The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 602 School Days

Finally, Tom agreed to George's request and signed his name on the model of the Knight in Shining Armor.

"Can this mask be lifted?" Tom ignored the staff used by the knight puppet to hit his arm and tried to lift its visor. It turned out that the visor was just a decoration, and Fred and George had not made the facial details of the puppet.

"It's too difficult to do facial features," George shrugged. "If you do it roughly, it will affect the look and feel. If you do it delicately, it will be too time-consuming and laborious. So just don't do it."

Tom nodded, as if he had made the same decision.

"By the way, did you make that armor yourself during the competition?" Speaking of the armor, George's eyes lit up, "Can I try to wear it?"

This was not the first time Tom had encountered such a request, but he had always tried to excuse it by asking for the next time.

The celebration lasted for a long time until Professor McGonagall rushed into the lounge and kicked out all the students from other colleges inside.

"If you don't go back, your college's points will be cleared tomorrow!" she threatened.

Under Professor McGonagall's burning eyes. The little wizards dispersed and left Gryffindor Tower one after another, heading towards the common room of their own college.

Tom and Hermione also followed the crowd, heading towards Ravenclaw Tower little by little.

Looking at the crowd in front of her, Hermione frowned: "There will definitely be a long queue for the bathroom..."

She picked up her collar and sniffed it, her brows furrowed deeper, obviously very dissatisfied with the smell on her body.

"I'll go to the Room of Requirement. There's a ready-made bathroom there." Her eyes lit up and she found a very good solution.

Tom didn't say anything, just followed silently.

"It would be great if we could become prefects, so that we could enjoy the prefects' bathroom." Hermione said with a hint of longing in her eyes. As a fourth grader, she is not yet qualified. When she reaches fifth grade next year, she may become a prefect.

The conditions of Hogwarts are very good in all aspects. The only drawback is that the resources of the public restrooms are very tight every night. Young wizards who have attended classes for a day generally hope to take a hot bath before going to bed to wash away the fatigue of the day. However, the number of shower heads in the bathroom is limited, so you will most likely have to queue up if you want to take a shower. In a situation like today where everyone was squeezing in to go back to the dormitory at the same time, the queue didn't even know when.

The only way to solve the problem is to become a prefect, so that you can use the prefect washroom. Compared with the number of students, which exceeds a hundred, the number of prefects in a college, which can be up to six, is insignificant.

Prefects can take a good bath in the exclusive bathroom and enjoy the pleasure of the bath without worrying about being rushed by seniors queuing outside or accidentally touching the buttocks of their companions.

Hermione glanced at Tom who was following her, her face turned slightly red, and she cursed secretly: "Why are you following me here?"

Boys don’t have to wait in line for a long time to take a shower!

Although but, because of that, Hermione didn't say much in the end, but acquiesced to Tom following her.

The two came to the familiar Room of Requirement. As soon as they opened the door, a cozy cabin appeared in front of them: a white double bed, a soft carpet, a crackling fire, and warm-colored wall lamps.

Just looking at it makes people feel comfortable and want to have a good sleep.

"The room this time is quite nice!" Hermione cheered, took off her coat and hung it on the wall, then threw off her shoes and ran quickly to the bathroom.

Tom looked thoughtfully at the roaring fireplace in the room.

"This room is very weird." He came to a conclusion after observing for a while.

The Room of Requirement responds to requests, but it is only a limited "response to requests". Tom knows very well that if he makes some very excessive requests, the Room of Requirement will most likely not be able to fulfill them.

There is something wrong with the layout of this room today.

This was the first time Tom discovered this problem. In the past, when he entered the house, his mind was not on this aspect, so he didn't notice it until today.

Why is there a fireplace lit in the house? And judging from the warmth of the room, the stove wasn't just turned on.

He made a bold guess.

At this time, the sound of gurgling water could be heard in the bathroom, but at this time, Tom had no intention of enjoying this beautiful music. His mind was completely focused on exploring the mysteries of this room.

Tom clapped his hands gently. "Is anyone there?" he said softly.

It seemed like a stupid question, since there was no one else in the room except him and Hermione. But as soon as he finished speaking, there was a slight explosion in the room, and a house elf appeared in front of Tom.

Tom looked at the elf in front of him for a while and found that it was not the ones he had seen before.

"How can I help you?" It bowed deeply, the tip of its nose almost touching the floor.

"I want you to tell me who cleans this room." Tom looked at the elf in front of him and asked a question.

"It's me, distinguished sir, is there anything about Nora's work that makes you dissatisfied?" The house elf named Nora trembled, as if she was very worried about what she did not do well enough.

"Your work is perfect. I have no dissatisfaction - I'm just curious. Do you change the firewood for the fireplace in this room every day?"

After hearing Tom's words, Nora felt relieved and stopped trembling.

"Thank you for the compliment, sir!" It thanked Tom for the compliment before telling him that the maintenance of this room was indeed within its scope of work.

There are hundreds of house elves at Hogwarts. These elves also have a detailed division of labor. Some elves are mainly responsible for serving meals, while others are responsible for cleaning. Participating in the maintenance of the castle is also one of the divisions of labor.

Why are the castle floors so clean all the time? Why are the dirty clothes washed the next day after being thrown into the laundry basket? Who lit the charcoal fire in the common room? These problems permeate every aspect of daily life, but few students are aware of them.

These were all done by the low-key house elves in the castle.

The house elf in front of Tom was responsible for adding firewood to the fireplace. The reason the room was so warm and the fireplace was burning brightly was because Nora would add firewood at specific times to keep the room warm as night came.

To be more precise, Nora would come here every time the sun went down and light the fireplace. Wait until the next morning to clean out the ash from the fireplace.

