The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 260 Archives Room

Burke Steele is a bald little old man, with a thin body huddled behind the front desk, his eyes carefully reviewing the catalog in the old archives.

The ball pen in his hand tapped the notebook rhythmically, and the clicking sound continued to echo in the basement. He didn't stop until the footsteps came from the stairs.

"Burke, I brought the person here." Ribbon said respectfully towards the thin file administrator.

Burke's little eyes stayed on Xing Ze for a moment, and then replied: "Okay, go about your business, Ruiben. If anything happens, I will contact you."

The superintendent signaled to Xing Ze and then walked quickly towards the stairs.

"Is that you? The hero of Ravenska Village?" Burke leaned forward and crossed his hands on the table. "Can you show me your identification?"

"Is this okay?" Xing Ze took out the Merlin Medal from the ring. His "Key to the Door" has not changed back since it was turned into a medal by A.

In other words, this is the final appearance of "Key to the Door". Its function has not changed, and it has even become a lot stronger. In addition to being able to access various information, it is also a door key that can instantly lead people to the nearest safe house.

Of course, like all portkeys, its delivery method is a bit overwhelming, even worse. At least after Xing Ze tried it once, he rarely felt nauseated again, which reminded him of the tragic situation when he used Apparition for the first time.

"Can I take a look?" Burke said, holding out his hand.

Xing Ze generously handed the medal to him. The old man looked at it carefully and said, "This medal is not the Merlin First Class Medal. Well, I mean, it is the Merlin Medal, but it is somewhat different from the current one."

Xing Ze also noticed this. According to the content written in the history textbook of Hogwarts, the Order of Merlin is divided into three levels, and the medal colors of each level are different.

The first level is gold, the second level is purple, and the third level is white. Many people who don't know the truth always think that the First Class Order of Merlin is the most noble, but this is obviously a big mistake.

Each level of the medal has a different meaning. The first-level medal is awarded to people who have performed very brave or different actions in the wizarding world, such as Dumbledore.

The Second Class Medal is awarded to those whose achievements or efforts exceed those of ordinary people. The most representative one is Newt Scamander.

As for the third-level medal, the third-level medal is given to those who have contributed to our knowledge or entertainment, just like Gilderoy Lockhart who is about to come to Hogwarts to serve as the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

And his medal is different from the medals of the three levels. The main material of the medal is made of crystal, and the green ribbon will rotate accordingly.

Xing Ze thought that this was just the difference between the real thing and the photo, so he never paid attention to it. It wasn't until he heard Burke mention it today that he felt a little confused.

"Let me ask you a question, young man," said Burke. "Do you know who awarded the medal?"

"The Wizengamot."

Burke nodded and said, "Yes, the Wizengamot is an existence far older than the Ministry of Magic."

As he spoke, he returned the medal to Xing Ze, "This is their original medal, not like the Wizengamot currently under the control of the Ministry of Magic. Keep it well, young man, it can save lives at critical moments."

"I tried it and it made me sick for days."

A smile appeared on Burke's face, "After all this time, they still haven't updated the magic spell on it, right?"

"Maybe to keep tradition alive?"

"Tradition? It's just the deliberate insistence of those old antiques. Okay, we've talked enough, come with me."

Burke stood up and walked towards the archives room behind him.

"Aren't you going to give me a pass?"

"Come on, it's just a front desk, just jump over. No one will come to this shitty place for a year. Even if the surveillance system is broken, no one will fix it. No one will find out."

Xing Ze shrugged his shoulders, put one hand on the front desk and jumped in lightly.

The archives room is very large, with large filing cabinets standing side by side, dividing the huge space into maze-like passages.

Burke's voice came from Xing Ze's right side, "This way, young man."

Xing Ze followed the sound and found him. The old man was standing on a slightly raised round tile.

"Come, stand beside me," he said.

When Xing Ze walked into the tile, Burke took out his wand and whispered a spell. Following this spell, the filing cabinets began to move quickly.

After another dazzling shift and change, a straight passage appeared in front of Xing Ze.

"Let's go."

Xing Ze asked: "Where are we going? To be honest, I would rather talk to you about the four unnamed corpses than walking through the maze."

"No, no, no." Burke waved his hand, "Not here. Be patient, young man."

Xing Ze sighed and closed his mouth wisely. Soon they came to the end of the passage. Burke tapped the brick wall a few times with his wand. The bricks began to bulge, and then an entrance appeared in front of them.

"Is the person who cast this spell the same person as the Leaky Cauldron?" Xing Ze asked curiously.

"Most of the spells in the world are the same," Burke said. "It just takes a little change."

Inside the entrance is a spacious office. A is sitting behind an oak table, and on the other side of the table, John is sinking into the sofa and drinking wine.

"Hey~ old man, long time no see." John greeted Xing Ze as soon as he came in, "What have you been doing all summer? I went to Benson's old house to look for you, but Boqi said you Went on a home visit.

"What the hell, home visits? Are all the teachers at Hogwarts that dedicated these days? You should really record this and show it to the Ministry of Magic. I bet those staff who have been doing nothing all day will commit suicide in shame."

A waved his hand, and the entrance closed automatically. Then he waved again, and the two chairs slid behind Burke and Xing Ze.

"We have a lot to say, but not much time." A took out his pocket watch and looked at it, "So, stop talking nonsense."

He turned his attention to Xing Ze and said, "Have you seen the body?"

"Not yet." Xing Ze sat down on the chair, "I went to the scene first."

"You should go see the body first." A said, but he didn't mean to blame.

"Four unnamed corpses swollen with water. Except for professionals, it is difficult for others to see any useful clues."

A nodded, "In that case, you must have discovered something at the scene."

"Poison." Xing Ze replied, "Snake..."

"Snake grass." Burke grabbed his words, "We all know this."

Xing Ze looked at the old man in confusion, "Then why didn't you seal off the scene? It seems to me that Ruiben didn't know that the corpse contained highly toxic substances."

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