The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

A million-word testimonial

I just took a break from my busy schedule and took a look backstage. I found that the number of words in this book has exceeded one million. I am very happy to celebrate!

This is the first time in my life that I have written a book with more than one million words, which makes me a little excited, a little happy, and a little lucky.

Thank you all for your company. Many familiar IDs have been with me since the beginning of the book. Thank you. Thank you to every book friend who subscribed.

This book can reach one million words, which is inseparable from everyone's support. I am actually a relatively sensitive newbie. I will feel depressed when I see the data decline, and I will feel sad for a long time when I see bad reviews (until the next meal is served)

It was not easy to come all the way. I went through some of the darkest and most desperate days in January. During the most difficult time, I even finished reading the book, but was finally persuaded by the management and editor to come back. Fortunately, I finally got through it, and after the storm, there was a rainbow again.

I originally wrote the book because I couldn't get enough of other Harry Potter fan stories (named a certain fat chicken), and I felt that these pigeons were too slow to update. What is the point of raising an author who can’t make a living? Then I opened a book. Who would have imagined that since I started writing the book, I have coded up to 8,000 words a day...

How should I put it, updating this kind of thing cannot be squeezed out by squeezing or squeezing. But I’m already working hard to save the manuscript!

Now let’s talk about a very practical issue. I vaguely remember, how many chapters do I need to update? There are also arrears from the Silver Alliance and the alliance leaders, as well as extras that the full subscription group should have that cannot be posted on the official website. I have kept these in mind and will find a way to pay them back. (I wonder if I can write it down in the next book?)


Yours, sincerely, trying to keep it in the manuscript

Emperor Ha

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