Hearing what Nora said, Tom took a breath: If what Nora said was true, how much firewood would have been burned in this small house over thousands of years? This is not a wisp of smoke floating in the forest, but a forest directly burned. This fact can directly make environmentalists faint.

Not to mention environmental issues. What Nora said confirmed Tom's point: this room did not belong to the Room of Requirement. It should be an unknown room in a corner of Hogwarts Castle. The Room of Requirement simply sent him and Hermione to this room.

Tom nodded thoughtfully.

"Is there anything else?" Nora asked cautiously.

Seeing Nora’s respectful look, Tom couldn’t bear it. Although he was not a protector of elf rights, he did not like this form of communication either.

He sent Nora away politely.

Tom felt sympathy for the house elves, but that was all. In other words, he was willing to give the house elves anything but help.

He sympathized with their plight, but he didn't want to make any changes - he hadn't even let Hermione know about the existence of house elves, just because he was afraid that Hermione would try to free them.

If Hermione founded the "House Elves Liberation Front", would Tom join or not? This is a very difficult question for Tom.

Do house elves need to be liberated? You are not a fish, how can you know the happiness of fish? Zi is not a house elf, and he knows the joy of a house elf. House elves now take pleasure in serving wizards as a lifelong pursuit. From a human perspective, their thoughts are somewhat distorted.

Faced with such twisted thoughts, is it necessary for the wizard to forcefully straighten them? To put it simply, why should the elf's thoughts be forced to be consistent with the wizard's?


More realistically, if they are liberated, who will do the laundry, cooking and cleaning for the teachers and students of Hogwarts? Also, from a human perspective, there is no doubt that wizards have enslaved house elves for thousands of years. Can the wizard really repay the blood debt caused during this period?

Once the house elves "awaken", can wizards survive the reckoning? In the end, it would be interesting if it evolved into "family life is precious". So Tom chose to believe in the wisdom of his predecessors, and it was better to do less than to do more. The ostrich tactic is shameful, but very useful.

After Nora left. Tom also took off his coat and hung it on the edge of Hermione's robe. Looking at the female wizard's robe, Tom remembered Hermione's previous actions.

So he took off the robe, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it.

A scent penetrated Tom's nose.

"It obviously smells good, but why does Hermione think it smells bad?" Tom scratched his head, wondering if there was something wrong with his nose.

Listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, Tom decided to ask himself.

Why do you think so much and have nothing? It’s time to do something serious!

He put his hand on the eagle-shaped door handle and twisted it slightly. The bathroom door opened in response, and a stream of water mist with the scent of roses poured out from inside.

Hermione really didn't lock the door!

At this moment, Hermione was curled up in a large wooden bathtub. When she heard the sound of the door lock turning, she immediately turned around and saw Tom walking in.

"What are you doing? Get out!" Hermione's face turned red all of a sudden, and she covered her chest with her hands, just asking Tom to get out.

"I want to take a bath too~"

"Wait until I finish washing - ah!"

Tom quickly took off his clothes and jumped into the big tub, shocking Hermione's delicate body.

The bathtub in the bathroom is more than enough for one person, but if shared by two people, the area is a bit cramped. After Tom came in, the space inside became extremely limited, and Tom and Hermione could only cling to each other.

Hermione only felt that her whole body was hot, and there was a numbness in her lower abdomen, and the place where Tom touched her felt like it was on fire.

"You, you!" She wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

"You know how to bully me!" In the end, she could only say this hatefully.

Tom's hand gently caressed the smooth jade back, and from time to time he would go around and tease it.

"You take good care of your skin," he rubbed Hermione's cheek with his own and whispered in her ear, "Let me rub your back."

"No-huh!?...Okay." Hermione wanted to refuse, but with a slight pressure from Tom's index finger and thumb, she was convinced by Tom.

Tom managed to get hold of Hermione.

Then, he gently scrubbed Hermione's shoulders and back, and squeezed twice from time to time to promote blood circulation in Hermione's back and make her more relaxed. Hermione was originally very nervous about this uninvited guest, but then he didn't do anything out of line, so Hermione accepted the guy.

"Is the strength appropriate?" Tom kneaded for a while and asked softly.

"Yeah." Hermione hummed softly to express what she meant.

Tom carefully moved the fair body in his hand and turned Hermione over so that the two of them sat opposite each other.

Face to face, Hermione suddenly became shy again. She lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Tom. Fortunately, there was a layer of foam floating on the tub, which made her feel a little more at ease.

"Relax," Tom lifted Hermione's chin, "Is this the first time we've met?"

He looked at the pretty face, which turned white and rosy due to the steam of the hot water, and there seemed to be a pool of spring water in the eyes like a shy kitten.

Tom kissed him.

A trace of relief flashed in Hermione's eyes, and she naturally put her hands on the boy's shoulders, responding to him as much as possible.

Tom was a little relieved, but also a little emotional. Hermione's movements were no longer as green as before, and even somewhat skillful.

After a long time, the two separated, breathing heavily. Most of the bubbles on the water surface of the bathtub have disappeared.

Hermione twisted a little, let out a moan, her eyes blurred, and let Tom wash her clean.

After cleaning up, Tom took the limp girl out of the tub.

After being out of the warm water, the girl was a little nervous again. She hugged the boy's neck tightly and squeezed her slender legs together.

"Please, please give me..."

Tom pulled a bath towel from the shelf nearby and wrapped Hermione up like a burrito. At the same time, he also picked up Hermione's clothes on the shelf with great interest, and took them out of the bathroom together amidst the girl's protests.

"Put it back! Put it back! It's dirty!"

"I don't care if it's cleaned!"

The two of them returned to the bedroom while teasing.


Four thousand words in one, good night everyone, and wish you sweet dreams~

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