sword".

The "Amber" series can be regarded as Dimension Entertainment's flagship product in the animation industry. This series of animations has been done for three seasons in the past few years. In the entire East Asia, whether it is in mainland China or in Japan, a major animation country, "Amber" is considered the hottest and most outstanding at the time. animation.

As a cash cow, this work will definitely continue to be developed.

The entire "Amber Sword" series has planned about six seasons of content, and the fourth season will be developed next.

According to the work schedule, this work will be completed and launched in the summer of next year.

Taking out this trump card is a way to boost morale for Miller's animation department. After all, they still have to reflect their own value and make a work that is enough to make money.

"Sword of Amber" is such a work that is sure to make money.

And there is no doubt that when the project proposal for the fourth season of "Sword of Amber" was handed over to the upper management of the company, it was very happy to approve it. .

That's not much to say.

As for her second plan, she got stuck for a while.

The work she is eyeing is also an animation adaptation of an online novel - "The Supreme One".

The original novel, when it was serialized at the time, was also a phenomenal work. The author, the squid who loves diving, has established himself as a platinum author through this book.

As for Cuttlefish's work, Dimension Entertainment has already adapted one before, and it is the popular TV series "Martial Arts Master" in the whole country.

However, there are still certain difficulties in the adaptation of "The Lord of the World".

One is that the amount of investment is not small.

Although it is a 2D animation, it is not a high-precision CG like "Hunter's Notes", but due to the fantasy theme, it still requires a certain amount of investment to do it well.

In addition, although the copyright of "The King of the World" is in the hands of Dimension Entertainment, when the company's copyright marketing department was negotiating with Lewen Group, among the batch of works bought, "The King of the World" was in the in.

However, to do the adaptation of this work, there will be some problems.

In the original novel, although most of the plots are original, including the sub-world travel story with some infinite flow elements, it is also written by the author himself.

But there is one place that I can't get around no matter what - in the novel, many non-original exercises are mentioned. Some of these exercises come from the martial arts novels of Jin Yong, Gu Long or others, such as the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, and some come from Hong Kong comics, such as the exercises derived from "Legend of the Son of Heaven", Huntian Bao learn from.

These things are not original novels.

When adapting animation, if you don't want to destroy the feeling of the original novel, then these things still need to be kept. Although it is possible to change all the exercises related to copyright issues, but doing so without these stalks will obviously reduce the effect of the work.

But if it is to be preserved, the copyright of these exercises is a problem.

If you don't want people to sue and lose a lot of money, these things must be dealt with in advance.

This matter will be handed over to the copyright department of the company for discussion.

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