The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 601 Bridging the gap between colleges

Tom was silent for a moment, then had to admit that Cedric was right. Although the relationship between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff is not as confrontational as that between Gryffindor and Slytherin, it cannot be said to be harmonious.

Ultimately it comes down to stereotypes. In everyone's perception, Ravenclaw students are all smart people, while Hufflepuff students are all honest people.

The word honest person can hardly be called a compliment. Usually only when a person has nothing to praise, everyone will praise this guy for being honest - otherwise the first thing they would say is "handsome", "beautiful", "smart", "kind" and the like.

What's even worse is that the label "honest" often has the connotation of being able to take advantage and bully someone at will.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of life the little wizard of Hufflepuff lived. When Hagrid accompanied Harry to Diagon Alley for the first time, he once openly said that "Hufflepuffs are all losers." Even if Hagrid was a dropout who didn't finish third grade, this was too much.

It is normal for those young wizards in Ravenclaw who think highly of themselves to look down on their Hufflepuff classmates. Just like an eagle soaring in the sky looks down upon a badger grazing in the soil.

As time passes, opposition arises. No matter how much an honest person can endure, he cannot bear to be despised for such a long time, so his dissatisfaction with the Ravenclaw students continues to build up day by day.

To this day, there have been a lot of conflicts between the two houses. Of course, there have always been deep gaps between other colleges. This can be seen from the competition scene just now: students from different colleges sit in distinct positions, even though this competition does not specify the position of the college.

Professors are completely unaware of this opposition, or if they are aware of it, they are too lazy to pay attention to it. They let students from the same college gather together for meals, let only students from the same college stay in the dormitory, and also let students attend classes in order of grade and college...

Everywhere in Hogwarts, someone seems to be emphasizing to the students that they come from different houses. This is not a good thing. It can even be said that the opposition is artificially created.

Even wizards like Dumbledore made no attempt to ease the relationship.

It really impressed Tom that Cedric could see this.

"Let students from different colleges celebrate my victory together. Maybe we can build a bond between the four major colleges and ease the relationship a little bit." Cedric expressed his grand ideal: "I really hope that the four major colleges students can unite with each other.”

"Very thorough." Tom wanted to give Cedric a thumbs up. He was supportive of Cedric's idea.

"What about the Slytherin students?" Tom looked at the Slytherin students gathered in groups not far away, and suddenly remembered that their situation seemed very bad.

Cedric shrugged his shoulders, "If they can lower their arrogant heads, then I have no problem with it. They can join the carnival at any time."

But if you don't want to lose even a little face, then Cedric thinks you should go somewhere else to have fun. And seeing the Slytherin students subdued, this might be a beautiful thing, how could you miss it?

While chatting, the group followed the large group to Gryffindor Tower.

After entering the common room, Tom was shocked by the party prepared by the Gryffindor students.

There were already piles of cakes on the tables and chairs. There are plain cake bases and cupcakes covered in cream. Next to the plate with the cake were jugs of pumpkin juice and butterbeer.

The air was filled with debris from fireworks left behind by the audience's celebrations. After Cedric entered the stadium, the Gryffindor students hung up banners depicting Cedric's application performance during the game.

Fred and George shuttled among the crowd like little bees, recommending toys from their own trick shop.

"So do you know what the second project is about?" Cedric looked at Tom while enjoying the food in the tower, hoping to get some tips from him.

"I don't know." Tom refused, "But I know one thing, the use of wands is prohibited."

"What?" Cedric almost jumped up from his chair, causing many people to look at him sideways, but he didn't care.

"What's the point of not being able to use a wand?" Cedric wondered. Is it a test of the contestants' ability to cast spells without a wand?

"Literally, you can't use wands in the project, even if you can cast spells without a wand." Tom's words made Cedric fall into silence.

According to Tom, the use of magic is probably prohibited in the second event. As for the content, it is highly confidential and tests the players' ability to adapt to changes.

"Okay..." Cedric responded dejectedly, accepting the reality.

Many people also came to Cedric and asked him questions about the second project, but he could only find a way to excuse them - excuses were not difficult to come up with, and there were still three months left, so why be anxious!

"Would you like a piece of jam pie?" Fred and George suddenly appeared next to Tom, holding a plate of sliced ​​pies in their hands.

Hermione picked up a piece of pie from the plate, her eyes full of suspicion.

Fred understood what Hermione meant. He grinned and said, "Don't worry, we didn't tamper with the pie. What you need to pay attention to is the custard biscuits."

Neville, who was holding half a piece of custard biscuit in his hand, was stunned.


In the next second, Neville turned into a big canary, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Ah, I didn't mean to do it. I seemed to have accidentally mixed some special goods in." Amidst everyone's laughter, Fred apologized to Neville and laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight.

I have to say, Neville’s living advertisement is really great. A minute later, after he shed all his feathers and returned to his normal appearance, the little wizards present flocked to buy this little toy that cost seven Sickles a piece from Fred.

While Fred was busy, George and Tom struck up a conversation.

"Actually, we're here to get some autographs from you. We hope that Tom, you can sign your name on some works." As he said that, he took out a golden gadget from his bag.

Tom took a closer look and saw that it was a lifelike knight in shining armor as big as a palm! There is also an armored Hippogriff under its crotch. At this time, the little knight was riding his mount, patrolling everywhere. It seems to be quite aggressive, waving the staff in its hand from time to time.

"How did you do it so fast!" Tom was shocked by Fred and George's speed. I just finished a bi game and now I’m selling merchandise?

"To make money, you have to seize the opportunity." George's eyes narrowed with laughter, "Please help me sign a few signatures!"


Good night!

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