The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 259 Watching

"Superintendent Woflin, have you ever had the experience of being stared at with fanatical eyes?" Xing Ze retracted his gaze and asked.

"You mean I go to roll call and assign patrol duties every morning?" Ribbon asked, "This has been the case every day since I was promoted to patrol superintendent."

"It must feel very uncomfortable."

"If you have grown up in this environment, you will find that this is nothing at all." Superintendent Feng Qiyun said a terrible fact calmly.

Xing Ze nodded. They hit the morning rush hour, and there was a long queue in front of the traffic light intersection. Ruiben shook his head helplessly: "Sir, I'm afraid this will take a while. If you have anything else..."

"Don't worry about me, Superintendent, I have plenty of time. Besides, I also like to think in the car. But have you informed your colleagues?"

"Uh-huh, I just informed via radio."

"Then there's no problem." Xing Ze fell into deep thought again.

There were eight pairs of eyes in total, all staring at him at this time. With a stiff smile on his face, Xing Ze picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said, "Harry, I didn't expect you to be here too."

The stone thrown into the calm lake immediately splashed with water. Almost at the same time, the Weasley family began to explain.

The buzzing sound made Xing Ze not sure what to listen to. He waved his hands and said: "Everyone..."

Mrs. Weasley suddenly shouted: "Shut up, everyone, and let me speak."

Obviously, her authoritative words were much more useful than Xing Ze's feeble protest, "Yes, sir, Harry has been living with us for almost a month. His uncle and aunt..."

"They locked him in the room," George shouted.

"You haven't given him anything to eat yet," Fred added.

"I'm not here today for this matter." Xing Ze explained, "I'm here for..."

"For Merlin's sake!" Mr. Weasley exhaled as if he was relieved, and reached out to take the fried eggs and bacon from his wife, "You know, I've been worried about this. I always Forgot to apply to the Ministry of Magic, what the hell..."

Mrs. Weasley slapped her husband hard.

"Oh, I'm so busy with this terrible job. Sir, last night I ransacked seven houses, almost all over the UK. One person, seven houses!"

"Keep it down, Arthur. You'll scare the kids."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Molly. Honey, can you give me a cup of tea?"

Mrs. Weasley handed the tea cup to Ginny, and the girl put it on the table without forgetting to steal a caramel biscuit on the table.

"Oh, thank you, my little sweetheart."

"Your work is very meaningful, Dad. It ensures that those people will not cheat poor Muggles. You are doing something righteous." Percy's words were very useful to Arthur.

"Flattery Percy," muttered Fred.

"Hey, I heard you, kid," said Mrs. Weasley, "You should learn from Percy. Your teacher happens to be here, and I should really talk about this."

"No -" shouted Ron, "don't say that, Mum."

"I have to say it today."

"Even if it costs Dad his job?" George said.

"Hey, I believe Mr. Xing Ze is not the kind of guy who speaks ill of people behind their backs."

Arthur didn't seem to mean to stop him. On the contrary, he said slightly proudly: "You won't believe it, sir. I made a magic car that can fly. The three little guys used it to pick up Harry." of."

After feeling his wife's anger, Arthur changed his words with a serious face: "Of course, this is not right at all, very wrong."

Xing Ze finally found a chance to interrupt. He said as quickly as possible: "This is very good, Mr. Weasley, the flying car, but I am here today about Ron..."

"Dad, can you tell me what happened last night?" Ginny sat next to Xing Ze with a plate of baked apple pie. She glanced at Harry secretly from time to time.

Harry, who had been silent, echoed: "I want to hear it too, Mr. Weasley. I've always been curious about what the work of the Ministry of Magic is like."

"Boring, boring, still boring." Mr. Weasley drank a large amount of tea, "But there is still something worth saying."

The children pricked up their ears when they heard a story. Even Mrs. Weasley rarely stopped nagging.

"What surprised me most last night was a family named Thomas. Sorry, kids, you know I can't tell you his full name. There were a lot of books in his house, so many that they filled the whole house, in the hallways, and on the stairs. All above.”

"Just like our home." Fred pointed to the stairs of his home, "There is always a pile of stuff."

"Oh, don't interrupt Dad," Ginny cried disapprovingly.

Fred spread his hands and motioned for his father to continue.

"Thomas said that someone broke into his home a few days ago and stole many books." Arthur continued.

Percy raised his hand and waited until his father nodded in agreement before asking, "Shouldn't this matter be the responsibility of the Aurors?"

"That's the world of work, Percy. Those guys pretty much put everything on us. Come on, kids, the excitement is about to come.

"That Thomas was a squib. According to him, his great-grandmother was a wizard and left behind many precious books. Obviously, he had no right to keep these books. So I had to confiscate all those books. "

Everyone laughed except Xing Ze. Xing Ze knew what was so funny about this story. Thomas was originally a victim, but inexplicably turned into a criminal hiding banned books.

Unless you have the permission of the Explosive Candy Disposal Department of the Ministry of Magic, Squibs have no right to hide wizard's books, because learning magic incorrectly can kill them, and this kind of thing has happened.

Of course, Xing Ze was actually more interested in the exploding candy disposal site than this bizarre experience.

This department whose name seems ridiculous is actually an important department that collects dangerous magical items. Because of the common nature of their work, they often cooperate with the Office for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items.

The famous list of prohibited magic items came from this department. Speaking of which, Xing Ze's ring also contained a lot of explosive cigars, flame cigarettes and a series of other prohibited items.

"Okay, okay, kids, stop laughing and be compassionate." Mr. Weasley waved his hand and said, "Compared to me, I think Mr. Xing Ze will have many more exciting stories."

Everything returned to where it started, and those eight pairs of eyes looked at Xing Ze again, more fanatical than before.

"Ours has arrived, sir." The superintendent's words brought Xing Ze out of his thoughts. He opened his eyes and saw the magnificent West Side Police Station.

"Let me take you to see Burke."

"Good work."

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