The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 416 Taking the bus to school

Tom scratched his head, "Why did it take so long?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, girls have different time to clean up than you boys!

She took two short steps towards Tom and turned around quickly, "How do you like this outfit?"

The heels of the small leather shoes hit the floor, making a crisp clicking sound, and the hem of the wizard's robe flew up, like a blooming flower.

"It looks good, but is it any different from usual?" Looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, Tom looked at it for a moment. He always felt that Hermione seemed a little different from usual, but he couldn't tell what was different.

"I won't tell you~" Hermione became proud. She was keenly aware that Tom had noticed her changes, which made her very happy.

While waiting, Tom also changed into Hogwarts wizard robes, washed his face, and sprayed some perfume. After Hermione came out, the two took a taxi and rushed to Huck's house.

At nine o'clock sharp, Tom rang the doorbell of Huck's house and met the cabinet minister.

Today, Huck also put on his best suit and tie - the clothes he would wear when meeting the Prime Minister. His hair was gelled and neatly combed, and his leather shoes were polished. The whole person has a radiant feeling.

"It's time for us to set off, Mr. Huck." Tom greeted Huck and Annie politely, and then walked to the first floor of the apartment with Huck.

"Have you taken the bottle of magic potion that came with the envelope?" Tom remembered something and looked at Huck and asked.

Huck hesitated for a moment, "This... not yet, because I don't know how long it can last, and I'm afraid that drinking too early will delay things."

Huck put it more tactfully. The root cause is that he cannot retain 100% trust in the wizard. He needed to know why he had to drink this potion.

Tom and Hermione immediately understood what Huck really meant.

"This potion is very important because it can help you become immune to Hogwarts' defensive magic." Tom patiently explained to Huck.

"Defense... magic?" Some pictures popped up in Huck's mind: walking through a corridor, the armors on both sides came to life one after another, pulling out the sword and cutting himself into flesh; walking on the road, a fire dragon suddenly fell from the sky and cut him into pieces. Burned to charcoal... After you drink the magic potion, a bubble-shaped protective shield will form around your body to protect yourself from difficulties.

"The land around Hogwarts is under a Muggle expulsion spell. When Muggles step into this land, they will only see a barren ruins, and then they will think of urgent matters and stay away from here quickly." Hermione said for Huck. Learn more about what a Muggle Expelling Curse is.

"This potion can help you get rid of the interference of Muggle expulsion spells, and it can also allow you to see things that Muggles can't see or hear."

"I see," Huck felt that this explanation was reasonable - the magic world has not been exposed so far, which shows that they do have means. This Muggle Expelling Curse should be a very important part.

Huck took out the small medicine bottle from his arms, pulled out the cork and drank it in one gulp. He smacked his mouth and felt that it tasted pretty good?

"So, how should we go to Hogwarts?" Huck asked expectantly.

"Take the bus."


Huck suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. Is there any connection between transit and magic?

Seeing that Huck didn't express any clear objection, Tom decided on his way to Hogwarts.

There are six ways to reach Hogwarts from London: Portkey, Floo Network, Apparition, broomstick, Knight Bus and Hogwarts Express.

Taking the train is naturally the safest way, but the problem is that there are no trains now. The train will not leave until the end of the holiday. As for apparating, Tom can't transport people yet. The broomstick and portkey were also unreliable - one was too easily exposed, the other was not arranged in advance.

In the end only two options remained. Tom weighed for a long time and finally decided to use the Knight Bus. Floo network is still too unreliable. If Huck says the wrong place, it will be troublesome.

The bus is very safe, I can accompany you all the way, and there are few witnesses.

Tom held out his wand.

Then Huck saw an extremely shocking scene: a three-story bus seemed to emerge from the void, suddenly appeared on the corner of the street, and rushed towards them. Finally it screeched to a halt in front of them, stopping just a few feet in front of them.

Huck could even feel the strong wind brought by the approaching vehicles. After the car stopped, he felt that his back was covered with thin beads of cold sweat.

"Merry Christmas! Welcome aboard the Knight Bus, the emergency bus for witches or wizards in distress. Just stick out your wand and step on board, and we'll take you wherever you want to go. . I am your conductor Stan Sampac. Where are you going?" The conductor Stan Sampac stepped out of the car and looked at Tom and the three of them.

"Hogsmeade." Tom replied as he motioned for Hermione and Harker to get in the car.

"The ticket is ten silvers per person," Stan said, "but if you pay thirteen, you get—"

"Ordinary tickets are enough." Tom shook his head, interrupted Sampac's promotion, and said that no additional services were needed. He took out his wallet, paid for the ticket, and then led Huck and Hermione through the beds and picked a corner to sit down.

After settling in, Huck began to look around at the two buses. As far as the eye can see, there are beds with brass pillars. Beside each bed were welded brackets with unlit candles.

Since it was daytime, the light inside the car was just okay. But there weren't many people in the car, maybe they were all on the second or third floor, Huck thought.

At this time, with the roar of the engine, the car rushed out again, and Huck was thrown onto the bed without paying attention. He tried to stand up and looked out the window, finding that they were now on an unfamiliar street.

The Knight Bus is moving very fast. However, it seems that the driver's driving skills are not very good. The car always crashes into the sidewalk, but there are no traffic accidents: the lamp posts, mailboxes and trash cans all jump to avoid the car when it comes, etc. It drove over and returned to its original position.

"Wouldn't ordinary citizens see this?" Huck asked.

"What they can't see is that this car is enchanted." Tom moved to the bed and lay down in a comfortable position.


The sixteenth Minister of Magic was Hortensia Mirifat. Today I will tell her story.

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Hortensia Milliphutt was a witch who served as the British Minister of Magic from 1841 to 1849.

She introduced the most legislation of any minister during her tenure. Most of these laws were relatively useful, but she pushed a few annoying ones, like the one on pointed hats, that ultimately led to her downfall.

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